Birthday Candles
Reviewed by Mark Kennedy The Associated Press
Reviewed by Retta Blaney National Catholic Reporter
Chanteuse: A Survival Musical
Reviewed by Mikhal Weiner Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Dana H.
Reviewed by Rob Weinert-Kendt America
Dear Evan Hansen
Reviewed by Charles Isherwood The New York Times
Describe the Night
Reviewed by Leigh Giangreco
Dialogues of the Carmelites
Commentary by Leo J. O'Donovan, S.J. America
Reviewed by Christy Lawrance Independent Catholic News
Dr Semmelweis
Reviewed by Fiona Audley The Irish Post
Echoes of the Holocaust
Commentary by TC Jewfolk
Fool for Christ-- the Story of Dorothy Day
Commentary by Independent Catholic News
Commentary by Lindsay Chessare America
Commentary by Retta Blaney National Catholic Reporter
Commentary by Rob Weinert-Kendt America
Hong Kong musical on Matteo Ricci
by UCANws.com reporter​
Commentary by Edie Heipel Catholic News Agency
Miracle In Rwanda
Reviewed by Deniz Demirer America
Reviewed by Christy Lawrance Independent Catholic News
Reviewed by John Anderson America
Porgy and Bess
Commentary by Meghan J. Clark America
Power and the People
Commentary by Irish Post
Slave Play
Reviewed by Rob Weinert-Kendt America
Reviewed by Andrew Milewski, SJ The Jesuit Post
St. Joseph Freinademetz: The First Saint to Ever Serve in Hong Kong
Commentary bt UCANews Reoirter UCANews,com
Treason the Musical
Commentary by Charles Collins Crux
The Ferryman
by Jez Butterworth
Reviewed by Rob Weinert-Kendt America
Reviewed by Rob Weinert-Kendt America
The Inheritance
Reviewed by Rob Weinert-Kendt America
The Jungle
Reviewed by Yasmine El Rashidi NYR Dai
The Merchant of Venice
Reviewed by Mikhal Weiner Jewish Telegraphic Agency
The Mistake
Reviewed by Michael Mears Independent Catholic News
Reviewed by Charles Collins Crux
The Trial of the Catonsville Nine
Commentary by Rob Weinert-Kendt America
The Two Popes
Reviewed by Amanda C Dickie Independent Catholic News
The Visiting Room
Reviewed by Maria Benevento National Catholic Reporter
Reviewed by Rob Weinert-Kendt America
Commentary by Brandon Sanchez America
Reviewed by Chris Wiegand Reuters
Reviewed by Rob Weinert-Kendt America