Prayer for Immigrants Who Died Trying to Reach the United States
In your mercy, Lord, receive the souls of those who undertook perilous journeys
to escape hunger or crushing oppression or threats of violence
May they who did not know peace and security in this life
now find in you and with all the angels and saints
a place of peace and happiness,
as the share in the fullness of life with you, their creator and redeemer. Amen
by Father Louis CameliProfiles in Catholicism
Medical Journal Articles
State Public Insurance Coverage Policies and Postpartum Care Among Immigrants by Maria W. Steenland, SD; Rachel E. Fabi, PhD; Meghan Bellerose, MPH3, et al JAMA July 18, 2023
When migrant buses arrive, LA groups rush to help by Mike Cisneros Angelus News
Trends in Sexual Assault Against Detainees in US Immigration Detention Centers, 2018-2022 by Nicole Lue, BA1 Joseph Nwadiuko, MD, MPH, MSHP; Parveen Parmar, MD, MPH; et al JAMA January 24/31, 2023
Articles and Commentaries
Haitian immigrants helped revive a struggling Ohio town. Then neo-Nazis turned up by Stephen Starr The Guardian
Visibly Invisible: Immigration enforcement in Chicago by Alejandra Oliva Commonweal
U.S., Venezuelan bishops: Ending temporary protected status for migrants ‘counterproductive’ by Andrés Henríquez Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Minnesota bishops call for ‘generous but also prudent’ welcome of refugees by Tessa Gervasini Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
JD Vance vs. the Vatican: Inside Pope Francis' fight for Catholic identity by Christopher White National Catholic Reporter
Jesuit Refugee Service says Trump funding freeze will impact more than 100,000 refugees by Madalaine Elhabbal Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Letter of the Holy Father to the Bishops of the United States of America by Pope Francis
Immigration debate: Archbishop Wenski goes to bat for the bishops by Kate Quiñones Catholic News Agency/ Catholic World Report
Refugees Make America Stronger and More Prosperous by Mark Hetfield HIAS
Archbishop Gomez urges ‘restraint and compassion’ on immigration enforcement by Angelus
US Bishops Criticize Trump’s Executive Orders on Climate, Death Penalty, Immigration by Daniel Payne/ Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Register
Florida church leader charged with possession of child pornography by Ty Storey WTVY
Faith-based aid agencies challenge Trump’s order 'realigning' refugee program by Jack Jenkins Religion News Service
Flights canceled for refugees who were slated to travel to US by Priscilla Alvarez, CNN
Justice Department issues memo threatening to prosecute officials who resist immigration crackdown by Hannah Rabinowitz, Evan Perez and Holmes Lybrand CNN
US military ordering thousands more troops to southern border by Natasha Bertrand, Priscilla Alvarez, Haley Britzky and Oren Liebermann, CNN
Rethinking immigration: An alternative to mass deportation by Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio The Pilot
Cardinal Cupich: We oppose any immigrant mass deportation plan by Linda Bordoni Vatican News
Catholic bishops issue immigration reform guidance: Safeguard communities in humane way by Tyler Arnold Catholics News Agency, The Catholic World Report
In parroting a lie about migrants in Springfield, Ohio, Trump excites extremists
by Odette Yousef NPR
The Dark, Neo-Nazi Origins of Trump’s Migrant Pet-Eating Conspiracy
by Hafiz Rashid The New Republic
Arizona immigration proposal ‘harmful,’ state bishops say
by John Lavenburg Crux
US Authorities Lose 30,000 Migrant Children by Anezka Pichrtova Newsweek
How Trump's deportation plan would harm the nation — and the church by J. Kevin Appleby National Catholic Reporter
In interview, Pope Francis calls out ‘madness’ of US anti-immigrant policies by Claire Giangravé Religion News Service
Trump’s ‘terrorizing’ plan to mass deport immigrants: ‘It would rip us apart’ by J.D. Long García America
U.S. Border Policies Harm People Fleeing Danger by Ayelet Parness HIAS
On anniversary of migrant deaths, El Paso prelate prays for ‘respect’ by John Lavenburg Cruz’
Biden immigration program offers legal status to 500,000 spouses of U.S. citizens. Here's how it works. by Camilo Montoya-Galvez CBS News
Finding humanity at the border — in migrants, the Border Patrol and ourselves by Merinda Cutler and Meredith Gardner Religion News Service
Migrants: unappreciated, hardworking, and needed by Tony Magliano Clarion Herald
Chicago pastors help the city grapple with flood of migrants by Rebekah Barber Religion News Service
Migrant drownings stoke tensions at the border by David Agren Our Sunday Visitor
Biden Admin Orders Texas National Guard to Leave Eagle Pass Park Where Many Migrants Cross Border by Catholic Vote
Unrestricted Immigration Is a Real Problem by Steven Camarota Tablet
U.S. and Mexican bishops present proposals to help migrants by Diego López Colín Catholic News Agency
New Texas law criminalizing unauthorized migrants’ entry into state called inhumane by Kate Scanlon Our Sunday Visitor
The U.S.-Mexico Relationship Is About More Than Migration by Christopher S. Chivvis Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
In letter, Cardinal urges parishes to address migrant crisis by Wes Cipolla The Pilot
Tracing the History of Jewish Immigrants and Their Impact on New York City by Tanisia Morris Fordham News
Western Pennsylvania diocese invites Ukrainian refugees to visit — and permanently stay by Jim Graves Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Texas bishops blast reports of denying migrants water, pushing them into the Rio Grande by John Lavenburg Crux
The Examen. Discovering God in everyday life by Jesuits in Britain
U.S. Bishops Back Bill to Help Immigrant Children, and Religious Workers by John Lavenburg The Tablet
58-year-old man faces sexual assault charges in connection to incidents at Kitchener school by Heather Senoran CTV Television Network
Illegal border crossings are down. One big reason why is now part of a court fight by Joel Rose NPR WBEZ Chicago
Expert ICMC Deployees Assist Afghans Evacuated to the U.S. by Rachel Westerby ICMC
From Persecution to Freedom: A Gay Ugandan’s Journey in the U.S. by Ayelet Parness HIAS
Supreme Court rejects Texas and Louisiana challenge to Biden deportation priorities by Ariane de Vogue CNN
Catholic Immigration Advocate Says Migrants’ TPS Extensions Helps But Is Not Enough by Carol Zimmermann The Tablet
Florida confirms shipping migrants to Catholic Charities in Sacramento by John Lavenburg Crux
Jesuit Migration Network Convenes in Arizona to Collaborate and Support Migrants by Ignatian Spirituality
A trip made 'Solito': What a young immigrant's journey to the U.S. can teach us by Msgr. Richard Antall Angelus News
US bishops oppose GOP-backed ‘Secure the Border Act’ by John Lavenburg Crux
In Portland, Maine, One Community of Immigrants Welcomes Another by Tablet
Biden administration to send 1,500 troops to US-Mexico border for expected migrant surge by The Independent.
Catholic leaders blast new US-Canada immigration deal by John Lavenburg Crux
Reaching immigrants in need was ‘labor of love’ for Bishop O’Connell by Mike Cisneros and Tom Hoffarth Angelus News
Texas lawmakers propose making illegal immigration a felony by Peter Pinedo Catholic News Agency
Tucker Carlson calls Trump ‘a little bit autistic’ and knocks ex-president’s claim he would end Ukraine war by John Bowden The Independent
Over 1000 JPIT church leaders oppose 'Illegal Migration Bill' by Independent Catholic News
Detained immigrants launch hunger strike at two California facilities by Aleja Hertzler-McCain National Catholic Reporter
Bishops’ leader on migration blasts new crackdown on border crossings by John Lavenburg Crux
Florida lawmakers approve Gov. Ron DeSantis' expanded migrant relocation program by Douglas Soule USA TODAY
She Shouldn’t Have to Carry It Alone by Vanessa Camacho Taller de jose
Disability theology: How religious beliefs can help or hinder accessibility by Kathryn Post Religion News Service
Border bishop takes lead role in Catholic migrant ministry by Giovanna Dell'orto Religion News Service
‘At the Crossroads of Migration’ by John Gehring Commonweal
Venezuelan prelate begs US to reverse crackdown on entry for asylum seekers by Elise Ann Allen Crux
‘Threatening to crash the economy on purpose': GOP to gut Social Security and Medicare if it wins House by David Badash AlterNet
'Nice political party you got there': Jake Tapper tears apart Marjorie Taylor Greene and her 'crazy talk' by Brandon Gage AlterNet
Bishop urges leaders to overcome partisan divide to solve immigration crisis by John Lavenburg Crux
NYC Mayor Eric Adams declares state of emergency over influx of migrants by Samantha Beech CNN
“A Failure on All Our Parts.” Thousands of Immigrant Children Wait in Government Shelters by Melissa Sanchez ProPublica
Archbishop on immigration: The U.S. is morally obliged to protect those seeking refuge from harm by PRNewswire
Jesuit Refugee Service launches plan to help integrate immigrants by John Lavenburg Crux
Cardinal Dolan meets with migrants bused by Gov. Abbott from Texas, offers scholarships to attend NYC’s Catholic schools by Catholic News Service/America
Hasidic nonprofit brings shoes to greet asylum-seekers arriving in NYC from Texas by Kathryn Post Religion News Service
Los Angeles archbishop issues new call for immigration reform by John Lavenburg Crux
Cardinal's statement on immigrants flown to Martha's Vineyard by The Pilot
Smugglers put migrants in suitcases, empty water tanks, U.S. prosecutors allege by Ted Hesson and Kristina Cooke Reuters
Chicago cardinal pledges support for migrants sent from Texas by John Lavenburg Crux
Beyond the border, reunification of Latin American families takes years by Rhina Guidos Catholic News Service/Angelus
Border Patrol Agents Are Trashing Sikh Asylum-Seekers’ Turbans by John Washington The Intercept
Moment of silence at Masses honors immigrant beaten to death in broad daylight by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Diocese members travel to border, ‘blown away’ by immigrant realities by John Lavenburg Crux
Texas bishops call for immigration reform after truck deaths by CathNews
Couple indicted for raping daughter to profit from pregnancy by The Jerusalem Post
"I Don't Want Anyone Else to Go Through That": ICE Detainees Allege Sexual Assault by Jail Nurse by Intercept
More than 200,000 migrants stopped at southern border in June by Anna Giaritelli Washington Examiner
Tragedy in Texas by Griffin Oleynick Commonweal
San Antonio archbishop calls for ‘integral immigration reform’ in wake of tragedy by John Lavenburg Crux
Sister Norma Pimentel accepts peace award for families at border by Barb Arland-Fye Catholic News Service
Migrants and Refugees: Putting the vulnerable at the center by Benedict Mayaki, SJ Vatican News
Man Accused of Placing Neo-Nazi Sticker at Immigrant Center by The Associated Press/The Skanner
Haitians head to Mexico-U.S. border; church seeks humanitarian help by David Agren Catholic News Service
Sister Norma Pimentel accepts peace award for families at border by Barb Arland-Fye Catholic News Service/ Crux
Prayer, worship lift unaccompanied migrant teens in shelters by Giovanna Dell'Orto The Associated Press
Immigration advocates praise decision to end ‘Title 42’ border policy by John Lavenburg Crux
On immigration, DeSantis chooses Trumpism over Catholicism by Jacob Lupfer Religion News Service
Migrants at the the U.S. border are often traumatized. JRS provides the mental health services they desperately need. by J.D. Long-García America
Miami archbishop decries DeSantis' immigration comments by Catholic News Agency
Finding More Life on the Border by Myles Kelley, SJ The Jesuit Post
Biden administration's deeply unchristian immigration policy must change by Daniel P. Horan National Catholic Reporter
Another Immigration Purgatory for Children by Diana R. Gordon The New York Review
Dear President Biden, End Title 42 by Michael Petro, SJ The Jesuit Post
Border Patrol Agents Find Abandoned Babies on Banks of Rio Grande With Attached Note by Matthew Impelli Newsweek/Microsoft News
Toddler and infant sibling rescued after being abandoned at southern border by Luke Gentile Examiner/Microsoft News
US immigration: Thousands gather under bridge at US-Mexico border in growing crisis by BBC
Texas archbishop says small border crossing facing ‘humanitarian crisis’ by John Lavenburg Crux
Church to Governor in Texas: Don’t blame immigrants for Covid by John Lavenburg Crux
Numbers of unaccompanied minors at border setting record by Rhina Guidos Catholic News Agency/Crux
Audio from migrant shelter reveals allegations of sex misconduct by staff with minors by Julia Ainsley and Didi Martinez NBC News
US migrant camp 'kids feel like they're in prison' by Hilary Andersson BBC News
Q & A with Sr. Mercedes Castillo, accompanying immigrants on the border by Nuri Vallbona Global Sisters Report
Catholic groups ask bishops for ‘pastoral, moral’ leadership on immigration by Rhina Guidos Catholic News Service
Migrants fleeing religious persecution find refuge in SF by Lorena Rojas Catholic San Francisco
Children tell of neglect, filth and fear in US asylum camps by Hilary Andersson and Anne Laurent BBC
The Filipino mothers selling their children for online sexual abuse by Neil Jayson Servallos Philippine Center for Investigational Journalism
Immigration delays lead to forced departure of priests by Father Pablo Migone Patheos
Border Policy Is Getting More and More Convoluted. That’s Creating False Hope for Migrants. by Lomi Kriel The Texas Tribune/ProPublica
Speech for Nakba 2021: 'A Jew in solidarity with Palestine' by Robert A. H. Cohen Patheos
Biden raises refugee admissions cap to 62,500 by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Unusual Supreme Court vote rules illegal immigrant can avoid deportation on technicality by Ronn Blitzer Fox News
Church leaders say migrant children need more than food, shelter; they need hope by John Lavenburg Crux
Unwelcomed: Refugee recounts struggle to reunite with family by Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service
“It’s Consumed Our Lives”: Volunteers Step In as Border Patrol Drops Migrants Off in Tiny Arizona Towns by Ryan Devereaux The Intercept
Border priest says migrant children need protection, assistance by John Lavenburg Crux
The U.S. Catholic Church Needs Migrants, and Not Just to Fill Pews by Brian Strassburger, SJ The Jesuit Post
Lack of US plan for asylum-seekers tempers hope among migrants, advocates by Soli Salgado Global Sisters Report
A Year into the Pandemic Migrants Face Uncertainty and Violence on the Border by Sara Ritchie Jesuits
US immigration policy: A classic, unappreciated example of structural racism by Charles Kamasaki Brookings
A Year into the Pandemic Migrants Face Uncertainty and Violence on the Border by Sara Ritchie Jesuits
Smugglers, extortion and broken dreams: Migrants’ road to U.S. has perils by David Agren Catholic News Service
On The Southern Border, Sr. Liz Sjoberg Says She is “Working With, Not For” the People of God by Sullivan McCormick, SJ The Jesuit Post
Slain Guatemalan migrant leaves behind legacy of faith in two countries by Ann Rodgers Angelus
In nasty clash, Miami pol accused of ‘antisemitic dog foghorn’ by Jordan Levin The Forward
The Border Patrol Is Dropping Migrant Families in Arizona Desert Towns With Little Capacity to Receive Them by Ryan Devereaux The Intercept
Expelled from US at night, migrant families weigh next steps by Elliot Spagat The Associated Press
Unaccompanied minors, a pandemic and politics mix at the border by Rhina Guidos Catholic News Service
Unaccompanied minors, a pandemic and politics mix at the border by Rhina Guidos Catholic News Service/Angelus
Immigrants: They Need Us, and We Need Them by Guest Contributor Patheos
US-Mexico crisis talks focus on migration by James Blears Vatican News
Biden to slowly allow 25,000 people seeking asylum into US by Elliot Spadat The Associated Press
Court blocks Trump executive order allowing state and local officials to refuse refugees by Emily McFarlan Miller Religion News Service
Trump leaves mark on immigration policy, some of it lasting by Ben Fox Associated Press
Aid groups aim to bring health care to migrants on way to US by Julie Wilson Associated Press
As Paris Agreement reaches five-year mark, world 'not doing well' on climate change, Vatican cardinal says by Brian Roewe National Catholic Reporter
The Marshall Islands could be wiped out by climate change – and their colonial history limits their ability to save themselves by Autumn Bordner and Caroline E. Ferguson The Conversation
AP ROAD TRIP: An immigrant’s struggles to survive in Vegas by Tim Sullivan Associated Press
Inside the Lives of Immigrant Teens Working Dangerous Night Shifts in Suburban Factories by Melissa Sanchez ProPublica Illinois
Networking and lobbying help stranded migrants by Sujata Jena Clobal Sisters Report
Report: Central American migrant children who reach U.S. being sent to Mexico by Rhina Guidos Catholic News Service/National Catholic Reporter
How ICE’s Bail Bond Scheme Lets Corporations Profit Off Migrants by Marzena Zukowska The New York Review of Books
Memo: Deportation of Black immigrants to Cameroon and DRC by ICE
Judges again block Trump's efforts to keep unauthorized immigrants out of census by Carol Zimmermann Catholic News Service/National Catholic Reporter
Supreme Court to hear cases emerging from Trump’s immigration policies by Catholic News Service/The Catholic Spirit
Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy has thousands of asylum seekers still stuck at the border by J.D. Long-García America
Administration's Rhetoric at Odds with Pope's Message by Giulia McPherson America
Really Catholic: Speaking truth in a church that silences by Tracey Horan Global Sisters Report
Trump’s rhetoric is at odds with Pope Francis’ call to recognize the humanity of refugees by Giulia McPhersonAmerica
Border Patrol agents raid faith-based immigrant aid camp for second time in two months by Jack Jenkins Religion News Service
Bishops and advocates denounce Trump administration’s historic low refugee cap by AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources
Georgetown Law Represents Plaintiffs in Lawsuit Challenging Public Charge... by ISN Staff Ignation Solidarity Network
Immigration and Citizenship, ‘Americanizing’ immigrants means first and foremost assuring them that they aren’t the first or the last new Americans by Michael Walzer Tablet
The U.S. Can — And Should — Take In More Refugees by Elizabeth Mandelman HIAS
Jesuit Refugee Service/USA Urges US to Stop Turning Away and Expelling Asylum Seekers by Jesuit Refugee Service
Trump’s ‘Remain iIn Mexico’ policy has thousands of asylum seekers still stuck at the border by J.D. Long-García America
Catholic nun known for work with immigrants makes Time 100 list by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Activists to hold protest rally after reports of ICE officials forcing Muslim detainees to eat pork by Alejandra Molina Religion News Service
Muslim woman sues Los Angeles Police Department for forcibly removing her hijab by Alejandra Molina Religion News Service
"A Silent Pandemic": Nurse at Ice Facility Blows the Whistle on Coronavirus Gangers. Irwin Detention Center, run by LaSalle Corrections, has refused to test detainees and underreported Covid-19 cases, the nurse says. by José Olivares, and John Washington The Intercept
Claim of unwanted hysterectomies at ICE detention center by Father Pahlo Migone Patheos
“THERE IS NO MERCY” As the Coronavirus Descended. As the Coronavirus Descended on the Border, the Trump Administration Escalated Its Crackdown on Asylum by Ryan Devereaux The Tablet
Deportation flights helping spread pandemic, says Witness at the Border by Madeleine Davis National Catholic Reporter
More than 300 faith leaders call on Trump, Republican delegates to change immigration policies by Jack Jenkins Religion News Service
Longing to be: “Hamilton” and the Legacy of an Immigrant by An Hoang Vu, SJ The Jesuit Post
Immigrant advocates oppose Trump's new census memo by Carol Zimmermann Catholic News Service/Angelus
The Trump administration’s anti-immigration policies are America’s loss and the rest of the world’s gain by Britta Glennon Brookings
Malaysia's gays try to come out of the shadows by UCA News reporter UCA News
Latino immigrants ask family, parishes for help during crises, says panel by Norma Montenegro Flynn Catholic News Service/America
Asylum Seekers in Limbo Due to Trump Policies, Says New Report by Christopher White The Tablet
Report highlights role of immigrants as essential workers in COVID fight by Rhina GuidosCatholic News Service/National Catholic Reporter
Catholic immigration advocates attack Trump tweet on halting immigration by Rhina Guidos Catholic News Service/ National Catholic Reporter
Pandemic exacerbates fear, challenges for undocumented immigrants by Sophie Vodvarka National Catholic Reporter
Pandemic, border crackdown hamper Catholics’ aid to migrants by David Crary Associated Press/Crux
Immigrants in detention don’t deserve a death sentence Alexia Salvatierra and Carlos L. Malave Religion News Service
The United States has criminalized asylum seeking. Covid-19 gives us a reason to reconsider. by Kathleen BonnetteAmerica
Supreme Court says ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy can be enforced for now by Catholic News Service/Crux
A Catholic case for open borders by Nathan Schneider America
Our call to be a welcoming neighbor by Marjean A. Perhot Echoes’’
Texas Refugee Ban: Jesuits Speak Out by ISN Staff Ignatian Spirituality Network
Congress has a duty to protect immigrants by The Editors America
Trump's 'Remain in Mexico' policy expanded to now include Brazilians by Catholic News Service/Angelus
“Public Charge” Ruling Shows the Supreme Court Won’t Save Us From Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Agenda by Natasha Lennard The Intercept
One year later, how has Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy affected asylum seekers? by J.D. Long-Garcí America
Catholic leaders condemn Supreme Court’s decision to uphold Trump’s ‘wealth test’ on immigrants by Ryan Di Corpo America
T.P.S. was meant to protect immigrants from global danger zones. Now thousands may face deportation by Kevin Clarke America
Trump’s new executive order is making refugee resettlement more difficult by Kevin Clarke America
Catholic immigration activists step up in battle against Trump policies by Sarah Salvadore National Catholic Reporter
Catholic immigration activists step up in battle against Trump policies by Sarah Salvadore National Catholic Reporter
Judge Blocks Trump’s Order on State Refugee Resettlement by Carol Zimmerman The Tablet
Texas Catholics decry Governor’s decision to spurn refugees by Christopher White Crux
FAN Works to Celebrate Refugees by Franciscan Action Network
Mexico and Guatemala protest US migrant agreement by James Blears Vatican News
She Shouldn’t Have to Carry It Alone by Vanessa Camacho Taller de jose
In Trump Country, a season of need on family farms by Annie Gowen The Washington Post
Guatemalan cardinal in Mississippi brings hope to immigrants after massive raid by Christopher White Crux
Injustice at the Border, .The suffering of migrants and refugees on the border cannot be forgotten. Nor can the Trump administration’s deliberate cruelty toward them. by The Editors Commonweal
Kerry Kennedy on the chaos and cruelty at the U.S.-Mexico border by Kerry Kennedy America
Border Response by HIAS
A Catholic Sheriff Dimes Out His Own Parish to the White House on Immigration. by Brian Fraga Patheos
New US asylum rule is gambling with lives of migrants, Catholic leaders warn by Catholic News Agency
Metaxas' "Donald Builds the Wall" Recalls Nazi Children's Books by Libby Anne Patheos
New asylum pact ignores migrants' plight, U.S. Catholic leaders say. With the asylum cooperation agreements, the U.S. plans to slam the door on refugees by La Croix International staff (with Catholic News Service) La Croix International
Being pro-immigrant is ‘living’ Christ’s call to welcome stranger, says Miami archbishop by Priscilla Greear Catholic News Service/America’
What Can the Bishops Take From the Border Mass? by Jorge Roque The Jesuit Post
The Body of Christ at the Border by Kevin Kuehl, SJ The Jesuit Post’
Family demands answers after migrant in ICE custody removed from life support by Catholic News Agency/Angelus
How to keep the faith amid Trump’s war on immigrants—and their lawyers by Kristin Zipple-Shedd America
Latinx Catholic Leaders Organize Prophetic National Pilgrimage To Demand Justice at the Border by SNI Staff Ignatian Spirituality Network
A Journey to Religious Freedom and Education by Corinne Brodeur International Migration Commission
Should A Catholic Support the Border Wall? by Daniel Mascarenhas, SJ The Jesuit Post
‘Let our voices be heard’: March against immigration raids by Jeff Amy Crux
Knights of Columbus launch new initiative: Helping refugees at border by Kathleen N. Hattrup Aleteia
Guardian Angel sisters in Mexico risk safety to aid often-traumatized migrants by Soli Salgado Global Sisters Report
Keith Byrne describes shock and terror after arrest in Trump immigration raid by IrishCentral Staff IrishCentral
Why I took my 3-year-old to the Catholic Day of Action for Immigrant Children by Kerry Weber America
US Catholics to demonstrate against detention of migrant children by Independent Catholic News
Bishop sends letter to Trump, urging end to ‘stranglehold’ on immigration by Catholic News Service/America
ISN Joins Hundreds of Catholic Leaders, Including 70 Arrested in Senate Rotunda While Demanding an End to Detention of Immigrant Children by ISN Staff Ignatian Solidarity Network
Trump moves to end asylum protections for Central Americans by Colleen Long Associated Press/America
Drowned children point to larger migrant stories. Will societies assimilate the security narratives promoted globally, where the migrant is perpetually singled out as a threat to be eliminated? by Ramona Wadi La Croix International
The U.S. Migrant Crisis is a Test for Christians by Jim Meisner Jr. Patheos
Here's What You Can Do To Help Imprisoned Migrants by Mary Pezzulo Patheos
‘A drink of water could save a life.’ What Catholic social teaching says about the No More Deaths trial by Kevin Christopher Robles America
US Bishops reject President Trump's mass deportation order by Independent Catholic News
What if They're Not Concentration Camps? by Mary Pezzulo Patheos
‘There Is a Stench’: No Soap and Overcrowding in Detention Centers for Migrant Children by Caitlin Dickerson The New York Times
To defend immigrants, it's time for US bishops to break the law by Michael Sean Winters National Catholic Reporter
What You Need to Know About Trump's Mass Deportation Threat by Maryam Saleh The Intercept
Reflections on Refugees in America by Catherine Juliano Franciscan Action Network
Collaboration and Immersion: Jesuit Migration Network Convenes at U.S.-Mexico Border by INS Staff Ignatian News Service
Almost 5,000 immigrants to the US every year are clergy or religious by Mark Pattison Catholic News Service/Global Sisters Reports
Pope Francis calls Trump’s border policy ‘cruel,’ compares southern barriers to Berlin Wall by Brandon Sanchez America
Pope Francis Says He Is Willing To Condemn Border Wall Directly To Trump by Sanjana Karanth , Huffington Post
Trump’s ICE Targets Lutheran Minister, Betty Rendón by Leah D. Schade Patheos
Catholics join faith leaders gathered to remember child deaths at border by Rhina Guidos Crux
New Trump administration policy is eugenics for immigrants by Michael Sean Winters National Catholic Reporter
Thanks to immigrants, California is changing for the better before our eyes by George Skelton Los Angeles Times
Catholic leaders: Trump’s merit-based immigration plan is ‘anti-family’ and ‘disturbing’ by J.D. Long-García America
Two-week pilgrimage underscores justice, compassion for immigrants, refugees by Dan Morris-Young National Catholic Reporter
Vigilantes Not Welcome: A Border Town Pushes Back on Anti-Immigrant Extremists by Eric Reidy Mother Jones
Volunteer activities with the elderly promoted by the Alumni Association by Alumni Association The Pontifical University of the Holy Cross
A bishop testifies on immigration as president seeks to change asylum by Rhina Guidos, Catholic News Service/National Catholic Reporter
US bishop to testify on impact of Trump border policies by Independent Catholic News
The U.S. helped cause the refugee crisis. Now we must respond. by Kevin Clarke US Catholic
Why so many risk it all to cross the border by Kevin Clarke US Catholic
After order to vacate residential area, McAllen Catholic immigration center to move downtown by CNA Daily News .The Catholic World Report
No stranger to the Vatican, Biden has a rocky past with US church by Elise Harris Crux
Pope’s greeting of young climate change activist checks all his boxes by Elise Harris Crux
1.6 Million Children in Need after Cyclone Idai hits South-East Africa by Jesus Caritas Est Cathoilic News world
Church’s Teachings Challenge Troubling Migration Policies and Practices by Dr. Anne T. Gallagher International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC)
Procession shows support for Texas chapel at center of border wall plan by Catholic News Service/Angelus
Caravan of Care Delegation undertakes mission to Northern Triangle by Gregg McQueen Manhattan Times
Build the Wall!” A Flight from Understanding by Robert Dueweke, OSA Lonergan Institute
Trump attorney general's ruling expands indefinite detention for asylum seekers by Mica Rosenberg, Kristina Cooke Reuters
Nielsen's policies were both inhumane and ineffective, advocates say by Maria Benevento National Catholic Reporter
USCCB migration committee chair backs bills for 'Dreamers,' TPS holders by Catholic News Service/Angelus
Catholic leaders urge U.S. government to declare temporary protected status for Venezuelans by Catholic News Service/National Catholic Reporter
The Solution To The Migration Crisis Is Stronger Communities, Not Higher Walls by Erin Wathen Patheos
Trump’s border wall will make US a “prisoner” of isolation, pope says by Inés San Martín Crux
Fewer undocumented immigrants who are victims of crime are stepping forward. by WNYC
Welcoming and Integrating Immigrants and Refugees by Catholic Charities of New York
Bishops decry border 'emergency' as locals step up for migrants by Pauline Hovey National Catholic Reporter
U.S. bishops back Dream and Promise Act to legalize Dreamers and T.P.S. recipients by J.D. Long-García America
Report says thousands of immigrant children in federal custody faced abuse by Catholic News Service/Crux
Bishops on US-Mexico border say real emergency is how to care for migrants Catholic dioceses along the border are increasingly attending to migrants by La Croix International staff (with Catholic News Service)
Vatican official to meet in Texas with border bishops from U.S. and Mexico by Rhina Guidos Catholic News Service/Crux
We met no one to fear at the border by Barbara Kane Global Sisters Report
Immigrants seen as making their mark in their new homes by Mark Pattison Catholic News Service/National Catholic Reporter
Not Just a Piece of Paper – Why Documents Matter to Refugees by International Catholic Migration Committee
Addressing Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Refugee Communities by International Catholic Migration Committee
CLINIC, other groups join in lawsuit over detention of immigrant youth by Catholic News Service//Crux
Border bishop says World Youth Day is antidote to rising nationalism by Christopher White Crux
Donald Trump and the complicated diplomacy of deportation by Ellen K. Boegel America
Freedom of Religion Act Seeks to Ban Immigration Discrimination by Crux/The Tablet
CLINIC, other groups join in lawsuit over detention of immigrant youth by Catholic News Service/Angelus
Amid wall debate, pope says fear of migration makes us crazy by Nicole Winfield Associated Press/America
Pope calls US border wall a sign of ‘fear,’ says he wants to visit Iraq by Inés San Martín Crux/ Angelus
Study finds immigration crackdowns harm unborn children by J.D. Long-García America
Building bridges at the border A conversation with Sister Norma Pimentel by John Gehring La Croix International
Democrats press Trump on plans to seize border wall land from unwilling churches by Andrea Drusch Fort Worth Star Telegram
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is the Darling of the Left, Nightmare of the Right by Peter Coy and Katia Dmitrieva Bloomberg Buisnessweek
Good Friendships Make Good Neighbors: Immigration, Shutdown, and Robert Frost by Limdsey Paris--Lopez Patheos
Catholic Relief Services: Immigration action must consider root causes by Michelle La Rosa Catholic News Agency
While U.S. fixates on the border wall, populist world leaders still turn migrants away by Kevin Clarke America
What’s happening at the border is a crime against our collective humanity by Father Bryan Massingale US Catholic
Catholic groups, others criticize Trump for speech about border by Rhina Guidos Catholic News Service
Amid poverty and uncertainty, migrant couples are tying the knot by Claire Schaeffer-Duffy National Catholic Reporter
Catholic Relief Services: Immigration action must consider root causes by Michelle La Rosa Catholic News Agency
Honduran Migrant Caravans: Interview with Iolany Pérez of Radio Progreso by David Inczauskis, SJ The Jesuit Post
Ecological conversion: Greening the Christian heart by Brother William Ng OFM
Yes, Immigration Is “A crisis of the heart and a crisis of the soul,” But Not in the Way Trump Thinks by Tony Magliano Pax Christi USA
What’s happening at the border is a crime against our collective humanity, when you bury a child, you bury the future. by Father Bryan Massingale US Catholic
President Trump makes his case for the border wall, citing ‘a crisis of the soul’ by J.D. Long-García America
This Is An Immigrant Baby by Guest Contributor Patheos
At the border, communities vent anger toward Washington by Rhina Catholic News Service/National Catholic Reporter
Do we need a wall? Here’s what people on the border think. by J.D. Long-García America
Catholic groups denounce death of child detained at U.S. border by Rhina Guidos Catholic News Service/America
Legal representation for detained migrants hindered by access issues by Maria Benevento National Catholic Reporter
A New Moral Imagination on Immigration by Pramila Jayapal NYR Daily
The Battle to Stop Family Separation by Lee Gelernt NYR Daily
At least 30 faith leaders arrested in border protest by Jack Jenkins Religion News Service/National Catholic Reporter
As immigration denial rates increase, asylum seekers face setback at U.S. border by J.D. Long-García America
Baby Jesus In a Cage? Yes, It’s Political by Rebecca Bratten Weiss Patheos
Rabbi arrested at interfaith border protest for migrants by Jewish Telegraphic Agency
A Compassionate Conservative by Pierce Gibson, SJ The Jesuit Post
Despite migrants' plight, outreach to them gives nun 'hope by Mark Zimmermann Catholic News Service/Angelus
The Very Busy Life of an Immigrants’ Rights Priest in 2018 by Fabrice Robinet The New York Times
How churches can protect undocumented immigrants by Melissa Walker US Catholic
The faithful deported: Study details impact of Trump’s immigration policies by J .D. Long-García America
4 steps to becoming a Catholic sanctuary church by Melissa Walker U.S. Catholic
Liberal Jewish groups push for ballot measures on immigration and transgender rights by Ron Kampeas Jewish Telegraph Agency
Faith leaders call on US to address complicity in causing migrant caravan by Maria Benevento National Catholic Reporter
U.S. Catholic leaders call for compassion and dignity for migrant ‘caravan’ by Kevin Clarke America
Are the People in the Caravan My Neighbors? by Vance Morgan Patheos
Mexican parishes pitch in to help Central American caravan heading north by David Agren, Catholic News Service/National Catholic Reporter
As things change in Vatican communications office, will they stay the same?by Andrea Gagliarducci Catholic News Agency
The limits of a criminological approach to the Church’s abuse crisis by Massimo Faggioli La Croix International
Research Shows Immigrants Help Businesses Grow. Here’s Why. by Nataly Kelly Harvard Business Review
A sculpture of the Virgin Mary is a sign of welcome on the U.S.-Mexico border by J.D. Long-García America
As caravan moves north, Catholics insist seeking asylum not a crime by Christopher White Crux
Central American bishops appeal for Anglican Communion solidarity over migrant caravan by Anglican Communion News Service
The immigrant caravan is a wave of hope for America by Arturo J. Bañuelas National Catholic Reporter
Trump administration’s record-low refugee resettlement “contradicts who we are as a nation” by Brandon Sanchez America
US Bishops: ‘Refugees are in danger’ by Sr Bernadette Mary Reis, fsp Vatican News
Why we should welcome people from countries Trump just insulted by James Martin, S.J. America
Black Catholic Congress condemns president's remark about migrants by NCR Staff National Catholic Reporter
Reject Trump’s racist language and get back to policy-making on immigration by The Editors America
Growing Up Undocumented by Uli Covarrubias, SJ America
Refugee cap unreasonable and unacceptable by Matt Ryan, Holy Name Province Postulant and FAN Intern Acting Franciscan
Life on the Boarder by Fr. Joseph Chamblain, O.S.M.
Students Connect Immigration Justice to Jesuit Values at Ignatian Justice Summit by Keltl Swan Ignatian Spirituality Network
U.S. bishops to Congress: Reject 'discriminatory' immigration bill by Rhina Guidos Catholic News Service
Pastoral Letter on Immigration by Rafael Garcia, SJ.
Will there be due process for immigrants? by Paul Moses Chicago Catholic
U.S. Should Welcome Refugees says JRS/USA in Response to SCOTUS Decision by Ignatian Solidarity Network
Paper Children (Niños de papel) | Inside America’s Overwhelmed Asylum System