Reviewed byAnn Murray Profiles in Catholicism

Another book worthy of mention comes from prolific writer John O’Brien OFM. Fr John has published many books – most centre around themes of darkness and light, despair and hope, and finding God when you need Him most.
This new book’s format will be familiar to those of us who have gleaned much from Fr John’s previous work. He has a knowledge greater than anyone I know and is gifted in matching words from a wide range of writers to circumstances in such a way as to offer hope. His use of biblical quotes means that in most cases someone with only a scant knowledge of the bible can still find the pearl of great price at the turning of a few pages.
I believe that Fr John’s eclectic knowledge brings hope and light into places where there are souls struggling amid brokenness and hardships. Long may Fr John content to offer a hungry world food for though, and food by way of the Word for life’s journey!