A prayer for murdered Jesuits
Christ-Like Discernment” Lord, we discover, if we listen to the movement of our spirit,“
short-termism” is a pleasure passing quickly, draining energy,
or there is what excites, encourages, and even enlarges our heart
for what is good in the Good News, your very presence indeed.
Teach us to meet you in the Gospels, where we can talk about
everything, imagining that we are beside you when, as the doctor,
you are visiting the sick, and that sickness mine and your visit is
to me, opening my life to you, telling all, honestly and openly.
Lord, teach me to listen to you without overreacting, being gentle
with both myself and others, knowing that your cures are for all
and that there is a mission for me to discover through talking to you
and finding those to whom you have given the grace to help us.
Guide us, then, to one of the many families you have founded,
hose followers have promised to serve the Servant of the
Servants of God, and whose members have gone as missionaries
and ministers of word and learning, helping the needs of peoples.
Lord, your servants have stood-as-you in many different places,
losing their lives in many different ways, giving their blood as
you did, hoping in eternal life and that the fruit of their service will
outlive and overcome the opposition to the good they are doing.
You alone know, as you did yourself, the time to withdraw and to
walk away and the time to remain, letting our life stain the ground
on which we worked, among the people whom you loved and
in the company of your very presence, which is present to us all.
Lord, you yourself walked simply among the poorest of the poor,
surrounded as they were by many dangers, driven by many needs, hoping for daily bread, work and love, to live a life worthy of the Name
when, as happens, shots rang out and took what is precious.
But let our hope in you not be disappointed, that the Body of Christ
will run with the grace of life-giving love given at the last and
just as your own gift of life was wholeheartedly given, thrice
nailed to the cross for our salvation, so may those who give too,
give in you. Lord, your love is for the gun runner, the drug dealer,
the gangster, no less than for the victim, the addict, and the fearful,
no less for the priest, the religious, and the parishioner seeking,
as you do, to serve not the possible, but the impossible change
of heart and way to life.
Nevertheless, let all who are called to do good, do the good
they can do, whether in the family,
the schools, the police or the army, or whether in the home,
on the streets, in the workspace or in the place of government,
that all who come together can turn the tide to love.
Lord, let not revenge rule our hearts, or fears trouble us unduly,
that we may persevere in peace and tranquillity,
even amidst the noise of unsettling events, that we may go
on being faithful and so you will find us working for justice and longing
for the Easter of your return. And let daylight rein, let the splendid
our of creation down the morning brightness of our hearts, and let the opening of the day bring a new and renewed hope our mourning will cease and our happiness
will return and that God will remember His people and bless us, again.
by Francis Etheredge, Catholic married layman, father of 11, 3 of whom are in heaven,
and an author: “The Word in Your Heart: Mary, Youth, and Mental Health”.
A Prayer for Those Slaughtered in Cameroon
For all those who have fallen victim to hatred and inhumanity, for those loved ones who are left behind to mourn, for the souls of those whose hearts are cold.
We pray that God will right all the wrongs that are taking place in our world and vindicate those that are being treated unjustly Lord, have mercy on us.
by Hans Zollner SJ Director IADC - Institute of Anthropology. Interdisciplinary Studies on Human Dignity and Care Pontifical Gregorian University
A Prayer for Those who Died and were Harmed in the Creeslough Gas Station Explosion
We stand in solidarity with the people of Creeslough whose hearts are broken with the recent tragedy and terrible loss of life. We pray for all those who lost loved ones and for the whole community that is grieving at this time. We pray for all those involved in responding and ministering to the survivors, we hold everyone in our hearts, devastated at this terrible tragedy.
Prayer for Fr Javier Campos and Fr Joaquín Mora
Whatever is our religious creed, we are united by the desire for justice, reconciliation and peace. A desire that comes from the depths of our hearts in the face of the blood that is shed violently day after day. From here we join the prayers of many in many countries following the murder of the Jesuit missionaries in the Tarahumara Sierra, Fr Javier Campos and Fr Joaquín Mora.
The blood of our brothers is sacred blood, so remembering them in community makes us feel connected to a memory of death and resurrection. In this desire for peace is the life that emerges from death. There is the presence of God giving us the word and the movement to build peace.
In these deaths God speaks to us to go out of ourselves and to undertake a journey, in these deaths he reminds us that we are one body and one family, that we cannot go forward alone, that we need each other.
by Father Hans Zollner, S.J. Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer for the Murdered Jesuits
Good and Glorious God.
The Jesuits of Mexico announced Tuesday that two of their priests were killed Monday inside a church in a mountainous region of Chihuahua state. Fathers Javier Campos Morales and Joaquín César Mora Salazar had served as Jesuit priests for nearly a century combined. The gunmen who carried out the June 20 attack on the church in Cerocahui, Chihuahua also took their bodies. Heavenly God, the Father, these men gave their lives to you and the people of Mexico. They lived with the love of the Lord in their hearts. They knew people who needed their help and they provided that help. Looking at their faces one could see the depth of their love and service to the Lord. May the Holy Spirit console the fellow men working as priests in their community and all the people of God touched by their lives. May the love that they brought to those they served bring a sense of joy as it continues in their community Please bless us all and put in our hearts the beauty of the peace that comes with death. We ask you this, through the Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer in Memory of Father Stan Swamy SJ
India, India why have you killed your greatest son who served the poor and lifted up the wretched and oppressed.
No greater champion, a saintly servant gave his life for them, and died suffering in distress.
He served the poor, the powers banded him subversive, as Jesus was, and locked him in the dark cruel cell.
He was denied his rights, medical help and lived in human hell.
At 84 this Jesuit Priest, Stan Swamy was falsely blamed and put on trial,| tagged terrorist in his elderly years weak and frail.
He suffered Parkinson’s and other illness from his life of poverty and denial, A man who stood for justice and died a prisoner while the judiciary denied his bail. Who is more corrupt, the police or prosecutor, the judges or the system that steals the wealth?
addIt leaves poverty and great hunger, pain and misery for the poor that is sorely felt.
Let the protests grow and may his memory never fade,
until the greatest debt of gratitude with all respect and honor is duly paid.
Father Stan is the man who fought for truth and justice, he lived among the poor,
He organized them to speak their needs and from oppression rise,
Until the iron fist of Modi fell fast and hard with sudden shock and surprise.
Yet Stan lives on, his life and words are there to guide, lead us on and set us afire, So none of us will forget to follow his example and fight for justice and to his greatness we aspire. Amen by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer Father Stan Swamy, S.J.
Good and gracious God.
Father Stan Swamy, S.J. died in the hospital after being put on a ventilator. He had COVID and other diseases that added to his underlying issues. He was among 16 accused in a sedition case. They were charged under the stringent provisions of the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) by the federal National Investigation Agency (NIA), which is tasked to combat terrorist activities. Charges under UAPA are considered non-bailable. Please welcome Father Swamy into your loving arms as he has served you tirelessly for over 50 years. Help the others captured with him. We ask you this through Jesus Christ, His Son, Our Lord. Please help all those in India to receive the vaccine necessary for their health.
by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer for Father Ray Schroth, SJ
Good and gracious God,
We bring to you the life of your Jesuit son Father Ray Schroth, SJ. He was a priest, a journalist, and a teacher of students. He was rigorous in his class preparations. He demanded much of his students and was popular among them. He cared for their well-being. He befriended many; encouraged all. He presided at the weddings of more than a few. His teaching inspired generations of learners, men, and women, now well into their professional lives. Among them, notable attorneys and journalists, including Pulitzer Prize winners. As much as he loved to teach, he also loved to report. He viewed journalism as a noble calling. In an NCR review of a 2018 Seymour Hersh memoir, Schroth wrote: "Journalism embodies the basic virtues of society. We need the press to condemn what is wrong and embrace what is best for the community." His keen moral outlook spilled beyond his classes. While teaching at Fordham, for example, he initiated the "Great Walk," an annual student trek from Manhattan's Battery Park to the Bronx campus, showing them parts of New York City that they might not otherwise see, according to one Fordham News account. We see Lord, a man who balances his relationship with you and his dedication to the students he teaches as well as the words he writes. Schroth used his literature classes to excite minds, to explore the human condition, and to cast light and hope. He was passionate and frequently made waves; his style did not always endear him to his peers. During his career, he left his marks at Rockhurst College, Loyola University New Orleans, Georgetown University, Fordham, College of the Holy Cross, and St. Peter's College in Jersey City, New Jersey, where he ended up a professor of humanities.
Dear Lord, during his short but prolific life on earth he wrote eight books. Two were biographies, choices that revealed his heroes, and some of his character. He focused his biographical research on Eric Sevareid, the CBS newscaster, and Jesuit Fr. Robert Drinan, who served six terms in Congress. Of Schroth's The American Journey of Eric Sevareid, a Los Angeles Daily News reviewer wrote that it was "as much a primer on good journalism as it is a biography." Schroth admired Drinan, 13 years his senior, and another Jesuit of passion and global reach. Schroth's admiration showed in his treatise Bob Drinan: The Controversial Life of the First Catholic Priest Elected to Congress). Publisher’s Weekly seemed to get it right when it called the book a "loving tribute." As a book enthusiast, Schroth enjoyed compiling book lists. He was attracted to the classics but also sought out books that he felt shed extra light or hope. His life, Lord was filled with joy in doing the work for the kingdom. Bless him now and forever.
by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Good and Gracious God,
We are horrified by the testimony of a former Salvadoran army officer that the "high command" gave orders to eliminate Jesuits priests during the country's civil war in 1989. These men were the priests to the people, Lord, and ministering to their needs. As with Pontius Pilate, the Central American country's president knew of the crimes to be committed and did not intervene.
These men with their housekeeper were brutally treated, Lord, by a former colonel in the army of El Salvador, who is on trial in Spain, Inocente Orlando Montano, on the campus of the Catholic University. Lord, we beg you to help the people of El Salvador who bear the brunt of this loss, help them to continue to heal even 30 years later.
At the testimony July 8, Mendoza said his superior, Guillermo Benavides, a former colonel and then-director of the army academy, told troops the night before the crime that an order had come to move against Spanish Jesuit Father Ignacio Ellacuria, rector of Central American University in San Salvador. May Guillermo Benavides, realize how the horror and evil of this act affected the entire community. Assist all in San Salvador to heal. May the plentitude of vocations to the priesthood for the Jesuits in this region continue to flourish and make a difference. by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Book Reviews and Commentaries
Diary of a Young Jesuit by Fr. Barry Martinson, SJ Reviewed by Paul Senz Catholic World Report
A Year of Daily Offerings. Giving Your Life to God One Day at a Time by Father James Kubicki, S.J. Commentary by Paul Sans The Catholic World Report
The Jesuit Disruptor: A Personal Portrait of Pope Francis by Michael W. Higgins Commentary by Mike Mastromatte National Catholic Reporter
Seeing with the Heart: A Guide to Navigating Life’s Adventures by Kevin O’Brien, SJ Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
A Call to Mission: A History of the Jesuits in China 1842-1954 by Father David Strong SJ. Commentary by Father Michael Kelly SJ,
A Catechism of the Heart: A Jesuit Missioned to the Laity by Bejamin James Brenkert Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D Profiles in Catholicism
A Friendship Like No Other Experiencing God's Amazing Embrace by William A. Barry, SJ Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
A History of the Popes: From Peter to the Present by John O’Malley. SJ Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
A Pilgrim’s Testament: The Memoirs of Saint Ignatius of Loyola edited by Barton T. Geger, S.J. Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, PhD Profiles in Catholicism
A Simple Life Changing Prayer: Discovering the Power of St. Ignatius Loyola's Examen by Jim Manney Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Al-Ḥamdu li’llāhi Rabbi’l-ʿĀlamīn ‘Praise to God, Lord of the Worlds’: An Introduction to Qur’anic Ecology and Resonances with Laudato Si’ by Farhana Mayer Commentary by Jesuits in Britain
An Ignatian Book of Days by Jim Manney Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
An Indigenous Voice to Parliament: Considering a Constitutional Bridge by Father Frank Brennan Reviewed by Father Andrew Hamilton SJ Australian Jesuits
An Indigenous Voice to Parliament: Considering a Constitutional Bridge by Fr Frank Brennan SJ Reviewed by David McMahon Society of Jesus in Australia
An Invitation to Love: A Personal Retreat on the Great Commandment by William Barry, SJ Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Building a Bridge by Father James Martin. S.J. Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Building a Bridge: How the Catholic Church and the LGBT Community Can Enter into a Relationship of Respect, by James Martin Reviewed by Michael Leach Commonweal
China’s Last Jesuit: Charles H. McCarthy and the End of the Mission in Catholic Shanghai by Amanda C.R .Clark Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
China’s Last Jesuit: Charles H. McCarthy and the End of the Mission in Catholic Shanghai by Amanda C.R .Clark Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Come Forth by James Martin. S.J. Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Conversation in the Spirit by Juan Antonio Guerrero Alves and Óscar Martín López Commentary by Pope Francis Vatican News
Counsels of the Holy Spirit: A Reading of Saint Ignatius’s Letters by Patrick C. Goujon, SJ Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Counsels of the Holy Spirit: A Reading of Saint Ignatius’s Letters by Patrick C. Goujon, SJ Translated by Joseph Munitiz, SJ Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Counsels of the Holy Spirit: A Reading of St Ignatius's Letters by Patrick Goujon SJ and translated by Joseph Munitiz SJ Reviewed by Carolanne Henry Independent Catholic News
Elvis Reviewed by Sean Barry, SJ The Jesuit Post
God's Great Story and You by William A. Barry, SJ Reviewed by Brenda McLaughlin National Catholic Reporter
Growing up Disabled in Australia Edited by Carly Findlay OAM Reviewed by Fr Justin Glyn SJ Australian Jesuits
Hidden Mercy: AIDS, Catholics, and the Untold Stories of Compassion in the Face of Fear by Michael O’Loughlin’ Reviewed by Jake Braithwaite, SJ The Jesuit Post
Ignatian Spirituality and Interreligious Dialogue: Reading Love’s Mystery by Michael Barnes, SJ Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Inner Compass an Invitation to Ignatian Spirituality by Margaret Silf Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Jesuit at Large Edited by George Weigal Reviewed by Paul Senz The Catholic World Report
Jesus Social Revolutionary? by Father Peter McVerry SJ Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Jesus: A Pilgrimage by James Martin, S.J Rowed by Dennis Waldeck
Learning to Pray by James Martin. S.J. Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Lourdes Diary: Seven Days at the Grotto of Massabieille by Father James Martin. S.J. Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Nonni in America: Around the World at 80 Years Old! by Jon Svensson, S.J. Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Papi, Vaticano, Communicazione (translated as “Popes, Vatican Communications”) by Father Federico Lombardi SJ Reviewed by Fr. Benedict Mayaki, SJ Vatican News
Passionate Uncertainty: Inside the American Jesuits by Peter McDonough and Eugene C. Bianchi Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D Profiles in Catholicism
Passionate Uncertainty: Inside the American Jesuits by Peter McDonough and Eugene C. Bianchi Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, PhD Profiles in Catholicism
Pedro Arrupe: Witness of the Twentieth Century, Prophet of the Twenty-First. by Father Pedro Miguel Lamet Commentary by Institute of Jesuit Sources Crux
Radical Prayer by David Hassel, S.J. Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight. PhD Profiles in Catholicism
Reimagining the Ignatian Examen by Mark E. Thibodeaux SJ Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Sacred Space by the Irish Jesuits Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Sacred Space: The Prayer Book by The Irish Jesuits Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Science at the Doorstep to God: Science and Reason in Support of God, the Soul, and Life after Death by Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J Reviewed by Jerry Salyer The Catholic World Report
See God Act: The Ministry of Spiritual Direction by Michael Drennan, SJ Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Silent Music: Teach Us To Pray by Father John O’Brien, OFM Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Staged Chastity: Sexual Offenses in the Society of Jesus in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries by Ulrich Lehner Commentary by Chris Altieri Crux
Tattoos on the Heart: the Power of Boundless Compassion by Gregory Boyle SJ Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion by Gregory Boyle Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
That Was Father Stu: A Memoir of My Priestly Brother and Friend by Fr. Bart Tolleson Commentary by Paul Senzhe and The Catholic World Report
The Art of Spiritual Direction by Father Jos Moons, SJ Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Art of Spiritual Direction. A Guide to Ignatian Father Jos Moons, SJ Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, PhD Profiles in Catholicism
The Discernment of Spirits: An Ignatian Guide for Everyday Living by Timothy M. Gallagher, O.M.I. Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Education of a Historian: A Strange and Wonderful Story by John W. O'Malley, SJ Reviewed by Massimo Faggioli National Catholic Reporter
The Freedom of Missing Out: Letting go of Fear and saying Yes to Life by Michael Rossmann, SJ Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Gift of Spiritual Intimacy: Following the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius by Geoffrey Williams, SJ Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Homeboy Way: A radical approach to business and life by Thomas Vozzo andGregory Boyle SJ Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Jesuits: A History from Ignatius to the Present by John O’Malley, S.J. Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Jesuits: A History from Ignatius to the Present by John O’Malley, S.J. Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Jesuits: A History by Markus Friedrich Reviewed by Doug Jones, SJ The Jesuit Post
The Jesuits: A History by Markus Friedrich Reviewed by Fr. Cornelius Michael Buckley, S.J. The Catholic World
The Memoir of some good desires and good thoughts of Father Master Peter Farber by Peter Farber Reviewed by Miguel Ángel Fiorito, SJ and Jaime Heraclio Amadeo, SJ La Civiltà Cattolica
The Seven Trials Against Jesus by Father Rolando Jose Olivo Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Society of Jesus in Ireland, Scotland and England 1589-1597 by Thomas M. McCoog, SJ Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. and Fergus O’Donahue, SJ
The Spiritual Work of Racial Justice: A Month of Meditations with Ignatius of Loyola by Patrick Saint-Jean Commentary/Excerpt by Patrick Saint-Jean National Catholic Reporter
The Spiritual Work of Racial Justice: A Month of Meditations with Ignatius of Loyola by Patrick Saint-Jean, S.J. Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Way to Manresa: Discoveries along the Ignatian Camino by Brendan McManus SJ Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Whole Language the Power of Extravagant Tenderness by Gregory Boyle Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Whole Language: The Power of Extravagant Tenderness by Greg Boyle, S.J. Reviewed by Mary Gibbons America
To the Greater Glory: A Psychological Study of Ignatian Spirituality by W.W Meissner, SJ, MD Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Trust Your Feelings: learning how to make choices with Ignatius of Loyola by Nikolaas Sintobin SJ Reviewed by Messenger Publications/Independent Catholic News
Walking with Ignatius by Arturo Sosa, SJ in conversation with Darío Menor Reviewed by Phyllis Zagano National Catholic Reporter
Walking with Ignatius by Arturo Sosa, SJ Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Walking with Ignatius: A Celebration of the Society of Jesus by Father Arturo Sosa SJ Reviewed by Independent Catholic News
What Do You Seek? by Michael Buckley, S.J. Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
What’s so Funny about Faith? A Memoir from the Intersection of Hilarious and Holy by Jake Martin, SJ Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Word To the Greater Glory: A psychological Study of Ignatian Spirituality by W.W Meissner, SJ, MD Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Film Reviews and Commentaries
Shogun Commentary by Kevin Christopher Robles America
Tell Me Who I Am” Commentary by Timothy Bishop, SJ The Jesuit Post
LOYOLA The Opera by Independent Catholic News
Articles and Commentaries
Grace in Vulnerability by Eric Panicco, SJ The Jesuit Post
Stories of hope: Jesuits support more than 127,000 people during three years of war in Ukraine by Jesuit Missions
‘They’ve lost everything’ – Xavier Network continues to support the thousands displaced by conflict in Lebanon by Jesuit Missions
Stories of hope: Jesuits support more than 127,000 people during three years of war in Ukraine by Jesuit Missions
Sitting Down with My Dad to Talk About Synodality: Part Two by Dan Finucane, SJ The Jesuit Post
Sitting Down with My Dad to Talk About Synodality: Part One by Dan Finucane, SJ The Jesuit Post
Apocalyptic Signs by Joseph Dickan The Jesuit Post
Discerning Democracy: Navigating Civic Life with the Second Week of the Spiritual Exercises by Ty Wahlbrink, SJ The Jesuit Post
From Jesuit to Recluse: Fr. Agostino Modotti and the Founding of New Camaldoli Hermitage in Big Sur by Paula Huston Jesuits
Discerning Democracy: Navigating Civic Life with the Second Week of the Spiritual Exercises by Ty Wahlbrink, SJ The Jesuit Post
Synod Diary: Lessons from the Jesuit pilgrimage for the synod slog by Ricardo da Silva, S.J. America
An Ignatian Response to Homelessness by James Millikan, SJ
21st-century Ignatian education by Australian Jesuits
Pope discusses prayer and vocation with Jesuits in Singapore by Salvatore Cernuzio Vatican News
Senior Jesuit at prestigious Sydney school jailed for historical child sex abuse by Clare Sibthorpe The Sydney Morning Herald
Gabon: A year after the military seized power, Bishop Madega speaks of hope and a “Coup de liberation” by Stanislas Kambashi, SJ Vatican News
An Ignatian Response to Homelessness by James Millikan, SJ The Jesuit Post
Searching for the Lost but Not Forgotten in the Borderlands by Jaret Ornelas, SJ The Jesuit Post
The reverse interview by David McMahon Australian Jesuits
Lessons for us all by Gianni Taranto Australian Jesuits
Crime and punishment by Fr Andrew Hamilton SJ Australian Jesuits
Discerning Democracy: Navigating Civic Life with the First Week of the Spiritual Exercises by Ty Wahlbrink, SJ The Jesuit Post
The Jesuit case for diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging by Carlos Jiménez. Amanda Montez and Deena A. Sellers America
In new interview, Pope Francis shares his advice for men who want to join the Jesuits—and for his successor by Gerard O’Connell America
The hidden ‘presence’ of Jesuits at the National Eucharistic Congress by John Stein The Jesuit Post
New music-theatre project touches on Jesuit environmental themes by Jesuits in Brittan
I care about the environment because I’m a Christian by Luke Lapean, SJ The Jesuit Post
Accompanying like Jesus as a Jesuit Brother by Sean Barry, SJ The Jesuit Post
Jesuit Institute South Africa: Air pollution and financial crimes by Fr Peter Knox, SJ Independent Catholic News
Bill McKibben urges climate alliance of young and old at Jesuit justice gathering by Brian Roewe EarthBeat
Ignatian family issue statement of commitment to climate justice ahead of COP26 by Independent Catholic News
Jesuits join coalition urging halt to investment in fossil fuels by Independent Catholic News
The Sound of Silence (or, On Not Hearing the Cicadas) by Michael O’Connell Jesuit Media Lab
Jesuit Conference Communications Staff Wins 15 Catholic Media Awards by The Jesuits
The spirituality of rest by Gerald O’Mahony SJ Thinking Faith
Jesuits in Bolivia admit their actions were ‘disastrous’ in dealing with sexual abuse by Walter Sánchez Silva ACI Prensa/Catholic News Agency
Exorcists to Jesuit head: Satan is real by Catholic News Agency
Bolivia Jesuits ask victims of two priests implicated in scandal to make formal complaint by Vox
What is death? Learning to Die with a Friend by Patrick Saint-Jean, S.J. The Jesuit Post
The Jesuits’ Unfinished Business by Terence McKiernan Bishop Accountability
Ringing the changes by David McMahon Australian Jesuits
Hope for the future by Zach Martorana Australian Jesuits
Respect from afar by Fr Ramesh Richards SJ Australian Jesuits
Screening process by Fr Peter Hosking SJ Australian Jesuits
Green Signal by Catherine Holmes Australian Jesuits
‘Prominent Jesuit: The Society of Jesus is in ‘profound decline’ by Walter Sánchez Silva Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Jesuit urges South Africans to consider vision, values when they vote by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
Jesuits in Bolivia deny ‘systematically covering up’ clerical abuse by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
Finding Joy by Carlos Andrés Martínez Vela, SJ The Jesuit Post
Gang-rehabilitating priest awarded US Presidential Medal of Freedom by CathNews New Zealand
Speaking to the Primates of the Anglican Communion, Pope Francis says that even the very earliest Christians had their disagreements. by Joseph Tulloch Vatican News
Jesuits in Bolivia deny ‘systematically covering up’ clerical abuse by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
Jesuit priest: Stories of Rwandan women ‘scarred by genocide’ must be told by Agnes Aineah ACI Africa/Catholic News Agency
How this Catholic Sister Used Art to Prepare for Taking Vows by Sr. Bethany J. Welch, PhD, SSJ Jesuit Media Lab
Jesuit University to Host Annual ‘Drag’ Show Friday by Catholic Vote
Sexual abuse allegations against deceased former Saint Ignatius chaplain deemed to be credible, school president says by Tyler Carey WKYC-TV
Doubt is not the opposite of Belief by Angelo Canta, SJ The Jesuit Post
From Running Shoes to a Running Spirit by Patrick Hyland, SJ The Jesuit Post
Ignatius Book Fairs aim to provide “the best in Catholic literature” for children by Jim Graves The Catholic World Report
Another Deathbed Conversion by Adam Bohan, SJ The Jesuit Post
My ancestors were enslaved by the Jesuits. What does the church owe to descendants like me? by Monique Trusclair Maddox America
Late Irish Jesuit subject of 93 separate abuse complaints, new report says by Michael Kelly National Catholic Reporter
Jesuits in Mexico issue statement on the death of alleged murderer of two priests by Ana Paula Morales Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to Murdered Priests and Seminarians
The Jesuits Massacre Case by Center for Justice & Accountability (CJA
Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover by Brian Strassburger, SJ The Jesuit Post
What SportsCenter Taught Me About God by Patrick Hyland, SJ The Jesuit Post Link to Sports
For Father James Martin, ministry means going wherever the people are by Religion News Service
Pope to Jesuit Fr Martin: ‘Jesus is close to everyone’. Francis responds to a letter from Fr. James Martin, SJ, whose pastoral ministry involves the LGBTQ community, and encourages Catholics to foster a “culture of encounter” that “shortens distances and enriches us with differences.” by Lisa Zengarin Vatican News Link to LGBTQ Challenges and Leadership
The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Every Chicago Deep Dish Pizza by Michael Petro, SJ and Collin Price, SJ The Jesuit Post
The evolving role of the Catholic press by Father Myron J. Pereira, SJ UCA News Link to Media
Woman who says she was abused spiritually and sexually by a once-famous Jesuit demands transparency by Nicole Winfield ABC News Link to Sexual Relations with and Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
Leading Jesuit blasts South Africa for prosecuting Israel while courting dictatorships by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
The Conversion of St Paul by Marcel Uwineza SJ Jesuits in Britain Link to Saints
What Ought I Do About My Carbon Footprint? by Daniel Mascarenhas, SJ The Jesuit Post Link to Environment and Climate Challenges, Advocacy, and Response
JRS UK calls for refugee 'prison barge' to be closed after reported suicide by Eileen Cole Independent Catholic News Link to Suicide and to Migrants, Refugees, and Immigrants
The Potlucks of Vatican II by Patrick Hyland, SJ The Jesuit Post
How a game designer turned Jesuit ended up writing about space religion by Bob Smietana Religion News Service
I Am a Jesuit and I Am an Alcoholic by The Jesuit Post Link to Addiction
How Women Religious Sparked My Jesuit Vocation by Nate Cortas, SJ The Jesuit Post Link to Religious Vocations
Jesuit Institute South Africa: Air pollution and financial crimes by Fr Peter Knox, SJ Independent Catholic News Link to Financial Crimes and Improprieties
Jesuit agency head in UK blasts call to scrap UN refugee convention as ‘appalling’ by Charles Collins Crux
Vatican-Diary Are-the-Jesuits-Taking-over-the-Vatican? by Loup Besmond de Senneville La Croix International
Jesuit conference president: White American Catholics need to face the truth about slavery by Brian Paulson America Link to Slavery
Slaveholding was always a choice” by Patrick Hyland, SJ The Jesuit Post
White Spaces – A Flour Tortilla Enchilada Story by Marco Machado, SJ The Jesuit Post
Jesuit recognised for his work with the homeless by Jesuits in BritainLink to Homeless
Impulses of the heart. Journeying with Youth by Fr Ross Jones SJ Australian Jesuits Link to Youth Challenges and Leadership
What Break-Ups Teach Us About God by Joseph Nolla, SJ The Jesuit Post
Torture harms both sides. June 26th marks United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture and Fr Andrew Hamilton SJ explains the lasting impact it has on the lives of those involved in torture by Fr Andrew Hamilton SJ Jesuits in Australia Link to Torture
Five Questions for Catholics Dealing with Mental Health Issues by Austin Kleman, SJ The Jesuit Post Link to Mental Health/Illness
A Metaphor .The rowing teams of Saint Ignatius’ College Riverview were triumphant at the Head of the River Regatta event in March and Principal Dr Paul Hine highlighted the importance of gratitude. by Australian Jesuits
John Paul II and the Social Doctrine of the Church by Fernando de la Iglesia Viguiristi SJ La Civiltà Cattolica
A Deacon’s Diary: What Does a Deacon Do? by Damian Torres-Botello, SJ The Jesuit Post
Woman who says she was abused spiritually and sexually by a once-famous Jesuit demands transparency by Nicole Winfield ABC News
Cheer up, Captain Kirk! There’s hope for us yet by Pablo Velasquez, SJ The Jesuit Post
Statement on my resignation from the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors. by Father Hans Zollner, S.J.
Jesuit who resigned from pope’s abuse commission says victims disheartened by group by Justin McLellan National Catholic Reporter
Jesuits publish new book on the Spiritual Exercise by Jesuits in Britain
Film Reviews and Commentaries
John Wick Commentary by José Dueño Gorbea, SJ The Jesuit Post
Till Reviewed by Patrick Hyland, SJ The Jesuit Post
Elvis Reviewed by Sean Barry, SJ The Jesuit Post
The First Vows Reviewed by Br Mikhael Ahamd SJ Jesuits in Britain
Dragon Ball Z Commentary by Sean Barry, SJ The Jesuit Post
What Lucia Saw by Jesuits in Britain
CODA Reviewed by Myles Kelley, SJ The Jesuit Post
Ignatius: The Knight Who Fell to His Knees Commentary by Independent Catholic News
Roma Reviewed by Uli Covarrubias, SJ The Jesuit Post
Wonder Woman: A Story of Female Bondage or Liberation? by Colten Biro, SJ The Jesuit Post
TV Reviews and Commentaries
Euphoria Reviewed by José Dueño Gorbea, SJ The Jesuit Post
Ted Lasso by Noah Banasiewicz, SJ The Jesuit Post
Be Tipul Reviewed by Marc Rastoin, SJ La Civilta Cattolica.
13 Reasons Why Reviewed by America
Music Reviews and Commentaries
Shake the Frost Commentary by Nate Cortas, SJ The Jesuit Post
Adventus Commentary by Aric Serrano, SJ The Jesuit Post
Chance the Rapper’s “We Go High” Reviewed by David J. Inczauskis, S.J. The Jesuit Post
Dialogues of the Carmelites Commentary by Leo J. O'Donovan, S.J. America
Theater Reviews and Commentaries
Six Reviewed by Andrew Milewski, SJ The Jesuit Post
Jesuit Organizations
LOYOLA The Opera by Independent Catholic News
Colloquium on Ethics in Environmental Policymaking: Environment, Poverty, and Development Panel co-sponsored by the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs and the Global Futures Initiative.
Jesuit Father R.J. Fichtinger - Ordinands 2017
Fr. James Martin: What Does the Bible Say? Refugees, migrants and foreigners?
Introduction to the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola by Sylvester Tan, S.J.
The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything with Fr. James Martin
Latino Catholicism: A Discussion
Being a Jesuit
Stages of Jesuit Formation
Jesuit Volunteer Corps
The Jesuit Volunteer Corps Experience
My JVC Moment - Jesuit Volunteer Corps