by Dale E. Bredesen, M.D.
Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D.

This book was recommended for review by the editor. He thinks the book, written in 2017, has a great deal of information that would be helpful to those dealing with the situation. This book is not a scientific tome—though I include the scientific evidence that supports my conclusions—but instead a practical, easy to use, step by step manual for preventing and reversing the cognitive decline of early Alzheimer’s disease or its precursors, mind cognitive impairment and subjective cognitive impairment, and for sustain improvement. It is also a guidebook by which the 75 million Americans who carry the QpoE4 gene can escape the fate written in their DNA. The protocol for achieving this led to the first-ever scientific publication of a study, in 2014, reporting the reversal of cognitive decline in patients – nine out of 10 of them with Alzheimer’s disease or its precursors, thanks to a sophisticated personalized protocol based on our decades of research on the neurobiology of Alzheimer’s disease. Called ReCPDE, for reversal of cognitive decline, the protocol not only achieved the reversal of cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease and pre-Alzheimer’s that no one thought possible; it also allowed patients to sustain that improvement. The very first patient treated the ReCODE protocol is, as now stated, five years into the treatment, and at 73 remains cognitively healthy, traveling the world and working full-time. Our extensive subsequent work, with hundreds of patients proves that she is far from unique.
After publication of the 2014 study, we received thousands of emails, phone calls, and visits from physicians and other practitioners, potential patients, and family members from all over the United States, the UK, Australia, Asia, Europe and South America, wanting to learn more about the successful protocol. The journal that had published the study is called Aging and the staff called to inform us that of the tens of thousands of scientific papers the journal had published over the years, ours had scored in the top couple. Although in that initial scientific paper I did not include a detailed step by step description of the protocol in this book I do. I also recount how I developed ReCode and explain its scientific basis. In the appendix, I list sources of the foods, supplements and other components of ReCODE as well as links to physicians and other health-care practitioners who are knowledgeable about it and can help you implement it in your own life or in the life of a loved one.
There is nothing more important than making a difference in the lives of patients, and that is hat has driven me in the decades-long quest to find a way to prevent and reverse Alzheimer’s disease.But if enough people adopt ReCode, they will be helping far more than themselves. Because Alzheimer’s diseases strikes an estimated one in nine Americans 65 and older, or 5.2 million people.The aging of the baby boom generation threatens to bring a tsunami of Alzheimer’s immense enough to bankrupt Medicare and Medicaid and overwhelm the nation’s long-term care facilities to say nothing of the toll it will take on tens of millions of families whose loved ones are swallowed by this merciless disease. Globally, a projected 160 million people will, by 2050 develop Alzheimer’s. That makes the need for prevention and treatment greater than ever.The hundreds of patients seen battle back from cognitive decline battle back despite the medical dogma that such a recovery is impossible have convinced the author that the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s is not some pie in the sky fantasy. We know how to do it. Now today! This book reads well and provides resources that are necessary for this disease.