The Anniversary of Nate Lindstrom’s Suicide Strengthened My Resolve to Aid Survivors by Awake Milwaukee
Sex abuse claims, secret payments, then a suicide. He battled memories of his past – and the priests at the center of it. by Haley BeMiller Green Bay Press-Gazette
First came sex abuse allegations at the abbey. Then secret payments. Then a suicide. by Haley BeMiller Green Bay Press Gazette
Pope says suicides by clerical abuse victims ‘weigh on my heart’ by Inés San Martín Crux
Abuse seen as cause of suicides by Bill Zajak - The Springfield, MA Republican
Suicide and the search for justice after sexual abuse by Mary Gail Frawley-O’DeaAmerica Data Infers Suicide Rates Among Victims of Clergy Sex Abuse Exceed 50 Times the General Population by
Suicide and the search for justice after sexual abuse by Mary Gail Frawley-O’Dea Amerce
Mother of Catholic church abuse victim in Kansas laments ‘third-degree burns to the soul’ Suicide and Suicide Ideation by The TopekaCapiral Journal
Book Reviews and Commentaries
The Altar Boys: new questions about suicides of clergy abuse survivors should spark another inquiry by Suzie Smith Reviewed by Kathleen McPhillips TheConversation AU