Prayer for the sailors who died in the John S. McCain collision Creator God, you are the author of all good things, and all that you have created is indeed good. From the dawn of civilization you have endowed certain women and men with the courage, bravery, strength, and wisdom to stand up in service to others and to fight for the cause of what is good and right. We ask you to bless our servicemen and servicewomen who stand up for all that is good, and who fight to protect those who often can not protect themselves. We ask you in a special way to bless the friends and families of the ten sailors who have gone missing after the incident at sea aboard the USS John S. McCain. Give them comfort and strength in this time of great trial. We offer our prayer in the name of your son Jesus, who is both Great Healer and Wonder Counselor, and who lives and reigns with you, and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen. by Br. Jason D. Graves OFM Cap.
Book Reviews/Commentaries
Wounds of Love: The story of Saint Padre Pio by Phillip Campbell Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Film Reviews/Commentaries
Padre Pio Reviewed by Nicole Winfield Crux
Cardinal Letters
Capuchins take homeless ministry to the streets by Jacquiline Tetrault The Pilot
Argentine Carmelites pledge fidelity to bishops after convent takes prelates to court by Inés San Martín Crux
Defying canon law, Capuchins elect lay brother as their leader by Shannon Levitt Crux
My First Year As a Priest: A Reflection by Father Nicholas Blackwell O Carm. CatholicStand
by John L. Allen Jr. Crux
Detroit, Caseys and Capuchins celebrate Blessed Solanus by Catherine M. Odell National Catholic Reporter
A Time for Courage by Brother John Celichowski, OFM Cap
Capuchin Franciscan Friars - Prison Ministry