A Message from the Editor
Experts have predicted that heat-related deaths could rise 370% by mid-century. We leaned that Climate change is linked to 5 million deaths a year, a new study shows.
According to the CDC, environmental changes to the built environment can be effective protective measures for human health and against the effects of climate change. Green spaces and new technologies such as cool roofs can offer benefits in urban settings. Adaptation measures, such as increased access to air conditioning or cooling centers, can safeguard communities from the health impacts of extreme heat. Similarly, access to central heating can protect individuals from extreme cold. Additional examples include adding sound landscape design such as planting trees to shade public spaces and offer healthy exercise areas. These actions are also beneficial in that they help to reduce greenhouse gases.
This challenge is also political in the United States. Donald Trump has repeatedly called climate change a “Hoax” If he is reelected, some experts predict that his administration could result in tens of thousands unnecessary heat-related deaths It would be helpful if ethicists would address this challenge.
It was shocking to learn that a Cardinal Newman student was sexually assaulted by football team, called racial slurs, as a lawsuit claims . The school should suspend them.
The New Orleans priest who attempted to rape a woman in New Orleans and moved him to another parish should also be terminated and sent to jail along with those who transferred him.
There is a widely quoted statement going back to the sixteenth century “Tell Me Who Your Friends Are, and I’ll Tell You Who You Are” . So it was no surprise when Trump's Steve Bannon Caught Coordinating With Neonazi Terrorists To Indoctrinate MAGA Conservatives. Recruiting Neo-Nazis to support Trump confirms Trump embracing Neo-Nazi’s.
Taylor Swift should consider filing a claim against Donald Trump for his fake AI Image endorsement of her.
We should all be concerned about the rise of the Neo-Nazis both in the United States and Europe.
A Quote to Remember
“'We simply must do everything we can in our power to slow down global warming before it is too late... The science is clear. The global warming debate is over."
by Arnold Schwarzenegger
Saving the planet Earth
The world is heating, we are cooking ourselves to death,
We are burning coal and oil and everything we can,
We are the arsonists of this planet and will bring it to an end,
We will soon return to the primeval state from where we first began.
So raise your banner and join the march,
Let your voice be loud for all to hear.
There is nothing more important than we stand,
As one against the intimidation and the fear.
The climate is a changing, the forests are burning and falling down.
The oceans are filled with plastic and the earth is turning from green to brown.
We must challenge the politics and the powers,
The tycoons of industry and corruption are all around.
We must cry foul, to save the Earth.
The climate is changing for the worst, that is the greatest threat.
I see the hope in the voices of the youth,
That demand with Greta that change must come.
I feel the strength and the mighty power of honesty and the truth,
The people are on the move, the children and the old,
The brave and courageous youth.
They will change the minds and hardened hearts.
They will restore the Planet green and blue.
They will live and fight for what is so right, good and true
by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer for Children Who Died from Excessive Heat
Lord of Creation, The world is heating; we are cooking ourselves to death.
We are burning coal and oil and everything we can.
We are the arsonists of this planet and will bring it to an end,
We will soon return to the primeval state from where we first began.
So raise your banner and join the march.
Let your voice be loud for all to heart
There is nothing more important than we stand,
As one against the intimidation and the fear.
The climate is changing; the forests are burning and falling down.
The oceans are filled with plastic and the earth is turning from green to brown.
We must challenge the politics and the powers,
The tycoons of industry and corruption all around,
We must cry foul, to save the Earth,
The climate is changing for the worst, that is the greatest threat.
I see the hope in the voices of the youth,
That demand with Greta that change must come.
I feel the strength and the mighty power of honesty and the truth,
The people are on the move, the children and the old,
The brave and courageous youth.
They will change the minds and hardened hearts,
they will restore the Planet green and blue,
They will live and fight for what is so right, good and
by Father Joseph Chamblain, O.S.M. Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer for those who died from heat--related illness.
Lord, so many of your people are suffering. Today we remember those who died because of the great heat we experienced. Receive them into your peace. Wash away every tear and give them comfort in your loving embrace. we ask this through Christ our Lord
by Father John O'Brien, OFM Profiles in Catholicism
A prayer to protect the environment
Dear Lord, you grew from the gift of your nourishing mother, Mary,
Who had drunk from the water and eaten from the food of the land:
What splashes of light, dazzled, broke and burst from the jars, as they
Filled to the brim, were scooped off to drink and poured off to wash.
What sounds of work, whether choosing and carrying the wood of a
Carpenter, toiling in the heat and sheltering in the shade of the foliage.
What contrasts in the flowers, colored shadows, coolness in the night, Nurturing listening, listening again, and again talking with the Father.
Oh Creator-God, how amazing are the atomic particles which glue As water whooshing, swirling and umbrelling into flowing shapes
Challenging us to think liquid, droplets, vapour and solid as the Rise and fall of heat transports a “sticky” flow from state to state.
Dear Lord, you were baptised by the Baptist, in the Jordon waters off mountains, passed by the land, into the liturgy of entering the Church:
What numberless times you healed broken hearts and bodies in Israel
So tendrils of praise reached, like in a lightning storm, to your Father.
What skies shone in the firmament, showing through from the Beginning,
the out of reach splendour of colouring swathes of heaven.
What time you gave to giving us a whole life, unhampered in the Giving, taking into life all who came and did come and are coming.
Oh Creator-God, how human you have made us, making us to be Among each other, like the community that you are, giving each One of us a unique identity, conceived-in-relationship, raised in relationship, ready to meet you and us in this “place of meeting”.
Dear Lord, you were born into a family, extended over time by the welcome of others, whether their parents died or were too ill to care.
What gathering of others and being gathered, whether walking and Working with Joseph, helping to bear the load of low-income living.
What is left of your garments, woven from plant threads, fibre science Passed from generation to generation, woven well into a single whole.
What everyday delights in the spaces between home and being away,
In the fruit of the land, in the Synagogue and in the singing of psalms.
Oh Creator-God, how many gifts you poured into men and Women,
from the use of human hands to shape and write, sing, invent, to philosophise, to understand, like good doctors, how to work with the grain of growth
and to give a word from you to help.
Dear Lord, you took to yourself the goodness of creation and there, beheld, that wheat and grapes, worked by human hands, are changed:
What hours of work, from preparing the ground to planting, to Carefully picking off the slugs and bugs and giving them another diet.
What suffering as a blight takes hold and defeats the ingenuity of man,
Who bleeds from his heart as the earth’s yield diminishes and drops.
What hope arises with the help of God to persevere and plant again, Joined in so many ways to the help of others, sending grain-as-gifts.
Oh Creator-God, how intricately woven are the tiny organs, Encased within seeds, embryonic unfolding of plants, shooting Down and rising up, twirling around sticks, flowering orangy-red, Hosting insects, losing colour and growing beans and flowering.
Dear Lord, how we wrought a thorny crown out of what had grown, nails and hammer out of the ore of the earth and a cross from a tree.
What mangling of the human body we have practiced, especially
Upon the innocent, the vulnerable, the undefended, in denial of death.
What freezing, experimentation, plans of torment we have explored In the flesh of the living, imagining we will not answer to our Maker.
What hidden wounds we have inflicted on ourselves at each turn of The pain that wells up, when we are addressed by our very actions.
Oh Creator-God, how beautiful is the recreation of the lost,
the Poor and poor of heart, the broken and abandoned, the renewal of Planet home,
the replanting, recycling, revisiting the places of Hatred with songs of reconciliation and understanding of wounds.
Dear Lord of the Resurrection let us rise with you in time, hoping to begin the transfiguring ascent, taking what love everlastingly does!
by Francis Etheredge Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer for Darfur
Heavenly Father,
We come before You with heavy hearts, lifting up the people of Darfur who are suffering from famine. We ask for Your mercy and provision in this time of great need. Please bring rain to the parched lands, and let the earth yield its bounty once more.
Grant wisdom and compassion to those in positions of power, that they may act swiftly and justly to bring relief. Strengthen the hands of aid workers and bless their efforts to provide food, water, and medical care.
Comfort those who are grieving the loss of loved ones and give hope to those who feel despair. May Your peace, which surpasses all understanding, guard their hearts and minds.
In the name of the Father, Jesus, his Son and the Holy Spirit.
by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Environment and Climate Interviews
General Interviews
Papal Encyclical
Environment and Climate Challenges New and Noteworthy
Our Friends and Colleagues Environment and Climate Articles and Commentaries
The Summit on Abuse, Five Years Later by Massimo Faggioli Commonweal
Care for Creation by Father Joseph Chamblain, O.S.M. Profiles in Catholicism
Caring for Mother Earth by Father Joseph Chamblain, O.S.M. Profiles in Catholicism
The Fires and our Faith by Father Joseph Chamblain, O.S.M. Profiles in Catholicism
Biden administration's climate agenda reflects spirit of Laudato Si' by Daniel P. Horan Earthbeat
What will it take to accept the truth about global climate change? by Daniel P. Horan National Catholic Reporter
Global climate change is also a spiritual crisis by Daniel P. Horan National Catholic Reporter
Biden administration's climate agenda reflects spirit of Laudato Si' by Daniel P. Horan EarthBeat
Making a Difference: Fragile people living on a fragile planet by Tony Magliano Clarion Herald
Climate Change Risks Devastating Conflicts – Even Nuclear War by Tony Magliano The Southern Cross
Record wildfires, hurricanes, droughts – we need the ‘Season of Creation’ by Tony Magliano Acting Franciscan
COP28: to eliminate fossil fuels and save the planet by Fr Shay Cullen The Manila Times
Disastrous consequences of climate change for children by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Greenland is melting, Islands have disappeared by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Fr Shay Cullen: An environmental challenge for solar power by Fr Shay Cullen Independent Catholic News
The climate crisis hits poor countries the hardest by Father Shay Cullen UCA News
Greenland is melting, Islands have disappeared by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Pope Francis on how to save the Philippines and the planet by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Fr Shay Cullen: Help stop extinction of a million species by Shay Cullen Independent Catholic News
Living Without Destructive Plastic by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Restore Our Earth so We Can Live by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Saving the Forests is Saving the Planet by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Global Warming Can be Stopped by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
General Articles and Commentaries
Pope Francis meets with Jeff Bezos, Lauren Sánchez on climate change by Justin McLellan Catholic News Service/Angelus
Climate change linked to 5 million deaths a year, new study shows by CathNews New Zealand
Global warming to bring record hot year by 2028 – probably our first above 1.5°C limit by Andrew King The Conversation
UN cief says world is on ‘highway to climate hell’ as planet endures 12 straight months of unprecedented heat by Laura Paddison CNN
Afghanistan: Over 38 thousand people flee extreme weather conditions by Francesco Bartolini Vatican News
The religion of opposing government climate action by Mark Silk Religion News Service
The Storm Cloud of the Twenty-First Century by Eugene McCarraher Commonweal
Climate Push. Discover how climate change is accelerating displacement worldwide. And what you can do about it. by Jesuit Refugee Service USA
Networking, becoming ecological guides: the Sisters’ project for the Common Home by Matthew Saganski Vatican News
Threat multiplier: The impacts of climate change on refugees by Jesse Remedios Leaders EarthBeat Link to Migrants, Refugees, and Immigrants
Some 400 children die of rising heat across Europe and Central Asia by Deborah Castellano Lubov Vatican News Link to Children at Risk and to Heat Deaths
Dismantling Environmental Racism by Sr. Damien Marie Savino, F.S.E., Ph.D. Franciscan Action Network
UN appoints Indian Archana Soreng to Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change by Sr Bernadette Mary Reis, fsp Vatican News
Link to Youth Challenges and Leadership
'A lot of work is still ahead' say Catholics in response to COP28 conclusion by Stephan Uttom Rozario EarthBeat
Holy See signs on to UN Climate Convention by CathNews
COP28: Religious leaders appeal for joint action to heal the planet by Benedetta Capelli Vatican News
Climate change is impacting the future of religion by CathNews
Climate change deniers are as slippery as those who justified the slave trade by Nick Cohen The Guardian
Global faith leaders call for urgent action on climate change by Christopher Wells Vatican News
A Climate-Conscious Lent: World's freshwater supplies are shrinking by Fr. Emmet Farrell Global Sisters Report
Threat multiplier: The impacts of climate change on refugees by Jesse Remedios Leaders EarthBeat
Laudato Sì Movement's call to action at COP28 by Linda Bordoni Vatican News
CIDSE speaking out for the voiceless at COP28 by Marine Henriot and Lisa Zengarini Vatican News’
Bringing climate change to the forefront of public and government consciousness by Phil Kingston Independent Catholic News
Global Catholic Climate Movement: Raise your voice on behalf of our common home by Francesca Merlo & Linda Bordoni Vatican News
Hot again: 2020 sets yet another global temperature record by Seth Borenstein The Associated Press
Study: Warming already baked in will blow past climate goals by Seth Borenstein The Associated Press
Faith groups have a key role to play in reducing climate-linked violence by Brian Roewe EarthBeat
Faith leaders sign joint appeal on finance and environment by Independent Catholic News
Climate change: 'Fifty-fifty chance' of breaching 1.5C warming limit by Matt McGrath BBC News
‘Laudate Deum’ – Ecology in the Light of the Gospel by Andreas Gonçalves Lind, SJ La Civiltà Cattolica
Christian Aid end-of-year study identifies costliest climate disasters by Independent Catholic News
As Climate Change and Pollution Imperil Coral Reefs, Scientists Are Deep-Freezing Corals to Repopulate Future Oceans by Mary Hagedorn Smithsonian Magazine
A reflection on World Youth Day and climate change by Peter Coughlan Independent Catholic News Link to Youth Challenges and Leadership
COP26 climate summit made progress but came up short, Catholic agencies say by Brian Roewe EarthBeat
Here's what world leaders agreed to — and what they didn't — at the U.N. climate summit by Lauren Sommer NPR
The poorest in society are the most affected by climate degradation by Lucy Gillingham The Tablet
This Is Not Fine: Global Warming, Wildfires, and the Need to Change by Henry Karlson Patheos
A More Inclusive Fight Against Climate Change by Zainasb Usman and Alexand Csandi Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Abdelsalam: Faith leaders have pivotal role in combating climate change by Christopher Wells Vatican News
High hopes and hot air on climate change (The Interpreter) by Di Marco Emanuele The Global Eye
Catholic voices to be ‘strong and organized’ at UN climate conference by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
Tracking energy use in the Chicago Archdiocese, one meter at a time. Benchmarking program helps address efficiency, local greenhouse gas emissions by Brian Roewe EarthBeat
Interfaith activists arrested protesting Citigroup's fossil fuel investments by Camillo Barone EarthBeat
In fiQ & A with Sr. Sophie de Jésus, founder of programs to help teens in need by Gail DeGeorge and Elisabeth Auvillain Global Sisters Report
Why Oak Flat in Arizona is a sacred space for the Apache and other Native Americans by Alejandra Molina, Emily McFarlan Miller Religion News Service/National Catholic Reporter
Fitst for US church, San Diego Diocese divests from fossil fuels by Brian Rowe EarthBeat
How the United States can return to credible climate leadership by Nathan Hultman and Samantha Gross Brookings
Environmental scientist roots work in sanctity of life: A conversation with Sylvia Hood Washington by Jesse Remedios Global Sisters Report
To advance climate action, enter political fray and center working-class people by Dwyne David Paul EarthBeat
Presbyterians to divest from 5 oil companies after years of debate by Bob Smietana Religion News Service/ EarthBeat
Dismantling Environmental Racism by Sr. Damien Marie Savino, F.S.E., Ph.D. Franciscan Action Network
EPA Calls Out Environmental Racism in Louisiana’s Cancer Alley by Lisa Song and Lylla Younes Grist ProPublica
Urge investors away from fossil fuels, energy agency head tells Catholics by Brian Roewe EarthBeat
Going big on climate change, going bonkers on Trump by Michael Sean Winter National Catholic ReporterLink to United States Politics- Part Two
Environment and Climate Challenges, Advocacy, and Response by Inter News Group
UN: Huge changes in society needed to keep nature, Earth OK by Seth Borenstein The Associated Press
Christian Aid warns: US is becoming a 'rogue nation on climate change' by Independent Catholic News
Laudato Si’: A conversation of care by Pedro Walpole, SJ and Michael Kelly, SJ La Civiltà Cattolica
Urge investors away from fossil fuels, energy agency head tells Catholics by Brian Roewe EarthBeat
Presbyterians to divest from 5 oil companies after years of debate by Bob Smietana Religion News Service/ EarthBeat
In Maine, center rethinks spiritual leadership for a climate-changed world by Marika Proctor Religion News Service
Bishop Weisenburger says climate change is an issue of 'life and death' by Stephanie Clary Earthbeat
From the grave: Noonan on gun manufacturers' moral cooperation in evil by Michael Sean Winter National Catholic Reporter
10 years after Sandy, coastal areas are still precarious — and even more populated by Peter Feuerherd EarthBeat
'Architects of the climate emergency' plaques presented to Shell and BP by Independent Catholic News
Impact of climate change: women and children bearing the brunt by Independent Catholic News Link to Children Issues and Challenges and to Women Challenges and Leadership
US Catholic church is failing to respond to climate emergency, theologian says by Brian Roewe EarthBeat
Are federal disaster policies making the harmful impacts of climate change even worse? by Sadie Frank. Eric Gesick, and David Victor Brookings
Judaism's view on climate change, planetary conservation by Moshe Taragin The Jerusalem Post Link to Jewish Leadership and Challenges
Caritas Philippines calls on government to address social ills, environmental concerns by LiCAS News
Filipino priest pressures banks to stop fossil fuel financing by Zeus Legaspi Vatican News
Philippine diocese, activists oppose coal power plants by Robin Gomes Vatican News
Illegal gold mining booms in Brazilian Amazon, harming environment, health by Eduardo Campos Lima Global Sisters Report
After Trying To Protect Water Sources, These Hondurans Have Been Held Without Bail For More Than A Year. Over the past two years, 31 people from the municipality of Tocoa, on the lush northshore of Honduras, have faced criminal prosecution as a result of their opposition to an iron oremining project in the Botaderos Mount “|Carlos Escaleras” National Park. by Jackie McVicar America
Theologian praises Ireland's green new deal but questions: Will it happen? by Sarah Mac Donald EarthBeatLink to Ireland Issues and Challenges
Historic moment’ as UK and Ireland sign agreements to secure energy supplies and achieve climate goals by Fiona Audley The Irish Post
Fuming Roy Keane drops career bombshell as he hits out at ‘time wasters’ and being disrespected by Vincent Whelan The Irish Sun
Church offers guidelines for response to climate migration by Christopher Wells Vatican News
Advocating social and ecological justice. Caring for our Common Home by Jesuits in Britain
UK development agency’s climate change plan ‘not fit for purpose,’ CAFOD says by Charles Collins Crux
Vatican conference on ‘climate resilience’ is the latest in a long line of environment initiatives by Pope Francis and the Catholic Church – 5 essential read by Molly Jackson Religion News Service
Pope rips climate skepticism, faults US for emissions in new eco-manifesto by Crux
In interview, Pope Francis calls out ‘madness’ of US anti-immigrant policies by Claire Giangravé Religion News Service
Pope upholds Indigenous knowledge to address climate crisis by Lisa Zengarini Vatican News
Pope and Grand Imam sign declaration of support for climate action by CathNews
Josephites in Australia actively respond to Laudato si’ by Sr. Mary Baynie Vatican News
Lismore floods used to highlight effects of climate change at COP28 by CathNews
Floating gardeners battle climate change in Bangladesh Caritas promotes alternative farming methods that help villagers make a living in low-lying areas by Stephan Uttom Rozario UCA News
From Japan to Louisiana to Rome, Here Are Ten Heat Records Earth Has Broken Since June by Carlyn Kranking Smithsonian Magazine
Landslides caused by heavy rains kill 49 and bury many others in southern India by Sheikh Saalq The Associated Press
COP28: Nuncio to UAE highlights role of religion in overcoming climate change by Vatican News
Diocese and bank in Kenya partner to restore forests, mitigate and adapt to climate change by Shadrack Omuka EarthBeat
Madagascar offers stark picture of how climate change can hurt a country by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
Nigerian archbishop says rich nations need to pay for environmental damage by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
Nigerian archdiocese tackles climate change by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
Deadly Rwandan floods linked to climate change by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
Union for Reform Judaism pledges to divest millions from fossil fuel industry by Asaf Elia-Shalev Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Even carbon emissions cuts, a key part of Antarctica is doomed to slow collapse, study says by Seth Borenstein The Associated Press
EU & Latin American Church leaders call for people-centred green transition by Lisa Zengarini Vatican News
Did Western philosophy ruin Earth? A philosopher’s letter of apology to the world by Michael Paul Nelson and Kathleen Dean Moore Salon
Campaigners avoid prison for climate protest by Independent Catholic News
Recap of what happened in Laudato Si' Week by Tomás Insua Independent Catholic News
Dubai climate summit adopts world-first 'transition' from fossil fuels by Laurent Thomet, Shaun Tandon, Hachem Osseiran and Talek Harris AFP/Yahoo
Thousands of Christians march in climate protest by Jo Siedlecka Religion News Service
European Court of Human Rights rules on climate change cases by Christopher Wells Vatican News Link to Human Rights and Human Rights Violations
CAFOD report exposes deadly environmental and human rights abuses across Latin America by Independent Catholic News
Tracking energy use in the Chicago Archdiocese, one meter at a time. Benchmarking program helps address efficiency, local greenhouse gas emissions by Brian Roewe EarthBeat
Sweltering streets: Hundreds of homeless die in extreme heat by Anita Snow The Associated Press Link to Homeless
Brick by brick, tree by tree, Carmelite Missionary Sisters plant skills to limit Malawi’s deforestation by Doreen Ajiambo Global Sisters Report Link to Carmelites
Penguins Might Not Be Ready to Adapt to Modern Climate Change by Will Sullivan Smithsonian Magazine Link to Birds Challenges
Climate change is leaving African elephants desperate for water by Rachael Gross and Rob Heinsohn The Conversation Link to Animal Challenges
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The Month in Review
Articles and Commentaries
by Gerard O’Connell America Link to The Jesuits
World-first lung cancer vaccine trials launched across seven countries by Andrew Gregory The Guardian Link to Cancer
The Promise of a Cure: Why Are We Still Failing People with HCV? by Travis Manint HIV/HCV WatchLink to Hepatitis C
WHO declares mpox outbreak a global health emergency by Maya Davis CNN Link to Monkeypox
Cardinal Czerny calls for welcoming and protecting migrants by Lucia Elvira Vatican News Link to Migrants, Refugees, and Immigrants
ABC host reportedly received death threats after Trump interview by Ramon Antonio Vargas The Guardian Link to United States Politics- Part Two
Trump’s ‘terrorizing’ plan to mass deport immigrants: ‘It would rip us apart’ by J.D. Long García America Link to Migrants, Refugees, and Immigrants
Trump’s post of fake Taylor Swift endorsement is his latest embrace of AI-generated images by Dan Merica and Ali Swenson The Associated Press
Is Trump’s GOP really flirting with authoritarianism? 7 signs for Catholics to consider.
by Kathleen Bonnette America
Auto workers union seeks NLRB investigation of Trump and Musk comments about firing striking workers by Tim Kisher The Associated Press
How Trump's deportation plan would harm the nation — and the church by J. Kevin Appleby National Catholic Reporter
My son was struggling – then he fell for Trump’s toxic brand of ‘masculinity’. I’m heartbroken by Sam Delaune, The Guardian
‘A different level than 2020’: Trump’s plan to steal election is taking shape by Sam Levine The Guardian
Cardinal Czerny calls for welcoming and protecting migrants by Lucia Elvira Vatican News
Individual, unrepeatable, and valuable’: How Edith Stein served people with disabilities by Luke Coppen The Pillar
Catholic disability ministry is personal to me. Here’s where it's thriving today—and where it still needs to grow. by Delaney Coyne America Link to Disabilities
Four thousand miles away, the O’Malley effect on fighting abuse is felt by John L. Alien, Jr. Crux
Opus Dei prelate responds to those who consider group ‘conservative, powerful and secretive’ by Walter Sánchez Silva Catholic News Agency
Former NFL player Gosder Cherilus arrested after allegedly urinating on elderly woman during Delta flight by David K. Li, Brittany Kubicko and Yasmeen Persaud NBC News
New study on Catholic attitudes on migrants, immigration and refugees by Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio Our Sunday Visitor
Is Genesis a scientific textbook about how God made the world? by Philip Kosloski -Aleteia
Waiting to be discovered: Rome cloister’s frescoes celebrate the Rosary by Cindy Wooden Our Sunday Visitor Link to The Rosary and to Spirituality and Art
New Orleans ordered to pay $1m to teen who was sexually assaulted by cop by Anna Betts The Guardian Link to Child and Teen Sexual Abuse General Reports
New review board chair: ‘We can’t be satisfied’ until there is zero abuse in church by Gina Christian Our Sunday Visitor/The Dialog
Retired FBI agent appointed head of U.S. bishops’ National Review Board by John Lavenburg Crux
The curious case of a felonious Father, a defrocked Cardinal, and missing money by Dr. Robert Warren, Dr. Timothy Fogarty and, Dr. Dan Nugent The Catholic World Report Link to Financial Crimes and Improprieties
Terri Schiavo’s brother warns ‘misunderstanding of Church teaching’ on feeding tube removal causes ‘widespread’ death and confusion by McKenna Snow Catholic Vote Link to Dying and Death
US abortion numbers have risen slightly since Roe was overturned, study finds by Geoff Mulville and Kimberlee Keuesi The Associated Press Link to Abortion
89-year-old death camp survivor convicted for pro-life protest faces jail time by Daniel Payne Catholic News Agency/Angelus Link to Other ProLife Challenges
Suicide at the Congress by Rodolfo Soriano-Núñez Los Ángeles Press [C Link to Suicide
4 hotel employees charged with being party to felony murder in connection with Black man’s death by Todd Richmond The Associated Press Link to Murder
Catholic religious sisters work to stop human trafficking by John Lavenburg Crux Link to Human Trafficking/Sex Trafficking
Cardinal announces Msgr. Mellone and Deacon Bell may return to ministry after review of abuse allegations found no evidence of misconduct by Catholic Standard Link to False Accusations
State of Homelessness: 2024 Edition by End Homelessness Link to Homeless
Featured Report
Finding God in a Railroad Station by Father Joseph Chamblain, O.S.M Profiles in Catholicism
Chicago Pregnancy Center Vandalized as Democratic National Convention Closes by Peter Pinedo Catholic News Agency Link to Other ProLife Challenges
Governor Maura Healey Massachusetts Anti- Pregnancy Resource Center Billboard by Alec MacGillis Catholic Vote
Is Genesis a scientific textbook about how God made the world? by Philip Kosloski -Aleteia
Former Vineyard Anaheim Volunteer Sentenced to 125 Years for Molesting Children by Liz Lykins The Royce Report Link to Child and Teen Sexual Abuse General Reports
Can I get a vasectomy? Here's what the Catholic Church teaches by Kate Quiñones Catholic News Agency
Slavery in the 21st century by Tony Magliano Western New York Catholic Link to Slavery
Monday Starter: Sisters condemn fatal Illinois police shooting by Chris Herlinger Global Sisters Report Link to Police Brutality and Misconduct
Olympic skateboarder uses sign language to quote Scripture before winning bronze by Gigi Duncan Catholic News Agency Link to Deafness and to Sports
North Carolina pastor arrested for not reporting crimes against children by WXII NBC 12 Link to Protestant Sexual Violence Against Minors
Cardinal Newman student sexually assaulted by football team, called racial slurs, lawsuit claims by Hannah Wade The Post and Courier Link to Racial Challenges and Leadership
Discerning Democracy: Navigating Civic Life with the First Week of the Spiritual Exercises by Ty Wahlbrink, SJ The Jesuit Post
The Jesuit case for diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging by Carlos Jiménez. Amanda Montez and Deena A. Sellers America
How Catholic marriage prep is better serving adults from divorced families by Janelle Peregoy America Link to Marriage and Family
Dozens of pregnant women, some bleeding or in labor, are turned away from ERs despite federal law by Amanda Seitz The Associate Press Link to Pregnancy and Pregnancy Challenges
Kansas woman gets life in prison after two-year-old son fatally shoots his sister by The Guardian
US approves $20 billion in weapons sales to Israel amid threat of wider Middle East war by Tara Copp The Associated Press Link to War
‘Reminds me of the Catholic Church sex abuse’: PA juvenile centers facing sex abuse claims by Dale Chamberlain ChurchLeaders.
Neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement Expanding California Activity by ADL Link to Neo-Nazis
An ex-Kansas police chief who led a raid on a newspaper is charged with obstruction of justice by The Associated Press
Link to Police Brutality and Misconduct
Addiction recovery has been a full-time ministry for this diocesan priest by Camillo Barone National Catholic Reporter Link to Addiction
Catholic bishops want Church to have say in commission on boarding schools for Native Americans by John Lavenburg Crux Link to Indigenous People
Columbia restricts access to campus following ‘reports of potential disruptions’ by Luke Tress Jewish Telegraphic Agency
The meaning of the Assumption now by Russell Shaw The Pilot
The faith of Simone Biles, the most decorated American gymnast ever by Sydney Jezik Desert News
Fight Against Trafficking Must Include Combating its Crimes Online, Advocate Says by Carol Glatz Catholic News Service Link to Human Trafficking/Sex Trafficking
Ohio Priest Steps Down After Calls for Resignation Over Child Porn Hard Drive Controversy by Daniel Payne/C National Catholic Resister Link to Pornography Challenges
Ex-seminarian in Cincinnati pleads guilty to having child sex abuse material by Matthew Dietz WLWT NBC 5 Link to Seminarians
West Virginia man indicted for fatal Maryland shootings by The Associated Press Link to Gun Violence
Man who attacked police at the US Capitol with poles gets 20 years, one of longest Jan. 6 sentences by Michael Kunzelman The Associated Press Link to Terrorism
Catholic bishops reject claims that Catholic nonprofits facilitate illegal immigration by Tyler Arnold Catholic News Agency/ Angelus
Children With Disabilities and Authentic Communities by Human Life Matters Link to Disabilities and to Children Issues and Challenges
FACT SHEET: President Biden Designates Springfield 1908 Race Riot National Monument by The White House Link to Racial Challenges and Leadership
Cardinal Gregory stresses need for unity at Outreach LGBTQ conference by Peter Pinedo Catholic News Agency Link to LGBTQ Challenges and Leadership
Gay club accused of being ‘poisoned with antisemitism’ changes tune by Michelle Rosenberg Jewish News Link to Antisemitism
She accused a New Orleans priest of sexual assault. The church quietly moved him out of state by Ramon Antonio Vargas The Guardian
Texas man gave his 4-month-old son gasoline to drink hoping to kill the infant, cops say by Alex Lang The Independent
Clergy abuse survivor to help renew the church by Gina Christian Our Sunday Visitor/UCA News Link to Catholic Sexual Violence Against Minors
The Necessity of a Digital Detox by Faith Activist Link to Social Media
How one conversion sparked an outstanding experience of sacred music by Trent Beattie Our Sunday Visitor Link to Conversions and to Spirituality and Music
Father Anne' sees signs of opening for Catholic women priests by Jeannine M. Pitas National Catholic Reporter Link to Women Challenges and Leadership
Judge blocks plans for sports joint streaming venture among Fox, ESPN and Warner Brothers by Joe Redy The Associated Press Link to Sports
Study: Student debt is a barrier to vocations by Jonah McKeown Catholic News Agency Link to Religious Vocations
Infinite Dignity . by Tony Magliano The Southern Cross
Three more pro-life activists sentenced under FACE Act by Peter Pinedo Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to Other ProLife Challenges
New Mexico bishops call on government to ‘rebuild the mental health system’ by John Lavenburg Crux Link to Mental Health/Illness
Doctor says accused rapist priest has dementia, trial date set by David Hammer WWL-TV Link to Dementia
Texas Church Names Interim Pastor After Founder’s Arrest on Assault Charges by Stephanie Martin Church Leaders
Parents win appeal in death of daughter forced off life support by British court by Simon Caldwell Our Sunday Visitor/Angelus
Woman recalls alleged sexual abuse at age 3 in Michigan church, lawsuit says by Erik Ortiz NBC News Link to Protestant Sexual Violence Against Minors
White House slams Cori Bush’s threat to AIPAC to ‘tear your kingdom down’ by The Jewish Chronicle
Freemasonry: why the Church prohibits membership by Walter Sánchez Silva Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
5 people, including 2 doctors, charged in investigation into Matthew Perry’s death by Michael Balsamo and Andrew Dalton The Associated Press
Woman banned from American Airlines for life after being accused of having sex on a plane by Becca Monagha The Independent
PSA Concerning David Haas’s attendance at Church of St. Thomas Aquinas by IntoAccount Link to Sexual Relations with and Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
She accused a New Orleans priest of sexual assault. The church quietly moved him out of state by Ramon Antonio Vargas The Guardian
Ohio pastor resigns over destruction of evidence vital to investigating possible child abuse images by Gina Christian National Catholic Reporter
Former priest charged with sex assault of young girl in Manitoba in 1970s by Canadian PressLink to Orthodox Religion Sexual Abuse of Minors
As UK debates legalizing assisted suicide, practice increases drastically in Canada by Charles Collins Crux Link to Assisted Suicide
Raymond J. de Souza: Euthanasia's grisly transformation of the Canadian medical regime by Father Raymond J. de Souza National Post Link to Euthanasia
Canada' Conservative Prarie Lion by Mark Davis Pickup Human Life Matters
Ex-priest arrested for historical sexual assault, RCMP call on survivors by Swift Curren Discover Moose Jaw Link to Sexual Relations with and Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
The Explosion of Child Abuse Online by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in CatholicismLink to Child and Teen Sexual Abuse General Reports
Deciphering ‘child abuse’ by Michael Lim Tan Philippine Daily InquirerLink to Child Abuse
Hundreds of police raid a religious compound in search of Filipino preacher wanted for child abuse by Jim Gomez The Associated Press Link to Cults
Brazilian priest abused young girls, forced one to have abortion by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux Link to Sexual Relations with and Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
Dead film legend Alain Delon wished for a Catholic funeral by katholisch.de Link to Movie Stars
Caritas Luxembourg received millions in bank loans in midst of fraud by The Pillar Link to Financial Crimes and Improprieties
Catholic parish remembers murdered girl in England, as violent protests continue by Charles Collins Crux Link to Murdered Children and Teens
Church needs to challenge media message on abuse by The Irish Catholic Link to Ireland Issues and Challenges
How Edwards admits being sent sexual videos of boy aged between 7 and 9 by paedo & had 39 more illegal pics of children by Holly Christodoulou, and Mike Sullivan, and Ed Southgate The Irish Sun Link to Pornography Challenges
Dead film legend Alain Delon wished for a Catholic funeral by katholisch.de Link to Movie Stars
Eamonn Casey ‘cut deal’ to move his sex predator nephew priest to new diocese by Anne Sheridan Extra.ie Link to Ireland Issues and Challenges
Bishop in Northern Ireland apologizes to priest abused as a young adult by Charles Collins Crux Link to Northern Irland Issues and Challenges
Crisis called over Caritas Luxembourg’s missing $111 million by CathNews New Zealand Link to Financial Crimes and Improprieties
OPINION: The Chief Rabbi’s words are a powerful blueprint for stronger Jewish-Muslim relations by Imam Qari Asim Jewish News Service Link to Jewish/Muslim Challenges
The E.U. migration crisis’s latest challenge: the plight of unaccompanied children by Bridget Ryder America Link to Migrants, Refugees, and Immigrants
Neighbours turn on each other in Portofino air-con crackdow by Angela Giuffrida The Guardian
Pope Francis says death penalty fuels ‘poison’ of revenge in preface to new book on prison chaplaincy by Justin McLellan Catholic News Service/America Link to Death Penalty
Jubilee to showcase forgiveness in world scarred by anger, Vatican official says by Elise Ann Allen Crux Link Forgiveness
Sphen, Australian Penguin of Famous Same-Sex Couple, Dies at Age 11 by Sarah Kuta The Smithsonian Magazine Link to Birds Challenges
Papal Visit theme song released in Singapore by LiCAS News/Vatican News Link to Spirituality and Music
Drought driving new crisis of child hunger in Ethiopia, Catholic experts say by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux Link to Food Shortage, Famine, and Starvation
China sentences Christian elder to 5 years in prison by Anugrah Kumar, Christian Post Link to China Issues and Challenges
The Worst Trip Ever by Adriana Kertzer, Pichas"Pinni" Dakmol. Hadas Alterman, and Madison Margolin The Associated Press Link to Mental Health/Illness and to Psychedelic Drugs
UN probe finds 9 UNRWA employees ‘may have’ been involved in October 7 attack by Richard Roth and Mick Krever CNN Link to War Crimes
Nuns say Ukraine, Gaza wars are making human trafficking worse by Elise Ann Allen Crux Link to Human Trafficking/Sex Trafficking
Medical Journal Articles
Thunderstorm Asthma and Climate Change by Paul J. Beggs, PhD JAMA February 19, 2024
COPD Mortality, Goals-of-Care Conversations in Serious Illness, and Advocating for Climate Change Science and Gun Violence by Kristin Walter, MD, MS JAMA June 7, 2023
Drought Caused 43 000 Deaths in Somalia in 2022, Half Among Children by Emily Harris JAMA March 29, 2023
The Supreme Court Is Harming Public Health and the Environment by Lawrence O. Gostin, JD. and Sarah Wetter, JD, MPH JAMA 31. 2023
Menstrual Hygiene With Less Environmental Impact by Joelle Natalie Mouhanna, MD, Judith Simms-Cendan, MD, and Sabrina Pastor-Carvajal, MD JAMA March 17, 2023
Book Reviews, Commentaries, and Announcements
Walking God’s Earth: The Environment and Catholic Faith by David Cloutie Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Environmental Thought by Robin Attfield Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Mother Earth: A Christian Reading of the Challenge of the Environment by Pope Francis with a preface by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Environmental Thought: A Short History by Robin Attfield Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Ministry of Liturgical Environment by Joyce Ann Zimmerman, CPPS Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Ecumenical and Interreligious Guidebook: Care for Our Common Home Jointly published by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Catholic Association of Diocesan Ecumenical and Interreligious Officers, and Catholic Climate Covenant Commentary by Brian Roewe EarthBeat
Climate, Catastrophe and Faith: How Changes in Climate Drive Religious Upheaval by Philip Jenkins Reviewed by Jon Magnuson EarthBeat
Climate Crisis: the Challenge to the Church by David Rhodes Reviewed by Anne O'Connor Independent Catholic News
Tornado God: American Religion and Violent Weather by Peter J. Thuesen Reviewed by Melissa Jones National Catholic Reporter
Faith for Earth: A Call for Action by United Nations Environment Programme Commentary by Brian Roewe National Catholic Reporter
TerraFutura (Future Earth) by Carlo Petrini and Pope Francis Commentary by Junno Arocho Esteves Crux
Climate Crisis: the Challenge to the Church by David Rhodes Reviewed by Anne O'Connor Independent Catholic News
Al-Ḥamdu li’llāhi Rabbi’l-ʿĀlamīn ‘Praise to God, Lord of the Worlds’: An Introduction to Qur’anic Ecology and Resonances with Laudato Si’ by Farhana Mayer Commentary by Jesuits in Britain
Seeing with the Heart: A Guide to Navigating Life’s Adventures by Kevin O’Brien, SJ Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Word in Your Heart: Mary, Youth, & Mental Health. A Collection of Articles, Prayers, and an Experience of Pilgrimage. A Biography and Foreword by Maria McFadden Maffucci. A Biography and End Word by Francis Etheredge Reviewed by Father. Vivian Boland, OP Assistant Professor at Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas – Angelicum by Heather Cox Richardson Reviewed by Nicholas Misukanis Commonweal
The Dreadful History and Judgment of God on Thomas Müntzer: The Life and Times of an Early German Revolutionary by Andrew Drummond
Commentary by Greta Gaffin National Catholic Register
Pressing Forward: My Life as a Baton Rouge Community Pioneer. Pressing Forward: My Life as a Baton Rouge Community Pioneer. by Press L. Robinson Sr Commentary by The Skanner
Walk Ride Paddle by Tim Kaine Commentary by John W. Miller America
Blessings by Chukwuebuka Ibeh Commentary by Terri Schlichenm The Washington Blade
My Fathers: Letters of Healing on a Quest for the Truth by Len Prazych Commentary by Len Prazych lenprazych.com
What Are Children For?: On Ambivalence and Choice Authors interview by Dominic Preziosi Commonweal
White Robes and Broken Badges by Joe Moore Commentary by Joe Moore The Guardian
Film Reviews and Commentaries
The Umbrellas of Cherbourg Commentary by John Dougherty America
Sugarcane Reviewed by Veronica Esposito The Guardian
Trap Reviewed by John Dougherty America
Sing Sing Commentary by Ryan Di Corpo America
Maestro Commentary by Rabbi James Rudin PubGobal
Reagan Commentary by Sister Hosea Rupprecht Our Sunday Visitor
Trap Reviewed by John Dougherty America
The Letter Commentary by Claire Giangravé Religion News Service
Fiddler on the Roof Commentary by John Dougherty America
Music Reviews and Commentaries
Late Have I Loved You Commentary by Peter Pinedo Catholic News Service
Television Reviews and Commentaries
Journey of the Universe Commentary by Brian Roewe EarthBeat
Down to Earth Reviewed by Ellen Teague Independent Catholic News
The Basement Talks Commentary by Katie Yoder Our Sunday Visitor
The Keepers by Rhiannon Ingle Tyla
Fr. John T. Pawlikowski - A perspective on Laudato Si', Pope Francis' second Encyclical Letter
EarthBeat: Climate-conscious young Christian voters and the 2020 election - YouTube
On Care for Our Common Home: C. Vanessa White - YouTube
Do it now, Sing for the Climate (English version)