A Message from the Editor
We feature an article by Pope Francis on why religious vocations have been reducing There are many perishes with out a priest and the Covid-19 pandemic has claimed more than 1000 deaths of Catholic religious. This challenges has affected many religions
I ask all of our readers to say Pope Francis’s prayer for vocations ;
Holy and Provident Father, You are the Lord of the vineyard and the harvest and You give each a just reward for their work. In Your design of love, You call men and women to work with You for the salvation of the world.
We thank You for Jesus Christ, Your living Word, who has redeemed us from our sins and is among us to assist us in our poverty. Guide the flock to which You have promised possession of the Kingdom.
Send new workers into Your harvest and set in the hearts of Pastors faithfulness to Your plan of salvation, perseverance in their vocation and holiness of life.
Christ Jesus, who on the shores of the Sea of Galilee called the Apostles and made them the foundation of the Church and bearers of Your Gospel, in our day sustain Your people on their journey. Give courage to those whom You call to follow You in the priesthood and the consecrated life, so that they may enrich God’s field with the wisdom of Your Word. Make them docile instruments of Your love in everyday service of their brothers and sisters.
Spirit of holiness, who pours out Your gifts on all believers and especially on those called to be Christ’s ministers, help young people to discover the beauty of the divine call. Teach them the true way of prayer, which is nourished by the Word of God. Help them to read the signs of the times so as to be faithful interpreters of Your gospel and bearers of salvation.
Mary, Virgin who listened and Virgin of the Word made flesh in your womb, help us to be open to the Word of the Lord so that having been welcomed and meditated on, it may grow in our hearts. Help us to live like you the beatitudes of believers and to dedicate ourselves with unceasing charity to evangelizing all those who seek your Son.
Grant that we may serve every person, becoming servants of the Word we have heard, so that remaining faithful to it we may find our happiness living it.
A Quote to Remember
“The common good of men stands in this, not only that they live, but that they live well, in righteousness and holiness, and consequently in true happiness. And for the attainment hereunto, God has ordained and disposed all callings, and in his providence designed the persons to bear them.”
Saint Francis's Vocation Prayer:
Most High, Glorious God, enlighten the darkness of our minds. Give us a right faith, a firm hope and a perfect charity, so that we may always and in all things act according to Your Holy Will. Amen. by Saint Francis of Assisi
Vocation Prayer
O Father, you desire all of us to be happy.
Stir up the grace of a religious vocation in the hearts
of many men and women.
Grant to them the willingness and generosity
to give of themselves, their lives, their time and their
talents to the service of Jesus Christ, Your Son, Our Lord and
Savior, and to His Holy Church.
May more men and women go forth as priests, deacons,
brothers and sisters to bring the truths of our Catholic faith
to all others so that soon they, too, may know You better
and love You more...
and serving You, be truly happy. Amen.
Prayer for the living and the dead
Lord we think and pray for those we loved and are lost to us,
they rest in eternal peace and are remembered in our hearts and minds.
They bravely fought to cling to life Lord but Covid took them away
yet their spirit lives on.
Their families and friends miss them greatly, we pray for them.
Lord you are eternal truth and goodness, the power of love.
May the living find the comfort of your love, and be strong and brave,
May those who care for them in this time of loss and grief be strong
and Lord, let them make You present by acts of kindness, love and care.. Amen
by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer for Mothers we have lost
Lord they gave us life and love and nurtured us in their arms and warm embrace,
They gave us inspiration, education, and a life of value and of grace.
A Mother’s love is the strength of their children’s life,
From them comes resilience to overcome challenge, pain and strife.
We have their wisdom, knowledge, and all they taught us to understand and know,
In their memory we cherish the life of goodness they shared with us
and like a river our love for them will ever flow.
by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer for Officer Ella French
Dear God, Please keep Officer Ella French into your infinite love and care, help her family and friends grieve, hold her in their memory, and serve a model of compassion and care for everyone. by Sarah Lyon Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer for Yemen
All merciful God, take and hold the people of Yemen, especially the children and other vulnerable people. Sustain the people of this war-torn land with your hope. Turn the hearts of aggressors to thoughts of peace. Stir the conscience of the international community, and enable international leaders to work for peace. Let none of us forget our brothers and sisters who struggle and suffer in a distant land ,but help all of us to be for each other your true and generous children who know that your grace always outpaces our failures, and who acknowledge you the source of all our good who are our one God forever and ever.| Amen| by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer for Those Who Have Died in Haiti from the Earthquake
Dear God, Please welcome all those who have died in the Haiti earthquake into your eternal loving embrace and comfort their families and friends. Also, please inspire other counties to invest in programs in Haiti which will end their poverty. by Gordon Nary Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer for the people of Afghanistan:
“Who can Help us Hope and, Hoping, Help us?!”
Oh Lord, no matter how many leave, nor how slowly they go, we know that some will not make the paper trail to where they want to be and yet this is our country and yet we cannot live here or live elsewhere and so we live a non-livingness – longing for life! We do not know where to go, where help will come from, whether we and our families will still be alive when it comes, who can stop the paperwork trail which, like an ever-lengthening rope, runs out and out as if it will never be gathered in and so we are left unravelled.
Oh Lord, you have seen the babies thrown over the wire and into the
arms of soldiers, scarred, outwardly as well as inwardly, tearing them out of our hearts, that they may find a home to begin again without us, planted on fresh soil, giving us hope of a life beyond war and endless worries, weary as we are with conflict, we long for their future to be a grace beyond gratitude in places unknown to us, but visited, day in and day out, on the flightpath of our prayers.
Oh Lord, this is our home, this is the place where we began and grew, through and amidst trial after trial, threading a life between those who came and those who want to resist the coming of others, between those who want change and those who want to resist change, even choose what changes, and yet we cannot all go back without losing many good gifts of the present, bringing a mixture of what helps and what disfigures human life.
Oh Lord, where do we begin? To whom do we turn? You alone
are present to us all, you alone who are not alone, you who are present with all your angels and saints, saintly Mother and the mystery of loves loving to bring new life to old and worn-out hearts,
like you did with Joseph, bringing him into the history of salvation who would, otherwise, have slipped like so many of us through time, unnoticed, called but hidden, helpful but wholly unknown.
Oh Lord, how many lives are crushed within and without and how many will remain, suffering in the course of a hidden life, who knows what exactly, maybe hidden from the news and the widespread eyes of a few willing to share, to shape a good beyond human effort, depending on you, drawing on the mysteries of your life and death, transforming a slow crucifixion into an unbelievable
resurrection of hope and help and a future fit for us.
But we are frail, imperfect men and women, often married with children, living families, living in fear, along with many others as the armies of the world withdraw from us, whether or not they leave with those of us who helped during their presence in our midst or abandon us to whatever awaits, imagined and dreaded, real or imagined, leaving with whatever is our own and what may well belong to others, too, which could be even more ours than theirs.
You know, even more than we do, not all that happens is good, not all that we do is good, but who but you can look at each person and see what is good: the good which remains in us, the good to be done today, the good of forgiveness for what was not good yesterday or even today – but not everyone has the power to call an end to arms, retaliation or revenge, but you must know that place within each of us where the good dwells and seeks to swell and grow.
Can war and counter-wars be the last word for our country? Are there not humanitarian wells, deep within each heart, or are they buried with our relatives and friends, our daily struggles and our struggling hopes? Let the root of religion broaden to embrace all.
Not everyone recognizes the possibility of peace or can act, equally, to bring it about, yet all of us can do a neighbourly good, a kindness which joins those apart together and starts a spreading friendliness.
Oh Lord, we cannot, like you, see the good in everyone, nor can we live on evaporated dreams, destroyed hopes, suspicions and betrayals; but our hope in you is a life-saving loving that pulls us out of the sea-scraped scrambling from stone to stone and draws us together with those who want to take up where we and others have left off and continue, to communicate, to carry on with the ordinary,
day to day living of your life-giving love upon which we thrive.
Oh Lord, we are at the brink of losing the thread of life that weaves us all together, so frail and fraught with problems, so full of tension and close to snapping, so suspending ordinary life that it is impossible to imagine an end to hostilities, brutalities and death; and yet, as after the pouring rain, the lightning and gunfire, the storms and unrest, we find that fruits have appeared and grown and are ready for reaping – so may we find that life is still full of promise.
Oh Lord forgive our desperate prayers and questioning – but if you are God and your heart is opened through the lance that pierced the side of your Son, and all your wounds let us in, then let our cries come to you, let them draw, like puss, the depths of our hopeless helplessness and go, even deeper, beyond the darkness and let it draw from you a newness that cannot but be the outpouring of your help: the impossible brightness of your dawning presence among us!
Francis Etheredge, author of the forthcoming:
Within Reach of You: A Book of Prose and Prayers: https://enroutebooksandmedia.com/withinreachofyou/; and see Volume I, The Prayerful Kiss, and Volume II, Honest Rust and Gold as well.
Religious Vocation Interviews
General Interviews
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Religious Vocations Articles
Renew My Church and vocations by Cardinal Blase Cupich Chicago Catholic
Why I Want to Be a Priest Despite the Crisis by Father Matthew P. Schneider, LC Patheos
Holiness Over Numbers In Priestly Vocations by Matthew Schneider Patheos
The Vocations Lady: A conversation with Rhonda Gruenewald by Sean Salai, S.J. The Catholic World Report
Trends of priestly calling in Pakistan The role of the family is very prominent in the calling of a priest, nun or brother in the South Asian country by Naeem Harry UCA News
Vatican statistics show decline in number of consecrated men, women by Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service/Global Sisters Report
Pope Francis speaks -- Here's why vocations are on the decline by Catholic Online
What the Cupich Moment Can Teach Ambitious Seminarians by Jonathan B. Coe Catholic Citizens
Yom Kippur Eve—Vocation of a Rabbi from the book The Eternal Dissident
How I found the Augustinians by Br. David Relstab, O.S.A .Augustinian Vocations
'The Holy Game' is a deep dive into seminarians and soccer by Rose Pacatte National Catholic Reporter Link to Sports and Spirituality
Fall River seminarian develops apologetics website by Joe Jukaris Catholic News Agency/The Pilot
New vocations website explores life of modern Marists by CathNews
Vocations all in the family: 4 priests, 1 seminarian, 1 deacon by Deacon Greg Kendra The Deacons Bench
Remembering why I became a priest by Fr. Joe Juknialis National Catholic Reporter
Military chaplains inspired this soldier, abandoned as a toddler, to enter seminary by Katie Yoder Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Vocations answer God’s call to make great dreams come true, pope says by Carol Glatz Catholic News Agency
Vermont Diocese Sees Record-Low Number of Priests by Joe Bukuras Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Register
Cameroon’s Catholic Vocation Harvest by Emmanuel Patrick Ayuni Tan National Catholic Register
North Carolina Baseball Player Finds Peace in Priestly Vocation by Trent Beattie National Catholic Register
How Other People Knew My Vocation Before Me by Sean Barry, SJ The Jesuit Post
How a Road Trip with a Retired Franciscan Led to a Jesuit Vocation by Tucker Redding, The Jesuit Post
My Vocation Story is a Tale of a 20 Year Approach/Avoidance Conflict by Christopher Alt, SJ The Jesuit Post
Raised in Buddhist Vietnam, three nuns share stories of who inspired their Catholic vocations by Joachim Pham Global Sisters Report
Is religious life accountable for dwindling vocations? by Father Jose Thayil UCA News.
Sister Bethany Madonna on the Gift of Vocation by Busted Halo
Religious vocations endure despite distractions, scandal by Gina Christian Catholic Philly
In praise of today’s seminarians, A great deal has in fact been accomplished in the last 15 years, and it’s important that the people of the Church know it. by George Weigel The Dispatch
Vocation, mission of ‘people of God’ focus of consultation’s statement by Julie Asher Crux
Missionary hermit: New priest recounts winding road to ordination by Robert Duncan Crux
The practical “do’s” and “don’ts” of vocation discernment by UCA News
Road to seminary an ‘unexpected journey’ by Zoey Maraist The Arlington Catholic Herald
Monk's tonsure at Wisconsin monastery seen as hopeful sign for vocations by Sam Lucero Catholic News Service/National Catholic Reporter
French chapel where missionary vocation in the US was born to be restored by Christopher White Crux
Hope for the Future Church by Father Pablo Patheos
How Social Media Can Support the Joyful Pursuit of Vocations by Lisa Hendy Catholic Moms
Pope asks Jesuits to educate diocesan clergy in practice of discernment by Rowena Orejana NZ Catholic
How families can support their children's vocation choices by Beth Mahoney Vision
Using social media to further vocation goals by Sister Patricia Dowling, CBS Horizon, Spring 2011
Viral singing priest hopes Pope will spark new vocations in Ireland by Filipe Domingues Crux
The call to religious life by Australian Jesuits
The practical “do’s” and “don’ts” of vocation discernment by UCA News
How to talk about vocations in 2019 Increasing numbers of young people perceive consecrated life as a sacrifice, so they simply dismiss the question of vocation by Pierre Sautreuil La Croix International
Seminarian Seriously Ill with Cancer Ordained in Hospital by Deacon Greg Kandra Patheos
US ordination class of 2019 report shows importance of accompaniment in vocational discernment by Independent Catholic News
On the Sexual Harassment of Seminarians in the Diocese of Buffalo by Mary Pezzulo Patheos
At Rome’s American seminary, scandals aren’t deterring future priests by John L. Allen Jr. Crux
After Columbine: How one survivor found faith, and a vocation by Jonah McKeown Angelus
The Reform Seminaries Need by C. Colt Anderson & Christopher M. Bellitto Commonweal
Cardinal Tagle Warns US Seminarians of Dangers of Temptations by Roy Lagarde Zenit
Our students for the priesthood by Peter Heneghan The Archdiocese of Liverpool
Vatican Issues New Guidelines for Priestly Formation by Zenit
The vocations shortage has become an acute crisis by Robert Mickens National Catholic Reporter
More men hearing the call to priesthood later in life by Deacon Greg Kandra Patheos
Women deacons: What happens next? by Phyllis Zagano National Catholic Reporter
A call of their own: The role of deacons in the church by US Catholic
General Articles and Commentaries
What will it take to accept the truth about global climate change? by Daniel P. Horan National Catholic Reporter Link to Environment and Climate Challenges
Warning! – Code Red for Humanity by Tony Magliano The Southern Cross
COVID-19 takes toll on Catholic clergy in hard-hit countries by Luis Andres Henao and Jessie Wardarski The Associated Press
Why the popes are Dante fans by Mike Aquilina Angelus
Australian Bishops call for action to care for earth and poor by Vatican News Link to Poverty
World’s worst humanitarian crisis by Tony Magliano Franciscan Action Network
Ukrainian Archbishop Says His Country Fears Possible Russian Invasion by NetTV
A Brother’s Death. Thirty years after they joined a mob baying for Jewish blood, Yankel Rosenbaum’s killers still walk among us. So does the spirit of his brother, who sought justice by Armin Rosen The Tablet
Biden nominates daughter of Holocaust survivor as next US ambassador to Germany by Times of Israel
Holocaust Museum LA reopens with new virtual installation featuring Auschwitz survivor by Robin Estrin The LA Times/Microsoft News
Stories from a Tower of Faces by United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Link to The Holocaust
Why Poland Is Right to End Holocaust Property Claims by Liel Leibowitz The Tablet
French bishops call out Holocaust comparison from anti-vaxxers by Elise Ann Allen Cruz
UN warns against propaganda blaming Jews for Covid at Holocaust remembrance event by Independent Link to Antisemitism
Interview With Prof. Daniel Goldhagen by Adi Gordon and Amos Goldberg Yad Vashem
During the High Holy Days, “each of us is a cemetery” by Jeffrey Salkin Religion News Service
Israel condemns Poland restitution law, recalls top diplomat by Vanessa Gera and Josef Federman The Associated Press
A Jewish Blessing That's Great for Catholics by Teresa Coda Busted Halo Link to Catholic/Jewish Issues and Challenges
The Value and Necessity of Inter-Religious Dialogue Religious communities, whatever else they are about, are about love, hope and faith. They are NOT about xenophobia and turf struggles – or at least they shouldn’t be, no matter how often religions.. by Guest Contributor Patheos
Italian police say sender of envelope with bullets addressed to Pope Francis has been identified by Alejandro Bermudez The Catholic World Report
Catholic priest’s murder in France: List of recent priest killings worldwide by Matt Hadro Catholic News Agency Link to Murdered Priests and Seminarians
Religious sisters assassinated in South Sudan by Aleteia Link to Murdered Nuns
Grandfather Pleads Guilty to His Role in Torturing 12-Year-Old James Alex Hurley to Death by Alberto Luperon Microsoft News Link to Murdered Children
British Museum exhibit on St. Thomas Becket gives sympathetic look at past by Jonathan Luxmoore Catholic News Service
Baseball its Problems and Why I Watch by Dick Flavin The Boston Pilot
George Dennehy: “That armless guy” sharing hope and faith through music by Annalisa Teggi Aleteia Link to Music and Faith
Red Scare: “Christ Crowned with Thorns” by Brad Minor The Catholic Thing Link to Art and Faith
20-year-old filmmaker wins award for powerful 1-minute film about marriage by Aleteia Link to Spirituality and Film
Proud Boys leader sentenced to more tha for burning Black Lives Matter banner by Pete Williams NBC/Microsoft News
Revealed: England’s pandemic crisis of child abuse, neglect and poverty. Foster places in short supply and council budgets buckling as social service referrals increase by up to 40% in some areas by Helen Pidd and Georgina Quach The Guardian Link to Children at Risk
Lima archbishop proposes replacing priests with laity as pastors by David Ramos Catholic News Agency
Statement At The General Debate Of The High-Level Meeting On HIV/AIDS by Mons. Fredrik Hansen Holy See Link to HIV/AIDS
I Was Diagnosed With Cancer At My First & I Don’t Want Anyone Else To Go Through by Mirel Zama Microsoft News Link to Cancer
NEPAL Christian charities battle 'eliminated' leprosy in Nepal by UCA News Link to Leprosy
Genetic engineering test with mosquitoes ‘may be game changer’ in eliminating malaria by Linda Geddes The Guardian Link to Malaria
FDA approves first treatment for Ebola, a Regeneron antibody cocktail. Approval may bolster hopes for Regeneron’s COVID-19 therapy, which uses same strategy. by Beth Mole Ars Technica Link to Ebola
How Eddie Ilarraza Defies the Odds & Conquers Life Despite Having ALS for Nearly Two Decades by Michelle Powers and Cinfy Wooden NetTV Link to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
CDC Warns of Person-to-Person Transmission of Resistant Fungus In a first, patients who hadn’t been treated with antifungals were found to carry Candida auris impervious to all three available classes of the drugs by Shawna Williams The Scientist
Anti-Vaxx Nurse Reportedly Switched Thousands of Covid-19 Vaccines with Saline by Leia Idliby Microsoft News
Chicago cardinal: Turn grief over officer’s death into helping neighbors, community by Joyce Duriga Catholic News Service/Crux Add to Police Protection and Challenges
Death in Venice and how film has mistreated child stars by Sophie Monks Kaufman BBC
Q & A with Sr. Matilda Inyang, supporting children whose families think they're witches by Valentine Iwenwanne Global Sisters Report Link to Children Challenges/Outreach/Protection
'There IS a problem with children and COVID': Fauci says 'considerable number' of infected young people are seriously ill - and school kids SHOULD wear masks by Katelyn Carelle Daily Mail
A Very Small Boat: On Loving Someone With Severe Mental Illness by Emily Claire Schmitt Patheos Link to Mental Health/Illness
OxyContin maker's lawyer warns of long, expensive litigation by Geoff Mulvihill The Associated Press/Microsoft News Link to Addiction
How God Sees Forgiveness (And How You Should See It Too) by Regis Martin National Catholic Register Link to Forgiveness
Lay leader of burned Canadian church forgives unknown arsonist by J-P Mauro Aleteia
Germany's top Franciscan calls for ordination of women priests by Katholische Nachrichter-Agentur National Catholic Reporter Link to The Franciscans
The Counter-Reformation: Ignatius and the Jesuits by Charles P. Connor Catholic World Report Link to The Jesuits
Father Mark White continues to fight for his faith by Daniel Crews WSET-TV Link to Father Mark White
The invention of clericalism by Mike Aquilina Angelus Link to Clericalism
Survivors of acid attacks in Mexico unite to push for change by Maria Verza and Ginnette Riquelm The Associated Press Link to Women Challenges/Outreach/Protection
China expanding its nuclear capabilities, scientists say by BBC Link to China Challenges and to Nuclear Challenges
U.S. atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and today's continued nuclear madness by Tony Magliano Indian Catholic Matters
Fr Shay Cullen: Human trafficking, why so few convictions? by Father Shay Cullen Independent Catholic News Link to Human Trafficking
Three Suspects — Including Ex-Priest — Busted on Child Sex Trafficking Charges by Jacquelyn Gray CrimeOnline
Christian group challenges Duterte over human trafficking by CathNews
Chinese diocese gets new bishop under Sino-Vatican deal.The new bishop worked with the state-sanctioned Bishops' Conference of the Catholic Church in China since 1998 by UCA News Link to Catholicism and China
Die Hard Trump Supporters Increasingly Demand Violence If He Isn’t Reinstated, Homeland Security Warns by Peter Wade Rolling Stones Link to General Violence Challenges
Trump Jokes About COVID Risk, Touts His ‘Good Relationship’ With Taliban at Alabama Rally by Blake Montgomery Microsoft News Link to Immoral Political Practices
The Pandemic Has Hit Catholic Parishes Hard, Also Taking a Toll on Priests by Luke Coppen Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Register Add to Parish Challenges
Cuba, Freedom — and the Failures of Communism by Michael Warsaw National Catholic Register
Cuban priest decries summary trials of protesters without a defense lawyer by Diego Lopez Marina Catholic News Agency
Fr Shay Cullen: Standing for the Rights of Indigenous People by Father Shay Cullen Independent Catholic News
No resting in peace for Philippines' drug war victims. As grave leases expire, a priest helps families to provide a permanent and dignified resting place for their relatives by Joseph Peter Calleja UCA News
Duterte says Philippine drug war will continue. President uses last State of the Nation Address to defend policies that have allegedly killed thousands by Joseph Peter Calleja UCA News
Lamentations of victims of Philippine war on the poor. State of the Nation Address should have been an apology for what President Duterte has done with his bloody drug war by Mary Aileen D. Bacalso UCA News
Filipino priests issue stark lockdown poverty warnings. Move to shut down Visayas and Mindanao regions to fight pandemic 'could spark a poverty disaster' by Joseph Peter Calleja UCA News
Ecuadorian priest awarded by city for feeding hundreds of the needy daily by Walter Sanchez Silva Catholic News Agency
Tucker Carlson kicked off of flight by Andrew Hall Patheos
Mercer Street: Tanker blast evidence points to Iran, says US by Frank Gardner BBC
Flash floods kill 88 in Pakistan by Kamran Chaudhry UCA News
Catholic priest arrested for disparaging remarks against 'Bharat Mata', PM Modi, Amit Shah by PYI The Week
Blue' Hazing Rituals at Plainfield Central High School: Lawsuit by Microsoft News Link to School Bullying and Hazing
People flock to a UK church, not to find Jesus but Dracula's grave by Barry Duke Patheos
Challenges Faced by Deaf Children in Accessing Education in Malawi by Malonje Phiri Taylor & Francis Online Add to Deafness
Inspired by Blessed Carlo Acutis, Hollywood Producer and Catholic Internet Host Take on Eucharistic Miracles Movie by Joe Bukuras Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Register Link to Spirituality and Film
The Divine Comedy: A guide for our pursuit of happiness? by Stefano Rebeggiani Angelus News
Mexican diocese condemns murder of local journalist by David Agren Catholic News Service Link to Media
Priests question absence of government in besieged Mexican towns by David Agren Catholic News Service/Crux
Human Rights in an uncertain world by Myron J. Pereira La Croix International Link to Human Rights
Wildfires in Algeria leave 32 dead, including 25 soldiers by The Associated Press
400,000 facing starvation in Madagascar, Church leaders warn by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux Link to Starvation
Mozambique insurgency: Rwanda leads the fightback by Joseph Hanlon BBC
Nigeria cholera outbreak kills hundreds by Ishaq Khalid BBC
28 abducted Baptist school students freed in Nigeria by Ibramin Farra and Sam Olukova The Associated Press
Released priest reveals details of kidnapping ordeal by Fionn Shiner Independent Catholic News
Trump praised Hitler’s "economic miracle" — and that's even worse than it sounds by Ryan Skinnell Salon/Microsoft News
Brazilian president accused of ‘witch doctoring’ for promoting chloroquine by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
French push against domestic abuse may overlook some police by Arno Pedram The Associated Press Link to Domestic Violence
Brave Women: Two Donegal sisters abused by same priest reveal they had no idea the other was also suffering as they speak out by Nicola Bardon Irish Sun Link to Ireland Issues and Challenges
Teenager Attacked and Pulled Underwater by Crocodile on Vacation in Mexico by Emma Mayer Newsweek/Microsoft News
Avenge Her Murder’: The Grisly Killing of an Ex-Diplomat’s Daughter Ignites a Wave of Fury Worldwide by Blake Montgomery The Daily Beast Link to Murder
Teenage suicides could be sign of mental health toll by CathNews Link to Suicide, Mental Health/Illness and to Youth Challenges/ Outreach/Protection
Schools in Tennessee are put in lockdown and children are evacuated to National Guard armory after reports of active shooter by Christopher Eberhart Daily Mail Link to Gun Violence
Doctor saw twins born alive during abortion by CathNews Link to Abortion
CAL THOMAS: Mississippi yearning by Cal Thomas StarHarald © StarHarald Used with permission
Woman Told She Should Have Aborted Autistic Children In Ireland, someone told a woman with two autistic children that she should have aborted them. by Matthew Schneider Patheos Link to Autism
Colombian bishops: Euthanasia is a danger for the frailest and most vulnerable by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to Euthanasia
Archbishop of York: People feel left behind by city elites by Becky Morton BBC
India's living dead: 'They stared at me like I was a ghost' by Chloe Hadjimatheou BBC
At Vatican trial, will the real Alberto Perlasca finally stand up? by John L. Allen Jr. Crux Link to Financial Crimes
French push against domestic abuse may overlook some police by Arno Pedram The Associated Press Link to Domestic Violence
Australians asked to help as Lebanon reaches crisis point by CathNews
Police suspect poisoning at German university as students turn blue by Philip Oltermann The Guardian
Saudi Arabia to deport 800,000 Yemen workers, say sources by Middle East Monitor
Catholic Relief Services, USDA work together to provide food for school children in Guatemala during pandemic by Autumn Jones Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Farmworkers' faith supports them in the fields and the fight for justice by Melissa Cedillo National Catholic Register
Peruvian priest threatened with letters containing bullets by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Wantons and Werewolves by Eleanor Bourg Nicholson The Catholic World Report'
Fr. Bryan Massingale: White nationalism is the greatest threat to peace today by Catholic News Service/National Catholic Reporter
Faith groups accuse GOP senators of ‘apparent anti-Muslim animus’ for stalling Biden nominee by Jack Jenkins Religion News Service Link to Fear, Hate, Prejudice, and Discrimination against Others
Oklahoma GOP Posts Facebook Meme Comparing Unvaccinated to Jews in Nazi Germany by Aila Slisco Newsweek/Microsoft News
Numbers of unaccompanied minors at border setting record by Rhina Guidos Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to General United States Immigration Challenges
30th Birthday of Blessed Carlo Acutis Celebrated by Parishes Across the World by Courtney Mares National Catholic Register
New survey shows most Catholics have no idea who Cardinal McCarrick is. That’s a problem by Kerry Weber Religion News Service Link to Catholic Sexual Violence Against Minors
Alleged victims say ACNA church leaders failed to acknowledge their abuse allegation by Kathryn Post Religion News Service Link to Protestant Sexual Violence Against Minors
Lawsuit: Monsey rabbi sexually assaulted children — and his bosses covered it up by Louis Keene Forward Link to Jewish Sexual Violence Against Minors
Epstein accuser sues Prince Andrew, citing sex assault at 17 by Larry Neumeiater The Associated Press Link to Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
GOP Strategist Anton Lazzaro Arrested for Underage Sex Trafficking by Jose Pagliery The Daily Beast
Culture of cover-up saw hundreds of children abused in Lambeth, report finds by Mark Easton BBC
3 Disney employees were arrested in an underage sex sting in Florida law-enforcement officials say by Kelly McLaughlin and Amanda Krause Business Insider/Microsoft News
Bob Dylan accused of sexually abusing a 12-year-old in 1965 by Adrian Horton The Guardian
Arizona state senator accused of sexual conduct with minor by The Associated Press
Judge signs off on $850 million Boy Scouts sex abuse deal by Lexi Lonas Microsoft News
Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Struggle to Find Treatment by Rachel Rock WWNO
Audio from migrant shelter reveals allegations of sex misconduct by staff with minors by Julia Ainsley and Didi Martinez NBC News
Former East Aurora Elementary School Teacher Found Guilty of Sexual Assault of Student by CBS Chicago/Microsoft News
Snickers Spain pulls TV advert after homophobia accusations by BBC Link to LGBTQ Challenges
The Catholic priest who blessed the atomic bomb repented later in life by Inma Alvarez Aleteia Link to Nuclear Challenges
Outgoing Iran president says government not always truthful by The Associated Press
Asian and Pacific Islander sisters in the US speak out against hate incidents by Peter Tran Global Sisters Report Link to Hate Crimes
Attacks on churches continue in Canada by Christopher Wells Vatican News
How losing his sight spurred cyclist Steve Bate to the Paralympics by Claire Press BBC Link to Blindness
This is the only officially recognized Marian apparition in the United States by Larry Peterson Aleteia Link to Mariology
Daniel Hale Sentenced to 45 Months in Prison for Drone Leak by Ryan Devereaux and Murtaza Hussain The Intercept Link to Prison Challenges
Smitten prison officer helped inmate lover escape by Caroline Lowbridge BBC
From Afghan interpreter to US homeless - until reaching the American dream by Holly Honderich & Bernd Debusmann Jr BBC Link to Homeless
SolarWinds: Top US prosecutors hit by suspected Russian hack by BBC Link to Cybersecurity
Chicago Cardinal holds officers, their families 'in prayer,' decries gun violence by Catholic News Service/National Catholic Reporter Link to Police Protection and Challenges
West Midlands Police officer convicted of assaults by BBC Link to Police Brutality and Misconduct
Carl Bernstein: Trump is a 'war criminal' by Alexis Benveniste CNN/Microsoft News Link to Immoral Political Practices
CNN Interviews Trump Supporter Who Threatens Taliban-Style Takeover to Reinstate Him: ‘There’s Millions of Guns Here’ by Ken Meyer Microsoft News
Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Southerners May Shoot Vaccination Volunteers by Daniel Villarrea Newsweek
Marjorie Taylor Greene Changes Her Mind, Decides Vaccination Push Is More Like Jim Crow–Era Segregation Than the Holocaust by Bess Levin Vanity Fair
Susan Collins Says ‘No Doubt’ Trump Instigated Capitol Rioters by Andrew Solender Forbes/News Break
Eric Swalwell Says Trump Statement Put Life of Officer Who Shot Ashli Babbitt 'In Danger' by Aila Slisco Microsoft News
Guilty plea from Giuliani associate likely sends chill through parts of Trumpworld by MSNBC/Microsoft News
A pro-Trump county clerk is accused of helping to leak sensitive election data to one of QAnon's leaders: reports by Joshua Zitser Business Insider/Microsoft News
Pro-Trump Activists Face $5 Million Fine for Robocalls, FCC Says by Susan Decker Bloomberg/Microsoft News Strangers on a train: The dark bargain that destroyed the Republican Party. Old-line Republicans signed on to an unpleasant but temporary plan. Hitchcock's classic explains what happened next by Kirk Swaeringen Salon
Racist and flat out wrong’: Texas Republican blames Black Americans for Covid surge by Martin Pengelly and agencies The Guardian
'You can't think yourself out of racism' by Renée Roden Religion News Service/National Catholic Reporter
Inside a KKK murder plot by Jason Dearen The Associated Press Link to White Supremacy
591 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far. This searchable table shows them all. by Microsoft News Link to Domestic Terrorism/Insurrection/Sedition
Infowars host in custody to face misdemeanor charges stemming from Jan. 6 by Olafimhan Oashin The Hill
I’m a Parkland Shooting Survivor. Qanon Convinced My Dad It Was All a Hoax. by David Gilbert Vice
Arrest Made in Relation to Fire at Glasgow Parish by Christine Rousselle Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Register
Kiwis must ‘take off masks’ to prevent suicide by CathNews New Zealand
Bernstein's Mass, Cultural and Theological Commentary by guest writer Gregory Moomjy Patheos
This couple got thousands of people to commit themselves to praying the Rosary by John Burger Aleteia Link to The Rosary
How US military pullback in Iraq could benefit Iran by Frank Gardner BBC
Israel-Gaza conflict: Apparent war crimes committed, says rights group by BBC
Mexico's president bans press from his trip to oversee construction of road in El Chapo's hometown in Sinaloa a year after he was filmed greeting the jailed drug lord's mother last year by Adry Torres Daily Mail
Nicaraguan cardinal says Church will carry on despite government attacks by Inés San Martín Crux
16 Jehovah’s Witnesses released from prison in Turkmenistan during Ramadan by Adelle M. Banks Religion News Service
Albania repatriates Islamic State women, children despite controversy by Stefan J. Bos Vatican News
Italian man identified as top crime boss arrested in Madrid by The Associated Press
Australia: New survey highlights plight of asylum seekers amid pandemic by Vatican News
Taliban fighters executing surrendering troops, US officials say by ABC News| Link to War
Daughter Describes Watching the Taliban to Death After She Said She Couldn't Cook for Them by Lori Rozs People/Microsoft News
Why Trump conservatives are embracing Hungary's autocracy by CNN/Microsoft News
British neo-Nazi sentenced to 7 years on 12 counts of terrorism by The Jerusalem Post Link to Neo-Nazis and to Terrorism
How Amy Spitalnick honors her grandmother’s history by fighting neo-Nazis by Austin Ratner Forward
Catholic Exorcist Says Converse Pentagram Shoes ‘Create a Fascination With Evil’ by Joe Bukuras Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Register Link to Exorcism and Satanism
Clerical Misconduct on ‘Hook-Up’ Apps Poses Fresh Challenges for Bishops by Joan Frawley Desmond National Catholic Register Japanese yakuza mobster sentenced to death by BBC
Archbishop Paglia: Some end-of-life care resembles new form of eugenics by Amedeo Lomonaco Vatican News Link to End of Life Challenges
8th-graders lead effort to pardon wrongly convicted ‘witch’ by William J Kole The Associated Press
The idea of ethical porn is a nonsense. Only unregulated sites make money by Sarah Ditum The Guardian Link to Pornography Challenges
Police rescue 89 pitbulls and arrest ten Long Island men in one of largest dog fighting ring busts in NY history by Chris Jewers Daily Mail Link to Animal Challenges
UN adopts first resolution on vision, aims to help 1 billion by Edith M. Lederer The Associated Press
The long-term quest to build a 'galactic civilisation' by Richard Fisher BBC
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Please send a donation to help my close friend Alwin Rex in India.Please read the article How do we love our neighbor as ourselves? and send a donation of $10.00 or more to help cover his healthcare costs to Father Thomas Ayyaneth, Syro Malankara Catholic Eparchial Chancery,1500 DePaul Street, Elmont, New York 11003, USA with a notation that the donation is for Alwin Rex. Father Thomas will process donations and send them to his pastor. Thank you Gordon Nary Editor, Profiles in Catholicism
When Children are Set Free by Father Shay Cullen Preda Foundation
Book Reviews/Commentaries
Vision of Vocation: Common Grace for the Common Good by Steven Garber Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Why Priests are Happy: A Study of the Psychological and Spiritual Health of Priests by Stephen Rossetti Foreword by John L. Allen Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Amidst Mass Atrocity and the Rubble of Theology by Peter Admirand Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Loss and Hope: Global Interreligious and Interdisciplinary Perspectives Edited by Peter Admirand Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Carlo Acutis: The First Millennial Saint by Nicola Gori Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Women: Icons of Christ by Phyllis Zagano Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
She Seduced Me: A Love Affair with Rome by Mark Tedesco Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Education of a Historian: A Strange and Wonderful Story by John W. O'Malley, SJ Reviewed by Massimo Faggioli National Catholic Reporter
Seeing Differently by Nicholas Alan Worssam and Simon Cocksedge Reviewed by Daniel P Horan National Catholic Reporter
St. Dominic’s Way of Life by Patrick Mary Briscoe, OP, and Jacob Bertrand Janczyk, OP Commentary by National Catholic Register
Navalny by Matti Dollbaum, Morvan Lallouet and Ben Noble Reviewed by Luke Harding The Guardian
The Unquiet Englishman by Richard Greene Reviewed by Gerald J. Russello Commonweal
The Memoir of some good desires and good thoughts of Father Master Peter Farber by Peter Farber Reviewed by Miguel Ángel Fiorito, SJ and Jaime Heraclio Amadeo, SJ La Civiltà Cattolica
The Fierce Life of Grace Holmes Carlson, Catholic, Socialist, and Feminist by Donna T. Haverty-Stack Reviewed by Diane Scharper National Catholic Reporter
Surviving the White Gaze by Rebecca Carroll Reviewed by Diana L. Hayes National Catholic Reporter
Priest and Beggar: The Heroic Life of Venerable Aloysius Schwartz by Kevin Wells Reviewed by Alejandro Bermude Catholic News Agency
Misogynoir Transformed: Black Women's Digital Resistance by Moya Bailey Reviewed by Amber D. Dodd National Catholic Reporter
The Water Defenders: How Ordinary People Saves a Country from Corporate Greed by Robin Broad and John Cavanagh Reviewed by Barbara Fraser EarthBeat
Never Doubt Thomas: The Catholic Aquinas as Evangelical and Protestant by Francis Beckwith Commentary by Francis Beckwith Patheos
Film Reviews/Commentaries
The Meaning of Hitler Commentary (includes an interview) by Matthew Care Microsoft News
Respect Reviewed by Sophia Martinson Angelus
Same Breath Reviewed by Charles Bramesco The Guardian
Canyon Del Muerto Reviewed by The Smithsonian Magazine
CODA Reviewed by Candice Frederick National Catholic Register
Rebel Hearts Reviewed by Ann Carey Catholic News Service/Angelus
Ignatius: The Knight Who Fell to His Knees Commentary by Independent Catholic News
The Green Knight Reviewed by David M. Perry and Matthew Gabriele Smithsonian Magazine
Reservation Dogs Reviewed by Sean Murphy The Associated Press
Stillwater Reviewed by John Mulderig Catholic News Service
Tokyo Olympiad Commentary by James Balmont BBC
Television Reviews/Commentaries
Shtisel Reviewed byby Sarah Robsdottir Aleteia
Misha and the Wolves Reviewed by Patrick Ryan USA TODAY/Microsoft News
Inside Reviewed by Vani Kannan National Catholic Reporter
Sweet Life Commentary by Tanya Christian Glamour
The Witness of St. Thomas Becket. Major exhibition in London highlights the life of the martyr-bishop. by K.V. Turley National Catholic Register
Feasting with the Saints
What's My Vocation?
How do I discern my vocation? Know your Catholic calling.
Servite Order Vocations
Steps to Priesthood | Father Jack Tierny, OSA
Br. Bill and Br. Jeremy Profess Lifelong Vows as Augustinians