Book Reviews and Commentaries
Too Small a World The Life of Mother Frances Cabrini by Theodore Maynard Commentary by The Catholic World Report
How the Saints Shaped History by Randall Petrides Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Film Reviews and Commentaries
The Saints Commentary by Alyssa Murphy National Catholic Register
Articles and Commentaries
From heiress to saint: The radical life of St. Katharine Drexel by Jim Graves Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
The Miraculous Story of Saint Sebastian: A Faithful Roman Martyr by Catholic365
The fascinating, free, and faithful Saint Francis of Assisi by Dawn Beutner The Catholic World Report
St. Dymphna, St. Maria Goretti and the Litanies of the Heart by Gerry Ken Crete National Catholic Register
Hildegard of Bingen by Dr. John Alonzo Dick Another Voice
Enslaved as a young girl, this saint is an outstanding model of hope by Maryella Hierholzer Our Sunday Visitor
St. Teresa of Avila’s body exhumed for first time since 1914, found to be still incorrupt by Catholic Vote
The Little Way of St. Therese Lisieux by Sean Barry, SJ The Jesuit Post
Pope: St Teresa of Ávila shows importance of women in Church and society by Vatican News
Pope Francis Recognizes Miracle Needed for Church’s First Millennial Saint by Carole Glatz Catholic News Service/The Tablet
2 Female saints to inspire Catholic educators by Isabella H. de Carvalho Aleteia
The Conversion of St Paul by Marcel Uwineza SJ Jesuits in Britain
The Little Way of St. Therese Lisieux by Sean Barry, SJ The Jesuit Post
St. Isaac Jogues: A Saint for Those Who Have Been Knocked Down by Life by Michael Rossmann, SJ| The Jesuit Post
Enslaved as a young girl, this saint is an outstanding model of hope by Maryella Hierholzer Our Sunday Visitor
The mystery of Thomas Aquinas: Why did he leave his ‘Summa’ unfinished? by Chad Engelland America