Meet the Benedictine Monks Dedicated to Perpetual Adoration by Patti Maguire Armstrong National Catholic Register
Benedictines’ world leader calls on Chicago-area monks tied to Benet, Marmion high schools to fully report clergy sex abuse by Robert Herguth Chicago Sun-Times
Benedictine order admits keeping cleric at Marmion Academy for years after child sex abuse accusations by Robert Herguth Chicago Sun-Times
A California abbey keeps Benedictine traditions alive by U.S. Catholic
'Benedictine Life: A Vision Unfolding' focuses on the next 100 years by Judith Valente Global Sisters Report
Monk alleges abuse - and retaliation - at Silverstream Priory by The Pillar
Benedictines to leave Downside Abbey by Liz Dodd The Tablet
Upended by pandemic, Benedictine life survives and thrives by being adaptable by Judith Valente Gobal Sisters Report