A Prayer for Challenging Racism
Book Reviews/Commentaries
Black Liturgies: Prayers, Poems, and Meditations for Staying Human by Arthur Riley Reviewed by Kathryn Post Religion News Service
Subversive Habits by Shannen Dee Williams Commentary by Jacqueline Willy Romero Cushwa Center
Institutional Racism and the Catholic Church by Dolores Foster Williams Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D.Profiles in Catholicism
Institutional Racism and the Catholic Church by Dolores Foster Williams Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
White Too Long: The Legacy of White Supremacy in American Christianity by Robert P. Jones Commentary by Madeleine Davison National Catholic Reporter
Film Reviews/Commentaries
The Untold Story of Emmett Till Reviewed by Brian Costello Common Sense Media
Till Reviewed by Ellen Wexler Smithsonian Magazine
All One in Christ: A Catholic Critique of Racism and Critical Race Theory Reviewed by Carl E. Olson The Catholic World Report
Television Review/Commentaries
Purple Hearts Reviewed by Tania Bhattacharya Al Jazeera
Cardinal Letters
Medical Journal Articles
Hepatitis C in Black Individuals in the USA Review by Oluwaseun Falade-Nwulia, MBBS, MPH. Sharon M. Kelly, PhD, Sasraku Amanor-Boadu, MD, MPH; et al JAMA November 9, 2o23
Study Helps Explain Racial Disparities in Biological Aging by Emily Harris JAMA July 19, 2023
The Supreme Court’s Rulings on Race Neutrality Threaten Progress in Medicine and Health by Harald Schmidt, PhD, Lawrence O. Gostin, JD, and Michelle A. Williams, ScD JAMA July 10, 2023
Excess Mortality and Years of Potential Life Lost Among the Black Population in the US, 1999-2020 by César Caraballo, MD, Daisy S. Massey, BA, Chima D. Ndumele, PhD, et al. JAMA May 16, 2023
The Economic Burden of Racial, Ethnic, and Educational Health Inequities in the US by Thomas A. LaVeist, PhD, Eliseo J. Pérez-Stable, MD, and Patrick Richard, PhD, MA; et al. JAMA May 16, 2023
Articles and Commentaries
Racism and abuse have devastated U.S. Catholicism. Is there a way forward? by Alessandra Harris Black Catholic Messenger
New Orleans Archdiocese to Sell Historic Black Catholic School to Fund Abuse Settlements by Nahlah Abdur-Rahman Black Enterprise
Women are advancing in the workplace, but women of color still lag behind by Adia Harvey Wingfield Brookings
Netanyahu putting politics before Gaza deal, dead hostage's daughter says by David Gritten BBC
FACT SHEET: President Biden Designates Springfield 1908 Race Riot National Monument by The White House
West Sumatra Bishop: Climate change provoked natural calamity by Deborah Castellano Lubov Vatican News
American Cancer Society Launches Largest-ever Study to Probe Disparities in Cancer Outcomes for Black Women by The Skanner
Dismantling Environmental Racism by Sr. Damien Marie Savino, F.S.E., Ph.D. Franciscan Action Network
Hispanic and Latino professionals feel overlooked and underrepresented in corporate America, new study finds by Jeanne Sahadi
6 former Mississippi law officers sentenced in state court for torture of 2 Black men by Michael Goldberg The Associated Press
How the Church can evangelize by example on racial justice by John L. Allen Jr. Crux Now/Angelus
French bishops oppose ‘end of life’ bill in latest row with government by Elise Ann Allen Crux
On the Sexual Harassment of Seminarians in the Diocese of Buffalo by Mary Pezzulo Patheos
With millions of Syrians displaced in country, it's urgent to facilitate their return home' by Thaddeus Jones Vatican News
MetaSaint: Catholic priest launches outreach on Roblox gaming platform by Joseph Tulloch Vatican News
Holy See: 'Fight against racism begins from education' by Lisa Zengarini Vatican News
SOON and VERY SOON: African Americans Leave the Catholic Church by Tierra Stone WEAA - 88.9FM
I’m the collateral damage of Mormon racism and homophobia by Carlene Fraser Religion News Service
Spokane bishop responds to Catholic Charities racism video by Catholic News Agency /The Catholic World Report
For MLK day, top US prelate urges confronting ‘evil of racism and prejudice’ by John Lavenburg Crux
Patients of Color More Often Brace for Unfair Treatment in Health Care, Survey Finds by Devi Shastri The Associated Press/The Skanner
In the US, Black survivors are nearly invisible in the Catholic clergy sexual abuse crisis by Tiffany Stanley and Lea Sken The Associated Press
Black Catholic History Month: Ancestral Mass honors the past by Natalie Romano Angelus
As Black church grapples with mental health, clergy are both subject and solution by Ambar Castillo Religion News Service
White Patients Are More Likely Than Black Patients to Be Given Opioid Medication for Pain in US Emergency Departments by Trevor Thompson and Sofia Stath The Scanner
Judge says Georgia’s congressional and legislative districts are discriminatory and must be redrawn by The Associated Press
Racial power dynamics drive abuse, says US priest by Sarah MacDonald The Tablet
Black Student Suspended Over His Hairstyle to Be Sent to an Alternative Education Program by Cheyanne Mumphry The Skanner
National Association of Evangelicals launches test to assess, foster racial justice by Religion News Service
Supreme Court rejects Alabama’s attempt to avoid creating a second Black majority congressional district by Ariane de Vogue and Fredreka Schouten CNN
A Black student was suspended for his hairstyle. Now his family is suing Texas officials by Juan A. Lozano The Associated Press
Ex-Mississippi officers plead guilty to racist assault on 2 Black men during raid by Michael Goldberg The Associated Press
Congressional Black Caucus Confronts Ongoing Assault on Black Rights by Stacy M. Brown NNPA Newswire/The Skanner
Deacon remembers grief for lynched civil rights icon as ‘Godly moment’ by John Lavenburg Crux
Man who killed 23 people in Texas Walmart shooting targeting Latinos sentenced to 90 life terms by federal judge by Rosa Flores, Andi Babineau, Ashley Killough and Elizabeth Wolfe CNN
Catholicism and the revisited history of the Ku Klux Klan by Seth Smith Our Sunday Visitor
Juneteenth celebration horror: 23 shot, 1 fatally, at Illinois event by Bill Hutchinson and Victoria Arancio ABC News
Juneteenth celebrates Black joy and Christian hope by Shannon Wimp Schmidt U.S. Catholic
Tucker Carlson’s racist text message—and the painful confession it contains by Joe Hoover, S.J. America
Ron DeSantis Bill Against Chinese Citizens in Florida Sparks Outrage by James Dickerton Newsweek
Vinícius Jr. is being racially abused during LaLiga matches. Why is nobody being punished by Matias Cruz CNN
The Lesser-Known History of African-American Cowboys by Katie Nodjimbadem Smithsonian Magazine
WCC shares Week of Prayer for overcoming racism, xenophobia by Independent Catholic News
Vinícius Jr. is being racially abused during LaLiga matches. Why is nobody being punished by Matias Cruz CNN
Older Black Men Have Higher Mortality After Elective Surgery by Emily Harris JAMA March 8, 2023
Black Vietnam Vet Finally Awarded Medal of Honor for Bravery by The Associated Press/Patricia The Skanner
Servant of God Mother Mary Lange and the Rich History of Black Catholic Religious Orders by Jim Graves National Catholic Reporter
Race-Based Equations Delayed Black Patients From Getting Onto Kidney Transplant Lists—An Unprecedented New Policy Seeks to Undo the Damage by Jennifer Abbasi JAMA February 27, 2023
How Have American Christian Churches Responded to Anti-Asian Racism? by Melissa Borja Patheos
Why Black Newborns Are 3 Times More Likely to Die in the Care of White Doctors by Rob Picheta CNN
The private angst over Donald Trump’s racist attacks on Elaine Chao goes public by Politico/Yahoo
A 6th Memphis officer is off the force as new details emerge from the deadly police beating of Tyre Nichols by Nouran Salahieh, Holly Yan and Nick Valencia CNN
The private angst over Donald Trump’s racist attacks on Elaine Chao goes public by Politico/Yahoo News
Deorge Santos – live: Congressman accused of making vile joke about Hitler, Jews and Black people on Facebook by John Bowden and Maroosha Muzaffar Independent.UK
Watch: Donald Trump Jr. explodes at Time Magazine over article chronicling the fitness industry's racist past by Brandon Gage AlterNet
3 men in South Africa charged for racist attack at swim pool by ABC News
Man arrested for racist and homophobic Christmas Eve attack on Asian-American fast food customers by Daniel Villarreal The New Civil Rights Movement/AlterNet
For Black Families in Phoenix, Child Welfare Investigations Are a Constant Threat by Eli Hager, Agnel Philip, and Hannah Rappleye ProPublica
Buckingham Palace official quits after asking Black charity CEO where she was ‘really from’ by Max Foster, Joshua Berlinger, Chris Liakos and Carolyn Sung CNN
Killer streets, revolting racism by CathNews New Zealand
Dismantling Environmental Racism by Sr. Damien Marie Savino, F.S.E., Ph.D. Franciscan Action Network
'Blackface expert' Megyn Kelly buried by MSNBC host after racism accusation by Tom Boggioni Raw Story/AlterNet
The Loneliest Hatred, Why anti-Semitism and conspiratorial theories claiming that ‘Black people are the “real Jews”’ thrive in a time of racial reckoning by John Paul Pagano The Tablet
Stephen Miller Mails “Race-Baiting Misinformation” to Asian American Voters by Robert Mackey The Intercept
New Hampshire Catholic school grapples with racist incident by John Lavenburg Crux
A Racial Divide in Breast Cancer Deaths by Steven Ross Johnson U.S. News
Sen. Tuberville faces backlash for comments on Democrats, crime and reparations by Melissa Quinn CBS News/Yahoo News
LA priests reflect on racism during task force presentation by Pablo Kay Angelus News
State Investigation Reveals Racial Disparities in Student Discipline and Police Involvement by Jodi S. Cohen, ProPublica and Jennifer Smith Richards Chicago Tribune
All One in Christ: A Catholic Critique of Racism and Critical Race Theory by Edward Feser Reviewed by Carl E. Olson The Catholic World Report
OpEd: Democrats Fight Hard Against Anti-Asian Racism by AsAmNews
Apology to People of Color for APA’s Role in Promoting, Perpetuating, and Failing to Challenge Racism, Racial Discrimination, and Human Hierarchy in U.S. by The American Psychological Association
HHRC Stands in Solidarity With Asian American Community by HHRCMain
The fight against racism must continue by Zara Abrams American Psychological Association
What 2021 taught us about the fight for racial justice by Brandon Tensley CNN
Apology to People of Color for APA’s Role in Promoting, Perpetuating, and Failing to Challenge Racism, Racial Discrimination, and Human Hierarchy in U.S. by The American Psychological Association
Racial Discrimination in the United States by Human Rights Watch
On-campus drag show blasted for mocking Catholic faith; university will investigate by Shannon Mullen, Joe Bukuras Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
We need to talk about racism in the Catholic Church, by Patrick Saint-Jean, S.J. Catholic Voices
Breonna Taylor, police brutality, and the importance of #SayHerHame by Melissa Brown and Rashawn Ray Brookings
Louisville Archbishop Kurtz Pleads for Justice and Peace After Breonna Taylor Decision by Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Register
LIVE UPDATES: Hundreds flock to downtown Louisville to continue Breonna Taylor protests by Bailey Loosemore and Hayes Gardner Louisville Courier
Black Catholics: Words not enough as church decries racism by Davus Crary Associated Press
Black church leaders demand apology for Trump ad by Jack Jenkins Religion News Service
How To Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month During The Covid-19 Pandemic/With a global pandemic, ongoing racial tensions and the presidential election, Hispanic Heritage Month is looking a little different in 2020. by J.D. Long-García America
Black and Jewish Community Join to Revive Historic Partnership by Saundra Sorenson The Skanner
LaCrosse, Wisconsin Catholic Priest Belittles Lynching in Racist Homily. by Rebecca Hamilton Patheos
Catholic football team from Boston subjected to ‘racist language’ during game on Cape Cod by Boston 25
Black Jesus version of Michelangelo's Pietà divides Catholics on race and politics by Claire Giangravé Religion News Service Link to Spirituality and Art
God is beyond race and gender. It’s time our sacred art is too. Predominantly white sacred images can inspire prejudice, says Father Bryan Massingale by Father Bruan Massingale U.S. Catholic
Free Black Thought by Brittaby Talissa King Tablet
Black Lives Matter co-founder denounces Pat Robertson for saying the movement is 'anti-God' by Alejandra Molina Religion News Service
How the CDC and others are failing Black women during childbirth by Leslie Farrington Stat Link to Pregnancy and Pregnancy Challenges
White Churches & White Supremacy by The Editors Commonweal Link to White Supremacy
Eco-Fascism Exists Across the Political Spectrum and Must Be Stopped by Emily Claire Schmitt Patheos Link to Fascism
Trump's 1776 commission is proof America is spiraling toward fascism by Arwa Mahdawi The Guardian
The Tablet Ten. Jews running for Congress this fall who are worth keeping an eye on, whether or not you’re Jewish by Armin Rosen Tablet
James Baldwin, blindness and Hagia Sophia by Stephen G. Adubato National Catholic Register
Scholar strike’ for racial injustice includes divinity school professor by Adelle M. Banks Religion News Service
David Hume: Canceled by Michael Pakaluk The Catholic Thing
Racism in Black maternal health Black mothers share their experience. by Rockland/Westchester Journal News/
Trump campaign ad shows Biden kneeling in Black church to argue Americans ‘won’t be safe’ by Jack Jenkins Religion News Service
Christian Cooper Wrote a Comic Book About Racist Central Park Incident by Serena Sonoma them
La Crosse Bishop to Correct Racist Priest Who said ‘Catholics Can’t Be Democrats’ by Rebecca Hamilton Patheos
A Noose, Lynching Jokes and Endless Racial Slurs: Black Elevator Mechanics File Lawsuit Against Mitsubishi Electric by The Skanner News
200 Catholic leaders ask AG Barr to reject award by Independent Catholic News
Remembering Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Feminist Icon and Champion of Liberal Causes. A fearless fighter for women’s rights, her Judaism was an important part of Ginsburg’s identity throughout her life by Amir Tibon Haaretz Link to Ruth Bader Ginsberg
Catholics respond after Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies at 87 by CNA Daily News/The Catholic World Report
President Trump booed at Supreme Court as he pays respects to Ruth Bader Ginsburg by BBC News
'Person of great righteousness’: Jewish community notes the significance of Justice Ginsburg’s death on eve of Rosh Hashanah by Tulsi Kamath Click2Houston
Human Embryo Gene Editing Gets a Road Map—Not by Wired Link to Bioethics
The Day After: Navigating a Post-Pandemic World by Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Together Strong: Life Unites’ is theme of March for Life set for Jan. 29 by Kurt Jensen Crux Link to Abortion
Novice's death in India puts spotlight on tragedies over three decades by Saji Thomas Global Sisters Report Link to Murdered Nuns
Undercover Journalist David Daleiden Fights Planned Parenthood Lies with Federal Defamation Lawsuit by Thomas Moore Society Link to Abortion
Even RBG thought Roe v. Wade went too far. We should learn from her incremental approach by Thomas J. Reese America
Alabama abortion doctor denied license over claims of application fraud by CNA Daily News/The Catholic World Report
Why Abortion Is Different From Other Issues by Michael Warsaw National Catholic Register
Global biotech company ends use of aborted fetal cell lines for vaccines. A case in point is the decision by Sanofi Pasteur to no longer use an aborted fetal cell line in producing its polio vaccines by Julie Asher Catholic News Service/UCANews
Diocese of Amarillo: Disregard and Pray for Pavone by Mary Pezzulo Patheos
Together Strong: Life Unites’ is theme of March for Life set for Jan. 29 by Kurt Jensen Crux
Jared Kushner Not Sure Why You Chickenshits Are So “Hysterical” About a Virus That’s Killed 195,000 Americans by Vanity Fair Add to Immoral Political Practices
After Trying To Protect Water Sources, These Hondurans Have Been Held Without Bail For More Than A Year. Over the past two years, 31 people from the municipality of Tocoa, on the lush north shore of Honduras, have faced criminal prosecution as a result of their opposition to an iron ore mining project in the Botaderos Mount “Carlos Escaleras” National Park. by Jackie McVicar America Link to Catholic Activism
Vatican, tech heads see COVID as opportunity for ‘ethical’ AI solutions by Elise Ann Allen Crux Link to Artificial Intelligence
11 years in prison: A Catholic priest serves time for crimes of conscience, The Kings Bay Plowshares 7. From left to right: Elizabeth McAlister, Stephen Kelly, Carmen Trotta, Mark Colville, Martha Hennessy, Clare Grady and Patrick O’Neill. by Patrick O'Neill Religion News Service
Vatican's Cardinal Becciu renounces the cardinalate in shocking move by Joshua J. McElwee National Catholic Reporter Link to Financial Crimes
Analysis: The Becciu resignation, a beginning not an end by Ed Condon CNA/The Catholic World Report
Tolkien Against Racism by Henry Karlson Patheos
For a Church That is Unafraid to Welcome Black People by Christopher Smith, SJ The Jesuit Post
Catholic 101: Church Teaching and the Anti-Racism Movement by Chris Kellerman, SJ The Jesuit Post
Black History Month: Confronting the Mixed History of the Jesuits by Ken Homan, SJ The Jesuit Post
What are structural, institutional and systemic racism?
The Race Gap: How U.S. systemic racism plays out in Black lives
Bryan Massingale: How the church can combat racism and white privilege | Behind the Story