Deadly ambush raises Philippine election violence fears by Inday Espina-Varona UCA News
Philippine clergy welcome assurances from president-elect by Catholic News Service/Crux’
Church and political leaders unite against Duterte. New coalition is formed to take on the Philippine president and his allies in national elections by Joseph Peter Calleja UCA News
Philippine Politics Under Duterte: A Midterm Assessment by David D. Timnerman Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Closure of Philippine TV station a ‘chilling message’ from Duterte govt, bishop says by harles Collins Crux
Philippine president open to talks despite ‘murderous words by Catholic News Service/CatholicPhilly
Duterte calls Philippine bishops ‘sons of bitches’ by La Croix International staff
The sorry state of human rights in the Philippines by Mary Aileen D. Bacalso La Croix International
Philippines' Duterte says bishops should be killed by Joe Torres
Duterte tells Filipinos to stop going to church by Joe Torres
Philippine policemen guilty of killing teen in drug war by Joe Torres
The care that children need by Father Shay Cullen
Showdown in the Philippines by Luke Coppen Catholic Herald
The Catholic Church defies Philippine President Duterte by Ana P. Santos GlobalPost
Church and politics in modern-day democracy by Christopher Ryan Maboloc
How the Catholic Church is fighting the drug war in the Philippines by Sean Williams America
Mass Murder & the Philippine Church by Paul Moses Commonwealth
Fasting with the Philippines by Tommy Tighe Angelus News
Church groups question move to rewrite Philippine charter by Jose Torres Jr.
Philippines needs more shepherds to defend flock by Mark Saludes,
Cardinal Tagle laments deaths of innocent people in Philippines Catholic News Service/ National Catholic Reporter
Philippine Catholic priests: 'They are killing us' by Ted Regencia Al Jazeera
Why the state needs the Church: Interview with philosopher accompanying French president in Rome Interview by Samuel Pruvot, Famille chrétienne, and Aymeric Pourbaix. Aleteia
Cardinal Tagle laments deaths of innocent people by Jose Torres Jr.,
Cardinal Tagle reminds priests, nuns to live with poor by Reporter, Manila Philippines
Philippines president complains of ‘creeping influence’ of Catholic Church by Crux Staff
After three priests are murdered in the Philippines: ‘We will not be afraid.’ by Nash Tysmans America