by Pope Francis
Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D.

I think the title of this book is one we asked ourselves repeatedly during the pandemic. The book brings us the Pope’s encouragement to live our faith as individuals and in community. We read the inspiring words of Pope Francis to discover the transforming power of faith. Drawing on examples of faith from the Old and New Testaments, as well as examples from his own life of faith at work in the world, Pope Francis demonstrates that faith, like hope is rooted in love.
Here is an example of an essay on Faith and Suffering: “Faith, even when it is as tiny as a grain of mustard seed, can move mountains. How many times has the power of faith enabled us to utter the word pardon in humanly impossible situations? People who have suffered violence and abuse either themselves, or in the person of their loved ones, or their property, know there are some wounds that only God‘s power, his mercy can heal.
When violence is met with forgiveness, even the hearts of those who have done wrong can be conquered by the love that triumphs over every form of evil. In this way, among the victims and among those who wronged them, God raises up true witnesses and workers of mercy.”
There are any faith-filled meditations to ponder in this book having to do with faith. It is a wonderful book for all of us.