Reviewed by Sarah Lyon

October Baby is a story about a college student named Hannah who faints during a play at her college. A doctor tells her that that her collapse may be caused by childhood epilepsy, When she questions her father, she learns that her Baptist parents adopted her after a failed late-term abortion. and gives Hannah her birth certificate from which she finds the name of nurse who participated in the abortion and whom she tracks down and who explains to Hannah all of the details of her traumatic birth 19 years ago. Hannah and her boyfriend Jason then go to Mardi Gras with a group of friends and accidentally meets her birth mother. Hannah then decides to go into a Catholic church where a priest asks s her if he can help, recites a St. Paul epistle, and tell her that she should forgive everyone.
II saw this film recently in St. Louis and the prolife audience was very responsive I must admit I may have teared up for a moment or two. The prolife audience loved the film The performances were great with a strong emotional subtext, However, I found the screenplay was contrived and included a few unnecessary characters to appeal to a wider audience including the priest and an African-American girl.
The film is geared to prolife audiences, and doubt if it would sway any Roe v Wade supporters to change their minds.