A Prayer to Prevent Nuclear Conflict Lord God, You created a beautiful earth and set it in a wondrous universe. Help us preserve this planet and its living creation in the face of nuclear threats. May we have re courage, the commitment, and the wisdom to stand up against all who irresponsibly contemplate using such nuclear weapons. With God's help us to live together in peace. by Father John Pawlikowski, OSM Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer for Martha Hennessy Oh Lord, as Catholics we offer our gratitude to Martha Hennessy, granddaughter of Dorothy Day, for continuing the work of the Plowshares 7 and the Catholic Worker, opposing nuclear arms and warfare, which have been condemned by our Church, and helping feed the hungry and serve those in need. She will now be serving ten months in prison for entering a nuclear arsenal and painting peace signs and messages on its walls. She caused very little actual damage. Oh Lord, we pray for you to be with her with your love and support, helping her to endure and survive her imprisonment. She is being punished for serving humanity and working to save the lives of all of us, by witnessing to the evil of nuclear arms and nuclear war. May she emerge healthy and well and return to those she loves and who love her, as do we all. We pray for peace, shalom for all humanity. Amen by Dr. Eugene Fisher Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer to Prevent Nuclear War Lord God, you created life and beauty in this world. You then entrusted the human community with caring for, and enhancing, your creation. Strengthen us, we pray, in this challenging time hen the power to destroy this creation has grown so dangerously. Lead us on a road of peace, a road that includes a program of removing all nuclear weapons from our earth. We cannot hope to meet this challenge without your continuing presence and support. For this we make our prayerful plea in your name. by John T. Pawlikowski, OSM Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer to End Nuclear Conflicts God most powerful and most kind, creator of all things visible and invisible, you have entrusted to us the stewardship of your creation. With your guidance, we have explored your world and learned to unleash its powerful forces. Make us good stewards of the world’s goods and powers, so that we may never use what you have given us for destruction but always for building a world of justice and more abundant life. Lead us away from every temptation to break the bonds of the human family. Inspire us to the grateful and loving use of all power— physical, moral, and spiritual. Amen by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism
Letter to Under Secretary Gottemoeller Regarding the President's Visit to Hiroshima by Bishop Oscar Cantú, May 6, 2015
Faith and Science Leaders Agree: Reduce the Threat of Nuclear Catastrophe Now Signed by Bishop Oscar Cantú for USCCB May 4, 2016
Martha Hennessy by Dr.Eugene Fisher Profiles in Catholicism
Martha Hennessy by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Father John Pawlikowski by Gordon Nary Profiles in Catholicism
Book Reviews and Commentaries
A Disarming Spirit the life of Archbishop Raymond Hunthausen by Frank Fromherz Reviewed by Gordon Nary Profiles in Catholicism
Theater Review and Commentaries
The Mistake Reviewed by Michael Mears Independent Catholic News
Medical Journal Articles
Reducing the Risks of Nuclear War—The Role of Health Professionals by Kamran Abbas, Parveen Ali, Virginia Barbour, et al JAMA. August 1, 2023
General Articles and Commentaries
Archbishop Gallagher: Nuclear weapons pose existential threat by Deborah Castellano Lubov Vatican News
New poll shows Irish mothers of young children prefer to stay at home by Charles Collins Crux
Catholic 101: Nuclear Arms by Tim Perron, SJ The Jesuit Post
Russia is ready to use nuclear weapons if threatened, Putin tells state media by The Associated Press
Zimbabwean bishops warn of increasing poverty in their Country by Gianni Valente Agenzia Fides
Holy See advocates collaboration on nuclear disarmament by Francesca Merlo Vatican News
US, Japanese bishops hail UN summit on prohibiting nukes as ‘journey toward hope’ by John Lavenburg Crux
US prelates lead ‘Pilgrimage of Peace’ to Japan seeking abolition of nuclear weapons by John Lavenburg Crux
US has military options for Iran's nuclear threat, CENTCOM air force chief tells 'Post' by Yonah Jeremy Bob The Jerusalem Post
A Veteran Exorcist Reacts to the LA Dodgers’ Mockery by Patti Maguire Armstrong National Catholic Register
A nuclear attack would most likely target one of these 6 US cities - but experts say none of them are prepared by Aria Bendix Business Insider
American, Japanese bishops urge G7 to act on nuclear disarmament by John Lavenburg Crux
Archbishop Caccia delivers statement to UN on nuclear weapons by Independent Catholic News
Putin takes ‘nuclear blackmail’ to new level with Belarus plans by Brad Dress The hill
Iowa governor signs bill banning some transgender surgeries or hormonal interventions for minors by Kate Scanlon OSV News/The Pilot
Advertising splash, cash, cold calls: Kremlin urges Russians to join the fight in Ukraine as Putin vows to move nukes: Updates by John Bacon USA TODAY
Putin says Russia to deploy Sarmat nuclear missiles this year by Aljazeera
WHO Revises List of Stockpiled Drugs for Nuclear Emergencies by Emily Harris JAMA February 15, 2023
What really happens during a nuclear attack? by Maayan Jaffe-Hoffman The Jerusalem Post
llinois bishops, clergy grateful for new assault weapon ban by Gina Christian The National Catholic Reporter
Papal condemnations of nuclear war 'indispensable,' says U.N. official by Justine McLellan The National Catholic Reporter
Recent nuclear fusion news is more about hydrogen bombs than energy related by Rick Mills Ahead of the Herd/
Scientists finally achieve ‘holy grail’ of nuclear fusion power.‘We are witnessing a moment of history,’ says one physicist by Anthony Cuthbertson Independent
Vatican envoy addresses UN on nuclear weapons by Independent Catholic News
Awake! We are sleepwalking toward nuclear war! by Tony Magliano The Southern Cross
War and nuclear threat by Greg Myer NPR/WBEZ Chicago
How the great Muslim poet Rumi is helping today’s displaced youth find themselves by Michael Wolfe, Sumreena Hussain Religion News Service
Pope warns of nuclear war risk; appeals to Putin on Ukraine by Frances D'Emilio The Associated Press/Crux
Ukrainian military intelligence claims the risk of Russia using nuclear weapons is now 'very high,' report says by Erin Snodgrass and John Haltiwanger Insidier
Ukrainian military intelligence claims the risk of Russia using nuclear weapons is now 'very high,' report says by Erin Snodgrass and John Haltiwanger Insidier
Study: Nearly half of Israelis agree Iran nuke sites should be attacked even without US support by Jewish News Syndicate
‘This is not a bluff’ by Tony Magliano Western New York Catholic
Vatican reaffirms support for Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty by Independent Catholic News
Pope: International law has been violated, nuclear risks worsened with war by Carol Glatz Catholic News Service/Crux
Ukraine warns of radiation leak at Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant by Stefan J. Bos Vatican News
Threatening all creation, nuclear weapons are a climate justice issue, too by Daniel P. Horan National Catholic Reporter
The danger of a nuclear nightmare by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Holy See: No place for nuclear weapons in collective security by Devin Watkins Vatican News
Ukrainian bishop fears nuclear plant ‘disaster,’ says people preparing for ‘harsh winter’ by Paulina Guzik Crux
Ukraine warns of radiation leak at Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant by Stefan J. Bos Vatican News
Nuclear annihilation just one miscalculation away, UN chief warns by BBC
Statement from Faith Communities to Nuclear Weapons Conference by Independent Catholic News
Pope underscores need for a world free of nuclear weapons by Vatican News
The insanity of possessing nuclear weapons by Tony Magliano Pace e Bene
Archbishop Wester embarks on the long path to end the nuclear threat by Dennis Sadowski Catholic News Service National Catholic Reporter
Australia FM stresses AUKUS will not create nuclear weapons by The Associated Press
Pope Francis: A world free of nuclear weapons is necessary and possible by Christopher Wells Vatican News
Catholic 101: Nuclear Arms by Tim Perron, SJ The Jesuit Post
Pope Francis: 'Use and possession of nuclear weapons inconceivable' by Linda Bordoni Vatican News
North Korea: Kim Jong-un vows to step up nuclear weapons programme by Zubaidah Abdul Jalil & Frances Mao BBC
4 anti-nuclear activists broke the law. Their sentencing judge praised them by Thomas C. Fox National Catholic Reporter
Catholic religious call for ban on nuclear weapons by CathNews
US Archbishop calls for abolition of nuclear weapons by Independent Catholic News
We could all learn a lesson on disarmament from Archbishop Hunthausen by Leonard Eiger National Catholic Reporter
Bishops pray for world without nuclear weapons by Independent Catholic News
U.S. atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and today's continued nuclear madness by Tony Magliano Indian Catholic Matters
China expanding its nuclear capabilities, scientists say by BBC
The Catholic priest who blessed the atomic bomb repented later in life by Inma Alvarez Aleteia
France’s nuclear legacy in French Polynesia is on the table by CathNews
Cardinal Cupich: A world without nuclear weapons is ‘not some utopian dream’ by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Scientists, Catholic leaders urge Biden to work for world without nuclear weapons by Independent Catholic News
The Treaty to Ban Nuclear Weapons Enters into Force by Drew Christiansen SJ La Civiltà Cattolica
Europe Is Late but Crucial in U.S.-Iran Nuclear Talks by Cornelius Adebahr Carnegie Europe
World powers seek to bring US back into Iran nuclear deal by David Rising and Alex Schuller The Associated Press
North Korea’s new nuclear gambit and the fate of denuclearization by Evans J R. Revere Brookings
UK increases nuclear arsenal: 'this is moral bankruptcy' by Independent Catholic News
UN nuclear chief says Iran to grant ‘less access’ to program by Amir Vahdet, Jon Gamnrell and David Rishing The Associated Press
Tomasi: treaty an important first step towards a world free of nuclear arms by Lisa Zengarini Vatican News
What Biden Should Know About North Korea’s New Nuclear Plans by Ankit Panda Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Gallagher: Dialogue for a world free of nuclear weapons by Andrea Tornielli Vatican News
European powers press Iran to back off latest nuclear move by The Associated Press
Catholic Bishops call on UK to 'forsake its nuclear arsenal' by Independent Catholic News
N. Korea threatens to build more nukes, cites US hostility by HyungJin Kim The Associated Press
Reviving nuclear arms control under Biden by Steven Pifer Brookings
Nuclear Ban Treaty presents a major challenge to UK Government and sub commanders by Independent Catholic News
A New U.S. Missile Defense Test May Have Increased the Risk of Nuclear War by Ankit Panda Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Nuclear weapons are illegal: 50 nations ratify historic UN treaty by Art Laffin National Catholic Register
Anglican bishops sign historic letter on UN Nuclear Weapons Treaty by Independent Catholic News
‘I Bring Myself, My Black Self’.Sr. Thea Bowman’s challenge to the Catholic Church by Tia Noelle Pratt Commonweal
A New Hippocratic Oath Asks Doctors to Fight Racial Injustice and Misinformation by NPR
After the Border Clash, Will China-India Competition Go Nuclear? by Toby Dalton, Tong Zhaom, and Rukmani Bupta Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Bishops from Japan, U.S. call Catholics to work for nuclear disarmament by Administrator Catholic News Service
Creation, conscience and the bomb by Christina Ellsberg EarthBeat
A Nagasaki atomic bomb survivor's plea for an end to nuclear weapons by Wada Masako National Catholic Reporter
75 years of nuclear weapons madness by Tony Magliano Acting Franciscan
Filipino bishop calls for transparency in nuclear power study by Vatican News
US, European Bishops offer prayers ahead of nuclear arms control meeting by VaticanNews
Judge sentences 80-year-old Catholic activist for breaking into nuclear submarine base by Yonat Shimron Religion News Service
Pope Francis and the U.S. bishops are correct: We cannot engage in a new nuclear arms race by David CortrightAmerica
US Bishops support Pope's appeals for nuclear disarmament by Independent Catholic News
Why we need to have a debate over nuclear weapons and nuclear deterrence by Russell Shaw Catholic World Report
Pressure on Iran as nuclear deal unravels by Nathan Morley Vatican News
EU nations threaten Iran with sanctions over nuclear worries by Stefan J. Bos Vatican News
What happens When Everyone Tries To Get Nukes .Israel’s ‘Begin Doctrine,’ a commitment to prevent rival regional powers from acquiring nuclear weapons, risks becoming unenforceable—but it’s not clear what comes next by Jay Solomon Tablet Magazine
France, Germany and UK Say Iran Has Nuclear-Capable Missiles by The Associated Press/Bloomberg
A world without nuclear weapons is possible, pope says in Japan by Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service/The National Catholic Reporter
Nuclear weapons “immoral” says Pope ahead of Japan visit by CathNews
Pope in Japan condemns those who invoke peace, but keep nuclear arms by Inés San Martín Crux
The Pope and Catholic Radicals Come Together Against Nuclear Weapons by Paul Elie The New Yorker’
No nukes: Pope expected to take aim at new arms race during Japan trip by Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service/Angelus
A Fraternity of Silence. One man’s fight to uncover the history of anti-Semitism at America’s dental schools by Marjorie Ingall Tablet
Iran furthers nuclear program on anniversary of U.S. Embassy crisis by Nasser Karimi and Jon Gambrell Associated Press/America
Christian CND: 'Nuclear weapons, the other extinction threat' by Patricia Pulham Independent Catholic News
Jury convicts 7 Catholic pacifists of breaking into nuclear submarine base by Yonat Shimron Independent Catholic News
Catholic Anti-Nuclear Activists On Trial During Respect Life Month by Billy Critchley-Menor, SJ The Jesuit Post
Catholic Anti-Nuclear Activists On Trial During Respect Life Month by Billy Critchley-Menor, SJ The Jesuit Post
Hiroshima and Transfiguration by Andrew Hamilton La Croix International
St. Maximilian Kolbe, the Atomic Bomb, and a Strange Connection by Jack Hartjes Patheos
These Catholics broke into a nuclear base. Now they're asking a judge to drop the charges by Yonat Shimton Religion News Service
Japanese Catholic bishops reiterate call for nuclear-free world Terrorism, conflicts, poverty are intertwined in a complex way but nuclear threats cannot respond effectively to such issues, they say by La Croix International staff (with Catholic News Service) La Croix International
Prayers and peace vigils on anniversaries of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by Independent Catholic News
Awaiting trial for breaking into a nuclear base, 7 Catholic activists are unrepentant by Yonat Shimron Religion News Service
Despite legal setbacks, Plowshares 7 hold to religious freedom defense by Jesse Remedios The National Catholic Reporter
Voices of Fukushima power plant disaster victims strengthens call to ban nuclear energy by Rachel Farme Anglican Communion News Service
The lid is coming off the can of nuclear waste by CarhNews
UN warns of highest nuclear risk since WW2 by Joachim Teigen Vatican News
Was a service to honor nuclear-weapons crews at Westminster Abbey blasphemous? by David Stewart America
Magistrate denies motion to dismiss charges against plowshares activists by Dennis Sadowski Catholic News Service/Angelus
Peace groups to hold vigil outside Westminster Abbey during 'thanksgiving service' for nuclear weapons by Independent Catholic News
Where does the church stand on nuclear weapons? by Kevin Clarke US Catholic
Campaigners to protest at Westminster Abbey nuclear weapons thanksgiving service by Independent Catholic News
Old guard looks to new generation of voices on nuclear disarmament by Dennis Sadowski Catholic News Service/Angelus
Pax Christi praises Manchester for supporting Treaty to Ban Nuclear Weapons by Independent Catholic News
Responding to the Unique Challenge of Nuclear Weapons by Parliament of Religions
Arch. Gallagher: Holy See will continue opposing nuclear weapons by Robin Gomes Vatican News
Strengthen, modernize nuclear weapon systems, says US State Department by James Dearie National Catholic Reporter
Pope warns world at ‘very limit’ of nuclear war and admits he is ‘really afraid’ The Pope has warned the world is on the brink of nuclear war and said he is “really afraid” of the devastation it will cause as the Catholic leader warned one “accident” to provoke a conflict. by Mark Chandler UK Express
Fat Man and Little Boy Reviewed by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat Spirituality & Practice
Theater Reviews and Commentaries
The Trial of the Catonsville Nine Commentary by Rob Weinert-Kendt America
Edinburgh: Consequences. Art and Activism in the Nuclear Age by Independent Catholic News
Father J. Bryan Hehir: The Evolution of the Catholic Church’s Anti-Nuclear Stance by Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs
by Catholic News Service
Nuclear Proliferation, Deterrence and Disarmament: Evolving Catholic Approaches