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The Paulists

Writer's picture: Profiles in CatholicismProfiles in Catholicism

Updated: Oct 26, 2024

A Message from the Editor

I often attended Mass at Old Saint Mary’s about fifty years ago when I worked at the now defunct Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago. They are a Paulist parish and the first Catholic parish in Chicago.


I along with many others was disappointed to learn that Wisconsin’s AG claim that he didn’t have the ability to investigate claims of clergy abuse. I wonder how

AG Josh Kaul would have reacted If it was his child that was abused.


There are several reports in this issue of parishes declaring bankruptcy because of child sexual abuse. This also results in many Catholics leaving the church as a result of this horrible crime. Another challenge is most Catholics in England say abuse crisis has weakened Church’s moral authority,


Hopefully the Paulists can help reduce this challenge since they are committed to protecting children and aiding in the healing process for the victims and survivors of sexual abuse. It would be helpful if the Church would finance a study to determine a more reliable test for pedophilia.


The Israel Mideast war has resulted in a dramatic increase in antisemitism globally. We ask our readers to pray to end Antisemitism. Also never book a flight on Lufthansa Airlines. As you can tell from the following report they are Antisemitic- Lufthansa ordered to pay $4M penalty for denying boarding to 128 Jewish passengers in 2022



We ask all of our readers to pray for the defeat of England's Assisted Suicide Bill that will lead to medical killing of the sick, disabled, and elderly.


A Quote to Remember

“Perhaps the time has come when human beings will consider impartially the causes which have brought about the deplorable religious dissensions and divisions existing among Christians, and that a movement is about to set in on all sides towards unity, and the prayer of Christ that ‘all who believe in Him might be made perfect in unity’ will find its fulfillment. This is our hope. To contribute to this result we labor.”

by Father Isaac Hecker 



A prayer for the Paulist Fathers


“A New Voyage”


Peter the fisherman, so often used to sail in difficult

Weather and waters and who, with his crew, would work

Long and fruitless hours, even letting you decide, Lord,

Where to fish and fish again and now, like the original

Fisher of men, a new man at the helm will sometimes

Set a new course for another and enthusiastic captain,

Whether a man or a woman, to bring aboard a fresh catch

Of multi coloured beauties, almost breaking the net.


Oh Lord, as I gaze upon the water, wasting my time

When I could be at work, studying, looking for a girl,

I inherited my mother’s dream for the conversion of

My parents’ adopted country, setting me on a path, like

A star that rose in the East leading the wisemen to an

Unknown harbour: a stable in which nestled a poor family

And their newborn, as yet a hidden splendor, although

Trumpeted by angels, visited by kings and shepherds.


As I look, Lord, at the twinkling lights upon the gentle

Ebb and flow of the tide, the sheer beauty of sparkling

Shapes upon the tips of waves, my thoughts sail to and

Fro, from the fertile roots of my family to the calling,

Ever within, to an unknown work and mission, ever out

Of reach and puzzling me as to its practical expression,

Leaving me restless in front of my brothers’ business,

Of a destination still to be disclosed and still calling.


And so it is, Lord, that vocations take the route you

Lead, in and out of places of work, companions, family,

Study, sometimes sending a word, like a signpost, not

Exactly to anywhere but an encouragement to continue,

Like the two brothers, one who said “yes” and did not go

Into the harvest and one who said “no” and left, after all,

And sailed out of what was familiar on a faith-journey,

Trusting the wind that blew to be from the Holy Spirit.

And so to own times and children, sometimes too few,

Calling as ever from whatever each is doing, or done,

Posing a problem of abandoning all and following you

And sometimes, starting out in one way and being left,

Unmoored, to be set sail again on a new boat of your

Own making, gathering a new crew to announce a love

Almost forgotten although ever new, to new people

And places, overlooked and now finding a welcome.


Let us be willing, Oh Lord, to feel that breeze upon our

Hearts that heralds your presence and speaks, though

Quietly, to one who sits and listens, contemplating the

Myriad moments of life’s announcements, of many that

Are mysterious, unfathomable, but like a companionable

Angel, guide us out of our loneliness to gather others in a

Bunch, like grapes, to be squeezed afresh, like a wine

Both ancient and modern, everlastingly the gift of God:


Refreshing the good news of being loved by an everlasting

Love, of being given the work of visiting the desperate, down

Trodden, and assisting their grasp of the good to be done and

Where it cannot wait that we go and help, helping as we can,

Hurrying, whether well or ill, to bring the Gospel of being

Loved to the lonely, broken families or estranged members

That petition you, silently, daily, all the time, beseeching you

To send a help to those who are already out of reach of the

Pulpit but need to hear what you said once and for all to hear.

by Francis Etheredge , Catholic married layman, father of 11, 3 of whom are in heaven, and an author. Forthcoming from En Route Books and Media: Who Am I? A SnapShot!


Prayer for Father Isaac Hecker’s Intercession

“Heavenly Father, you called your servant Isaac Thomas Hecker to preach the Gospel to the people of North America and, through his teaching, to know the peace and the power of your indwelling Spirit.

He walked in the footsteps of St. Paul the Apostle, and like Paul spoke your Word with a zeal for souls and a burning love for all who came to him in need.


Look upon us this day, with compassion and hope. Hear our prayer.

We ask that, through the intercession of Fr. Hecker your servant, you might grant us (state the request).

We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, Our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit. One God, forever and ever. Amen.”


by Paulist Fathers

 A Prayer for the Seventeen Murdered Victims in Jonesburg South Africa


Good and Gracious God, We beg you for mercy in this section of Africa and ask you to watch over the people so that their families can figure out the next steps of life. In Johannesburg, Africa, seventeen people, including 15 women, were killed in two mass shootings that took place at two homes on the same street in a rural town in South Africa, police said Saturday .We ask you to look after the suspects and watch over them so they will stop any violence in their hearts. Please attend to all those who are in critical care and long for your graces and blessings. A search was underway for the suspects, national police spokesperson Brig. Athlenda Mathe said in a statement. The victims were 15 women and two men, she said. One other person was in critical condition in the hospital. That person was among four women, a man and a 2-month-old baby who survived one of the shootings. Authorities didn’t immediately give any details on the age or gender of the person in critical condition or the medical conditions of the other survivors. The shootings took place Friday night in the town of Lusikisiki in Eastern Cape province in southeastern South Africa. We implore you to assist all who are in angst about the condition of their life and others' lives. We ask your favor Lord, in the name of the Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit. May Mother Mary hold them in her strong embrace.

by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism

Prayer for the children saved from sexual abuse by the Preda Foundation

Oh Lord, we thank you for hearing the voices of sexually abused children, who have been saved and brought into new lives through the work of Father Shay Cullen and the Preda Foundation These voices of hurt and fear are too often unheard.

Inspired by the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, those who work in the Preda Foundations hear the childrens' anguished cries and lovingly respond, freeing them from capture and gently, over the years, raising them from virtual death to new lives of fulfillment and responsibility, so that they in turn can be the voices of others in need.

Oh Lord, help us to hear the voices of all those crying out to us in need and fear. Help us to do what we can, following the model of the Preda Foundation, to help children and all those in need reclaim their lives and filled with love for You and for each other respond with love and care for all in Dr. Eugene Fisher Profiles in Catholicism

A Prayer to Prevent Antisemitism

Lord God, through the covenant you established with the Jewish People, we Christians have been grafted into this covenantal tradition according to St. Paul.  But very often throughout history, we have shown ourselves ungrateful for this gift given us through Jesus who imbued in his teachings this Jewish covenantal tradition through acts of antisemitism.  We join with Popes St. John Paul II and Francis in confessing our sins of antisemitism past and present.  Through this prayer, we commit ourselves to the elimination of any remaining anti-Semitic teachings in the Catholic community and pledge to add our public voice in denouncing any manifestations of antisemitism in contemporary society. We ask your blessing so that we may have the strength to fulfill this pledge we make in your presence.

by John T. Pawlikowski, OSM, Profiles in Catholicism 


Dearest Lord


Embrace these precious Nigerian souls who died in the fuel tank explosion into your eternal love. Please comfort their families with the knowledge that they are now with You.


by Gordon Nary   Profiles in Catholicism

A Prayer for Haitians


Hold these  Haitians who were recently murdered by Haitian gangs into your loving care and all their families. We also pray for the 6,000 plus people in Haiti who have left their homes after a gang attack.

by Sarah Lyon Profiles in Catholicism

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