A Message from the Editor
I often attended Mass at Old Saint Mary’s about fifty years ago when I worked at the now defunct Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago. They are a Paulist parish and the first Catholic parish in Chicago.
I along with many others was disappointed to learn that Wisconsin’s AG claim that he didn’t have the ability to investigate claims of clergy abuse. I wonder how
AG Josh Kaul would have reacted If it was his child that was abused.
There are several reports in this issue of parishes declaring bankruptcy because of child sexual abuse. This also results in many Catholics leaving the church as a result of this horrible crime. Another challenge is most Catholics in England say abuse crisis has weakened Church’s moral authority,
Hopefully the Paulists can help reduce this challenge since they are committed to protecting children and aiding in the healing process for the victims and survivors of sexual abuse. It would be helpful if the Church would finance a study to determine a more reliable test for pedophilia.
The Israel Mideast war has resulted in a dramatic increase in antisemitism globally. We ask our readers to pray to end Antisemitism. Also never book a flight on Lufthansa Airlines. As you can tell from the following report they are Antisemitic- Lufthansa ordered to pay $4M penalty for denying boarding to 128 Jewish passengers in 2022
It was sad to read What caused the fall of Irish Catholicism?
We ask all of our readers to pray for the defeat of England's Assisted Suicide Bill that will lead to medical killing of the sick, disabled, and elderly.
A Quote to Remember
“Perhaps the time has come when human beings will consider impartially the causes which have brought about the deplorable religious dissensions and divisions existing among Christians, and that a movement is about to set in on all sides towards unity, and the prayer of Christ that ‘all who believe in Him might be made perfect in unity’ will find its fulfillment. This is our hope. To contribute to this result we labor.”
by Father Isaac Hecker
A prayer for the Paulist Fathers
“A New Voyage”
Peter the fisherman, so often used to sail in difficult
Weather and waters and who, with his crew, would work
Long and fruitless hours, even letting you decide, Lord,
Where to fish and fish again and now, like the original
Fisher of men, a new man at the helm will sometimes
Set a new course for another and enthusiastic captain,
Whether a man or a woman, to bring aboard a fresh catch
Of multi coloured beauties, almost breaking the net.
Oh Lord, as I gaze upon the water, wasting my time
When I could be at work, studying, looking for a girl,
I inherited my mother’s dream for the conversion of
My parents’ adopted country, setting me on a path, like
A star that rose in the East leading the wisemen to an
Unknown harbour: a stable in which nestled a poor family
And their newborn, as yet a hidden splendor, although
Trumpeted by angels, visited by kings and shepherds.
As I look, Lord, at the twinkling lights upon the gentle
Ebb and flow of the tide, the sheer beauty of sparkling
Shapes upon the tips of waves, my thoughts sail to and
Fro, from the fertile roots of my family to the calling,
Ever within, to an unknown work and mission, ever out
Of reach and puzzling me as to its practical expression,
Leaving me restless in front of my brothers’ business,
Of a destination still to be disclosed and still calling.
And so it is, Lord, that vocations take the route you
Lead, in and out of places of work, companions, family,
Study, sometimes sending a word, like a signpost, not
Exactly to anywhere but an encouragement to continue,
Like the two brothers, one who said “yes” and did not go
Into the harvest and one who said “no” and left, after all,
And sailed out of what was familiar on a faith-journey,
Trusting the wind that blew to be from the Holy Spirit.
And so to own times and children, sometimes too few,
Calling as ever from whatever each is doing, or done,
Posing a problem of abandoning all and following you
And sometimes, starting out in one way and being left,
Unmoored, to be set sail again on a new boat of your
Own making, gathering a new crew to announce a love
Almost forgotten although ever new, to new people
And places, overlooked and now finding a welcome.
Let us be willing, Oh Lord, to feel that breeze upon our
Hearts that heralds your presence and speaks, though
Quietly, to one who sits and listens, contemplating the
Myriad moments of life’s announcements, of many that
Are mysterious, unfathomable, but like a companionable
Angel, guide us out of our loneliness to gather others in a
Bunch, like grapes, to be squeezed afresh, like a wine
Both ancient and modern, everlastingly the gift of God:
Refreshing the good news of being loved by an everlasting
Love, of being given the work of visiting the desperate, down
Trodden, and assisting their grasp of the good to be done and
Where it cannot wait that we go and help, helping as we can,
Hurrying, whether well or ill, to bring the Gospel of being
Loved to the lonely, broken families or estranged members
That petition you, silently, daily, all the time, beseeching you
To send a help to those who are already out of reach of the
Pulpit but need to hear what you said once and for all to hear.
by Francis Etheredge , Catholic married layman, father of 11, 3 of whom are in heaven, and an author. Forthcoming from En Route Books and Media: Who Am I? A SnapShot!
Prayer for Father Isaac Hecker’s Intercession
“Heavenly Father, you called your servant Isaac Thomas Hecker to preach the Gospel to the people of North America and, through his teaching, to know the peace and the power of your indwelling Spirit.
He walked in the footsteps of St. Paul the Apostle, and like Paul spoke your Word with a zeal for souls and a burning love for all who came to him in need.
Look upon us this day, with compassion and hope. Hear our prayer.
We ask that, through the intercession of Fr. Hecker your servant, you might grant us (state the request).
We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, Our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit. One God, forever and ever. Amen.”
by Paulist Fathers
A Prayer for the Seventeen Murdered Victims in Jonesburg South Africa
Good and Gracious God, We beg you for mercy in this section of Africa and ask you to watch over the people so that their families can figure out the next steps of life. In Johannesburg, Africa, seventeen people, including 15 women, were killed in two mass shootings that took place at two homes on the same street in a rural town in South Africa, police said Saturday .We ask you to look after the suspects and watch over them so they will stop any violence in their hearts. Please attend to all those who are in critical care and long for your graces and blessings. A search was underway for the suspects, national police spokesperson Brig. Athlenda Mathe said in a statement. The victims were 15 women and two men, she said. One other person was in critical condition in the hospital. That person was among four women, a man and a 2-month-old baby who survived one of the shootings. Authorities didn’t immediately give any details on the age or gender of the person in critical condition or the medical conditions of the other survivors. The shootings took place Friday night in the town of Lusikisiki in Eastern Cape province in southeastern South Africa. We implore you to assist all who are in angst about the condition of their life and others' lives. We ask your favor Lord, in the name of the Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit. May Mother Mary hold them in her strong embrace.
by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer for the children saved from sexual abuse by the Preda Foundation
Oh Lord, we thank you for hearing the voices of sexually abused children, who have been saved and brought into new lives through the work of Father Shay Cullen and the Preda Foundation These voices of hurt and fear are too often unheard.
Inspired by the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, those who work in the Preda Foundations hear the childrens' anguished cries and lovingly respond, freeing them from capture and gently, over the years, raising them from virtual death to new lives of fulfillment and responsibility, so that they in turn can be the voices of others in need.
Oh Lord, help us to hear the voices of all those crying out to us in need and fear. Help us to do what we can, following the model of the Preda Foundation, to help children and all those in need reclaim their lives and filled with love for You and for each other respond with love and care for all in need.by Dr. Eugene Fisher Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer to Prevent Antisemitism
Lord God, through the covenant you established with the Jewish People, we Christians have been grafted into this covenantal tradition according to St. Paul. But very often throughout history, we have shown ourselves ungrateful for this gift given us through Jesus who imbued in his teachings this Jewish covenantal tradition through acts of antisemitism. We join with Popes St. John Paul II and Francis in confessing our sins of antisemitism past and present. Through this prayer, we commit ourselves to the elimination of any remaining anti-Semitic teachings in the Catholic community and pledge to add our public voice in denouncing any manifestations of antisemitism in contemporary society. We ask your blessing so that we may have the strength to fulfill this pledge we make in your presence.
by John T. Pawlikowski, OSM, Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer for the Nigerians Killed in a Fuel Tank Explosion
Dearest Lord
Embrace these precious Nigerian souls who died in the fuel tank explosion into your eternal love. Please comfort their families with the knowledge that they are now with You.
by Gordon Nary Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer for Haitians
Hold these Haitians who were recently murdered by Haitian gangs into your loving care and all their families. We also pray for the 6,000 plus people in Haiti who have left their homes after a gang attack.
by Sarah Lyon Profiles in Catholicism
Paulists Interviews
General Interviews
The Paulists Articles and Commentaries
Paulist Fathers Announce Appointment of First Lay President and Publisher of Paulist Press by Paulist Fathers
A Particular Place in Our Hearts”: Cardinal Koch on the Death of Paulist Fr. Thomas Stransky by The Paulist Fathers
Announcement of our Victim Assistance Coordinator by The Paulist Fathers
Paulist Fathers Announce New Assignments by Paulist Fathers
Paulist Fr. John Ardis Elected Paulist Fathers’ Vice President by Paulist Fathers
Statement of Very Rev. René Constanza, C.S.P., President of the Paulist Fathers, on the Deadly Shooting in Colorado Springs, CO by Paulist Fathers
Paulist Fathers Announce Election of Next President by Paulist Fathers
Paulist Fathers Support “God Is On Your Side: A Statement from Catholic Bishops on Protecting LGBT Youth” by Paulist Fathers Link to LGBTQ Challenges and Leadership
Announcement of our Victim Assistance Coordinator by The Paulists
Bishop's removal of Paulists from Ohio State campus ministry sparks protest by Brian Fraga National Catholic Reporter
Paulist Fathers celebrate 100 years of serving U.S. Catholics in Rome by Carol Glatz Catholic News Service/Crux
Heart Speaks to Heart: The Paulist Fathers Pastoral Letter on Campus Ministry by The Paulists
Welcome from Paulist Father James DiLuzio CSP, the New Director of the Paulist National Office of Ecumenical and Multi-Faith Relations by The Paulists
Paulist Fathers elect native of Belize as order's next president by Catholic News Service/National Catholic Reporter
Five Questions With Paulist Press Author Robert Wicks by Paulist Fathers
Five Questions with Paulist Associate Rae DelVecchio by Paulist Fathers
Five Questions with Paulist Fr. René Constanza by Paulist Fathers
A Paulist Priest’s Wonderful Life by William Doino Jr. First Things
What kind of spirituality leads our teams? by Paulist Evangelization Ministries
Growing Up Paulist by Fr. Frank DeSiano, C.S.P. The Paulists
Please send us a Donation of $5.00 or any amount to help support
The Month in Review
General Articles and Commentaries
After a bomb threat interrupted Kol Nidre, this congregation kept praying on the streets of Manhattan by Jackie Hajdenberg Jewish Telegraphic Agency Link to Antisemitism
Lufthansa ordered to pay $4M penalty for denying boarding to 128 Jewish passengers in 2022 by Jackie Hajdenberg Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Assisi: G7 for disability seeks to foster societal inclusion by Benedetta Capelli and Michele Raviart Vatican News Link to DisabilitiesPope Francis appoints priest who serves disadvantaged youth to Vatican evangelization office by Hannah Brockhaus Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to Youth Challenges and Leadership and to Evangelization Archdiocese of Los Angeles agrees to pay $880 million to victims of clergy sexual abuse by The Associated Press/CNN Link to Catholic Sexual Violence Against Minors
Hundreds sue over alleged sexual abuse in Illinois youth detention centers by Sophia Tareen The Associated Press Link to Child and Teen Sexual Abuse General Reports
Maylia and Jack A Story of Teens and Fentanyl by Lizzie Presser ProPublica Link to Addiction
Featured Report
What is My Calling by Father Joseph Chamblain, O.S.M. Profiles in Catholicism Link to Religious Vocations
The End of the Post-Holocaust Era by Yossi Klein Halevi The Jewish Journal Link to The Holocaust
Neo-Nazi Telegram Users Panic Amid Crackdown and Arrest of Alleged Leaders of Online Extremist Group by A.C. Thompson, James Bandler, and Brandon Roberts Frontline PBS Link to Neo-Nazis
In year since Hamas' pogrom against Jews, we've seen antisemitism on the rise by Michael Sean Winters National Catholic Reporter Link to Antisemitism
Synod Diary: Lessons from the Jesuit pilgrimage for the synod slog by Ricardo da Silva, S.J. America
The keys to a bishop’s role in a synod church: collaboration and compassion by Bishop W. Shawn McKnight America
Synod participants lament focus on ‘niche issues’ such as women’s ordination by Elise Ann Allen Crux Link to Women Challenges and Leadership
TD Bank hit with record $3 billion fine over drug cartel money laundering by Jordan Valinsky and Matt Egan CN Link to Financial Crimes and Improprieties
Our Inability to Give or Receive Perfect True Lovel by Mark Davis Pickup Human Life Matters
Ravens’ dynamic duo of Henry and Jackson help lead a rushing renaissance in the NFL by Josh Dobow The Associated Press Link to Sports
The Explosion of Child Abuse Online by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism Link to Child and Teen Sexual Abuse General Reports
Special counsel Jack Smith provides fullest picture yet of his 2020 election case against Trump in new filing by Katelyn Polantz, Tierney Sneed, John Fritze, Hannah Rabinowitz, Devan Cole and Holmes Lybrand CNN Link to United States Politics and False Election Claims, and to Political Crimes
The Cold War Against the Jews by Malka Z. Simkovich Tablet Link to Jewish Leadership and Challenges
What young women need to know about the growing porn trend by Kortney Candland and Timothy Rarick Institute for Family Issues Link to Pornography Challenges
Wisconsin Megachurch Pastor Re-arrested As Second Victim Comes Forward by Liz Lykins The Roys Report
FTC Sues Major PBMs for Unfair Practices Affecting Drug Costs by Travis Manint HIV/HCV Watch
From Jesuit to Recluse: Fr. Agostino Modotti and the Founding of New Camaldoli Hermitage in Big Sur Link to The Jesuits
Archdiocese of Boston producing low- and middle-income housing by John Lavenburg Cruz
Wisconsin pastor fired for allegedly sending himself nude photos of congregant’s wife by Leonardo Blair Christian Post
Catholic priest moves to new job after destroying material in ‘child pornography case’ by Dan Horn Cincinnati Enquirer Link to Pornography Challenges
Lawsuit Accuses Gateway Church of Committing Fraud with Members’ Tithe Money by Julie Roysn The Roys Report Link to Financial Crimes and Improprieties
Expert hired to help resolve New Orleans archdiocese bankruptcy faces FBI scrutiny by Ramon Antonio Vargas The Guardian
Catholics Behaving Badly: Questionable defenses and double papal standards by Michael Sean Winters National Catholic Reporter
An ex-CIA officer gets 30 years for drugging, filming and assaulting dozens of women by Rachel Treisman PBS WTTW Chicago Link to Sexual Relations with and Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
Maryland woman sentenced to 18 years for neo-Nazi plot to attack power grid by Elaine Mallon Washington Examiner
Domestic Violence, Child Abuse and DUI Cases Are Being Dismissed en Masse in Anchorage by Kyle Hopkins Anchorage Daily News/ProPublica Link to Domestic Violence and to Child Abuse
Former Church Volunteer in Santa Rosa Sentenced for Child Abuse by KSRO Link to Child and Teen Sexual Abuse General Reports
The fascinating, free, and faithful Saint Francis of Assisi by Dawn Beutner The Catholic World Report Link to Saints
On the Moral Status of Addicts by Jonathan Clarke City JournalLink to Addiction
Bishop Rhoades: Prayer, truth and love needed to heal confusion by Gina Christian Our Sunday Visitor/Angelus News Link to Sex, Sexuality, and Celibacy
Facing more clergy abuse lawsuits, Vermont's Catholic Church files for bankruptcy by Lisa Rathke The Associated Press Link to Catholic Sexual Violence Against Minors
For Our Daughters tells the stories of clergy sexual abuse survivors in their own words by Rick Pidcock Baptist News Global Link to Protestant Sexual Violence Against Minors
Louisiana Catholic church turns to federal court to attack law aiding abuse victims by Ramon Antonio Vargas and David Hammer The Guardian
Tone deaf and color blind? Catholic Church struggles to keep accused abusers out of religious art by Raf Casert and Nicole Winfield The Associated Press
Lee Miller’s Legacy: From Fashion Model to War Correspondent by Meredith Herndon Smithsonian Magazine Link to Women Challenges and Leadership
Rabbi David Meyer: 'October 7 revealed Jews' great solitude' by Olivier Bonnel Vatican News
Discover how Franciscan theology can shape your life, community, and world by Tony Magliano Commonweal Magazine Link to The Franciscans
Abbreviated bankruptcy’ strategy for parishes is a first in diocesan Chapter 11 abuse settlements by Gina Christian Catholic Review
Pro-Life Group Launches Ad Debunking False Claim That Georgia Abortion Law Killed Women by Peter Pinedo Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Register Link to Abortion
Former CEO of Abercrombie & Fitch arrested on charges related to sex trafficking, sources say by CNNLink to Human Trafficking/Sex Trafficking
Powerful Perps–Even Celebrities Can Still Be Abusers by Adam Horowitz LawTennessee Pastor Takes His Life Hours After Being Accused of Molesting a Child by Sheila Stogsdill The Roys Report Link to Suicide
US ‘Welcome Corps’ helps resettle LGBTQ+ refugees fleeing crackdowns against gay people by Michael Cory and Terry Shea The Associated Press Link to LGBTQ Challenges and Leadership
The challenges of being a Catholic voter by Greg Erlandson The Pilot Link to United States Politics- Part Two
Voting for the ‘lesser of two evils’ by Tony Magliano The Catholic Herald
Child Sexual Abuse Image Distributor Held Without Bail; U.S. Attorney Praises Parents by Tony Schinella Patch Link to Child and Teen Sexual Abuse General Reports
Persecution of 10 Catholic bishops in China intensified after Vatican-China deal, report says by Courtney Mares Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to China Issues and Challenges
Teen in custody after 5 found dead in shooting at home in Washington state, police say by The Associated Press Link to Mass Murders
St. Dymphna, St. Maria Goretti and the Litanies of the Heart by Gerry Ken Crete National Catholic Register
Canada: Canon lawyer advised destruction of religious archives by François Gloutnay La Croix InternationalCanada to cover cost of contraception and insulin by Jessica Murphy BBC News
Quebec Catholic monks face class actions over decades of alleged sexual abuse by Agence France PresseB.C. Catholic school, archdiocese face another sex abuse case by Jeremy Hainsworth Vancouver Is Awesome
Cash for St. John’s abuse victims by month’s endby Quinton Amundson The Catholic Register
The challenge of welcoming migrants and asylum seekersby Father Shay Cullen Preda FoundationFilipino televangelist pleads not guilty to child abuse and human trafficking charges by Jim Gomez The Associated PressPastor wanted by US for sex trafficking to run for Philippine senate by Agence France-Presse
Death threats assail Brazil’s trailblazing trans candidates as they campaign by Leonore Hughes and Hannah-Kathryn Valles The Associated Press Link to Brazil Politics
Priest who denounced Chile’s most notorious sex abuser gets key Vatican post by Loup Besmond de Senneville La Croix International
Over 6,000 people in Haiti leave their homes after gang attack killed dozens by Pierre-Richard Lucama and Eléonore Hughes The Associated Press Link Gang Violence
Pope mourns killing of environmental activist in Honduras by Linda Bordoni Vatican News
6 migrants shot dead near Guatemalan border when Mexican army troops open fire by Edgar H. Clemente and Tuxtle Gutterrez The Associated Press Link to Mexico Immigration and Refugee Challenges
A new mayor takes office in southern Mexico after his predecessor was beheaded by Alejandrino Gonzalez The Associated Press
Mexico sends 660 soldiers, National Guard to protect lime growers suffering extortion by cartels by The Associated Press Link to Drug Cartels
Families of 43 missing students in Mexico are still demanding justice by Will Gran
Excommunications, Pope Francis’s response to abuse cover-up by Rodolfo Soriano-Núñez Los Ángeles Press Link to Excommunication
Peruvians filing criminal charge against Vatican investigator defy excommunication threat by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Cardinal, exorcists have differing takes on ‘cleansing’ ritual performed on Mexican president by Walter Sánchez Silva The Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Link to Exorcism
Pope expels a bishop and 9 other people from a Peru movement over ‘sadistic’ abuses by Nicole Winfield The Associated Press
Peruvians filing criminal charge against Vatican investigator defy excommunication threat by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Pope’s apology to abuse victims rejected by survivors’ group as ‘damage control’ by Raf Casert The Associated Press
Two tales from one city show the challenges Pope Francis faces to retain his flock in Europe by WTOP
Austrian man amputated his penis with an axe after eating psilocybin psychedelic mushrooms by Amber Louise Bryce EuronewsLink to Psychedelic Drugs
Far-right party founded by former Nazis wins Austrian election by Philissa Cramer Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Belgian PM and king blast Pope Francis for church’s sex abuse cover-up legacy in blistering welcome by Nicole Winfield and Raf Cassert The Associated Press
At historic Belgian Catholic university, pope hears pleas for women's ordination, LGBTQ acceptance by Christopher White National Catholic Reporter
Pope tells Belgian homeless that church’s greatest strength is weakest members by Elise Ann Allen CruxLink to Homeless
Abuse and shame: Recalling Pope Francis' words in Belgium by Andrea Tornielli Vatican News
Pope Francis, in Belgium, pressed on sexual abuse, women priests by Joshua McElwee and Marine Strauss Reuters
Pope in Belgium calls for peace, condemns abuse, forced adoptions by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Pope meets survivors of clergy abuse in Belgium by Carol Glatz Catholic News Service/UCA News
Pope Francis lauds Belgian king who chose to abdicate rather than sign abortion law by Courtney Mares Catholic News Agency
Pope Francis responds to critics of his comments on women in Belgium by Catholic News Agency
'The Church very good at aggressively protecting its own when accused of truly horrendous crimes' by Mark Owen France 24
More allegations of sexual abuse made against French priest Abbé Pierre by Kim Willsher The Guardian
Gisèle Pélicot tells mass rape trial that she ‘never gave consent’ by Angelique Chrisafis The Guardian Link to Sexual Relations with and Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
German supermarket Aldi's fake discounts breach EU law, top European court say by Euronews
Irish Archbishop: Until the abuse crisis is fully addressed, there will be no renewal and reform of our Church by Independent Catholic News Link to Ireland Issues and Challenges
Irish archbishop blocks Vatican interference in abuse caseby Chai Brady The Irish Catholic
What caused the fall of Irish Catholicism? by Mark Patrick Hederman The Irish Times
“Exposes once again the widespread abuse” – Irish Catholic Bishops on Scoping Inquiry by Kerry O'Shea Irish Central
Chilling last words to Irish man wrongly sent to Iranian jail called ‘Satan’s Block’ by Philip Downe IrishCentral
Abuse report ‘shines light of truth’ on the past, say bishops by Sarah Mac Donald The Tablet
Are fairies and leprechauns demonic? by Jenna Marie Cooper The Pilot
Global Justice Project: A Process That Nobody Can Stop by Bojan Jovanović The Good Men Project Link to Orthodox Religion Sexual Abuse of Minors
Top Jesuit supports ‘LGBTQ Catholics’ event held at order’s headquarters in Rome by Almudena Martínez-Bordiú Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to The Jesuits
Pope in Luxembourg: 'Wealth is a responsibility,' declares Francis by Mikael Corre La Croix International
Norway bans local chapter of 'criminal' motorcycle club Satudarah by Euronews with The Associated Press
Priests from scandal-hit Polish diocese charged with sexual offences against minors by Notes from Poland
A sex abuse story told at Saint Peter’s Basilica by Laurence Gien and Paterno R. Esmaquel II Rappler Link to Sexual Relations with and Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
From Management to Ministry? The feeling at the Synod is that something will have to be done about the role of women by Massimo Faggioli Commonweal
Abuse survivor after giving his testimony at synod’s penitential liturgy: ‘it helped me to be able to find compassion’ by Paulina Guzik Our Sunday Visitor
Six facts to understand the context of abuse in Spain by Javier Garcia Omnes
Public prosecutor closes case against Swiss abbot by Luke Coppen The Pillar
Veteran, 103, awarded medals 80 years on by Sara Dafydd and Georgia Ferda BBC News
BBC confronts neo-Nazi who gave UK rioters arson tips by Ed Smith BBC/MSN Link to Arson
Most Catholics in England say abuse crisis has weakened Church’s moral authority by Charles Collins Crux
Report finds abuse crisis caused drop in Mass attendance by Ruth Gledhill The Tablet
Australian archbishop urges rejection of ‘Equality Bill’ by Charles Collins Crux
Vinnies urges Australians to open their hearts to asylum-seekers by CathNews Link to Australian Immigration and Refugee Challenges
Sydney men face bestiality charges as dogs confiscated from property by Clareese Packer News.com.aus
Pope Francis chooses Melbourne bishop as one of 21 new Catholic cardinals by Australia News
Australian archbishop urges rejection of ‘Equality Bill’ by Charles Collins Crux
Christian sexual ethics and the abuse of adolescents: Lessons from the Anglican Diocese of Newcastle by Patrick Parkinson Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Government, faith-based groups miss Abuse In Care response guideline by Tim Brown Radio New Zealand Link to General Reports of Religious Sexual Abuse of Minors
Priest ‘unremorseful’ after carrying out despicable act against a mum and her two kids by Miklos Bolza Aap/Daily Mail
UK doctor found guilty of attempted murder with poison disguised as COVID vaccine by Euronews with The Associated Press
Survivor group claims Catholic Church stand-down policy preached but not practised by George Heagney The Post
Catholic Church found liable for historical sexual abuse by Newcastle priest by Giselle Wakatama Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Australia news live: veteran activist 12th person arrested at community campaign to protect Bulga state forest from logging by Josh Taylor and Amy Remeikis MSN
Australian bishop pleads ‘not guilty’ to abuse charges by The Pillar
WA government announce a major overhaul for notorious youth centre by Emma Kirk News.com Link to Youth Challenges and Leadership
Christian sexual ethics and the abuse of adolescents: Lessons from the Anglican Diocese of Newcastle by Patrick Parkinson Australian Broadcasting Corporation Link to Anglicanism
New parliamentary committee of enquiry into sexual abuse in the Church: “Important to get to the bottom of this” by Patrick Parkinson Australian Broadcasting Corporation
New Zealand Catholic Church Suppresses Abuse Report by Scoop
Catholic abuse survivors ask Catholics to hold clergy to account by CathNews New Zealand
Introducing the new Papal Nuncio to New Zealand and Pacific by CathNews New Zealand
Questions raised over Church approach to young gay Catholics by CathNews New Zealand
Even the Government missed Abuse in Care first deadline by CathNews News Zealand
Church in Tamil Nadu advances interreligious dialogue in southern India by Fr. Ritchie Vincent LiCAS News/Vatican News
Dozens of children drown while bathing during Hindu festival in India by CathNews New Zealand
India: Eradication of poverty in Musunuru by Sister Florina Joseph, SCN Vatican News Link to Poverty
Malaysia arrests hundreds more over child abuse claims by Gavin Butler BBC News
Aid group says Congo had 25,000 victims of sexual violence last year by Jean-Yves Camali and Mark Banchereau The Associated Press Link to Prison Challenges
Caritas ‘shocked’ by murder of director in Democratic Republic of Congo by CathNews New Zealand
Catholic Journalist killed in DR Congo, possibly for just $5 by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
Liberia: Catholic Priest Arrested for Allegedly Raping 16-Year-Old Girl by Contributing Editor Front Page Africa
Kenyan MPs vote to impeach deputy president by Wycliffe Muia and Will Ross BBC News
Explosion kills scores of Nigerians collecting fuel from crashed tanker by Eromo Egbejule The Guardian
YouTuber and Rwandan government critic jailed by Yves Bucyana BBC News
17 people have been killed in 2 mass shootings in the same street in South Africa by Mogomotsi and Gerald Imray The Associated Press Link to Mass Murders
Inside a hospital on the front line of Sudan’s hunger crisisby BBC Link to Food Shortage, Famine, and Starvation
Church-linked groups are helping South Sudanese refugees live like locals in Uganda by Tonny Onyulo Religion News Service
A Survivor’s Last Day by Lee Yaroon Tablet
Tamil Nadu: 70-yr-old priest held for sexually assaulting minor inside temple by Sayima Ahmad Siasat Daily
Christians arrested for distributing religious literature in North India by Nirmala Carvalho Crux
Around 100,000 Lebanese refugees have fled to Syria, UN says by Chitty and Andreas Rogal Euronews with The Associated Press
Pakistani woman sentenced to death for allegedly blaspheming Muhammed by Andrés Henríquez Catholic News Agency Link to Death Penalty
China nuclear sub sank in its dock, US officials say by Robert Plummer and Thomas Spencer BBC News Link to China Issues and Challenges
Nepal floods displace thousands, Catholic Church calls for global aid by Licas News/Vatican News
‘I had to evacuate five times’: a year in the life of a Gaza doctor battling to help victims by Kaamil Ahmed The Guardian Link to War
Widespread condemnation of Israeli airstrikes on UN in Lebanon by Nathan Morley Vatican NewsLink to Acts of War
Man who posted monkey torture videos online jailed by MSN Link to Animal Challenges
Book Reviews, Excerpts, Commentaries, and Announcements
Missionary Priest: A Spiritual Memoir by Father Tom Ryan Announcement by Thriftbooks
Mass Class: Your Questions Answered by Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP Book Excerpt by Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP Busted Halo
Discipleship For the Future by Frank P. Desiano, CSP Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Praying with Saint Paul Using Lectio Divina: Acts of the Apostles New American Bible by Paulist Press Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Transgenderism: A Question of Identity by Francis Etheredge Catholic married layman, father of 11, 3 of whom are in heaven, and an author. Forthcoming from En Route Books and Media, Transgenderism: A Question of Identity
Mary, the New Woman: A Judeo-Christian view of the Conception, in the history of Salvation, of the Divine Will by Diego G. Passadore Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
In the Courts of Three Popes: An American Lawyer and Diplomat in the Last Absolute Monarchy of the West by Mary Ann Glendon Reviewed by Msgr. Richard Antall Angelus News
Word, Sacrament, Charism: Risks and Opportunities of a Synodal Church Commentary by Claire Giangravé Religion News Service/National Catholic Reporter
The Jesuit Disruptor: A Personal Portrait of Pope Francis by Michael W. Higgins Commentary by Mike Mastromatte National Catholic Reporter
A Year of Daily Offerings. Giving Your Life to God One Day at a Time by Father James Kubicki, S.J. Commentary by Paul Sans The Catholic World Report
Baptistland by Christa Brown Commentary by Bekah Congdon Reason
Film Reviews and Commentaries
Conclave Commentary by Katie Walsh Tribune News Service
White Bird Reviewed by Lindsey Bahr The Associated Press
The Outrun Commentary by Lindsey Bahr The Associated Press
Blue Baby Announcement by Religion News Service
Theater Reviews and Commentaries
Television Reviews and Commentaries
Kissufim Commentary by Jackie Hajdenberg Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Rebus Reviewed by Ed Power The Irish Times
Insight The Seriesn Commentary by Tom Hoffarth Angelus News
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Paulist Fathers celebrate 100 years in Rome!
Universal Church - Paulist Fr. Steve Petroff
"Tomaso" - Paulist Fr. Thomas Kane