A Message from the Editor
This November, we have a special focus on evangelization and have interviews with leading evangelists.
When most of us watch the horror of the Hamas/Israeli on TV, we are saddened for a brief time and then move on. Sadly, those involved in this war have their souls scarred for the rest of their lives. Some have stated that this is the worst tragedy that has affected Israelis since the Holocaust. There is one aspect of this war that is worse than the Holocaust – the infants that have been burned alive and beheaded. We have provided several prayers which we hope our readers will consider praying as often as possible
More than 2,400 people were killed in earthquakes in Afghanistan. We ask our readers to pray for them
I seldom pay any attention to the often lunatic statements by Donald Trump. But when he compared himself to Nelson Mandela. I was outraged. Trump is a pathological liar and a racist. Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison for opposing South Africa's apartheid system. If Trump sends 27 years in jail for all of his crimes, then there could be a connection to Nelson Mandela.
A Quote to Remember
“The mission of ordained ministers is evangelization… the first form of evangelization is the witness of fraternity and of communion between priests and bishop be aware that it is lives that evangelize rather than works “.
by Pope Francis
A Prayer for Evangelists
“Eternally Given”
Creator of all, all is disposed to announce your Love!
Whether the whistling, trickling, dripping of waters,
The uproarious rising of voluminous fumes and fire,
The cascading clouds of tumultuously pouring snow,
Or the sheer silence of desert sands, softly blowing and
Seeping across mounds and dunes until tidied by the sea.
Your presence is spoken everywhere, you said: “I AM”.
Whether by word, rite or word and act in sacrament,
An outer event working as witness to a change within,
Or through the word-events inscribed in the lived lives,
Of people and places from the opening of time’s changes
To the now, everlastingly on the edge of edging to the end.
Your presence is spoken personally, too, by all who help.
Whether in overlooking the offence, forgiving, or giving
What is beyond need and more than can be given easily,
So that the generosity of Christ comes to our neighbour,
Concretely, letting what is given go through us to others,
Building, gift by gift, the giving that taps the good in all.
Your presence is spoken, too, by the wise ways of God.
Whether by greeting a passer-by, and listening to a need,
A book on a shelf discovered while visiting a friend, or a
“Chance” expression in a bible or a catechism, telling of
Love’s power to pass faith in God as it passes through the
Passing change that turns out to be permanently rooted.
Your presence is spoken when we speak of God loving you.
Whether on a street, with singing and dancing, as a part
Of a pilgrimage to a place where you touched the earth or
Your mother visited, a saint acted, or the mysteries of life
Are lived in tranquillity, as in an enclosure, closed off so as
To be closer to all and away from none, being in Your Heart.
Your presence is spoken when we speak a word broken.
Whether taken at random as a gift for another, opened in a
Hope to help beyond our own efforts when suffering closes,
Threateningly, on the throat of the breath that would say
You exist and love and help when all around is disaster and
Damage unimaginable, destroying lives, leaving us speechless.
Your presence is spoken in the silence of the cross speaking.
Whether we sit alone, in front of the mystery of your presence
Among us, hidden from our sight but visibly present in the
Place by the lit light, in the word of forgiveness, in the echo
Of another’s experience, shedding insights on our own lives,
Gathering, at the same time, all that we have been given.
Creator of all, all is disposed to announce your love!
Whether we be the least able or the greatest and most moving
Of hearts, dropping a dripping spark, flaming as it falls, ready
From you to ignite a little love, swelling at the root, bursting
Out, warming others, calling all to gather around the hearth
Of Your Church, rehearsing the song of praise sung hereafter!
by Francis Etheredge, Catholic married layman, father of 11, 3
of whom are in heaven, and an author: francisetheredge.online
Prayer for the Children Killed in the Hamas War against Israel
Brother Jesus, we ask your blessing upon the children killed in the brutal attack in Israel. Give us the courage
to speak out against such violations of human dignity. Strengthen us with your grace so that we may courageously protest the killing of children in Israel/Palestine and other parts of the world.
You demonstrated your affection and concern for children in your public ministry. May we follow your example today
by Father John Pawlikowski, OSM, PhD,, Catholic Theological Union, Chicago
A prayer for the hostages in the Hamas/Israeli war
God of Abraham,
the father in faith of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim people,
send the Spirit of peace on the Holy Land,
free captive people and give release to prisoners,
heal the wounded, especially the children,
give everyone a heart to work for reconciliation,
enable us to do whatever we can
to bring all your children together. Amen.
by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer for the Israeli Victims of Hamas Terrorism
Oh Lord, we pray for those who have been injured or killed
by the murderous terrorists of Hamas.
We know that they do not have a mission to help the Palestinians.
Their sole mission is to kill Jews, a Nazi inspired attempt at a
second Holocaust.
Oh Lord, we pray also for the families who have lost loved ones.
These families are in Israel, the United States and around the world.
We pray that the slaughter of innocent men, women and children will stop.
We pray that the hostages will be returned safely to their families.
We pray that peace will return to Israel and to all the Middle East.
Thank you, God, for helping us to wake up from our collective slumber as
your people and give us the courage and strength to rise us up
as ambassadors of Your peace, love, justice, and unity.
Help us to be Your instruments through the power of Your Spirit.
by Eugene Fisher and Sasha Bergstrasser Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer for the Victims of War
Good and gracious God.
You have heard the cries of the people deeply involved in war. You never condone violence on behalf of harming others. Help us all to realize we must be held accountable for all the times we harm others. Help us today to stop this violence As President Zelensky states: “Today, the entire world saw horrifying videos from Israel. Terrorists humiliate women and men, detain even the elderly, and show no mercy. In the face of such a terrorist strike, everyone who values life must stand in solidarity. We in Ukraine have a special feeling about what has happened Thousands of rockets in the Israeli sky... People killed just on the streets... Civilian cars shot through... Detainees being humiliated… Our position is crystal clear: anyone who causes terror and death anywhere on the planet must be held accountable.” Please help us Lord, in stopping this attack on the poor and helpless. Help us to realize that it is the God within that causes us to transform and change from violence to non-violence through Christ Our Lord, Amen by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer for Afghanistan Earthquake Victims
God of Heaven and earth, creator of all and our dear Father, with contrite hearts we humbled before your divine presence to ask forgiveness for our wrongdoings. We are clamoring and appealing to your merciful love. Lord, have mercy on us and on the poor people of Afghanistan. Open your powerful and consoling arms to our brothers and sisters in the midst of destruction and sorrow. Heal their physical and spiritual wounds, strengthen them in body and souls to bury their dead and to reconstruct their towns and lives once more. We ask this through your loving Son, Jesus Christ. Amen by Margarita Cameron Profiles in Catholicism
Evangelization Interviews
General Interviews
General Evangelization Articles and Commentaries
Evangelization through beauty: An interview with Jimmy Mitchell by Paul Senz The Catholic World Report
Church’s social justice push is part of evangelization, head of papal academy says by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Head of new institute says catechesis must also evangelize by John Lavenburg Crux
Evangelizing through Authentic Friendship by Michael Adams Word on Fire
Pro-life Florida musician finds a way to evangelize using rap music by Katie Camario Catholic News Service/The Pilot
Cardinal Tagle to FABC: 'We are called to evangelize social media' by Sr Bernadette Mary Reis, fsp Vatican News
Asian bishops stress diversity, evangelization at jubilee meeting by UCA News
Indigenous people, evangelization, and us by Andrea Tornielli Vatican News
Humor can evangelize. Why don't priests use it well? - by Judith Valent U.S.Catholic
After 9 years, Francis reorganizes Vatican with focus on evangelization, roles for laypeople by Christopher White National Catholic Reporter
The Friendship of the Church Fathers and Evangelism. Mike Aquilina joins me today to discuss the church fathers and the role that friendship had in evangelizing. by William Hemsworth Patheos
Will Victorious Italian Soccer Team’s Catholic Manager Robert Mancini Be a ‘Seed of Evangelization by Edward Pentin National Catholic Register
Pope at Audience: Evangelization requires us to follow unexpected paths by Fr. Benedict Mayaki, SJ Vatican News
The Catholic artist and the challenge of evangelizing modern culture by Thomas M. Doran The Catholic World Report
How art can serve to evangelise by CathNews
On cages and evangelization in China. Like Catholicism-vs.-communism in east central Europe during the Cold War, Catholicism-vs.-communism in China is, ultimately, a zero-sum game. by George Weigel The Dispatch/The Catholic World Report
Beauty and Substance: A Reflection on the Anniversary of ‘Evangelization & Culture’ by Tod Worner Crux
Amid COVID-19, African Church ‘gyrates’ toward new forms of evangelization by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Band of Religious Sisters Evangelize Through Music During Pandemic by New Evangelization Television
Evangelizing a Troubled World: An interview with Bishop Donald J. Hying by Joseph M. Hanneman The Catholic World Report
How the Church can evangelize by example on racial justice by John L. Allen Jr. Crux /Angelus
The first volume of The Word on Fire Bible is substantial, attractive, and evangelical by Gregory J. Sullivan The Catholic Thing
Evangelization and Freedom of Speech/Religion by Father Mark WhiteProfiles in Catholicism
Providence bishop calls for evangelization, renewal after coronavirus by Catholic News Agency/The Pilot
Digital boom creates evangelical silver lining to coronavirus lockdowns by Father Jeffrey F. Kirby America
Youth Movement Brings Christ’s Healing to Homes With Online Challenge by New Evangelization Television
Spreading the Faith: Evangelizing Through Electronics During Virus Crisis by Tim Harfmann New Evangelization Television
Clergy and laity share ‘co-responsibility’ in Church, bishop says by Jack Lyons Crux by Fr. Charles Fox The Catholic World Report’
Evangelizing through mercy and holiness emphasized at LA Congress by Tom Hoffarth and Pablo Kay Angelus
Evangelization efforts bring more sisters to Diocese of Charleston, S.C. by Christina Lee Knauss Crux
The Great Commission: We Are All Called To Evangelize by William Harmsworth Patheos
Francis: Evangelize by Example, not Pushing Your Faith on Others by Father Matthew P. Schneider, LC Patheos
Our Lady of Guadalupe is the Evangelizer Par Excellence by Joseph Pronechen National Catholic Register
Evangelizers are like angels, bringing good news to the world, pope says by Catholic New Service/The Pilot
Pope Francis on Evangelization says "The longing for God, for an infinite and true love, is rooted in the heart of every person. by Jesus Caritas Est CatholicNew World
Why Have Evangelical Churches Gained So Much Political Influence in Latin America? Expert Points to 5 Factors in BBC Interview by Andrew Chesnut Patheos
Evangelize or Die by Brother André Marie Catholicism
Evangelization, polarization and accountability among the most pressing issues for the U.S. church by The Editors America
Why doctrine matters when it comes to evangelization by Russell Shaw Catholic World Report
Evangelizing with the courtesy of Christ by Fr. Charles Fox The Dispatch/Catholic World Report
Evangelizing on Twitter: A tweeting priest’s experience by Zelda Caldwell Aleteia
Cardinal Tagle: There’s no Room for Individualism in Evangelization by Joroy Lagarde Zenit
Diocese’s baseball outing aimed at fellowship, evangelization and fun too by Denis Grasska Crux
Bishop Barron offers free online course on evangelization by John Burger Aleteia
Accompany or argue: Pope contrasts with Bishop Barron on evangelization by Michael Sean Winters National Catholic Reporter
In Baltimore, bishops talk evangelizing in a time of scandal by Pablo Kay Angelus News
Beauty to evangelize by Father Pablo Patheos
RCIA and effective evangelization by Peter M.J. Stravinskas The Catholic World Report
Vatican Reform Plan Takes Shape: Evangelization Prioritized Over Doctrine by Edward Pentin National Catholic Reporter
New Vatican document to put evangelization ahead of doctrine by Inés San Martín Crux
Stop Treating Evangelism Like A Sales Pitch by Rene Albert Patheos
Silencing Victims is Not Evangelization by Mary Pezzulo Patheos
Papal document addresses challenges of evangelizing in the digital age by Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service/The Pilot ,
Renew My Church: What is a culture of evangelization? by Elizabeth White Chicago Catholic
Why don’t Millennials want to evangelize? by Christopher Plance Catholic World Report
Talking To Some Young Jesuits about Social Justice and Evangelization by Bishop Robert Barron Echoes
Father Lee's Difficulties in the Early New England Missions by Thomas Lester Echoes
Pope Francis: Music, an instrument of evangelization by Independent Catholic News
A Mother’s Devotion by Uli Covarrubias, SJ The Jesuit Post
Evangelization isn’t getting people to fall in line—it’s getting them to fall in love by Stephen P. White America
Newly elected Chairperson of AMECEA calls for the re-evangelization of Africa by Fr Paul Samasumo VaticanNews
Social Media and Incidental Evangelization: Oops, You Just Converted Someone Again by Kristy Burmeister Patheos
Catholics are sharing memes online. Is this the New Evangelization? by Angelo Jesus Canta America
10 Reasons Why Catholics Don’t Evangelize by Fr. Dwight Longenecker National Catholic Register
Eli the Evangelizer; Children with special needs can be super evangelizers. by Joseph Pronechen National Catholic Register
Bishop Barron’s Roadmap for the New Evangelization by Mary Rezac National Catholic Register
Unprecedented Gathering of US Church Will Discuss Evangelization July 1-4 event aims to put into action Pope Francis’ Evangelii Gaudium. by Peter Jesserer Smith National Catholic Register
Pope Francis: evangelize without proselytizing by Catholic Culture
Utah bishop exhorts faithful to evangelization, renewal by Catholic New Agency
6 Signs that Someone is Open to Evangelization by RENEW International
Nigerian bishop: Evangelize though family, social media by Catholic News Agency
99+ Effective Ways to Evangelize as a Catholic by Catholic Diocese of Salina
Evangelism in the modern world by Dr. Chris Anthony Catholic Online
What Is The New Evangelization? by Greg Willits Catholic Digest
Evangelization by USCCB
Meet Sair Del Toro: Hispanic evangelist extraordinaire by Mary Rezaz Catholic News Agency
General Articles and Commentaries
Urgent Prayer for Peace by Independent Catholic News Link to War
Cardinal offers to exchange himself for children kidnapped by Hamas by Independent Catholic News
Why can't the West believe Hamas would burn babies? by Maavan Jaffe-Hoffman The Jerusalem Post Link to Infants Beheaded and Burned Alive
Tied Up, Burnt Alive: Israel's Forensic Teams Study Bodies After Hamas Carnage by NDTV
Nadav Kipnis: 'My parents died on kibbutz where they worked for peace' by Francesca Sabatinelli and Roberto Cetera Vatican News
AP PHOTOS: Scenes of sorrow and despair on both sides of Israel-Gaza border on week 3 of war by The Associated Press
Fearing denial and disinformation, Israel shows journalists raw footage of Hamas attacks by Eliyahu Freedman Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Justice, not violence, will end Israel-Hamas war by Tony Magliano The Southern Cross
This is the drug Hamas terrorists took to help them slaughter Israelis by Wallai The Jerusalem Post
In a first, a Jewish organization opens an office at the Vatican by Gabe Friedman Jewish Telegraphic Agency Link to Catholic/Jewish Issues and Challenges
Israel evacuates Kiryat Shemona, town of 20,000 near Lebanon by Ron Kampeas The Jewish Telegraphic Agency
After Losing 1400 Family Members, It’s OK if I Suffer a Little by David Suissa Jewish Journal
After hospital airstrike, Anglican prelate calls explosion 'crime against humanity' by Judith Sudilovsky The Pilot Link to Anglicanism
Little light, no beds, not enough anesthesia: A view from the ‘nightmare’ of Gaza’s hospitals by Isabel Debre and Mafaa Surafa The Associated Press
A peace activist, a soldier, a son: Stories of Americans missing or dead in Hamas invasion begin to emerge by Ron Kampeas Jewish Telegraphic Agency
A Million Children Worldwide Prayed the Rosary for Peace in the Holy Land by Carol Zimmermann The Tablet Link to The Rosary
Hamas releases 2 American hostages from Gaza by Ron Kampeas The Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Israel battles Hamas militants as country’s death toll from mass incursion reaches 600 by Tia Goldenbeg and Wafaa Shurafa The Associated Press
White House says current assessment is Israel was 'not responsible' for Gaza hospital blast; still collecting evidence by The Associated Press /ABC News
US says North Korea delivered 1,000 containers of equipment and munitions to Russia for Ukraine war by Aamer Madhani The Associated Press
Tánaiste announces €13m aid package for Palestinian people following Gaza hospital blast by Gerard Donaghy The Irish Post Link to Ireland Issues and Challenges
Religious sisters to participate in prayer for peace in Holy Land by Sr. Titilayo Aduloju, SSMA Vatican News
St. Augustine, just war and the plight of civilians in Gaza by Laurie Johnston America
California’s top judge praises St. Thomas More at LA Red Mass by Pablo Kay Angelus News
Iran-Orchestrated Pogrom Targeting Jews in Israel Was Crime Against Humanity by Combat Antisemitism Movement Link to Antisemitism
ADL: Nearly 400% Increase in Antisemitism in U.S. Over Same Timeframe Last Year by Aaron Bandler The Jewish Journals
White House decries ‘grotesque’ antisemitic campus activities in support of Hamas attacks by Andrew Lapin Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Antisemitism’ coalition promises solidarity with Jewish neighbor by Katie Yoder Our Sunday Visitor
LA break-in investigated as hate crime after intruder allegedly tells Jewish family he wants to kill Jews by Andrew Lapin Jewish Telegraphic Agency
‘I’m with Hamas,’ says man accused of threatening to bomb Jewish School in Miami Beach, according to police by Local10News
Squirrel Hill hit with antisemitic graffiti on eve of 10/27 commemoration by Toby Tabachnick The Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle
As Pro-Hamas Rioting Flares in Berlin, Antisemitic Incidents in Germany Climb 240% in Wake of Israel Massacre by Ben Cohen The Algemeiner
Two Jewish schools covered in red paint in suspected hate crimes by Holly Evans Independent UK
The Nihilism of Antisemitism by Thomas Balazs and Yonatan Hambourge Tablet
How antisemitism and Islamophobia make reporting sexual misconduct and abuse of power harder for Jewish and Muslim women by Religion News Service Link to Islamophobia
How October 7 Exposed the Robotic Cruelty of the Anti-Israel Left by David Suissa Jewish Journal
Mob Shouting ‘Murderous Israel’ Attacks Synagogue in Spanish Enclave of Melilla by Combat Antisemitism Now
‘Israel go to hell’: Pro-Palestinian activists rally in New York for 2nd day by Agencies and ToI Staff The Times of Israel
Star of David is graffitied on Jewish homes in Berlin after Hamas attacks on Israel - in chilling echo of anti-Semitic persecution of the Jews under the Nazis by Elena Salvoni The Daily Mail UK
Three men charged over alleged Nazi salute outside Sydney Jewish Museum by Tamsin Rose The Guardian Australia
Fr Dominic Robinson SJ reflects on Laudato Deum by Independent Catholic News
Russian forces make renewed push to take eastern Ukraine towns with drones, missiles and mortars by Nebi Qena The Associated Press
Pope Francis appoints 21 new cardinals — including an American — to help reform Catholic Church by Alyssa Guzman New York Post
Pope Francis, Cardinal Ricard, and a stern “Call to Action” by Christopher R. Altieri The Catholic World Report
Francis’ Vision for a Renewed Theology by James Hanvey, SJ La Civiltà Catolica Link to The Jesuits
Waiting in Hope for Universal Kindness by Daniel Mascarenhas, SJ The Jesuit Post
Regarding Status and Opinion by Austin Kleman, SJ The Jesuit Post
St. Isaac Jogues: A Saint for Those Who Have Been Knocked Down by Life by Michael Rossmann, SJ The Jesuit Post
Guardian Angels: Divine Companions in Our Loneliness by Chay Molina Cathoilc365
Latest Vatican guidance on divorce-remarried communion a ‘rupture’ by Solène Tadié National Catholic Register
Pope Francis’ urgent plea on behalf of planet Earth by Tony Magliano Clarion Herald Link to Environment and Climate Challenges, Advocacy, and Response
Conference on impact of war on environment by Anna Blackman Independent Catholic News
Maine’s governor says 18 people were killed and 13 were injured in shootings in Lewiston by David Hunt The Associated Press
Link to Mass Murders
What Is Disease X? How Scientists Are Preparing for the Next Pandemic by UNMC
Maryland: Antisemitic Graffiti and’ White te Supremacist Flyer Surface in Baltimore County ahead of Yom Kippur by Kelsey Kushner WJZ News Link to White Supremacy/White Nationalists‘
Biden expands Civil Rights Act protections at 8 cabinet departments to include antisemitism by Ron Kampeas Jewish Telegraphic Agency Link to United States Politics- Part Two
Manager Receives Antisemitic Email From Former Tenant by Combat’ Antisemitism Now
The Wrong Way to Count Antisemitic Incidents by Rafael Medoff Jewish Journal
Chronicle poll results: Ending antisemitism by Toby Tabachnick The Jewish Chronicle
19-year-old charged with hate crimes in reported attack on Israeli student at Columbia U. by Luke Tress Jewish Telegraphic Agency Link to Hate and Hate Crimes
‘You better run’: Neo-Nazis target violent threats at journalists covering Tennessee mayoral race by Jordan Green Raw Story Link to Neo-Nazis
It was utter chaos’: Families and survivors describe the horrors of Hamas’ invasion by Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Leading US Jewish groups decry top legal award for anti-Israel UN official by Luke Tress The Times of Israel
Michigan Jewish man who said he planned to ‘hunt Palestinians’ charged with making terrorist threat by Andrew Lapin The Jewish Telegraphic Agency
The Naked, the Dead, and the Ivy League by Thane Rosenbaum Jewish Journal Link to Murdered Children and Teens
Samantha Woll, Detroit synagogue president, found stabbed to death outside her home by Ron Kampeas Jewish Telegraphic Agency Link to Murder
Cardinal Cupich on retrieving the Consistent Ethic of Life by Blase J. Cupich America
Pope sends condolences to victims of Hurricane Otis in Mexico by Devin Watkins Vatican News
A Lab Test That Experts Liken to a Witch Trial Is Helping Send Women to Prison for Murder by Duaa Eldeib ProPublica Link to Prison Challenges
Bishop Weisenburger says climate change is an issue of 'life and death' by Stephanie Clary Earthbeat
Pondering the gift of our guardian angels by Jacob Uitvlugt The Catholic World Report
In letter, Cardinal urges parishes to address migrant crisis by Wes Cipolla The Pilot Link to Migrants, Refugees, and Immigrants
Father, forgive us by Dale Recinella Vatican News Link to Forgiveness
Army private who fled to North Korea charged with desertion, held by US military, officials tell AP by Lolita C. Baldor and Eric Tucker The Associated Press Link to Pornography Challenges
Meet Julia Oseka: The 22-year-old U.S. voting delegate at the Synod on Synodality by Francesca Pollio Fenton Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to Women Challenges and Leadership
Catholic sisters: International community has responsibility for every migrant by Sr. Titilayo Aduloju, SSMA Vatican News Link to Migrants, Refugees, and Immigrants
UPDATE: House Reauthorizes AIDS Relief Program With Pro-Life Protections by Catholic Vote Link to HIV/AIDS
Reflections from CAPS symposium: Making Faith Sense of HIV by Jim McManus Independent Catholic News
Faith-based health organizations defend at-risk AIDS initiative from Republicans by Yonat Shimron Religion News Service
Down Syndrome Awareness Month spreads joy and hope by The Catholic World Report Link to Down Syndrome
Pro-Life Principles and Politicians by Edward Mechmann The Human Life Review Link to Abortion
New bill introduces world’s most extreme abortion buffer zone law to Scotland by Madeleine Teahan Crux
Michigan’s abortion extremism: A cautionary tale for Ohio? by Lauretta Brown National Catholic Register
5 people were wounded in a shooting after a homecoming event at Morgan State University in Baltimore by Lea Skene and Denise Lavoie The Associated Press Link to Gun Violence
Prophet of Doom’ who wounded 10 in New York City subway shooting is sentenced to life in prison by Jake Offenhartz and Bobby Caina Calvin The Associated Press
Anglican Archbishop: Synod prayer vigil “brings hope to the world" by Joseph Tulloch Vatican News
A Parent’s Nightmare: 12 Predator Priests at Same Maryland Catholic Church by Adam Horowitz Law Link to Catholic Sexual Violence Against Minors
Former Nashua pastor sentenced to prison for manufacture, possession of child sex abuse images by Ray Brewer and Arielle Mitropoulos WMUR-TV,ABC-9 Link to Protestant Sexual Violence Against Minors
What will it take for SBC reform on clergy sex abuse? Lawsuits. by Christa Brown In Solidarity
Texas priest accused of sexually abusing parishioner in her 70s: police by WFIN-AM
Joran van der Sloot admits to killing Alabama teen Natalee Holloway, judge says by Holly Yan, Devon M. Sayers and Aaron Cooper CNN Link to Murdered Children and Teens
San Francisco Giants fire Jewish manager Gabe Kapler after disappointing season by Jacob Gurvis Jewish Telegraphic Agency Link to Sports
Boston Red Sox hire former Team Israel pitcher Craig Breslow to lead baseball operations by Jacob Gurvis Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Minnesota wins at Iowa for 1st time since 1999, beating No. 24 Hawkeyes 12-10 for Floyd of Rosedale by John Bohnenkamp The Associated Press
Simone Biles wins fourth gold of world championships as she completes first international competition since two-year break by Ben Morse CNN
Simone Biles wins 6th all-around title at worlds to become most decorated gymnast in history by Samuel Peterson The Associated Press
Confession of a bad faith football fan by Kenneth Craycraft Our Sunday Visitor
Featured Report
What Runners Teach the Rest of Us by Father Joseph Chamblain Profiles in Catholicism
A Nebraska Volleyball Match Just Broke a World Record – What Made the Event so Moving? by Noah Banasiewicz, SJ The Jesuit Post
Notre Dame leader to step down who faced 2009 controversy over Obama honor by John Lavenburg Crux
Parents grieving the loss of two children tell their astonishing story by Nicole Snook Our Sunday Visitor
Why the latest USCCB nominees lean in one direction by JD Flynn The Pillar
The Disappointing Silence of Law Enforcement Around Sex Abuse Probes by Adam Horowitz Law Link to Child and Teen Sexual Abuse General Reports
My Childhood in a Cult: Growing Up in a Controversial Baltimore Religious Community by Audrey Clare Farley Baltimore Magazine
Former Blair County Priest Arrested on Child Pornography Charges by PennWatch Link to Pornography Challenges
Black Student Suspended Over His Hairstyle to Be Sent to an Alternative Education Program by Cheyanne Mumphry The Skanner Link to Racial Challenges and Leadership
Bipartisan lawmakers demand answers on crypto’s role in financing Hamas attacks on Israel by Julia Shapero The Hill
A Senior’s Guide to Financial Scams (And How to Avoid Them) Edited by Kim Borwick Annuity.org Link to Elder Challenges and Leadership
Financial Abuse by Christian Simmons Annuity .org
1 officer convicted, 1 acquitted in death of Elijah McClain by Colleen and Matthew Brown The Associated Press Link to Police Brutality and Misconduct and to Murder
Judge says Georgia’s congressional and legislative districts are discriminatory and must be redrawn by The Associated Press
Over 70,000 Catholics call for World Bank to protect farmers' seed rights by Independent Catholic News
The Nanny vs. The Nanny State. Only one thing can save us from predatory AIs: our own data by John Robb and Jacob Siegel Tablet Link to Artificial Intelligence, Chatbox, Chatbot, and Robotics
Google announces new generative AI search capabilities for doctors by Ashley Capoot CNBC
Clergy burnout is a growing concern in polarized churches. A summit offers coping strategies by Giovanna Del'Orto The Associated Press
Trump has narrow gag order imposed on him by federal judge overseeing 2020 election subversion case by Michael Kunzelman, Lindsey Whitehurst, and Allanna Durkin Richer The Associated Press Link to United States Politics- Part Two
Donald Trump fined $5,000 for violating gag order in New York fraud trial and warned twice about imprisonment by Kara Scannell and Sabrina Souza CNN Link to Political Crimes
Trump compares himself to Mandela and rails against Biden after filing for New Hampshire primary by Jill Colvin and Holly Ramer The Associated Press
Berkshire Eagle editorials win national award for editorial writing by Gillian Jones-Heck The Berkshire Eagle
Crow reportedly blames mother of young woman for ‘ruining his life’ by Kyle Hamrick Lagniappe
After 189 bodies were found in Colorado funeral home, evidence suggests families received fake ashes by Jesse Bedyan and Matthew Brown The Associated Press
Trump blabbed nuclear sub secrets to Australian billionaire member of Mar-a-Lago club, report claims by Andrew Feinberg The Independent
Lawyer Kenneth Chesebro pleads guilty over efforts to overturn Trump’s 2020 loss in Georgia by Kate Baurmbac The Associated Press
Police find at least 115 bodies at Colorado ‘green’ funeral home under investigation by Jessee Bedayn The Associated Press
Rep. Santos faces new charges he stole donor IDs, made unauthorized charges to their credit cards by Jake Offenhartz The Associated Press Link to Financial Crimes and Improprieties
Pope Francis’ urgent plea on behalf of planet Earth by Tony Magliano The Southern Cross Link to Environment and Climate Challenges, Advocacy, and Response
Even carbon emissions cuts, a key part of Antarctica is doomed to slow collapse, study says by Seth Borenstein The Associated Press
Climate change is impacting the future of religion by CathNews New Zealand
Sen. Menendez is accused of being an unregistered agent of Egypt’s government in updated indictment by Larry Neumesister The Associated Press Link to United States Politics- Part Two
A Detective Sabotaged His Own Cases Because He Didn’t Like the Prosecutor. The Police Department Did Nothing to Stop Him. by Jeremy Kohler, and Ryan Krull ProPublica
Bp. Stika clarifies: ‘Open letter’ of support ‘could be a fake’ by Ed. Condon The Pillar
Classes at some LA Catholic schools suspended after spam threat by Pablo Kay Angelus Link to Cybersecurity
Catholic 101: Do Catholics Worship Mary? by Luke Lapean, SJ The Jesuit Post Link to Mariology
Exploring the Mansions of the Soul: On the Life and Spirituality of Teresa of Ávila by Ben Jansen, SJ The Jesuit Post
The Theology of Transgenderism by Fr. Brian A. Graebe The Catholic Thing Link to LGBTQ Challenges
Author of Catechism says Pope could change language on LGBTQ+ issues by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Pope respond to cardinals on blessings for homosexuals, female priests\ by The Pilot
The Supreme Court’s 303 Creative Decision and the Threat to LGBTQ+ Health Care by Elizabeth W. Sepper, JD, LLM, Joshua B. Romero, BA, and Daniel G. Aaron, MD, JD JAMA October 19. 2023
Despite Anti-LGBTQ+ Bills, Queer Republicans Are Standing by Their Party by Kate Sosinthem them
‘Orthodoxy is spacious’:At retreat, synod members hear about women’s hopes, LGBTQ issues by National Catholic Reporter
Seattle Pacific University targets LGBTQ displays with new policy, say critics by Kathryn Post Religion News Service
A California Judge Temporarily Halted a School District's Forced Outing Policy by Abby Monteil them
Trusting LGBTQ+ students by Nick Fagnant Commonweal
Maryland’s Child Victims Act takes effect: What to expect in the days ahead by Rachel Konieczny & Madeleine O'Neill The Daily Record Link to Child and Teen Sexual Abuse General Reports
Popular St. Benedict pastor accused of rape, fraud removed over $200K secret settlement by Tim Prudente and Jessica Calefati The Baltimore Banner Link to Sexual Relations with and Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
Work still needed to bring justice to sexual abuse survivors, say advocate by Dan Stockmam The National Catholic Reporter Link to Catholic Sexual Violence Against Minors
Beaverton church leader jailed on child sex abuse charges by Lauren Bishop Beaverton Valley Times Link to Protestant Sexual Violence Against Minors
America’s nonreligious are a growing, diverse phenomenon. They really don’t like organized religion by Peter Smith The Associated Press
Racial Disparities in Homelessness Persist: A Data Snapshot by National Alliance to End Homelessness Link to Homeless
Federal agency sues Chipotle after a Kansas manager allegedly ripped off an employee’s hijab by Claire Rush Religion News Service
Former Trump attorney Sidney Powell pleads guilty in Georgia election subversion case by Marshall Cohen CNN Link to Political Crimes
Kenneth Chesebro: Second Trump lawyer pleads guilty to conspiracy by Nadine Yousif BBC News
Jenna Ellis becomes latest Trump lawyer to plead guilty over efforts to overturn Georgia's election by Will Weissert and Kate Bumback The Associated Press
Judge denies motion to block Ivanka Trump testimony in New York civil fraud trial by Lauren del Valle and Jeremy Herb CNN Link to United States Politics- Part Two
Baseball Changes Rules To Be Less Like Baseball So More People Will Watch Baseball by The Babylon Bee
The Shocking History and Legacy of the Salem Witch Trials by Smithsonian Magazine
One nun’s mission to save souls, from death row to the Met opera by Meagan Saliashvili Religion News Service
Michigan State University says it is ‘deeply sorry’ for showing Hitler on screen at football game by Jacob Gurvis Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Florida teacher, Disney employees among 219 arrested in human trafficking operation: authorities by Greg Wehner Fox News Link to Human Trafficking
Gene therapies for rare diseases are under threat. Scientists hope to save them by Heidi Ledford Nature Link to Rare Diseases
U.S. bishops launch mental health campaign by Catholic News Service/Angelus Link to Mental Health/Illness
Catholic priest arrested on allegations of sexually assaulting elderly woman by KABB-TV
Former Nashua pastor sentenced to prison for manufacture, possession of child sex abuse images by Ray Brewer WMUR-TV ABC-9
Celibacy is not a direct cause of sexual abuse, expert says by Walter Sanchez Silva Catholic News Agency/Angelus Link to Sex, Sexuality, and Celibacy
Archdiocesan statement regarding Father Wanjiru Ndung’u by Archdiocese of San Antonio
A Heartfelt Journey: When Letting Go of Alcohol Became My Path to Purpose by Pastor James Costa Faith Activism Link to Addiction
Poised to shutter Catholic parishes, Joliet bishop tight-lipped on financial impact of the priest sex abuse scandal by Robert Herguth Chicago Sun-Times
Violence forced them to flee. Now faith sustains these migrants on their journey to the US by MarÍa Teresa HernÁndez Religion News Service Link to Central and South America Challenges
Does the Synod on Synodality website really feature artwork from Father Marko Rupnik? by Daniel Payne Catholic News Agency
FBI interviewed individuals who accuse Amy Coney Barrett faith group of abuse by Stephanie Kirchgaessner The Guardian
US bishops tell people struggling with mental health: ‘You are not alone!’ by John Lavenburg Crux
Should Walmart be data-mining your Ozempic prescriptions? by Adi Robertson The Verge
Farmington police release video from fatal shooting of armed man on Navajo reservation by The Associated Press Link to Police Brutality and Misconduct
U.S. strikes Iran-linked sites in Syria in retaliation for attacks on American troops by Lolita C. Baldor The Associated Press
Zen calls for synod bishops to petition against ‘plan of manipulation’ by The Pillar
Ideology and Synodality; A call to action on abuse by Mike Lewis Where Peter Is
Children traumatized by long wait for justice by Shay Cullen Manila Times Link to Children Issues and Challenges
Featured Report
Disastrous consequences of climate change for children by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Will hazing murders ever end in the Philippines? by Father Shay Cullen UCA News
Canadian bishops say motto of indigenous reconciliation effort is ‘listen, listen, listen’ by John Lavenburg Crux Link to Indigenous People
Ottawa woman, 97, charged with historical sexual assaults at residential, day schools by Brett Forester CBC
Canada Will Legalize Medically Assisted Dying For Eligible People Addicted to Drugs by Manisha Krishnan Vice Link to Euthanasia
In the pope’s homeland, more Argentines are seeking spiritual answers beyond the church by Luis Andres Henao and Natacha Pisarenko The Associated Press
The Globe-Trotting Scholar Who Unlocked the Secrets of the Aztecs by Merilee Grindle The Smithsonian Magazine
Brazil: CAFOD welcomes Court ruling recognising indigenous rights by Independent Catholic News
Brazil pro-LGBTQ network reports welcome in Church, pushback in society by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
Church collapse kills at least 10 children and adults during Mass by John Burger Aleteia
Catholic ministry joins campaign in Brazil against privatization of prisons by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
Guatemala Church supports demonstrators, demands respect for election results by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
Hurricane Otis caused 27 confirmed deaths and left 4 missing, Mexican authorities report by Mark Stevens The Associated Press
Archdiocese of Mexico warns migrant reception centers are overwhelmed by Diego López Colín ACIPrensa/.Catholic News Agency Link to Migrants, Refugees, and Immigrants
Bishops say violence and insecurity are destroying the Mexican people by Agenzia Fides
Nicaragua: Bishop remains in prison following release of 12 Catholic priest by Independent Catholic News
Nicaragua expels a dozen priests, sends them to the Vatican, Ortega regime says by David Agren The Pilot
Nicaraguan priests transferred to prison notorious for torture, deplorable conditions by David Agren The Pilot
Two more priests arrested by Ortega dictatorship in Nicaragua by Diego Lopez Marina ACI Prensa/The Catholic World Report
The EU and Azerbaijan: Time to Talk Tough by Carnegie Europe
Governments in Europe bolster security amid rise in antisemitism online by Ashifa Kassam The Guardian
Gunman at large after fatally shooting two people in Brussels by Mike Bedigan Independent UK
A Belgian bishop says the Vatican has for years snubbed pleas to defrock a pedophile ex-colleague by Raf Casert The Associated Press
Calls grow for a parliamentary inquiry into abuse in the Belgian Catholic Church after the shocking documentary by Brian Rodriguez Aviation Analysis
‘I have never been so terrified’: Star of David graffitied on Berlin homes in echo of Nazi persecution by Lydia Patrick The Independent UK
Nearly one-fifth of Germans think Jews want to 'take advantage' of the Holocaust by Eliana Jordan The Jewish Chronicle
Exclusive: German Jewish leader condemns violent BDS attack on pro-Israel activist by Benjamin Weinthal The Jerusalem Post
Fighting the opioid crisis: the case of Athens, Greece by World Health Organization
Pope Francis confesses to bullying fat kid so badly his father made him apologise by The Catholic Herald
German Cardinal Müller defies pope’s request for confidentiality at synod with EWTN interview by Christopher White National Catholic Reporter
MoIrish soldiers heading for peace-keeping mission in Lebanon ‘ready to do their job’ by Fiona Audley The Irish Post
Man given two life sentences for murdering Aidan Moffitt and Michael Snee by Fiona Audley The Irish Post
More than 17,000 women in Northern Ireland must have smear tests re-checked by Fiona AudleyThe Irish Post Link to Women Challenges and Leadership and to Northern Island Issues and Challenges
Report says black people facing increasing discrimination in Ireland by Gerard Donaghy The Irish Post
Police in Derry treating assault of woman in her 60s as 'sectarian hate crime' by Gerard Donaghy The Irish Post
Bus crash near Venice, Italy, kills at least 21 people, including Ukrainian tourists by Giada Zampani The Associated Press
In Poland, church and state draw nearer, and some Catholic faithful rebel by Joanna Kozlowska and Michal Dyju The Associated Press
Scotland: Bishop and Moderator join campaigners to challenge poverty by Peter Kierney Independent Catholic News
Swiss bishop reprimands clergy after viral video of woman ‘concelebrating’ Mass by Catholic News Agency
Church scandal: deputy bishop of Lausanne under investigation by Swissinfo
Rishi Sunak confirms 6 Britons dead and 10 missing after Hamas ‘pogrom’ in Israel by Holly Evans Independent UK
State of Nature report reveals precipitous decline in UK wildlife by Independent Catholic New
Symptoms of new Covid variants as cases increase in UK by The Independent UK
A Money Examen by The Jesuits in Britain
Tánaiste announces €13m aid package for Palestinian people following Gaza hospital blast by Gerard Donaghy The Irish Post Link to Ireland Issues and Challenges
Disgraced former Jesuit joins Slovenian diocese by Gina Christian Our Sunday Visitor
Revealed: Why stage invader glitterbombed Keir Starmer by Jon Stone Independent UK
427 Church Leaders call on PM to stop Rosebank by Independent Catholic News UK
Pope Francis praises British group fighting sexual abuse by Charles Collins Crux
London sees antisemitic hate crimes jump 1,350% since start of Israel-Hamas war by Shira Li Bartov Jewish Telegraphic Agency Link to Hate and Hate Crimes
Pensioner charged with the murder of his partner at a holiday park in Somerset by Joe Middleton The Independent UK
'Kind’ man mauled to death in XL Bully attack in Sunderland was ‘only 8st and stood no chance’ by Maira Butt The Independent UK
Tory MP who ‘exposed himself to staff member and trapped him in hotel bathroom’ facing suspension by Archie Mitchel Independent UK
'Let's End Poverty' launched by Ben Gilchrist Independent Catholic News Link to Poverty
Defendants in Vatican ‘Trial of the Century’ face $700 million in compensation demand by Crux Link to Financial Crimes and Improprieties
Vatican bank claims $1m for reputational damage in financial trial by The Pillar
Synod members won’t be punished for giving interviews, official says by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Transfer of predator priest Rupnik is an epic fail for synodality by Elizabeth Scalia Our Sunday Visitor
Pope lifts statute of limitations to allow Rupnik prosecution by Crux
The Rupnik affair goes from scandalous to contemptible by Christopher R. Altieri The Catholic World Report
The Synod and the Rupnik scandal by Katie Prejean McGrady La Croix International
Holy See: Intolerance toward indigenous heritage ‘a form of violence’ by Devin Watkins Vatican News
As synod on Catholic Church’s future begins, abuse survivors demand equal time by Claire Giangravé Religion News Service
Pope suggests blessings for same-sex unions may be possible by The Associated Press
Why did Pope Francis meet with pro-“LGBTQ” co-founder of New Ways Ministry? by Mary Jo Anderson The Catholic World Report
In the shadow of the Vatican, alternative Catholic groups push for change by Megan Williams CBC
Students fight Melbourne Catholic school’s mullet ban by The Pillar
Orange Sky service saves homeless people’s dignity by CathNews New Zeeland
African priests and the lure of an assignment in the affluent West by Lucie Sarr La Croix International
Cameroon: Priest and teachers injured in separatist attack by Independent Catholic News
Ethiopians still dying of hunger, a year after ceasefire: by CathNews Link to Famine and Starvation
Kenya: Remote desert community celebrate their first well by Independent Catholic News
Mauritius is the latest nation to decriminalise same-sex relations in a divided continent by Frans Viljoen The Conversation
A Devastating Earthquake Endangers Moroccan Families by UNICEF
Vatican statistics: Africa had biggest increase in Catholics, while numbers fell in Europe by Jonah McKeown Catholic News Agency
Appeal, prayers for abducted sisters in Nigeria by CathNews
Hilton foundation and Nigerian Catholic institute train religious sisters by Sr Titilayo Aduloju, SSMA Vatican News
NIGERIA - 40 days of fasting and prayer for the unity of the country by Agenzi Fides
Jesuit Institute South Africa: Air pollution and financial crimes by Fr Peter Knox, SJ Independent Catholic News Link to Financial Crimes and Improprieties
Chief Rabbi of South Africa – Founder of the Shabbat Project – Launches Global Candlelighting Campaign to Bring in Light During First Shabbat Following Attacks by Jewish Journal
South African reflection: Structural sin and slaughter of sentient animals by Daniel PretoriusI Independent Catholic News Link to Animal Challenges
South Sudanese refugees, fleeing a second civil war in Sudan, return home to bleak prospects by Tonny Onyulo Religion News Service
Sudan leaders meet in Juba to seek path out of crisis by Sr. Titilayo Aduloju, SSMA Vatican News
Zambia: Mansa Diocese celebrates the care and protection of Mother Earth by Yangeni Radio Mansa and Vatican News.
The world’s most comprehensive anti-hate conference by Eradicate Hate Global Conference Link to Hate and Hate Crimes
Green blueprint by Australian Jesuits
European companies dumping toxic ships on Bangladesh beaches, HRW says by Aljazeera
India tells Canada to remove 41 of its 62 diplomats in the country, an official says by Rob Gilles The Associated Press
India investigates rising violence against Christians by Independent Catholic News
Celebrated novelist Arundhati Roy faces prosecution in India – for a speech she gave in 2010 by Priya Chacko The Conversation
Medical Journal Articles
Calling on the USPSTF to Address Ableism and Structural Ableism by Dimitri A. Christakis, MD, MPH; Lisa I. Iezzoni, MD, MSc JAMA May 11, 2023 Link to Ableism
Role of Registries in Medicare Coverage of New Alzheimer Disease Drugs by Ilina C. Odouard, MPH,; Mariana P. Socal, MD, PhD, and Gerard F. Anderson, PhD JAMA September 27, 2023 Link to Alzheimer’s disease
Algorithms at the Gate—Radiology’s AI Adoption Dilemma by Saurabh Jha, MBBS, MS JAMA October 6. 2023 Link to Artificial Intelligence, Chatbox, Chatbot, and Robotics
New AI Tools Must Have Health Equity in Their DNA by Yulin Hswen, ScD, MPH and Rebecca Voelker, MSJ JAMA October 11, 2023
Peripheral Blasts in a Patient Receiving Chemotherapy by Sabin Kshattry, MD, PhD, Terri L. Parker, MD;, and Scott F. Huntington, MD, MPH, MSc JAMA October 6, 2023 Link to Cancer and to Oncology
Abnormal Cancer Screening Test Results, Bipolar Disorder Review, and more by JD learning JAMA October 10. 2023 Link to Bipolar Disorder
A Multilevel Primary Care Intervention to Improve Follow-Up of Overdue Abnormal Cancer Screening Test Results: A Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial by Steven J. Atlas, MD, MPH, Anna N. A. Tosteson, ScD,; Adam Wright, PhD, et al. JAMA October 10, 2023
Cervical Cancer Screening by Rebecca A. Voelker, MSJ JAMA October 27, 2023
Emergency Department Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta in Trauma Patients With Exsanguinating HemorrhageThe UK-REBOA Randomized Clinical Trial by Jan O. Jansen, PhD, Jemma Hudson, PhD, and Claire Cochran, MSc JAMA October 12.2023 Link to Cardiovascular Disease/Disorders
Efficacy and Tolerability of Gefapixant for Treatment of Refractory or Unexplained Chronic Cough: A Systematic Review and Dose-Response Meta-Analysis by Elena Kum, BSc; Matthew Patel, MD; Nermin Diab, MD, MPH; et al. JAMA September 11, 2023. Link to Cough - Chronic
Gefapixant for Refractory or Unexplained Chronic Cough? by Richard S. Irwin, MD and Mark Madison, MD JAMA September 11, 2023
COVID-19 Therapeutics for Nonhospitalized Patients—Updates and Future Directions by Kara W. Chew, MD, MS, Preeti N. Malani, MD, MSJ, and Rajesh T. Gandhi, JAMA September 30, 2023 Link to COVID-19
PTSD Symptoms Among Family Members of Patients With ARDS Caused by COVID-19 After 12 Months by Nancy Kentish-Barnes, PhD ,Matthieu Resche-Rigon, MD, PhD. Antoine Lafargb et al. JAMA September 1, 2023 Link to Pulmonary Disorders
Early Metformin in Gestational Diabetes A Randomized Clinical Trial by Fidelma Dunne, PhD, Christine Newman, MD, and Alberto Alvarez- JAMA October 4, 2023 Link to Diabetes
Early Metformin in Gestational Diabetes A Randomized Clinical Trial by Fidelma Dunne, PhD, Christine Newman, MD1, and Alberto Alvarez- JAMA October 4, 2023
Risk of Gastrointestinal Adverse Events Associated With Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonists for Weight Loss by Mohit Sodhi, MSc, Ramin Rezaeianzadeh, BSc, Abbas Kezouh, PhD, et al. JAMA October 5. 2023 Link to Weight Loss
Single-Dose Psilocybin Treatment for Major Depressive Disorder. A Randomized Clinical Trial by Charles L. Raison, MD, Gerard Sanacora, MD, PhD; Joshua Woolley, MD, PhD; et al JAMA August 21, 2023
Nonprescription Heartburn Medications for Adult by Sarah E. Vordenberg, PharmD, MPH JAMA September 30, 2023
Randomized Clinical Trial Visual Abstract Display and Social Media–Driven Website Traffic by. Seth Trueger, MD, MPH, Eman Aly, MSW, Sebastien Haneuse, PhD, et al. JAMA September 29. 2023
Kindergarten Vaccination Status in California After Changes to Medical Exemption Policy by Paul L. Delamater, PhD, Alison M. Buttenheim, PhD, MBA, Daniel A. Salmon, PhD, et al.JAMA October 2, 2023
The Model State Indoor Air Quality Act by Lawrence O. Gostin, JD; James G. Hodge Jr, JD, LLM, and Gigi K. Gronvall, PhD JAMA October 2, 2023
Abdominal Pain and Hypotension in a 70-Year-Old Woman by JN Learning JAMA October 5, 2023
What Is Glaucoma? by Rebecca Voelker, MSJ JAMA October 6, 2023
Canadian Wildfire Smoke and Asthma Syndrome Emergency Department Visits in New York City by Kai Chen, PhD, Yiqun Ma, MPhil, Michelle L. Bell, PhD, et al. JAMA September 21, 2023
Diversifying the Medical Pathway in a Post–Affirmative Action World by Utibe R. Essien, MD, MPH. Victor Agbafe, BA. and Keith C. Norris, MD, PhD JAMA September 18, 2023
Maintenance of Certification (MOC)—Benefit vs Burden by Dipesh Uprety, MD and Howard “Jack” Wes, MD JAMA September 27, 2023
Risk of Gastrointestinal Adverse Events Associated With Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonists for Weight Loss by Sodhi, MSc, Ramin Rezaeianzadeh, BSc, Abbas Kezouh, PhD, et al JAMA October 4, 2023 Link to Weight Loss
The Other Side of the Bounce Back by Kimberly D. Manning, MD JAMA October 11, 2023
Red Blood Cell Transfusion2023 AABB International Guidelines by Jeffrey L. Carson, MD1, Simon J. Stanworth, MD, DPh JAMA October 12, 2023
Nasal Iodophor Antiseptic vs Nasal Mupirocin Antibiotic in the Setting of Chlorhexidine Bathing to Prevent Infections in Adult ICUsA Randomized Clinical Tria by Susan S. Huang, MD, MPH , Edward J. Septimus, MD, and Ken Kleinman, ScD JAMA October 10. 2023
Red Blood Cell Transfusion2023 AABB International Guidelines by Jeffrey L. Carson, MD; Simon J. Stanworth, MD, DPhil; Gordon Guyatt, MD; et al JAMA October 12, 2023
Early and Empirical High-Dose Cryoprecipitate for Hemorrhage After Traumatic Injury. The CRYOSTAT-2 Randomized Clinical Trial by Ross Davenport, PhD, Nicola Curry, MD, Erin E. Fox, PhD3 et al JAMA October 12, 2023
Maintenance of Certification (MOC)—Benefit vs Burden by Dipesh Uprety, MD and Howard “Jack” West JAMA September 22, 2023
by Ross Davenport, PhD, Nicola Curry, MD, Erin E. Fox, PhD, et al JAMA October 13, 2023
by Edward T. Qian, MD, MSc; Jonathan D. Casey, MD, MSc,Adam Wright, PhD, et al JAMA October 14, 2023
US Medical Student Plans to Practice in Underserved Areas by Liselotte N. Dyrbye, MD, MHPE. Danielle E. Brushaber, BS, and Colin P. West, MD, PhD JAMA October 19, 2023
Decolonization Strategies to Prevent Staphylococcal Infections: Mupirocin by a Nose by Thomas R. Talbot, MD, MPH JAMA October 30. 2023
Unionization Among Physicians in Training by Ahmed, MD, MPP, MSc and; Xiaojuan Li, PhD JAMA October 26, 2023
Explaining the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Ruling on Mifepristone Access by Molly A. Meegan, JD JAMA October 26.2023
Critics Say New State “Conscience Laws” Give Physicians Carte Blanche to Refuse Patients by Rita Rubin, MA JAMA October 26, 2023
Green Peace by Samuel C. Durso, MD, MBA JAMA October 27, 2023
Topical Therapies Atopic Dermatitis by Amy Z. Xu, MD, MA and Jby Jason T. Alexander, MD JAMA October 27, 2023
Book Announcements, Reviews and Commentaries
Friendship and the Fathers: How the Early Church Evangelized by Mike Aquilina Reviewed by Dr. Jeff Mirus Catholic Culture
Remembering the Forgotten Merton by William Meegan Reviewed by James Martin, SJ America
Written That You May Believe: Encountering Jesus in the Fourth Gospel by Sandra M Schneiders Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Nazis, the Vatican, and the Jews of Rome by Patrick Gallo Reviewed by Catholic Social Science
Whalefall by Daniel Kraus Reviewed by Christine Lenahan America
God's Call is Everywhere by Fr. Robert A. Sirico Commentary by Independent Catholic News
Pell Contra Mundum by Cardinal Pell Commentary by Fr. Robert A. Sirico The Catholic World Report
Film Reviews and Commentaries
Mother Teresa and Me Commentary by Kathy Schiffer The Catholic World Report
Killers of The Flower Moon Reviewed by Joseph Holmes Religion Unplugged
The Exorcist: Believer Reviewed by Brad Miner The Catholic Thing
A Haunting in Venice Commentary by Joseph Joyce Angelus
The Miracle Club Reviewed by Kristina Cooper Independent Catholic News
Anatomy of a Fall Reviewed by Lindsy Bahr The Associated Press
Carlos Reviewed by Marco Roth Tablet
Theater Reviews and Commentaries
Treason the Musical Commentary by Charles Collins Crux
Television Reviews and Commentaries
Little Bird Reviewed by Shira Li Bartov Jewish Telegraphic Agency
The Chosen Commentary by Independent Catholic News
Remembering Those Who Have Passed
Age is in debt to Death
and Death shall Sue
when Age Outruns the Issue of It’s Bond
Upcoming Events
In Our Time: Jewish-Christian Relations in the More than Half-Century Since Nostra Aetate, a lecture by Dr. Eugene Fisher l Sunday, November 12, 2023 at 3:00p.m. in the Chancellor’s Suite, University Center, Seton Hall Campus, South Hill New Jersey, USA
The Gervais' Story- New Evangelization Summit 2019
Catholic Hip-Hop and the New Evangelization
by El Padrecito & FoundNation
Bishop Barron on Effective Evangelization
by Bishop Robert Barron
Scott Hahn - "Evangelizing Catholics: The Bible, the Eucharist and the New Evangelization"
New Evangelization: 3 Step Method - Catholic Video by Speaker Ken Yasinski
To Evangelize the Culture by Fr. Robert Barron
How Catholics Can Re-Evangelize Our World by Steve Ray
Ignite Your Catholic Faith - What is Evangelization? by Archdiocese of Milwaukee
Media and the New Evangelization by Salt and Light
Fr. John Pawlikowski’s Homily: Responding to Laudato Si’. A Call to Action.