A Message from the Editor
Barack Obama said "The future belongs to young people with an education and the imagination to create". Based on the thousands of young readers of Profiles in Catholicism including several hundred from Loyola University in Chicago, my alma mater, the future is in great hands.
Sadly, we keep losing young people from all faiths. They leave the Catholic faith for a variety of reasons, but one of these reasons is the barrage of reports of pedophiliac priests. The recent report of 330,000 children victims of church sex abuse in France made headlines all over the world.
As Father Shay Cullen stated “These are days of darkness and light for many in the Catholic Church. The horrific exposes of clerical sexual abuse against children around the world- in the United States, Ireland, Australia, Poland, Germany, Austria and the latest in France- are stunning and shocking and there are more to come. It is just a matter of time.”
We feature a comprehensive database of pedophiliac religious leaders, their crimes, and the response to their crimes on Religious Sexual Abuse of Minors.
Adults are also leaving the church over these challenges. One who left the church because of death threats for her advocacy to address the challenges of pedophilia priests is Mrs. Paul Owczarek, for whom I am asking your prayers to protect her.
We have several staff who work hard to feature the interviews, book reviews, and articles in Profiles in Catholicism and rely on our readers’ donations to pay them. Here is how you can make a donation (tax-deductible in the United States).
A Quote to Remember
“Youth is for taking risks, good risks, risks full of hope. It is meant to be staked on great things. Youth is meant to be given away, to help others to know the Lord. Don’t keep your youth to yourselves: get out there!” by Pope Francis
Special Prayer
Prayer to St. Aloysius Gonzaga, Patron of Youth by Scott P. Richert
Prayer to live the Truth
Blessed are those that fight for truth and justice. They are shining examples to us of honesty and integrity, Lord, by having courage to always fight for the truth, exposing evil and suffering for it
You said “The Truth will set us free”, Help us see and know the truth and accept it and never to keep silent when we know of child abuse by friend ,relative,a stranger. Lord give us strength to help the child and tell the truth.
Your example of speaking out will inspire us, Help us learn your words and actions.
When we know the truth of corruption that always causes suffering give us the courage to expose it and to challenge the wrong doing, confront evil, reveal the truth.
Lord, with your friendship, we will never betray you with silence, apathy, and indifference but to do the good, share and live the truth with honesty and integrity. Amen
Prayer for the Nearly 2 million displaced in Shanxi province
Dearest Lord,
Please help the flood victims in China, save them from further harm, and give their children hope for a better life.
by Sarah Lyon Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer for God’s Presence
When the storm has passed and the light of day will come,
I see your presence in the good that I can do,
In the service I can give,
In the friendship I can share.
Lord show yourself in the smiles
of children helped.
In the hungry that are fed,
“Our Holed Humanity” [1]
… Out of the silence
… Out of the secrecy
… Out of the shame
Has come a voice, oh Lord, not one
but many, not many but too many …
… Out of the silence
In which words fought to form
Or were mangled in the speaking
Or were decried as fabricated
Came the tears through which hearts,
Un-Hid, torched with knowing,
Struggled and grappled with pain
And said what was done, oh Lord, in secret.
… Out of the secrecy
In which files were hidden and moved,
Or left, too difficult to attend to,
Or lost, in paper mazes and people moves
Came the tearing truth to be told,
Shattering, boldly, the practices of the
Past, dismantling pretences and
Witnessing, oh Lord, to what happened.
… Out of the shame,
In which lives were cruelly twisted,
Shocked, unstitched, on hold
Stole the faltering start to stop abuse
Came the call out of silence, oh Lord,
Came the call out of secrecy, oh Lord,
Came the call out of shame, oh Lord!
Passing through a clawed silence
Passing through a scrupulous secrecy
Passing through a cloying shame
From here, oh Lord, will strength begin?
To what, oh Lord, will life now bring?
To whom, oh Lord, will my heart sing?
Oh Mother of the living Son, let life thrive
Oh wife and mother let families survive
Oh wife and mother and daughter too,
Open anew the vocations trashed and reviled.
Oh Joseph, foster father of the Son, show forth
The work, done, undone and still to be done
Of the husband’s cherishing of wife and family,
Foster the dignity of man and woman and work.
Out of awareness, let us listen to others
Out of what we know, let us know the unknown
Out of healing, let us help to prevent the stripping
Of innocence, peace, childhood, and friendship.
So, all angels and saints, search all times and
Places, especially our holed humanity -
An opened wound, like the side of Christ,
Needs to be cleansed to prevent disease,
As it did not close, even after His resurrection,
By way of sharing every other unclosed wound –
Turning hiding places inside out and help us address
The causes of vulnerability; undo disguises,
Challenge us anew to change, going beyond change
To conversion, conversion taking us through to
Being different and discovering the graced blessings
That perfects our efforts and grants us gifts.
Oh Lord, renew the face of the earth and inspire
The passing permanent improvement which, enriching
Now will go with us into eternity, outliving corruption
And causing love to course again through this generation.
1. by Francis Etheredge, author of numerous books and the forthcoming, Within Reach of You: A Book of Prose and Prayers.
Youth Challenges/Leadership Interviews
General Interviews
Youth Challenges/Leadership Articles
3 Things That Almost Guarantee Teens Stay Catholic by Father Matthew P. Schneider, LC Project YM
Young people deserve to hear directly from Pope Francis on synod by Father Daniel P Horan, OFM National Catholic Reporter
Instagram and teens: How to keep your kids safe by Barbara Ortutay and Amanda Seitz The Associated Press
Sisters seek to empower youth in fight against human trafficking by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Zimbabwean teen teaches taekwondo to fight child marriage by Farai Mutsaka The Associated Press
American Non-Profit Helps Sexually Exploited Youth by Genia Dulot UOA News
Marijuana vaping among teens has more than doubled since 2013 by Vanessa Romo NPR
Pope encourages young people to create a new economy by Cindy Wooden The Pilot
These High School Students Staged a Walk Out to Support Bullied Gay Classmate by Molly Sprayregan them
Youth leader looks to inspire others by Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland
Pope encourages young people in effort to shape better future for food by Vatican News
Catholic student in Rome wins top Arabic-reading prize by Devin Watkins Vatican News
How Catholic colleges can address the epidemic of sexual violence on campuses by Annie Selak National Catholic Reporter
Gen Z former social media addict knows Instagram destroys young lives by Rikki Schlott The New York Post
Teens Allegedly Killed 14 Kangaroos, Leaving One Joey Survivor Named 'Hope' by Catherine Ferr Newsweek/Microsoft News
Pope to Youth Climate: Education should foster care for environment by Vatican News
Young people invited to build an economy that works for all by Independent Catholic News
This Teenager Is Developing a Video Game That Assesses Your Mental Health by Lila Thulin Smithsonian Magazine
Vietnam's young Catholics must evangelize among youths of other faiths. While Vietnam sees the decline of morality, nothing is more precious than faith in young people's preparations for life by Joseph Cao Gia An, SJ UCA News
Young volunteers Step into the Gap to fight climate change by Independent Catholic News
At My Grandma’s House, support for Alaskan youth in crisis by Emily Sanna and Joseph Z. Albino U.S. Catholic
A look at the Teen Center at St. Peter's by Jacqueline Cunniff The Pilot
Q&A with Vanesa by the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM)
Young people are leading a new approach to campus ministry . Pope Francis called young adults ‘protagonists of change.’ We need their leadership in the church by Kevin Ahern U.S. Catholic
20-year-old filmmaker wins award for powerful 1-minute film about marriage by Aleteia
Teenage suicides could be sign of mental health toll by CathNews
Heart reaction probed as possible rare vaccine link in teens by Lindsey Tanner and Lauren Neergaard The Associated Press
Brave Irish teen saves mother and daughter from drowning in Co Carlow by Irish Central
World Youth Day guidelines emphasize importance of diocesan celebrations by Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service
Minister uses his life experiences to help at-risk youth in Pilsen by Ely Segura Chicago Catholic
NET Ministries inspires teens through in-person and virtual retreats by Debbie Musser Catholic News Service
The Desi Project: Jesuit High School Portland Student Empower South Asian Teenagers in the U.S. by Ignatian Solidarity Network
Teens Fight for Their Mental Health as They Take on Stress During the Pandemic by Jessica Easthope NetTV
Sisters set troubled Filipino teens on course to self-sufficiency by Gail DeGeorge and Charity Durano The Global Sisters Report
New student loan forgiveness guidelines explained: a step-by-step guide to taking advantage of the PSLF waiver by Jillian Berman Microsoft News
The Lost Year: What the Pandemic Cost Teenagers by Alec MacGillis ProPublica
Brazilian Franciscan works to raise Black teen girls' self-esteem in the Amazon by Catholic News Service/Global Sisters Report
Re-FOCUS: Revitalizing Campus Ministry in the Midst of COVID-19 by Kathryn Wallice National Catholic Register
Shock: Surge in student suicides during the pandemic by Deacon Greg Kendra The Deacon's Bench
Zimbabwean teen teaches taekwondo to fight child marriage by Farai Mutsaka The Associated Press
Inside the Lives of Immigrant Teens Working Dangerous Night Shifts in Suburban Factories by Melissa Sanchez ProPublica Illinois
Youth protests for police reform in Nigeria: What lies ahead for #EndSARS by Oluwole Ojewale Brookings
Preventing Drug Use among Children and Adolescents by National Institute on Drug Abuse
Four things you can do to support your teen’s mental health by UNICEF
With teen mental health deteriorating over five years, there’s a likely culprit by Jean Twenge The Conversation
Well-being of young: a silent pandemic of psychological distress by CathNews New Zealand
Pope Francis says Blessed Carlo Acutis is a model for young people to put God first by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Pew survey shows teens, parents practice faith together, though teens are less religious by Madeleine Davison National Catholic Reporter
Catholic teens in US mirror their peers on religious trends by Matt Hadro Catholic News Agency/ /The Catholic World Report
Preparing the Future: How young people can answer the Pope's call by Kate Eastmond Independent Catholic News
The Safety.com Guide to Teen Health and Safety by Mary Blowers Safety
Catholic altar girl in hiding in Pakistan after escaping abductor, Maira Shahbaz was raped, blackmailed and forced into sex work after being made to convert to Islam by Kamran Chaudhry UCA News
UN appoints Indian Archana Soreng to Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change by Sr Bernadette Mary Reis, fsp Vatican News
Pope Francis Asks Young People: ‘Send a Hug’ to the Elderly by Courtney Mares Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Register
Delargey Awards recognise five outstanding Catholics for youth work by CathNews New Zealand
Youth Movement Brings Christ’s Healing to Homes With Online Challenge by New Evangelization Television (NET)
For Irish young people, global justice is more than just a game by Charles Collins Crux
New Orleans Young Adults Meet Christ in the City by Jim Graves National Catholic Register
FOCUS Student Summit Shows a Hope-filled Future for the Church by Connor Smith SJ America
Teens hurl rocks at school bus transporting Jewish schoolgirls by Geller Report
Internet Safety for Teens, Kids, and Students by Dean Chester Best VPN News
Teenager's charity calendar raises hundreds for overseas communities by Independent Catholic News
Vatican dicastery announces formation of new youth advisory body by Paige Hanley Catholic News Service/National Catholic Reporter
Pope to young people in Tokyo: ‘Japan needs you, the world needs you!' by Linda Bordoni Vatican News
Tales From the Teenage Cancel Culture, What’s cancel culture really like? Ask a teenager. They know by Sanam Yar and Jonah Engel Bromwich The New York Times
Youth Standing Up to Climate Change: Reflections from the Strikes by Ignatian Spirituality Network
To reach young people, we must be honest about our broken church by Mary Ann Spanjers, O.S.F. America
The Teen Center at St. Peter's -- an oasis for Dorchester youth by Debie Ramdo The Pilot
International conference on “Laudato Si'” focuses on youth’s role in addressing “global ecological crisis” by Fredrick Nzwili The Catholic World Report
How one carpenter used his whole life’s savings to help young people he didn’t know by Cerith Gardiner Aleteia
Franciscans nurture Indonesian youth awareness of nature by Ryan Dagur UCA News
Younger progressive Catholics ready to 'regenerate' Call to Action by Heidi Schlumpf National Catholic Reporter
Francis' youth exhortation says Catholic Church must change but offers few proposals by Joshua J. McElwee National Catholic Reporter
Young People are Taking to the Streets by Billy Critchley-Menor, SJ The Jesuit Post
You can’t keep your kids from screen addiction unless you do this one thing by Mathilde De Robien Aleteia
Catholic Youth Minister Leads Teens Closer To Christ by Melissa Enaje The Tablet
Study shows young adults leaving church start down that path at age 13 by Nicholas Wolfram Smith, Catholic News Service/National Catholic Reporter
Holy Land's youth offer beacon of light by Father Mark Madden The Archdiocese of Liverpool
Challenge 2000 responding to serious at risk youth by CathNews New Zealand
Defying Statistics to Become an Agent of Change for Youth by Amanda Knowles Points of Light
Hate crimes rising among young people by Deacon Greg Kandra Patheos
Poll: Young Americans say online bullying a serious problem by The Associated Press
Be lifeline of hope for youth alienated from church, pope tells synod by Carol Glatz Catholic News Service/Angelus
African youth struggle with poverty and broken families by Russell Pollitt, SJ Vatican News
UN calls for action to ensure mental health of adolescents by Robin Gomes Vatican News
Card. Cupich promises to be more attentive, present, available to young people by Linda Bordoni Vatican News
Bangladesh's Catholic youth need guidance by Father Pradeep Perez, SJ UCA News
Young people want to be useful by Gauthier Vaillant La Croix International
UNICEF: Half the world’s teenagers victims of violence in school by Francesca Merlo Vatican News
Encuentro aims to break segregation, keep Hispanic youth Catholic by Christopher White Crux
‘Be brave!’ Pope tells participants at Vatican pre-synod on youth by Claire Giangravè Crux
Pope Francis: The church needs young people so that “no one should be rejected by Michael J. O’Loughlin America
Culture Project brings virtue into the center for Catholic dating – and life by Valerie Schmalz Catholic San Francisco
Dating Gracefully: Advice for Girls by Courtney Kissinger Life Teen
Tackling the silence around Pacific youth suicide by Dr Jemaima Tiatia-Seath CathNews New Zealand
The Decline of Faith Among Young Catholics by Matt Emerson America
Young people are leaving the faith. Here's why by Mark Gray OSV Newsweekly
The spiritual life of American teenagers by Jessica Mesman Griffith US Catholic
Engaging Parents in Youth Ministry by Amanda Montoya Catholic Life Teen
Youth Resources
General Articles
Biden administration's deeply unchristian immigration policy must change by Daniel P. Horan National Catholic Reporter
Advice to young priests from an ‘older brother’ by Louis J. Cameli National Catholic Reporter
Taking up a journey together by Cardinal Blase Cupich Chicago Catholic
Cardinal Cupich joins Muslim, Christian leaders for panel on dialogue by Michelle Martin Chicago Catholic
Who Are These ‘People’? Seeking clarity on synodal participation by Massimo FaggioliCommonweal
What is death? Learning to Die with a Friend by Patrick Saint-Jean, S.J. The Jesuit Post Link to End of Life Challenges
Calais: Jesuit priest on hunger strike over treatment of destitute migrants by Independent Catholic News Link to French Immigration Challenges
Another Immigration Purgatory for Children by Diana R. Gordon The New York Review Link to Children Challenges
Australian Church concerned over suicide rate of Aboriginal children by Lisa Zengarini Vatican News Link to Suicide
Pediatricians say the mental health crisis among kids has become a national emergency by Deepa Shivram NPR
Man gets 11 years in prison for drowning daughter in Catholic church by The Associated Press/Crux Link to Murdered Children
One million children praying the rosary’: Kids join rosary initiative inspired by St. Padre Pio by Courtney Mares Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to The Rosary
30% of U.S. religious congregations unlikely to survive the next 20 years, study predicts by Sean Salai Washington Times
Dear President Biden, End Title 42 by Michael Petro, SJ The Jesuit Post Link to General United States Immigration Challenges and to The Jesuits
Training Catholic priests for a changing world by UCA News
Journalists astounded Catholic priest denied opportunity to give last rites to dying MP by Catholic News Agency
Inequities in world's food system have only worsened during pandemic by Chris Herlinger Global Sisters Report
Pope: Overcoming hunger is one of humanity’s great challenges by Christopher Wells Vatican News
The 16 million in Yemen ‘marching towards starvation’ as food rations run low – UN by Tom Ambrose The Guardian Link to Starvation
No one should ever go hungry – yet millions do by Tony Magliano Association of U.S. Catholic Priests
The Antisemitic Rabbi Who Became a Priest.Well, maybe by Gabriel Kanter-Webber Tablet
Dreyfus, Zionism, and Sartre by David Mikics Tablet
The Scene of the Crime. A survivor of the Pittsburgh massacre returns to the synagogue where the shooting took place by Mark Oppenheimer Tablet
Diplomat Who Saved Thousands From the Nazis by Chanan Tigay The Smithsonian Magazine
American, Racist, Jewish. An excerpt from a new book explains the very American racism of the notorious late Rabbi Meir Kahane by Shaul Magid Tablet
The Nakba, Father’s Papers, and Jaffa Revisited by Raja Shehadeh The New York Review
Brooklyn woman arrested in connection with suspected arson at a Jewish school by Amir Vera and Laura Studle CNN/Microsoft News
The Holocaust That Never Happened. On the 80th anniversary of the Babi Yar massacre, hearing rare stories of survival from the Holocaust-era Soviet territories by Izabella Tabarovsky Tablet Link to The Holocaust
Songs of the ghettos, concentration camps, and World War II partisan outposts by The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
‘Another miracle’: boy’s escape from Auschwitz train is made into opera by Daniel Boffey The Guardian
My kids feel betrayed by their Israel education. How do I help them care about both the Jewish homeland and Palestinian rights? by Liana Finck The Forward
How Jews and Arabs worked together to pull off an impossible rescue mission by CNN/Microsoft News
American Blood Libel by Robert Rockway The Tablet
Neo-Nazi Who Led Effort to Threaten Journalists Gets 3 Years by The Associated Press/U.S .News Link to United States Neo-Nazis
Nazi death camp secretary captured after attempting to flee trial by Joseph Wilkinson Daily News/Microsoft News
Unsung hero: how ‘Mr Radio Philips’ helped thousands flee the Nazis by Jennifer Rankin The Guardian
How the Satanic Temple is using ‘abortion rituals’ to claim religious liberty against the Texas’ ‘heartbeat bill’ by Joseph P. Laycock Religion News Service Link to Exorcism and Satanism
Fetal Cell Testing & Church Teaching by Matthew Schneider Patheos
Italy’s ‘pusher priest’ investigated over failure to disclose HIV status by Elise Ann Allen Crux Link to HIV/AIDS
Fuel crisis leading to cancellations of NHS cancer appointments by Andrew Gregory and Sarah Marsh The Guardian Link to Cancer
This Popular Herb Could Help Prevent Alzheimer's, New Study Finds by Microsoft News Link to Alzheimer’s disease
WHO endorses use of world’s first malaria vaccine in Africa by Lizzy Davies The Guardian/Microsoft News Link to Malaria
DR Congo reports new Ebola cases by Independent Catholic News Link to Ebola
Deaths Raise Safety Concerns Around Gene Therapy by Joseph Walker The Wall Street Journal
Merck Sells Federally Financed Covid Pill to U.S. For 49 Times What It Costs To Make by Sharon Lerner The Intercept
Antibodies in breast milk remain for 10 months after Covid infection – study by Linda Geddes The Guardian Link to Pregnancy and Pregnancy Challenges
Moderna says new data supports its COVID vaccine for kids 6 to 11 by Scott Hensley NPR Link to Children Challenges
Facebook Employees Flag Drug Cartels and Human Traffickers. The Company’s Response Is Weak, Documents by Justin Scheck, Newley Purnell and Jeff Horwitz The Wall Street Journal
Catholic priests in France ‘must report abuse allegations heard in confession’ by Angelique Chrisafis The Guardian
German Catholic bishop suggests ‘Synodal Way’ is using abuse crisis to reshape Church by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Lessons learned from child sexual abuse research: prevalence, outcomes, and preventive strategies by Delphine Collin-Vézina, Isabelle Daigneault & Martine Hébert BMC
PedHITSS: A Screening Tool to Detect Childhood Abuse in Clinical Settings by Philip G. Day, PhD , Jessica Chu, MPH,. Sarah B. Woods, PhD,Kate Bridges Fam Med. 2018;50(10):763-769.
Unprecedented demand for ACC from sex abuse victim by CathNews New Zealand Link to Mental Health/Illness A Very Small Boat: On Loving Someone With Severe Mental Illness by Emily Claire Schmitt Patheos
Featured Report
More Child Abusers to be Jailed for Life by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Featured Report
Children are the Most Important of All-Jesus by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Featured Report
For Journalists by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism Link to Media
Featured Report
Days of Light and Darkness in the Catholic Church by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Featured Report
Pedophiles Abuse Children while Court of Appeals Sleeps by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism Link to Child Sexual Abuse General Reports
No more impunity for child rapists in the Philippines by Shay Cullen UCA News
Rescuers of sexually abused children attack them too by Shay Cullen UCA News
Maria Ressa: Philippine pillar of press freedom by AFP UCA News
Filipinos mark 500 years of Christian faith that connects them globally by Mark Zimmermann Catholic News Service/The Angelus
Philippine bishop renews battle cry against dam project by Joseph Peter Calleja UCA News
Philippine bishop calls for protests over Covid graft. Prelate launches blistering attack on govt officials over alleged misuse of funds meant to fight pandemic by Joseph Peter Calleja UCA News
Catholics under attack in China by UCA News Link to Catholicism and China
China floods: Nearly 2 million displaced in Shanxi province by BBC Link to China Challenges
An Activist’s Guide to Online Privacy and Safety by Cyberghosts Link to Catholic Activism
The Friendship of the Church Fathers and Evangelism. Mike Aquilina joins me today to discuss the church fathers and the role that friendship had in evangelizing. by William Hemsworth Patheos Link to Evangelization
First Contact. Extraterrestrial encounters & human possibility by Santiago Ramos Commonweal
French report: 330,000 children victims of church sex abuse by Sylvie Corbet The Associated Press Link to Catholic Sexual Violence Against Minors
Pope Francis and the French clerical abuse/coverup report. by Christopher R. Altieri The Catholic World Report
Pope Francis wants seminarians to read this letter from a clerical abuse survivor by Hannah Brockhaus Catholic News Agency
The hard truth of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church is demoralizing. But we must confront it by Michael W. Higgins The Globe and Mail
‘The Problem Remains’ Sex abuse & the French Catholic Church by Massimo Faggioli Commonweal
Pope shares survivor's letter pleading for clergy to face truth of abuse by Carol Glatz Catholic News Service/National Catholic Reporter
Church sex abuse: A letter from a survivor by Vatican News
The Catholic Church’s prayers for victims of sexual abuse are beginning to ring hollow. by Valerie Pavilonis America
What if you experience harm instead of healing in the confessional? by Flora x. Tang National Catholic Reporter
Polish bishops, at Vatican, call punishment for abuse cover-up lopsided by Jonathan Luxmoore Catholic News Service
The Sex-Offender Test by the Marshall Project
SBC Executive Committee agrees to pay for abuse review, stalls on waiving privilege by Bob Smietana Religion News Service Link to Protestant Sexual Violence Against Minors
As Reform Jews investigate themselves, a reckoning over sexual abuse grows by Yonat Shimron Religion News Service Link to Jewish Sexual Violence Against Minors
The women who appear in Dante’s "Divine Comedy" are finally getting their due, 700 years later by Laura Ingallinella Salon/Microsoft News
‘Cardinal’s dame’ reportedly involved in release of kidnapped nun by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Mother arrested in case of couple accused of beheading children and showing their bodies to younger siblings by Jade Bremner Independent/Microsoft News Link to Murdered Children
Martyr-nuns’ last prayer before being killed by Sarah Robsdottir Aleteia Link to Murdered Nuns
Euthanasia Rejected on British Island of Guernsey by Patty Knap Patheos Link to Euthanasia
English bishop says proposed assisted suicide law puts ‘most vulnerable’ at risk by Charles Collins Crux Link to Assisted Suicide
Ecuador jail: Dozens killed in Guayaquil prison fight by BBC Link to Prison Challenges
Anglesey kidnap: Gang jailed for snatching child over satanic abuse fears by BBC
Bolsonaro Accused of Crimes Against Humanity in Covid Probe by Bloomberg/Microsoft News
Brazilian legislator causes outrage for calling Pope Francis a ‘bum’ by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
Human Rights Activist: Christians in Myanmar Are Suffering Amid Crackdown by Catholic News Agency, National Catholic Register Link to Human Rights
US reaches record high of more than 96,000 drug overdose deaths in a 12-month period, CDC data show by Virginia Langmaid CNN Link to Addiction
Red Lives Matter. A visit to Alcatraz provides a timely reminder that there is no popular movement to end the national disgrace of America’s treatment of native peoples by Jonaj Baskin Tablet Link to Indigenous People
Opinion: Mixed Messages on Catholic Schools by Peter M.J. Stravinskas The Catholic World Report Link to Catholic Schools
Tolkien And The Way To Overcome Evil by Henry Karlson Patheos
Italian cardinal becomes first red hat to stand trial at Vatican by Elise Ann Allen Crux Link to Financial Crimes
Canadian Bishops pledge $30 million to support residential schools survivors by Lisa Zengarini Vatican News
‘They wanted to kill me’: the lawyer taking on police brutality in Kenya by Sarah Johnson The Guardian Link to Police Brutality and Misconduct
AMERICA/VENEZUELA - National survey (ENCOVI): poverty at the highest levels, employment decreases, only 5% of emigrants return by Agenzia Fides Link to Poverty
SOS for catechists in this time of pandemic by Hosffman Ospino The Pilot Link to Catechesis
Conservatives and liberals unite for life – it’s the Catholic way! by Tony Magliano The Southern Cross Link to Other ProLife Challenges
Priest Shot With Paintball Gun In Church Parking Lot; ‘It Could Have Ended Worse’ by CBS News/Microsoft News Link to General Violence Challenges
Muslim women more likely than men to experience Islamophobia, survey finds by Alejandra Molina Religion News Service Link to Fear, Hate, Prejudice, and Discrimination against Others
Fire ‘set deliberately’ damages Scotland’s national shrine to Our Lady of Lourdes by Catholic News Agency
Women left behind: Gender gap emerges in Africa's vaccines by The Associated Press
The Vatican, the French bishops and anti-gay-marriage by Loup Besmond de Senneville La Croix International Link to LGBTQ Challenges
Burkina Faso: Dozens killed in suspected jihadist attack by DW Link to Terrorism
Cameroon Sees Resurgence of Leprosy 20 Years After ‘Eradication’ by Moki Edwin Kindzeka VOA News
Cameroonian bishop says fighters are tired of separatist war by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
Central African Republic leader: Cease-fire aims for peace by Edith H. Lederer The Associated Press/Microsoft News Panel finds 80 alleged abuse cases tied to WHO’s Congo work by Mairia Cheng and Al-Kudra Maliro The Associated Press
War crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Libya since 2016, says UN by Peter Beaumont The Guardian
Nigeria: 49 killed, 26 abducted in Southern Kaduna by Kiri Kankhwende Independent Catholic News
Prayers Answered as 3 Catholic Seminarians Released but Now another Priest is Abducted in Nigeria by Catholic News World
Nigerian gunmen attack jail, 575 detainees missing by Reuters/Microsoft News Link to Prison Challenges
Sudan coup: Seven protesters killed and dozens injured by Yahoo
Togo-Burkina Faso border is a ‘breeding ground for violence’ by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
Uganda: Suspected bomb attack in Kampala after terror warnings by BBC Being family: What Latino Catholics can teach the rest of the U.S. church about community by Vivian Cabrera America
I survived rape, but I didn’t understand what trauma would do to me by Lucy Hall The Guardian Link to Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
I am a domestic abuse survivor. Parish priests must do more to support people like me by Constance Phelps National Catholic Reporter Link to Domestic Violence
Things Get Broken .Leonard Bernstein’s ‘MASS’ at Fifty by Stephen Schloesser, SJ Commonweal Link to Music and Faith
Leonard Cohen’s Holy and Broken Hallelujah by Guest ContributorPatheos
A Conversation With Donald Fagen. Talking Nabokov and Judaism with the Steely Dan co-founder, whose first live album comes out by Paul Grimstad Tablet
How this Polish priest fought against media censorship by Philip Kosloski Aleteia
Catholic Archdiocese’s drive to house homeless this winter by Vatican News Link to Homeless
A girl asked an archbishop why God allows disabilities. Here’s his response by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to Disabilities
‘Holding each others’ hands’: 11 children drown in Indonesia during river cleanup by The Associated Press/The Guardian
Sopranos' creator David Chase talks about Catholicism, 1967 Newark Rebellion by Tom Deignan National Catholic Reporter
At least 150 dead in flooding and landslides in India and Nepal by Hannah Ellis-Petersen The Guardian
Archbishop Lori: Encountering Christ together through the synodal process by Archbishop William E. Lori Catholic Review
My Husband’s Porn Addiction Is a Cross I Could Never Bear Without Christ by Catherine A. Quinn National Catholic Register Link to Pornography Challenges
Up to 10 suspicious matches at 2016 Olympics, boxing investigation finds by Sean Ingle The Guardian
Black Children Were Jailed for a Crime That Doesn’t Exist. Almost Nothing Happened to the Adults in Charge by Meribah Knightand Ken Armstrong ProPublica
Israel, Palestinian militants use bodies as bargaining chips by Jack Jeffery The Associated Press
Months after Catholic funeral gang members charged by CathNews New Zealand
These High School Students Staged a Walk Out to Support Bullied Gay Classmate by Molly Sprayregan them Link to School Bullying and Hazing
Suspect in ATM attacks blew himself up filming tutorial, says Europol by Agence France-Presse/The Guardian
Campaign calls for Scottish Parliament to tackle anti-Catholicism in soccer by Charles Collins Crux
5 ways Saint Pope John Paul II changed the Catholic Church forever by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
A Pontificate under the Banner of Mary: Hans Urs von Balthasar on Pope Saint John Paul II by Catholic World Report
Top Republicans rub shoulders with extremists in secretive rightwing group, leak reveals by Jason Wilson The Guardian Link to United States Politics- Part Two
Russia arrests cybersecurity expert on treason charge. Ilya Sachkov is founder of Group-IB, which specializes in ransomware attack prevention. by Max Seddon Financial Times/Ars Technica
Top Republicans rub shoulders with extremists in secretive rightwing group, leak reveals by Jason Wilson The Guardian Link to United States Politics- Part Two
The Trump Administration Used Its Food Aid Program for Political Gain, Congressional Investigators Find The Food to Families program, touted by Ivanka Trump, gave tens of millions of dollars to unqualified firms and was also used to promote then-President Trump. by Bianca Fortis ProPublica Link to Immoral Political Practices
Doctors in Lithuania find kilo of nails and screws in man’s stomach by Agence France-Presse
People who want organ transplants must get the COVID-19 vaccine, a hospital says by Bill Shappe NPR
German ‘Synodal Way’ extended to 2023 as assembly ends abruptly after votes on sexual morality, priesthood by Catholic News Agency
Ireland to Back Global Tax Deal if Concerns Met - Minister by Reuters/U.S. News Link to Ireland Issues and Challenges
Trocaire calls UN to implement resolution to end Israeli occupation of Palestine by Independent Catholic News
Justice in the Works of Thomas Aquinas by La Civiltà Cattolica
Being present with people on the hard edges by Jesuit Mission
Day of Wrath: "Sweeney Todd" and the Mystery of Salvation by Avellina Balestri Patheos
Deaf man sues police in Colorado over alleged excessive use of force by BBC Link to Police Brutality and Misconduct
'Sopranos' creator David Chase talks about Catholicism, 1967 Newark Rebellion by Tom Deignan National Catholic Reporter
Mob of 500 Hindu nationalists attacks Christians in northern India by Nirmala Carvalho Crux
Pandora Papers: World leaders deny wrongdoing after leaks6 by BBC
A man was having chest pain. Then doctors found a 4-inch piece of cement in his heart. by Taylor Avery USA TODAY/Microsoft News
Walmart, CVS Face Billions in Claims They Fueled Opioid Epidemic by Bloomberg/Microsoft News
Five Things the United States Can Do to Stop Being a Haven for Dirty Money by Jodi Vittori Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Denver cathedral vandalized with anti-Catholic slogans by Jonah McKeown Catholic News Agency
Vandalism at Italian parish near downtown LA investigated as hate crime by Angelus Link to Hate Crimes
Ransomed and beaten: Migrants face abuse in Libyan detention by Samy Magdy The Associated Press Link to Libya Immigration Challenges
Sebastian Kurz: Austrian leader resigns amid corruption inquiry by BBC
Thriller film sinks teeth into Hungary's opposition by Nick Thorpe BBC
Hairdresser linked to QAnon to be jailed for Capitol rioting by Michael Kunzelman The Associated Press/Microsoft News Link to Domestic Terrorism/Insurrection/Sedition
The Ultimate Mindfulness Meditation Guide for Beginners by Allen Wei Learn Relaxation Techniques
Q & A with Sr. Ann Kendrick on 50 years serving farmworkers in central Florida by Gail DeGeorge Global Sisters Report
Drugs, arms, and terror: A high-profile defector on Kim's North Korea by Laura Bicker BBC
At least five people killed in bow and arrow attack in Norway by Jon Henley The Guardian
Prominent Anglican bishop received into Catholic Church by Luke Coppen Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Vietnamese priest takes God's love to remote Hmong villages by UCA News
Vietnam nuns inspired to serve others by French missionary by UCA News
Revealed: Facebook’s Secret Blacklist of “Dangerous Individuals and Organizations” by The Intercept Link to Social Media
Facebook settles a federal lawsuit over allegations it favored foreign job applicants by The Associated Press/NPR
Scottish parliament urged to tackle anti-Catholicism in soccer by CathNews
U.S. bishops say 100 acts of anti-Catholic vandalism since May 2020 by John Lavenburg Crux/Angelus Link to Fear, Hate, Prejudice, and Discrimination against Others
Meet the Catholic nuns leading the fight against human trafficking by Courtney Mares Catholic News Agency Link to Human Trafficking
Sicilian Catholic leaders ban baptismal godparents over abuse by mafia by Matthew Miller Washington Examiner/Microsoft News
Omaha police arrest local priest on two felony charges including alleged abuse of a vulnerable adult by KMTV/Microsoft News
Wichita's domestic abuse epidemic inspires call for municipal court to reform offender interventions by Pilar Pedraza and Tim Carpenter KAKE Link to Domestic Violence
How Lori Vallow became 'doomsday' cult mom: Police documents reveal her descent into a wacky world of zombies, teleportation, and an impending apocalypse by Michelle Mark Insider/Microsoft News
Parents: Your Teens Don’t Need a Smartphone by Maureen Ferguson National Review
Catholic doctor seeks to help patients better recover from ICU by Charles C. Camosy Crux
US and EU ambassadors: Enforce U.N. sanctions on North Korea by Edith M. Lederer The Associated Press/Microsoft News
Three dead, including suspect, after man stabs Arkansas officer's throat by Tim Stelloh NBC News
JCPenney Shooting Sees Multiple People Gunned Down Inside Mall by Anders Anglesey Newsweek/Microsoft News Link to Gun Violence
Myanmar’s military junta releases thousands of political prisoners by Sammy Westfall The Washington Post/Microsoft News
It enslaves women! Spain’s PM vows to outlaw prostitution It enslaves women by CathNews New Zealand Add to Women Challenges
A scientist describes the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima by Philip Kosloski Aleteia
Polish PM accuses EU of blackmail as row over rule of law escalates by BBC
Polish Man Arrested For Cutting Down Cross by Catholic Arena
Cries of Haitian People ‘Cannot go Unheeded,’ Vatican Official Says by Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service/The Tablet
Inside the Global Cult of Al Capone by Katya Cengel Smithsonian Magazine
Trauma-informed therapy by Hector Rivera Chicago Catholic
Capitol riot defendant sentenced to 14 months for Parler threat: ‘Lets hunt these cowards down’ by Spencer Hsu The Washington Post Link to Domestic Terrorism/Insurrection/Sedition
Warhol in Tehran: Iranians flock to American pop art exhibit by Nasser Karimi The Associated Press
University suspends fraternity activities after freshman found unresponsive by Microsoft News
Vatican asks Indian bishops to curb priests violating canon law by UCA News
The Mysteries of Faith: Saving Chauncey The Shelter Dog by Cynthia Dagnal-Myron Patheos Link to Animal Challenges
How do you spot a witch? This notorious 15th-century book gave instructions – and helped execute thousands of women by Melissa Chim Religion News Service
Vatican cardinal says Europe now becoming a ‘mission territory’ by Inés San Martín Crux
A Union Scandal Landed Hundreds of NYPD Officers on a Secret Watchlist. That Hasn’t Stopped Some From Jeopardizing Cases by Jake Pearson ProPublica
The Vatican Observatory has fought fire, COVID-19, and even moths to reach the star by Christopher M. Graney and Fr. Paul Gabor, S.J. Aleteia
Scientists used a tiny brain implant to help a blind teacher see letters again by Bill Chappell NPR Link to Blindness
Indigenous prayers, dancing in San Bernardino Synod Mass spark backlash by Joe Bukuras, Shannon Mullen, and Carl Bunderson Catholic News Agency, The Catholic World Report Link to Indigenous People
Daniel Ortega and His Ex-Comrades by Alma Guillermoprieto The New York Review
Author Eric Zemmour, the French Jewish Trump, Storms to Top of Presidential Polls by Mitchell Abidor and Miguel Lago Tablet
Jamaican preacher Kevin O. Smith, parishioners arrested for alleged human sacrifices by Paula Froelich New York Post
Neo-Nazi Matthew Cronjager jailed for plotting terrorist acts by BBC Link to Neo-Nazis
Pope Francis appeals that migrants not be sent back to unsafe countries by Courtney Mares Catholic News Agency Link to General Immigration Challenges
Pope calls for halt to returning rescued migrants to Libya by Inés San Martín Crux Link to Libya Immigration Challenges
Christians in Lebanon threatened with extinction, says Patriarch by Fionn Shiner ACN/Aleteia
Archbishop Fisher wants NSW MPs to act on modern slavery by CathNews
A taste for blood: Vampires, Catholicism, and popular culture by Eleanor Bourg Nicholson The Catholic World Report
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When Children are Set Free by Father Shay Cullen Preda Foundation
Book Reviews/Commentaries
Carlo Acutis: The First Millennial Saint by Nicola Gori Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D.Profiles in Catholicism
Leadership for Catholic Youth Ministry: A Comprehensive Resource by Thomas East with Alejandra Agiolera-Titus, Carolyn Coll, RSM, Ann Marie Eckert, Leif Kehrwald, Sean T. Lanning, Mariette Martineau, Hohm Roberto, Cheryl M. Tholeke Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D.Profiles in Catholicism
Connecting Young Adults to Catholic Parishes. Best Practices in Catholic Young Adult Ministry by United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Reviewed byEileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Teens and the Impact of Sleep on Mental Health by Slumber Yard Team Reviewed by Dr. Gregory Minnis, DPT Slumber Yard
Rejoicing in Mercy: A Prayer Commentary on the Gospel of Luke by Father Louis Cameli Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
At Eternity’s Gate: Artists of the Infinite by John O’Brien, OFM Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Quest for the Living God: Mapping frontiers in the Theology of God by Elizabeth A. Johnson Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
A Theologian’s Journey by Thomas F. O’Meara, O.P. Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D.Profiles in Catholicism
Real Presence: What does it Mean and Why Does it Matter? by Thomas F. O’Meara Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D.Profiles in Catholicism
The Words of My Father by Mark Nemetz Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D.Profiles in Catholicism
We Will Not Be Silenced by Erwin W. Lutzer Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Pauline Mysticism: Christ in the Mystical Teaching of St. Paul by Alfred Wikenhauser Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Quest for the Living God: Mapping frontiers in the Theology of God by Elizabeth A. Johnson Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Art & Prayer: The Beauty of Turning to God by Msgr. Timothy Verdon Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Birth of the Living God: A Psychoanalytic Study by Ana-Maria Rizzuto, M.D. Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Separate But Faithful: the Christian right's radical struggle to transform law and legal culture by Amanda Hollis-Brusky and Joshua C. Wilson Reviewed by Daniel Brown Profiles in Catholicism
Human Anguish and God’s Power by David H. Kelsey Reviewed by Daniel Brown Profiles in Catholicism
American Catholic: the politics of faith during the cold war by D.G. Hart Reviewed by Daniel Brown Profiles in Catholicism
The Spiritual Work of Racial Justice: A Month of Meditations with Ignatius of Loyola by Patrick Saint-Jean Commentary/Excerpt by Patrick Saint-Jean National Catholic Reporter
Friendship and the Fathers: How the Early Church Evangelized by Mike Aquilina Reviewed by Dr. Jeff Mirus Catholic Culture
The Darkness Shall Be the Light by Father John O'Brien Reviewed by Adrian Cusack Westmeath Independent
Unprotected by Billy Porter Reviewed by David Oliver USA TODAY/Microsoft News
Don Amorth — La biografia ufficiale (Fr. Amorth — The Official Biography) by Domenico Agasso Reviewed by Gelsomino Del Guercio Aleteia
Afterlife by Julia Alvarez Reviewed by Mike Mastromatteo U.S. Catholic
Smile: The Story of a Face by Sarah Ruhl Reviewed by Kristen Martin NPR
Believing: Our Thirty-Year Journey to End Gender Violence by Anita Hill Reviewed by Michelle Ruiz Vogue
Jesuit at Large Edited by George Weigal Reviewed by Paul Senz The Catholic World Report
Once We Were Slaves: The Extraordinary Journey of a Multiracial Jewish Family by Laura Arnold Leibman Commentary by Yonat Shimron Religion News Service
Bourdain: The Definitive Oral Biography by Patrick Radden Keefe Commentary by Laurie Woolever Vanity Fair
Floating in a Most Peculiar Age; A Memoir by Louis Chude-Sokei Reviewed by Diana L. Hayes National Catholic Reporter
Providence Blue: A Fantasy Quest by David Pinault Reviewed by Zander Doby Catholic World Report
Giovanni’s Room by James Baldwin Reviewed by Jordan E. DeSanto National Catholic Reporter
Miracles by Sono Ayako Reviewed by John Tuttle The Catholic World Report
Looking Ahead with Hope - Stories of Humanity, Wonder and Gratitude in a Time of Uncertainty by Eddie Gilmore Commentary by Independent Catholic News
Desire, Darkness, and Hope: Theology in a Time of Impasse Edited by Laurie Cassidy and M. Shawn Copeland Reviewed by Sr. Nancy Sylvester National Catholic Reporter
Reading the News Without Losing Your Faith by Christopher R Altieri Commentary by Independent Catholic News
Jérôme Lejeune, a Man of Science and Conscience by Aude Dugast Reviewed by Alejandro Bermudez Catholic News Agency
Film Reviews/Commentaries
Hollywood Priest: The Story of Fr. ‘Bud’ Kieser” Reviewed by Alison Nastasi Angelus
Dune Reviewed by Peter Bradshaw The Guardian
Purgatory Reviewed by Nick Olszyk The Catholic World Report
Halloween Kill by Michael Phillips Chicago Tribune/Microsoft News
No Time To Die Reviewed by Asher Luberto The Village Voice
The Eyes of Tammy Faye Reviewed by Nick Olszyk The Catholic World Report
Dear Evan Hansen Reviewed by Sophia Martinson Angelus
Who Are You, Charlie Brown? by John Christman, S.S.S., U.S. Catholic
Devil's Backbone Commentary by Sergio Bermudez National Catholic Reporter
Love, Genius and a Walk Reviewed by Christy Lawrance Independent Catholic News
The Chosen Reviewed by Paul Senz The Catholic World Report
Matter of Life Commentary by Jaqueline Tetrault The Pilot
Cry Macho Reviewed by Carl Kozlowski The Catholic World Report
The Last Duel Commentary by Meilan Solly Smithsonian Magazine
Enduring Faith Reviewed by Catholic News Agency/Angelus
Oscar Micheaux—The Superhero of Black Filmmaking Reviewed by Peter Sobczynski RodgerEbert.com
Sex, Revolution and Islam Reviewed by Roxana Hadadi Los Angeles Times/Microsoft News
Squid Game Reviewed by Monica Tan The Guardian
The Tragedy of Macbeth Reviewed by Owen Gleiberman Variety/Microsoft News
Nowhere Special Reviewed by Clare Bergin Independent Catholic News
The Man Who Sold His Skin Commentary by Arifa Akbar The Guardian
The Cost of Deception Reviewed by Nick Thorpe BBC
Coda Reviewed by Coco Khan The Guardian
Devil's Backbone Commentary by Sergio Bermudez National Catholic Reporter
St. Joseph: Our Spiritual Father Commentary by Joe Bukuras Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
The Book of Hope: A Survival Guide for Trying Times by Jane Goodall and Douglas Abrams, with Gail Hudson Reviewed by Barbara J King NPR
Four Hours at the Capitol Commentary by Elle Hunt The Guardian
Jesus Music Commentary by The Associated Press/Microsoft News
The End of the Rope Commentary by Jesse Russell The Catholic World Report
TV Reviews/Commentaries
Midnight Mass Reviewed by Kristen Baldwin Entertainment/Microsoft News
Love on the Spectrum: Season 2 Reviewed by Kerry Magro Autism Speaks
Diana, The Musical Reviewed by Linda Holmes NPR
Be Tipul Reviewed by Marc Rastoin, SJ La Civilta Cattolica.
Shtisel Reviewed by Ben Rothman America
Sweet Tooth Reviewed by Kevin P. Considine U.S. Catholic
What Happened, Brittany Murphy? Reviewed by Korin Miller Shape/Microsoft News
Youth Ministry USCCB
Feasting with the Saints
UN Debate on 'Youth" Interview with Emily Toole, Youth Leader
5 Reasons The Church Needs Youth Ministry
The History (and Future?) of Catholic Ministry to Youth in the United States
FEEL GOOD Audition From Ndlovu Youth Choir On America's Got Talent | Amazing Auditions