A Message from the Editor
Warnings about Nuclear Conflicts
This issue features three warnings on the increasing risk of nuclear conflicts including one by Pope Frances. There is also a notice that my friend Martha Hennessey and her six colleagues were convicted for breaking into a nuclear submarine base in Georgia last year.
The seven now face up to 25 years in prison each for trespassing on the U.S. navy base, which houses six Trident submarines capable of carrying hundreds of nuclear weapons.
I am asking all of our readers to pray for them and hopefully have Masses said for them. They are our heroes at a time when true heroes are increasing rare.
Bette Midler’s tribute to heroes is applicable to Martha and her colleagues
Special Prayers
Prayer to End Nuclear Conflicts
God most powerful and most kind,
creator of all things visible and invisible,
you have entrusted to us the stewardship of your creation.
With your guidance, we have explored your world
and learned to unleash its powerful forces.
Make us good stewards of the world’s goods and powers,
so that we may never use what you have given us for destruction
but always for building a world of justice and more abundant life.
Lead us away from every temptation to break the bonds of the human family.
Inspire us to the grateful and loving use of all power—
physical, moral, and spiritual. Amen
by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism
Will It Ever End?
At the Cross her station keeping, stood the mournful Mother weeping, close to her Jesus to the last. Through her heart, His sorrow sharing, all His bitter anguish bearing, now at length the sword has passed.
This time her children, her other children.
Mangled, Slaughter, Wasted.
How sad and sore distressed
Are you, our own dear Mother.
Your son on Calvary
Your children in Senora
Dear Mother Mary, give us strength
To stand with you
And weep. by Father David O. Brown, O.S.M.
To the God of Creation: A Prayer During Wildfires
The earth shakes to the very foundations, ire and water unleashed fury Creator of the universe, whose name is love and compassion and whose essence is wisdom, divinity, purpose. We cry in anguish. We are submerged in doubt and fear. Help us to hold the suffering of the world and offer a compassionate hand. God of mercy, be gentle with our pain and doubt. Help us as we struggle with confusion and loss. Darkness, Cold. Fear. Hunger. Thirst. Protect us. Creator of the universe, we offer gratitude for the blessings, for survival, for the graciousness of strangers, and for heroic acts that abound. Grant us strength, resilience, fortitude, ope, faith. by Rabbi Karyn D. Kedar, the senior rabbi of Congregation B'nai Jehoshua Beth Elohim in Deerfield, IL
This prayer is reprinted with permission from Amen: Seeking Presence with Prayer, Poetry, and Mindfulness Practice (CCAR Press, December 2019).
A Quote to Remember
“The leaders of the world face no greater task than that of avoiding nuclear war. While preserving the cause of freedom, we must seek abolition of war through programs of general and complete disarmament. The Test-Ban Treaty of 1963 represents a significant beginning in this immense undertaking”
by. Robert Kennedy
General Articles/Commentaries
Jury convicts 7 Catholic pacifists of breaking into nuclear submarine base by Yonat Shimron Independent Catholic News Link to Nuclear Challenges
Iran furthers nuclear program on anniversary of U.S. Embassy crisis by Nasser Karimi and Jon Gambrell Associated Press/America
Christian CND: 'Nuclear weapons, the other extinction threat' by Patricia Pulham Independent Catholic News
No nukes: Pope expected to take aim at new arms race during Japan trip by Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service/Angelus
The Betrayal of the Kurds by Peter W. Galbraith New York Review of Books Link to War/Terrorism/Genocide
Two Malaysian politicians facing jail for terror links by UCANews Reporter UCANews.com
U.S. bishops: ‘The threat of abortion remains our preeminent priority.’ by Michael J. O’Loughlin America Link to Abortion
Gangs Of Thieves Targeting Pilgrims At Lourdes by Deacon Greg Kandra Patheos
The moths have eaten me: reflections on failure, faith and grace by Brian Cahill National Catholic Reporter
Money shapes the US Catholic narrative by NCR Editorial Staff National Catholic Reporter
Hearing begins on fate of Missouri’s lone abortion clinic by Jim Salter Associated Press Link to Abortion
Despite Obstacles, Daleiden Trial Shows Gruesome Side of the Abortion Industry by Lauretta Brown National Catholic Register
The heart and place of prayer by Carl E. Olson The Catholic World Report
Immaculate Conception of Mary by Dave Armstrong Patheos Link to Mariology
Amazon Synod: Summary of final document by Independent Catholic News
Joe Biden reportedly denied Communion at a South Carolina church because of his stance on abortion by Sarah Pulliam Bailey The Washington Post
From catwalk to convent: Mexican beauty queen finds meaning in life by La Croix International staff
Malcolm Gladwell Is ‘Trending Catholic’ by Kate O'Hare Patheos
Irishman charged with manslaughter of 39 dead migrants found in truck by IrishCentral Staff IrishCentral Link to Murder and to Ireland Challenges
World Medical Association declares strong opposition to assisted suicide and euthanasia by Independent Catholic News Link to Suicide/Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia
Indiana Catholics share experiences of racism at listening session by Sean Gallagher Crux Link to Racial Challenges
Extraordinary Missionary Month - renewal for Church in Kazakhstan by Robin Gomez Vatican News
Exorcist tells court ‘clock fell’ in house he was blessing by Malta Independent Link to Exorcism and Satanism
London exorcist: “All of society is subject to a demonic deception” by Father Jeremy Davies”The Catholic World Report
Ireland used to require dead bodies be brought to the nearest pub for safekeeping by IrishCentral Staff IrishCentral
Cruelty at the border What I saw on a bridge in El Paso by Griffin Oleynick La Croix International Link to General United States Immigration Challenges
At Border Mosque, a Muslim prayer is shared across the US-Mexico divide by Alejandra Molina Religion News Service
Vatican cardinals linked to missing millions and financial scandal by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to Financial Crimes
Fifth-Graders Dial Up Tough Questions for Priest by Andrew Pugliese The Tablet
Dancing with the Devil by Christopher Alt, SJ The Jesuit Post
The human face of the Blackjewel coal mine bankruptcy by Robert Alan Glover National Catholic Reporter
Can Children Flourish In Our Modern Society? by Sofia Carozza Patheos Link to Children Outreach/Protection
Is there a shortage of sacramental care for the elderly in the U.S.? by Jim McDermott America Link to Elder Outreach/Services
West Virginia bishop seeks 'amends for harm' to church by predecessor by Catholic News Service/National Catholic Reporter
Abrahamic faiths: No to euthanasia, assisted suicide, yes to palliative care by Independent Catholic News Link to Suicide/Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia and to Palliative Care
Hong Kong Catholics pray to end 'cockroach, dog' approach by UCANews Reporter UCANews,com Link to Catholicism and China
Letter from Hong Kong by Nicholas Haggerty Commonweal
Hong Kong bishop reminds people that all involved in protests are human by Catholic News Service/National Catholic Reporter
Plan for drug injection site latest in 'dose of despair,' says archbishop by Catholic News Service/The Pilot Link to Substance Use/Addiction
Respecting Authority by Randall Smith The Catholic Thing
Meet the young Catholic suing the government over climate change by Brian Roewe Earthbeast National Catholic Reporter Link to Environment Challenges
Group launches fast for children in detention centers by Michelle Martin Chicago Catholic
Over 250 conservative activists sign statement opposing death penalty by Jesse Remedios National Catholic Reporter Link to Death Penalty
Mexico: Priest who defends migrants assaulted at gunpoint by Independent Catholic News
The Beatitudes: The path to sainthood! by Tony Magliano Acting Franciscan
What did the Jesuits have to do with the invention of the horror film? by Matt Bernico America
Brooklyn bishop concludes Vatican-ordered investigation into Buffalo diocese by Christopher White Crux
The Cult of Trump? What “Cult Rhetoric” Actually Reveals by Benjamin E. Zeller Religion & Politics
Mexico’s fight against organized crime takes a dark turn after urban warfare in Culiacán by Jan-Albert Hootsen America
Murder of Jesuits Was Marked with Horror, But Inspired Defense of the Poor by Rhina Guidos The Tablet
Mother Teresa Award honors those who fight modern slavery by Nirmala Carvalho Crux
Acid thrown in Irish soldier’s face in London by IrishCentral Staff IrishCentral
For Many Teens, the Battle With Opioid Addiction Starts With Wisdom Teeth by Neel V. Patel Popular Science,
CRISPR gene technology poses new moral questions by charles C. Camosy Crux
What Notre Dame’s Fighting Irish can teach us about American Catholicism by Rachel Lu America Link to Sports and Spirituality
Tales From the Teenage Cancel Culture, What’s cancel culture really like? Ask a teenager. They know. by Sanam Yar and Jonah Engel Bromwich The New York Times
Brazilian president posts video on Twitter comparing bishops to hyenas by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
Impunity for crimes against journalists on the rise by Robin Gomes Vatican News Link to General Violence Challenges
Pope asks for prayers for persecuted Ethiopian Christians Since violence broke out in Ethiopia in October, more than 400 people have been arrested and 78 have died by La Croix International staff La Croix International
After their order’s suppression, victims struggle to move forward by Elise Harris Crux
A Fraternity of Silence. One man’s fight to uncover the history of anti-Semitism at America’s dental schools by Marjorie Ingall Tablet Link to Antisemitism
Polarized & Fragmented/Divisive Politics in Europe and the US by E. J. Dionne Jr. Commonweal Link to United States Politics and to Europe Politics
Bishops set to meet to discuss new leadership, U.S. politics and sex abuse crisis by Michael J. O’Loughlin America
Six-year-old transforms abandoned plot into thriving community garden by Independent Catholic News
Trump’s ‘conscience rule’ for health providers blocked by federal judge by Yasmeen Abutaleb The New York Times
Jesuits remember companions killed in struggle for ecological and social justice by Gerard O’Connell America Link to The Society of Jesus
Caritas Europa: migration can - and should - benefit all by Linda Bordoni Cartitas/Vatican News
Religious vocations endure despite distractions, scandal by Gina Christian Catholic Philly Link to Vocations
Harrow: Young people trained up to tackle bullying with Diana Award by Independent Catholic News Link to School Bullying
Inculturation: A two-way street by Cardinal Blase J. Cupich Chicago Catholic
Why doctrine matters when it comes to evangelization by Russell Shaw Catholic World Report Link to Evangelization
What Dorothy Day can teach us about prudence and discernment by James F. Keenan America
If canonized, Dorothy Day would be a saint for a ‘polarized’ world by Nick Mayrand Crux
ISIS claims responsibility for murder of Catholic priest in Syria by Fionn Shiner-ACN and Maria Lozano ACN/Aleteia Link to Murdered Priests
Major new coalition launched in Parliament to confront contemporary genocide by Independent Catholic News Link to War/Terrorism/Genocide
Pope praises Montreal Protocol to protect ozone layer by Independent Catholic News
Ohio Senate passes two pro-life laws despite legal challenges by Christine Rousselle Catholic News Agency/Angelus Link to Other ProLife Challenges
Pope Francis: Prisoners need windows and horizons by Independent Catholic News Link to Prison Challenges’
Cameroon cardinal: Christians called to be ‘rebels against evil’ by Crux Staff Crux
How can we solve homelessness? Listen to the people who have experienced it. by Nicholas Farnham America Link to Homeless
How to keep the faith amid Trump’s war on immigrants—and their lawyers by Kristin Zipple-Shedd America
The Body of Christ at the Border by Kevin Kuehl, SJ The Jesuit Post
V.A. Tackles Issue of Veterans’ Health Care by Allyson Escobar The Tablet
Family demands answers after migrant in ICE custody removed from life support by Catholic News Agency/Angelus
Death doulas guide the way for those who face the end of life by Chace Beech Religion News Service Link to End of Life
Church needed as moral voice as AI technology expands, expert says by Charles C. Camosy Crux Link to Artificial Intelligence
Pope urges greater efforts to reform prison systems ,e chances of committing crime, says Francis by La Croix International staff (with Catholic News Service)
In Nigeria, more horrific abuse in Islamic schools by Lucie Sarr La Croix International
On the Anniversary of Kristallnacht and the Fall of the Berlin Wall, by Edward Serotta Tablet
Caritas faces huge challenge as flooding devastates East Africa by Crux Staff Crux
Evangelization, polarization and accountability among the most pressing issues for the U.S. church by The Editors America Link to Evangelization
Bishops of Chile condemn violence and the looting of churches by Francesca Merlo Vatican News
Archbishop’s lawyer, journo in Peru swap charges of spin and defamation by Elise Harris Crux
U.S. bishops debate how to integrate Pope Francis’ broader pro-life focus by Michael J. O’Loughlin America
Caritas Manila issues appeal for Philippine earthquake victims by Catholic News Service/Crux
What Can the Bishops Take From the Border Mass? by Jorge Roque The Jesuit Post
Sister Marie-Stella Kouak: A life dedicated to helping the sick'I felt the call to leave the world and dedicate myself to the poorest. I met Christ in the sick, in the suffering families by Charles Ayetan Lomé La Croix International
Understanding the 2018 China-Vatican agreement a year later by Anthony E. Clark, Ph.D. The Catholic World Report Link to Catholicism and China
Yorkshire pupils highlight climate issues by Independent Catholic News
Lessons From Sodom and Gomorrah by Helen Plotkin Tablet
Kakichi Kadowaki: The inculturation of Christianity in Japan. Jesuit priest was a man of exquisite sensibility and aware of the deep contradictions between Japan and the West by Tomas Garcia-Huidobro SJ, La Civilta Cattolica/ La Croix International
Australian Bishop: 'Refugees live in inhuman conditions' by Independent Catholic News
Syrian Christian Survives Kidnapping Through Faith and Forgiveness by Melissa Butz Net TV Link to Forgiveness
Can Bernie Sanders Fix America’s Broken Anti-Semitism Conversation? by Yair Rosenberg The Tablet
Please support one of our organizations and people who need help
Please send a donation for help save the life of my close friend Alwin Rex in India. Please read the article How do we love our neighbor as ourselves? and send a donation of $10.00 or more to help cover his healthcare costs to Father Thomas Ayyaneth, Syro Malankara Catholic Eparchial Chancery,1500 DePaul Street, Elmont, New York 11003, USA with a notation that the donation is for Alwin Rex. Father Thomas will process donations and send them to his pastor. Thank you Gordon Nary Editor, Profiles in Catholicism
When Children are Set Free by Father Shay Cullen Preda Foundation
Book Reviews/Commentaries
Ballpark: Baseball In The American City by Paul Goldberger Reviewed by Dominic Lynch America
Our Mother Earth: A Christian reading of the environmental challenge by Pope Francis. Reviewed by Independent Catholic News
A Poetic Christ: Thomist Reflections on Scripture, Language and Reality by Olivier-Thomas Venard Reviewed by Tracey Rowland The Catholic World Report
Year of the Monkey Reviewed by by Sharon Mesmer Commonweal
Film Reviews/Commentaries
By the Grace of God Reviewed by Jo Siedlecka Independent Catholic News
American Dharma Reviewed by John Anderson America
Harriet Reviewed by Carl Kozlowski Angelus
I Like to See the Sun Rise Commentary by Christopher White Crux/CAN
Marriage Story Reviewed by John Anderson America
Love and Mercy Reviewed by Brad Miner The Catholic Thing
The Day After I’m Gone Reviewed by Daphne Merkin Tablet Magazine
The Irishman Reviewed by John Anderson America
Theater Reviews and Commentaries
Heroes of the Fourth Turning Commentary by Rob Weinert-Kendt America
Feasting with the Saints
November 18 St Elizabeth of Hungary's Feast Day by Sarah Lyon and Gordon Nary
A Prayer for Those Who Have Suffered Abuse by the Clergy
God, in your providential love you comfort those who are wounded and afflicted.
Hear our prayers for those who have suffered abuse by those in their families or by those entrusted with their care. In a special way, we pray for those who suffered abuse by clergy who betrayed a sacred trust and who were meant to stand for your loving presence in their lives. May those who have been hurt find support and encouragement in communities of faith, hope, and love. May they discover healing in genuinely loving and caring relationship. May they reclaim hope for themselves. May they be strengthened and confirmed in their resolve to set things aright. May they rest in you who make all things work for the good. Amen by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer to End Gun Violence
Lord Jesus, as you approached the city of Jerusalem, Before your passion, As your people waved palms in your honor, You saw the city and wept over it because you Loved it.
You knew of the violence and chaos you would suffer In that beloved city still you loved it and wept over it. Lord Jesus, look upon our cities, weep over them, Love them and protect them. Weep over us and strengthen us as we suffer Violence and chaos. Weep over us and love us. Lord Jesus, weep over us and love us. (See Lk 19) by Father David O. Brown, O.S.M.. Profiles in Catholicism
I Am Becoming a Catholic
He called me...At first it was a tiny call and I said:
"Well I am listening" He called again and again I said:
"I am listening"
Sometimes His voice is strong and clear,
other times I can hardly hear Him,
Sometimes He calls me when I am looking at a beautiful sunset,
Sometimes He calls me when I am helping to serve the homeless,
sometimes He calls me when I am out to dinner with friends.
I am still listening
He wants me to follow Him now and always.
He wants me to follow Him in joy and solitude.
He wants me to follow Him when others are in need.
He wants me to follow Him when I have chosen to hurt Him
and then say I am sorry.
He is after me night and day.
He is after me at the dawn of a new day.
He is after me when daylight disappears.
His never ending loving call is for ME!
I want to belong to Him and His Church.
I want His presence to become stronger in my everyday life.
I want Him to love me now and forever.
I say YES and again YES.
He hugs me with a strong embrace.
He and I are together with the rest of His followers.
Now and forever. by Holy Name RC(A Committee Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer for Migrant Children
Good Lord, who said “Whoever receives one of these little ones, receives me,” bless the little ones who are caught in the struggle of migration, separation, and abuse. Give all those adults who are responsible for them and for their welfare the wisdom and courage to do the children justice and to protect them. Make our hearts more ,loving and willing to do the right thing by them. May we see in all people young and old your image and so reverence their great dignity. We make our prayer through you who came among us as a child and who was forced to flee the threat of violence Amen by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism
An Encounter with Silence
Loving God, I come before you to pray for my brothers and sisters, your children and members of Christ’s body, at the southern border of the United States today.
What we read of their suffering seems nothing less than a Passion for thousands. Little children crowded into cells where they scarcely have room to stand. Without decent sanitation or food, separated from their families, the older ones taking care of the younger.
God of mercy, I believe that you live within whatever and whoever I am, the ground of my existence, its gracious cause and hope, its true future, its blessed promise of eternal life. I could not always have said so much. But now through your grace I do believe it.
But God of all, I am shaken in that faith when I read of what is happening on the threshold of my country. Are not the women and men and children there also vessels of your eternal presence? Many of them, most perhaps, from what we call the Northern Triangle, have indeed been baptized. But your incarnate Word is addressed to all of them. Your Spirit of freedom hovers over all of them
by Leo J. O’Donovan, S.J .America
The Happy City - Leper Colony Documentary Educational Video
Making Sense Of Veteran Suicide