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Murdered Children and Teens

Writer's picture: Profiles in CatholicismProfiles in Catholicism

Updated: Dec 4, 2024


  • Prayer for the Murdered Children in Uganda God of life, we stand before the mystery of evil and death as we remember the school children killed in Uganda. Let life prevail, let evil be stopped, let grieving yield to hope. Make us instruments of your life and peace in this world, even in the small gestures of our life. Let us hold each other and especially our children close to us and pledge to protect and keep them with your help. Amen by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism

  • A Prayer for the Murdered Nigerian Children There are so many innocent who suffer in war. The passion of your son is continued in the innocent children. Just as you brought your son to the day of resurrection so too with these young ones; bring them to the light of resurrection and give them eternal peace. Comfort those who grieve and soften the hearts of those who bring suffering and death. by Father John O’Brien, OFM Profiles in Catholicism

  • Prayer for the parents of Uvalde children massacre As a Mother of 3 sons and a Grandmother of 5 young children, I ask you to hear my prayer. My heart has been filled with prayer for the parents of the children as the beg God to help them heal from the horror of Uvalde. The parents bring the child into the world with joy and God's blessings of Baptism and graces. They steer the child through the journey of following God in their life: .from teaching them how to walk, ride a bike, have fun with others, and learn to watch out for one another. From their domestic home they learn to love the God of their parents and honor what the parents call into importance. The parents want the children to know/love and serve God and each other. They understand that the child is a constant and consistent responsibility. The parents want their children to know and love the familiarity of God's saving presence. On the day of this massacre, the parents started the day with a quiet blessing and cereal, they were busy with socks, shoes, school supplies and all that begins the day. We ask you, Lord to bless these men and women of faith as they turn to you for help. We ask you this in the name of the Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit. by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism

  • A Prayer for the Murdered Children at Robb Elementary School Texas God of mercy, you have entrusted us with the gift of life and the gift of our children. We stand in unbearable grief as we mourn the loss of the children and their teachers in Uvalde, Texas. Renew within us the grace to carry the grieving parents and community and to hold them close. Stir up within us the courage to do whatever is necessary to safeguard the precious lives of all people, especially our children. May we be the people you call us to be--good and responsible stewards of your gifts. Amen by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism

  • A Prayer for Murdered and Attacked Children In your great mercy, Lord, hear the prayers of your people who grieve the violent deaths and wounds of their children from Ukraine to the streets of Chicago and now in Covington, Kentucky. Hold these children in the arms of your love. Console and strengthen the hearts of the their parents. Enable all of us to find the right ways to end the violence against children. Be our rock of refuge and our source of hope beyond our pain. Amen by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism

  • Prayer for the children killed in Muskogee Lord, eternal goodness and love, we need your presence in the world to end violence and death. Lord we see the anger and the rage unleashed without compassion and care, five young children died and one adult in the hail of gunfire in Muskogee, Oklahoma. May their spirits live on, in your presence, may their lives count as they lived in innocence and truth. Bring justice for them Lord and understanding for the deranged gunman. Lord let there be healing and recovery for thoes that survived and may there be a new age where weapons and guns s are strictly and legally controlled and lives are saved. Lord let the people of America mourn these tragic deaths of children and change the violent culture to that of peace without weapons of violence and death. Lord may there be greater healing and mental health services and therapy for those racked by anger and pain buried deep within released through violent rage. May there be more therapy for peaceful emotional release. for those that carry pain. Lord may life triumph and with you, love, respect discipline and peace prevail. Amen by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism

  • A Prayer for Dea-John Reid Good and Gracious God, On Wednesday, Dea-John’s family described him as an “incredibly talented young boy”. “We’d like to thank the emergency services for their diligence and support … and the public for their outpouring of love and support throughout this tragic and challenging time. We ask you Lord to bless this young man as he passes into heaven. We ask you to bless the family who taught him how to love others. The family said: “This loss not only affects us but everyone Dea-John knew, we have lost a son, his siblings have lost a brother and others have lost a friend. The passing of this incredibly talented young boy will be felt by us all. How many more mothers will have to mourn for their sons for this to stop?” Help us Lord to be kinder, more compassionate people that realize the goodness of all, that skin color or ethnic diversity only enriches our life. We ask you to assist us in the name of Our Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit. by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism

  • A Prayer for Adam Toledo Good and gracious God, all around us we hear Adam Toledo's name. He is a young boy of 13.. On the TV we see videos of his shooting. This is a very sad prayer we bring to you, dear Father, as the family, the community and really all of society tries to determine how this situation went so wrong. We pray for his 13-year-old soul that should not be getting ready for a funeral. This is a 13-year-old who should be playing baseball, dreaming about his future, and finding ice cream as his favorite food. We ask you Lord, to help us to be sensitive to others and what they need. We ask you to keep us from becoming numb to the violence that is such a part of our everyday lives. Help all of us to truly care about the person who annoys us or who is in need of something we can readily give to them. Help us strive for equity in our society so that the call for violence will be abated. The community of Little Village where Adam was shot needs healing and care. At a very dark part of the evening Adam lost his life. The life that truly was just beginning in his community with his family. We ask you to heal those who are saddened by this conflict. We ask you to heal his family so that all of us may live in the peace of the Holy Spirit. We ask you to heal the administrators who are trying ways to assist all in creating a structure that works better for all. We ask you this through Christ, Our Lord, Amen. by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism

  • Prayer for the Murdered Children in Chicago Lord God, source of all life, you make all life sacred and love especially the most vulnerable among us. Protect our children from senseless violence, shield them from the plague of gunfire, and enable us to defend them from those who would harm them. Enable our community to address the root causes of violence and to transform our life together in a spirit of justice and deep respect for all life. We pray through Christ, our Lord. Amen by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism

  • A Prayer for Murdered Children Good and gracious God, We stand before you to ask for your help in understanding the violence that has captured the soul of our society. We pray especially today for Secoriea Turner who was killed in Atlanta, Georgia while sitting in a car across the street from the Wendy's parking lot.  This is the same lot the Rayshard Brook was killed in last week. We need to think and pray for the goodness and life of each other. We need to care for all those who are suffering from this horrific incident and for the emotional and spiritual devastation that will take place in their lives.  We ask you to help all to live with peace at this time and to ask you for help in this time of need.  We ask you this through Christ our Lord, Amen By Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism

  • A Prayer for the Two Children Recently Fatally Shot Across Chicago O Lord, Has Herod’s terrible power been unleashed in our day? Are our streets to run with blood of children? Is his order to be carried out on the streets of Chicago? Will his massacre of the innocent be repeated? Are the sobbing, whaling, and lamentations To be the songs that we sing? Is every mother to be called Rachel? Their children are gone. There are none to be consoled. There is sobbing and loud lamentations. Not in the Holy Land, not in Bethlehem, Not in Jerusalem, but here in Chicago. On our streets, our ways and boulevards West Side, South Side, North Side. “…they are no more.”   “…they are no more.” Desolation! No.  God is good. Even as I reflect on this scene, my Bible open on my lap, my eye catches the text of a previous passage, where the Magi had been following their star, Dare we share what they discovered? “…on entering the house they saw the Child  with Mary his mother.” Oh Lord God, heavenly father, help  us.                   In our grief                   In our Sorrow                   In our laminations          Help us to see as they saw:            “the Child with Mary his mother.” ”the Child with Mary his mother.” (Matt 2:16-18) by Father David O. Brown, O.S.M. Profiles in Catholicism

  • Prayers for Yummy Sandifer, Dantrell Davis, Ryan Harris, Eric Morse, Derrion Albert, Blair Holt, Jonylah Watkins, and the hundreds of other children murdered and whom continue to be murdered in Chicago God, we pray for those who have been murdered on the streets of our city. We commit to your loving care those who have died, beseeching you to receive their souls into the mercy of your love. Comfort their loved ones who mourn. Enable them to meet the lonely and painful days ahead in the strength of your love. Let the love that you have made known to us lead us to create safer streets for all to walk upon. Amen by Vienna Cobb Anderson.

  • A Prayer for Marlen Ochoa-Lopez Lord……………… (Silence) ….. Oh Lord ………………………….. Oh Lord God, first of all give us words to express the depths of our sin, the horror of our sin.  What have we done this time?   When we look at our world with its injustice, its perversions, and now we have added this? What words do we have to express our sorrow for this prevision?  It was done by one of us, one of your children and it has brought us all to a still deeper trough of evil? Forgive us. Forgive us. Forgive us. This is all we can ask: Forgive us through the passion, death and resurrection of your Son Jesus, forgive us. by Father David O. Brown, O.S.M. Profiles in Catholicism

  • Prayer at A J Freund’s Death God ever sure and ever faithful, we place A J Freund into your hands. You entrusted his young life to us, and, in so many tragic ways, we failed him. We also failed your trust by not holding his innocent life as a sacred gift. May A J be with you, and so find the fulfillment that eluded him on earth. May we learn from A J to be loving and watchful of all life, especially young life. May we be strong and relentless in protecting all your children, who belong to us as well. Amen by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism

  • A Prayer for Demetrius Townsel Jr. A child is killed a life is gone we share the grief and pray that justice will be done we love the right and reject the wrong Jesus help us ban every gun. Most precious is the child above all others Jesus said His life was taken, yet his spirit lives and he has risen from the dead, and so too will Demetrius live again in the presence of the Lord and his spirit will be with us and to eternal life has soared. Lord embrace and welcome him and strengthen his friends and family Lord may truth and goodness bring justice, peace and right, May we continue to be with You through every day and night. Amen by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism

  • A Prayer for Alejandro Ripley by Francis Etheredge, Profiles in Catholicism

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