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Updated: Feb 15


Heavenly Father, we commend into your hands the victims of violence who have lost their lives. Console those who survive. Enable us to work for a world where peace reigns. Enlighten government leaders to leaders in their efforts. We pray through Christ Jesus, the Prince of Peace, who is Lord forever and ever. Amen

by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism

Prayer for the victims of mass murders and genocide.

Lord we remember the Holocaust the most henious crime the world has

ever known. Six million murdered most of the victims were like you

Jesus. Jews , innocent victims, children, women, teenagers, men. The

world said never again, but it has and is happening again, ethnic

cleansing, mass murder.

Lord may your example of love and service change the violent people to

peace makers, call the wrongdoers to repent, inspire leaders to end

violence and war, may we live in unity in your friendship. Amen by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism

Prayers for Yummy Sandifer, Dantrell Davis, Ryan Harris, Eric Morse, Derrion Albert, Blair Holt, Jonylah Watkins, and the hundreds of other children murdered and who continue to be murdered in Chicago

God, we pray for those who have been murdered on the streets of our city. We commit to your loving care those who have died, beseeching you to receive their souls into the mercy of your love. Comfort their loved ones who mourn. Enable them to meet the lonely and painful days ahead in the strength of your love. Let the love that you have made known to us lead us to create safer streets for all to walk upon. Amen Vienna Cobb Anderson

A Prayer for Marlen Ochoa-Lopez

Lord……………… (Silence) ….. Oh Lord ………………………….. Oh Lord God, first of all give us words to express the depths of our sin, the horror of our sin.  What have we done this time?   When we look at our world with its injustice, its perversions, and now we have added this? What words do we have to express our sorrow for this prevision?  It was done by one of us, one of your children and it has brought us all to a still deeper trough of evil? Forgive us. Forgive us. Forgive us. This is all we can ask: Forgive us through the passion, death and resurrection of your Son Jesus, forgive us. by Father David O. Brown, O.S.M. Profiles in Catholicism

God ever sure and ever faithful, we place A J Freund into your hands. You entrusted his young life to us, and, in so many tragic ways, we failed him. We also failed your trust by not holding his innocent life as a sacred gift. May A J be with you, and so find the fulfillment that eluded him on earth. May we learn from A J to be loving and watchful of all life, especially young life. May we be strong and relentless in protecting all your children, who belong to us as well. Amen by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism

A Prayer for a Murdered Mother and Son

Dear Jesus and Mother Mary,

As a Mother, I bring before you Usman Masih, 25, who was shot dead along with his mother on Nov. 9 outside his home in Hasan Kathore, a village in Punjab province. Both Usman and his Mother died on the spot. His father, a laborer, has filed a police case against neighbors Atrat Bibi and her son Hasan Shakoor. We beg you Jesus and Mother Mary to help people heal and to realize that the drain that caused the grudge to deepen when it wasn't attended to, was not at all worthy of this terrible interaction. Please help the families to realize that life is to be shared with each other by assisting all that is needed in life.  Hasan Kathore is home to 250 families, all of them Muslims. by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism

Prayer for the Murdered Children in Chicago

Lord God, source of all life,

you make all life sacred

and love especially the most vulnerable among us.

Protect our children from senseless violence,

shield them from the plague of gunfire,

and enable us to defend them from those who would harm them.

Enable our community to address the root causes of violence

and to transform our life together

in a spirit of justice and deep respect for all life.

We pray through Christ, our Lord. Amen by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism

A Prayer for Daniel Anderl, the Son of Judge Salas

Lord God of all, we lament the death of Daniel Anderl, the victim of another man’s blind rage. Daniel was twenty years old and a university student.  The shots were fired by a self-proclaimed “anti-feminist lawyer” with a grudge against Daniel’s mother, a Federal Judge.

Daniel’s crime was opening the front door of his home. Lord, so many young people (some just babies) die as collateral damage. They just happen to be in the way when someone points a gun and starts firing. Their crime was walking down the street, or attending a birthday party, or playing in the park, or watching television in their living room, or riding in the back seat of a car. They did not cause our world to become so messed up;  yet they died because of it. Help us, Lord, to control our rage and find a path to understanding.

Help us to feel one another’s pain. Help us to honor the gift of life, which comes from you as a present to the human family. Let Daniel’s family and all those whose lives have been ripped open by gunfire experience your peace and consolation. Assure them that you share their grief, since your own  son died a violent death at the hands of those who had no good reason to do what they did. Amen.

by  Father Joseph Chamblain, O.S.M. Profiles in Catholicism


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Jesus Christ is our Bridge over Troubled Waters as we pray to Him to for comfort, and mourn the loss of and harm to those whom we love, and for all those who have been lost and harmed as victims of hate and gun violence.

A Bridge Over Troubled Water

VIEWER WARNING: 2 shot dead during chaotic, violent Jacob Blake protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin

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