A Message from the Editor
I love the Franciscans. I attended two of their retreats and took my sheepdog Mashugana who I loved dearly to one of their animal blessings.
I nearly cried when I learned that South Dakota Republican Kristi Noem killed her 14 month old dog. Now she wants to kill President Joe Biden’s dog. I cannot understand how anyone could murder a dog.
I am asking our readers to pray for an end to animal abuse. A survey of psychiatric patients who had repeatedly tortured dogs and cats found that all of them had high levels of aggression toward people as well, including one patient who had murdered a boy. To researchers, a fascination with cruelty to animals is a red flag in the lives of serial rapists and killers.
The adage silence is golden is not applicable to child sexual abuse as Father Shay Cullen points out in his article Clerical child abuse, a shocked President and a silent Church, The Vatican to be more aggressive in preventing child sexual abuse through screenings. more effective tests. and routine screening of priests in parishes.
A Quotation to Remember
“Do few things but do them well, simple joys are holy.”
by Saint Francis of Assisi
Prayer for vocations to the Franciscan Order
“Lady Poverty”
Dear Lord, St. Francis suffered the sufferings of Christ and simplified his life to the point of almost perpetual penance.
But yet, unlike us, he was happy without a car, the internet,
television, a phone, perhaps because he saw the twin poverty
of low wages to make many more products and the effect of
being distracted by a lot of possessions that possess our time.
Nevertheless, Lord, St. Francis inspires us in the garden with
reusing the many plastic boxes, whether for grapes, strawberries,
or slices of chicken, to protect the vegetable seeds growing in
the old ice-cream tubs, yoghurt pots, and even proper plant pots.
As a family of ten, Mary, we use and reuse clothes and toys,
play-time in the parks, on walks, in the woods, marvelling, even
now at the many and diverse shapes and sizes of leaves, and dots
of colour even in the familiar candle-blossoms of the conker tree.
Growing, as our children do, and outgrowing the garden, the
yard and edge of the grass begin to be places to grow our own
runner beans, lettuce, garlic, tomatoes, and courgettes, in boxes
used for recycling, old bins and buckets, now full of fruit skins.
Dear Mary, how you must have mended and darned, sewed and
cut, cloth and old clothes, woven or skin, that made and remade
what your family wore as they grew and worked and toiled in
the heat, drying out what was already dry, oiled and cracking.
In your trade, St. Joseph, were you able to keep the scraps of
wood to burn for warmth in the cold nights or for cooking? Or
did you even save the scraps and make a toy, a stool, a table,
for use at home or to earn a little extra at the maker’s market?
So now, when I mend a shelf or even the car, though cars were
not of your time, still I ask and even beg for help, to keep it on a
wall a bit longer or on the road another year, although the time
is coming when we will need to pray for more than we can earn.
Dear St. Joseph, keep those that abound across the global world, scarcely scrabbling for the minerals needed by the latest smart cars, costing more than a housing estate and earning and selling for
more than a million times more than the scrabblers in the dirt.
Oh Holy Family, you know what you needed to live and you lived for busy in others and hunted, like an animal, for all that can be sold more
than shared, robbed more than farmed, is still here to grow and feed.
by Francis Etheredge Profiles Catholicism
Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
by Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration
A Prayer for Lara Al-Sayegh
Dear loving and watchful God who never abandons us, we see these heartbreaking stories emerging from the war in Gaza. Among the stories is the death of a young Catholic woman named Lara Al-Sayegh. The 19-year-old Gazan perished while fleeing with her mother from the northern Gaza Strip to the south in a desperate attempt to reach Egypt and find safe haven. In many ways, Jesus, she was running after you, in your goodness, mercy and love. She was a Catholic girl who knew that Jesus would be with her in this horrible struggle. Midway through their arduous journey, Al-Sayegh succumbed to severe fatigue, lack of water, and fatal heatstroke. Just as you suffered on your way to the cross. Tragically, her father had already been lost during the war when he died at Gaza’s Latin Holy Family Church due to a lack of adequate medical care. May you welcome the family into your eternal rest, a loving place for this Holy Family. We ask you this through the unity of Our Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit.
by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer to Prevent Antisemitism
Lord God, through the covenant you established with the Jewish People, we Christians have been grafted into this covenantal tradition according to St. Paul. But very often throughout history, we have shown ourselves ungrateful for this gift given us through Jesus who imbued in his teachings this Jewish covenantal tradition through acts of antisemitism. We join with Popes St. John Paul II and Francis in confessing our sins of antisemitism past and present. Through this prayer, we commit ourselves to the elimination of any remaining anti-Semitic teachings in the Catholic community and pledge to add our public voice in denouncing any manifestations of antisemitism in contemporary society. We ask your blessing so that we may have the strength to fulfill this pledge we make in your presence.
by John T. Pawlikowski, OSM, Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer for Murdered Police Officer Luis Huesca
Good and gracious God,
As a Professor of many men who looked similar to Luis Huesca, my heart cries out with disbelief and sadness. This man coming home from work was brutally gunned down. Lord, this is so difficult as we look at Luis and see the sweetness of God swelling within him. Lord, help his Mother and his uncle to open their hearts to the forgiveness required of each of us. Help us all to forgive and find a way to live in peace with one another. We are taking the seriousness of life with respect to every living creature. Help us to see Luis Huesca as a man of valor in the police department. Help us to send our love to his family and friends as they try to understand your will for us to live in peace.
by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism

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Franciscan Interviews
General Interviews
Featured Reports
Saint Francis and the Sultan by Father John O'Brien, OFM Profiles in Catholicism
All The Beauty I See by Father John O'Brien, OFM Profiles in Catholicism
Franciscan General Articles and Commentaries
Justice Samuel Alito to address record-breaking 2024 class at Franciscan University by Kate Quiñones Catholic News Agency
A Franciscan retreat helps a son retrace his father’s footsteps by Gregory Orfalea Angelus
Top Franciscan appeals to friars to stay in Holy Land despite threats by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Franciscan AI expert warns of technology becoming a 'pseudo-religion' by Justin McLellan Catholic News Agency/The Pilot Link to Artificial Intelligence, Chatbox, Chatbot, and Robotics
Franciscan reflects on Spirituality of the Taj Mahal by Joseph Victor Edwin SJ Independent Catholic News
Franciscan Friars of California File for Federal Bankruptcy Protection by Adam Horowitz Law
Father Dave Interviews Brother Malachy by Busted Halo
Walter Reed backtracks, restores contract with Franciscan priests by John Lavenburg Crux
Why art struggles to understand St. Francis by Joseph Joyce Angelus Link to Spirituality and Art
Discipleship Demands by Acting Franciscan
God so loved the world… by Franciscan Action Network
World War II chaplain remembered for one day of bravery by Michelle Martin Our Sunday Visitor Link to US Military and Veterans
Navajo Catholics upset after Franciscans transfer historic mission to local diocese by Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola National Catholic Reporter
Franciscan friar’s attack on bishops and doctrine is a theological disaster by Alex Giltner, Ph.D. Catholic World Report
Dismantling Environmental Racism by Sr. Damien Marie Savino, F.S.E., Ph.D. Franciscan Action Network Link to Environment and Climate Challenges, Advocacy, and Response and Racial Challenges and Leadership
Reflection on receiving Franciscan Vision Award by Sr. Margaret Carney, OSF Franciscan Action Network
New allegations charge Franciscan University abuse cover up by The Pillar
Seeing Holy Mass with Franciscan Eyes by Peter Kwasniewski, PhD One Peter 5
Lawsuit alleges serial assault by CFR Franciscan by The Pillar
Santa Barbara Franciscans Hit with New Sexual Assault Complaint by Nick Welsh Santa Barbara Independent
Franciscan sisters' land acknowledgment ceremony honors Indigenous nations by Sam Lucero Catholic News Service/Global Sisters Report
The Poor People’s Campaign and the Franciscan Call by Julie Leininger Pycior Acting Franciscan
Franciscan T.O.R removed from chaplaincy at D.C. Veteran’s home by SNAP
Former Franciscan friar convicted of 1990s child sex abuse by The Associated Press
Former Franciscan friar Morrier sentenced on sex crimes by Paul Giannamore WTOV Fox 9
Franciscan University’s David Morrier Pleads Guilty by Mary Pezzulo Patheos
Meet the Franciscan sisters who live (and pray) across the street from an abortion clinic by Leonardo Colon Catholic News Agency
Franciscans in Syracuse sue for being 'repeatedly disturbed' by loud concerts, marijuana market by Joe Bukuras Catholic News Agency
Thieves rob Franciscan church, desecrate tabernacle in Chile by Giselle Vargas Catholic News Agency
The church's complicity in dehumanizing the LGBTQ community in Ghana by Daniel P. Horan National Catholic Reporter
Pope calls Secular Franciscans to closeness, compassion, tenderness by Vatican News
Franciscan says her vocation put her on path to ‘peace, joy, happiness’ by Katie Camario Crux Link to Religious Vocations
No one should ever go hungry – yet millions do by Franciscan Action Network
Holy Name Province releases list of Franciscan friars credibly accused of child sex abuse by Sean Mickey WKBW
Family Life and Public Policy by Franciscan Action Network
Recent transphobic statements from bishops make truth claims without facts by Daniel P. Horan National Catholic Reporter
But who or what do you say creation is? It's us too by Daniel P. Horan National Catholic Reporter
World’s worst humanitarian crisis by Tony Magliano Franciscan Action Network Link to Humanitarian Crises
Chicago Cardinal holds officers, their families 'in prayer,' decries gun violence by Catholic News Service/National Catholic Reporter Link to Gun Violence
Trump Media’s accounting firm charged with ‘massive fraud’ by Matt Egan CNN Link to Financial Crimes and Improprieties
Bolsonaro’s election fraud claims spark ‘unprecedented crisis’ Brazil’s president is parroting Donald Trump’s fraud claims to prepare to contest next year’s elections, experts say. by Sam Cowie Aljazeera Link to False Election Claims
Germany's top Franciscan calls for ordination of women priests by Katholische Nachrichter-Agentur National Catholic Reporter Link to Women Challenges and Leadership
Franciscans elect Italian as 121st successor to St. Francis of Assisi by Cindy Wooden The Pilot
Franciscans open general chapter focusing on diversity, evangelization by Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service/National Catholic Reporter Link to Evangelization
Franciscan spiritual wisdom to navigate the 'digital continent' by Daniel P. Horan National Catholic Reporter
Why the church should fight anti-transgender legislation by Daniel P. Horan National Catholic Reporter
Biden administration's climate agenda reflects spirit of Laudato Si' by Daniel P. Horan Earthbeat
From Fear to Love in Action by Br. John Kiesler, OFM Mission Doctors Association
Franciscan leaders urge ‘boldness’ by U.S. to end violence in Holy Land by Catholic News Service/Crux
‘We are all brothers,’ Franciscan in Jericho says of iftar gifts by Judith Sudilovsky Catholic News Service
A reflection on the Prayer of St. Francis by Franciscan Action Network
A Franciscan Capuchin Writes in Defense of Pope Francis - "Building Bridges" by Brother Paul Coleman The Catholic World Report
Love is of God by Sr. Maryann Mueller, CSSF Acting Franciscan
Conflicting loyalties: the Irish Franciscans and the English Crown in the High Middle Ages by Anne Müller JSTOR
Franciscan University studying herd immunity, coronavirus by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Former Durham Franciscan friar barred from ministry after sexual misconduct investigation by Josh Shaffer The News and Observer
Marching for Human Rights by Jocelyn Thomas Franciscan Friars Holy Name Provence Link to Human Rights and Human Rights Violations
When beloved individualism runs into the common good by Dan Misleh Franciscan Action Network
Franciscan friar named cardinal says he is taking a leap into the deep by Courtney Mares Catholic News Agency
Guided by Franciscan charism, shelter serves growing number of homeless by Michael Brown Catholic News Service/America
Franciscan and Poor Clare vocation more relevant than ever, says new guardian at the Abbey by Declan Varley Galway Advertiser Link to Religious Vocations
Franciscan-led team spearheads fight against mines in Honduran province by Catholic News Service/America
Why Are We Still Doing This? by Morten Høi Jensen Commonweal
Franciscans nurture Indonesian youth awareness of nature by Ryan Dagur UCANews. Link to Youth Challenges and Leadership
Galway Franciscans and Poor Clares celebrate launch of www.holyname.ie by Galway Advertiser Link to Ireland Issues and Challenges
Pope Francis asks Secular Franciscans to take St. Francis’ path of conversion by Catholic News Agency
Pope Francis names Franciscan sister to No. 2 position in Vatican City State by Hannah Brockhaus Catholic News Agency
Franciscan, volunteers help homeless in Bogota survive pandemic by Manuel Rued Crux Link to Homeless
Franciscan friar questions UK’s Northern Ireland ‘Legacy and Reconciliation’ law in UN by Nirmala Carvalho Crux Link to Northern Island Issues and Challenges
Legal scrutiny delays Northern Ireland limits on pro-life outreach at abortion clinics by Kevin J. Jones Catholic News Agency Link to Abortion
Franciscan friar questions UK’s Northern Ireland ‘Legacy and Reconciliation’ law in UN by Nirmala Carvalho Crux
General Articles and Commentaries
Two Jews Walk Into a Bar by Devorah Blacho Tablet Link to Antisemitism
Blood of St. Januarius miraculously liquifies again by ACI Prenza/Catholic News Agency
Horror and hope lie cheek by jowl in youth prison scandal by John L. Allen Jr. Crux Link to Prison Challenges
Kansas Legislature enacts four pro-life bills over governor’s vetoes by Catholic News Agency/Angelus Link to Other ProLife Challenges
Wally the Emotional Support Alligator Is Missing, His Owner Says the Pet Was Taken and Released by Kimberlee Speakman People Link to Animal Challenges
Warning! – Code Red for Humanity by Tony Magliano The Southern Cross
Two juveniles vandalize Louisville Catholic Church by Madalaine Elhabbal Catholic Vote Link to Youth Challenges and Leadership
‘Indefensible’: UK prisoner jailed for 23 months killed himself after being held for 17 years by Shanti Day The Observer/The Guardian Link to Suicide
Plea deal reached for former preschool teacher accused of molesting multiple victims by Adam Kight WEVV 44
Facing Unchecked Syphilis Outbreak, Great Plains Tribes Sought Federal Help. Months Later, No One Has Responded. by ProPublica
'It's a different time': Relations between US sisters, Vatican have changed radically by Dan Stockman National Catholic Reporter
Survivor’s group urges Missouri AG to investigate boarding school abuse by Joe McLean WGEM
Houston SBC megachurch ‘enabled a predator,’ new $1 million lawsuit claims by Eric Killelea Chiron
Kelly Osbourne says she 'almost died' after brother Jack Osbourne shot her with pellet gun by Christina Dugan Ramirez Fox News
An Interview with Baptistland Author Christa Brown by IntoAccount
Chaplains in public schools? Florida’s Catholic bishops ‘pleased’ by new law by Matt McDonald Catholic News Agency
Pro-Life Congressmen Press Biden Admin About Destroyed IVF Embryos by Catholic Vote Link to In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)
Down to the wire, bill to help Boy Scouts abuse victims signed by Gov. Reynolds by Tom Barton The Gazette
Ruston pastor arrested after allegedly exposing himself to undercover officer by Mya Hudgins Fox 14 KARD
After ‘Jewish’ accusations, San Antonio says archbishop's Twitter is ‘personal account’ by Michelle La Rosa The Pilot
Philips Agrees to Pay $1 Billion to Patients Who Say They Were Injured by Breathing Machines by Debbie Cenziper, ProPublica; Michael D. Sallah, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette; and Julian Andreone, Medill Investigative Lab
Catholic priest allegedly spends $40K of parish money on Candy Crush, slot machine apps by CNN/ KRC-TV CBS-12
Portland Catholic church vandalized with explicit pro-abortion graffiti by Catholic Vote
AG Kaul releases three-year update on statewide clergy abuse initiative by Sean White WSAW TV
Putting the wicked to rest: Creating real steeples beyond Sexual Violence Awareness Month by Mallory Challis Baptist News Global
Archdiocese of Mobile OKs leave of absence for priest accused of sexual misconduct by Sarah Cervera KRGV
6 more lawsuits filed against North Vancouver Roman Catholic priest over alleged sexual abuse by Renee Bernard CityNews Vancouver
Brazilian chef David Hertz is using food to bring about social change by Zev Stub Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Church promotes relief for victims of floods in Brazil by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
Jesuits in Bolivia deny ‘systematically covering up’ clerical abuse by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
Pope Francis sends aid to flood-stricken Brazilians by Thulio Fonseca Vatican News
New palliative care hospital brings ‘sweetness of Mary’ to poorest in Peru by Diego López Marina Catholic News Agency
Peru farmers meet Lima archbishop amid dispute with Catholic group by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Prosecutor dismisses case against French priest who said homosexual relations are a sin by Walter Sánchez Silva Catholic News Agency
German Franciscans elect openly gay Superior General by CathNews New Zealand
Fiducia Supplicans On the Pastoral Meaning of Blessings by Dicastery or the Doctrine of Faith
GUN ATTACK Young man aged in 20s dies after being shot in Drimnagh as three men arrested and gardai appeal for witnesses by Lauren Kelly The Irish Sun
Cork-based priest returned to London for second child abuse trial jailed again by Joe O'Shea Cork Beo
Paedophile Catholic priest, 77, who sexually abused five boys in string of horrific attacks dating back to the 1970s is jailed by Milo Pope Daily Mail
Russell Brand’s baptism reveals the urgent need for tradition by Father Patrick Briscoe Our Sunday Visitor
Widespread condemnation after man found nailed to fence in County Antrim by Shane Harrison The Guardian
Spanish archbishop slams government’s obsession with the Catholic Church by Nicolás de Cárdenas Catholic News Agency
Bishops: Catholic Church in Spain unjustly singled out in plan to address sexual abuse by Nicolás de Cárdenas ACI Prensa/The Catholic World Report
Swiss Evangelical Reformed Church plans study into sexual abuse by Swissinfo
Spain’s government announces Catholic Church to finance compensation for sexual abuse victims by Catholic Vote
Church sanctions priest for being an online troll by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Armed priest arrested as he tried to enter the Vatican for Pope Francis’ Regina Caeli by Walter Sanchez Silva Catholic News Agency
Four-year study released showing impact of abuse crisis on Catholic community in England and Wales by The Catholic Herald
EU’s abortion vote is a ‘radical attack’ on life, says Pope’s top deputy by Crux/The Catholic Herald
Cardinal Parolin slams EU Parliament on abortion: Last week in the Church with John Allen Jr. by John Allen Jr. Crux
Jesuit Refugee Service looks at years of abuse at UK detention centers by Charles Collins Crux
Pope Francis and the ‘Metropolitan Model’ by Sr. Carino Hodder OP The Pillar
Pope responds with ‘open heart’ to LGBTQ document criticism by CathNews New Zealand
Culture of Catholic Church must change in response to abuse crisis, says report by Catherine Pepinster The Tablet
Australia bishops say new legislation removes religious protection by Marcus Middleton The Catholic Weekly
New Australian, British clergy abuse reports indicate safeguarding having mixed results by Christopher White National Catholic Reporter
Australian bishops approve new Aboriginal liturgy by Elise Ann Allen Cruz
The Incarnate Word - Disabled by The Australian Jesuits Link to Disabilities
Thousands of Australians fighting for faith-based schools by Marilyn Rodrigues The Catholic Weekly
Catholic school employee charged with sexual abuse offences in Tasmania’s north by Liz Gwynn Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Complaints are made against archbishop in editorial about India elections by Nirmala Carvalho Crux
Cameroon: Sisters’ hospital is a point of reference for 95,000 people by Francesca Sabatinelli – Ngaoundal Vatican News
Pope mourns victims of attack on refugee camp in DR Congo by Linda Bordoni Vatican News
The DRC’s attack on Cardinal Ambongo may well only boost his stock by John L Allen Jr Crux/The Catholic Herald
Congolese Catholics rally round as Cardinal Ambongo accused of ‘sedition’ in DRC by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux/The Catholic Herald
Fides apologizes to Cardinal Besungu about incorrect article by Agenzia Fides
Ethiopia and its life-giving water wells by Vatican News
Catholic church supports bid to phase out children homes by Jacinta Mutura The Sunday Standard
CAFOD appeals for emergency aid for Sudan by Linda Bordoni Vatican News
British Christian leaders say Sudan experiencing ‘forgotten conflict with no winners’ by Charles Collins Crux
Archbishop calls for prayers of peace in Manipur, India, on anniversary of clashes by Nirmala Carvalho Cruz
India gets its first speech-impaired priest by Nirmala Carvalho Crux
Priest booked for sexually abusing minor boys in ashram by Sayima Ahmad Siasat Daily
Complaints are made against archbishop in editorial about India elections by Nirmala Carvalho Crux
Dead bodies are left behind on Mount Everest, so why are hundreds of climbers heading into the ‘death zone’ this spring? by Kara Nelson CNN/Yahoo
Two more hostages, including an American Israeli, are seen in video released by Hamas by Ron Kampeas Jewish Telegraphic Agency
UN assembly approves resolution granting Palestine new rights and reviving its UN membership bid by Edith M Lederer The Associated Press
Ukraine: Report documents mounting deaths, rights violations by United Nations Link to Human Rights and Human Rights Violations
19-year-old Catholic dies attempting to flee Gaza with her mother by Sanad Sahelia Catholic News Agency
Israel’s military intelligence chief resigns, taking responsibility for Oct. 7 failures by Ron Kampeas Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Medical Journal Articles/Commentaries
Conveying Risks of Harm in Alzheimer Disease by Amyloid Lowering by Madhav Thambisetty, MD, PhD and Robert Howard, MD JAMA May 6, 2024 Link to Alzheimer’s disease
A Review of Thyroid Cancer by Samineh Beheshtirouy, PharmD; Ali Shayanfar, PharmD, PhD JAMA May 6, 2024 Link to Cancer
A Review of Thyroid Cancer—Reply by Laura Boucai, MD; Mark Zafereo, MD and Maria E. Cabanillas, MD JAMA May 6, 2024
Injury Prevention Science and Firearm Injury in Pediatric Health by Patrick M. Carter, MD, Laura Seewald, MD, and Marc Zimmerman, PhD JAMA May 4, 2024 Link to Children Issues and Challenges
Associations of Internal Medicine Residency Milestone Ratings and Certification Examination Scores With Patient Outcomes by Bradley M. Gray, PhD, Jonathan L. Vandergrift, MS, Jennifer P. Stevens, MD, et al JAMA May 6, 2024 Link to United States Issues and Challenges
Substances in Counterfeit Prescription Pills Seized by Law Enforcement, 2017-2022 by Rachel S. Wightman, MD. Thomas Chadronet, BS. Bryan Volpe, BS, et al JAMA May 6, 2024
Racial and Ethnic Disparities in All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality Among US Youth by Elizabeth R. Wolf, MD, MPH, Frederick P. Rivara, MD, MPH, Colin J. Orr, MD, MPH, et al JAMA May 4, 2024 Link to Youth Challenges and Leadership
Fritz Kahn and the Centenary of The Doctor of the Future by Conrad-Amadeus Voltin, MD and Lionel S. Zuckier, MD, MB JAMA May 6, 2024
Upcoming Events
We Remember: Exploring the Holocaust and Antisemitism – A Seminar for Catholic School Educators Date: July 17-20, 2024 and June pre-seminar date TBD Location: Bay Area, California
Book Reviews, Commentaries, and Announcements
The Crucible of Doubt: Dostoevsky’s Faith by John O‘Brien, OFM Reviewed by Eileen Quinn-Knight Profiles in Catholicism
At Eternity’s Gate: Artists of the Infinite by John O’Brien, OFM Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
St Francis of Assisi by G.K. Chesterton Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Light of Assisi: The Story of Saint Clare by Margaret Carney, OSB Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D.. Profiles in Catholicism
Nourishing Love: A Franciscan Celebration of Mary by Murray Bodo, OFM Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
With Thee Tender is the Night by Father John O'Brien, OFM Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Crucible of Doubt: Dostoevsky’s Faith by John O‘Brien, OFM Reviewed by Eileen Quinn-Knight Profiles in Catholicism
The Darkness Shall Be the Light by Father John O'Brien Reviewed by Adrian Cusack Westmeath Independent
The Darkness Shall Be the Light by Father John O'Brien Reviewed by Adrian Cusack Westmeath Independent
Seeing Differently by Nicholas Alan Worssam and Simon Cocksedge Reviewed by Daniel P Horan National Catholic Reporter
The Simplest Prayer: A Book of Love and Faith by Irish Franciscans Commentary by Franciscans’ie
The Simplest Prayer: A Book of Love and Faith by Irish Franciscans Commentary by Franciscans.ie
The Word in Your Heart: Mary, Youth and Mental Health by Francis Etheredge Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Conversation in the Spirit by Juan Antonio Guerrero Alves and Óscar Martín López Commentary by Pope Francis Vatican News
Five Questions that Shake the Church by Ignazio Ingrao Commentary by Hernan Sergio Mora Omnes Magazine
Get Married: Why Americans Must Defy the Elites, Forge Strong Families, and Save Civilization by Brad Wilcox Commentary by Elise Italiano Ureneck Angelus
Why do the Heathen Rage by Flannery O’Connor Commentary by David Griffith U.S.Catholic
Baptistland: A Memoir of Abuse, Betrayal and Transformation by Lise Olsen Commentary by Lise Olsen Lake Drive Books
Film Reviews and Commentaries
Theater Reviews and Commentaries
Steven Skybell’s Jewish story shines at the heart of Broadway’s ‘Cabaret’ revival by Julia Gergely Jewish Telegraphic Agency
A day in the life of a Franciscan Friar
Saint Francis Of Assisi, A Biography, Johannes Jorgensen, Part 1 Of 2, Full Catholic Audiobook
Saint Francis Of Assisi, A Biography, Johannes Jorgensen, Part 2 Of 2, Full Catholic Audio book
Seven Franciscan Saints You Should Know!
Prayer of Saint Francis Song- Capuchin Franciscan TransitusVideos