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March 1, 2020 Profiles in Catholicism

Writer's picture: Profiles in CatholicismProfiles in Catholicism

A Message from the Editor

The impact of climate change on our children and grandchildren will present them with existential challenges and possibly harm. We need our government officials to support programs that will reduce the catastrophic dangers of climate change.

Also, please view the powerful video on Rights of Older Persons - The Holy See at the UN Geneva by one of our Editorial Advisors Christian Peschken

A Quote to Remember

"The protection of our common home requires a growing global political consensus. Along these lines, I am gratified that in September 2015 the nations of the world adopted the Sustainable Development Goals, and that, in December 2015, they approved the Paris Agreement on climate change, which set the demanding yet fundamental goal of halting the rise of the global temperature. Now governments are obliged to honor the commitments they made, while businesses must also responsibly do their part. It is up to citizens to insist that this happen, and indeed to advocate for even more ambitious goals.

"Changing course thus means 'keeping the original commandment to preserve creation from all harm, both for our sake and for the sake of our fellow human beings.' A single question can keep our eyes fixed on the goal: 'What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us, to children who are now growing up?' "

by Pope Francis

Special Prayer

Praise is due to you, O God, In Zion;

Vows to you must be fulfilled, for you answer prayer!

You visit the earth and water it, you greatly enrich it;

God’s rivers brim with water to provide their grain.

This is how you provide it:

By drenching its furrows, by leveling its ridges,

By softening it with showers, by blessing the first fruits.

You crown the year with your bounty;

Abundance flows wherever you pass;

The desert pastures overflow,

The hillsides are wrapped in joy,

The meadows clothe themselves with flocks,

he valleys are clothed in wheat,

They shout and sing together for joy.

Psalm 65:1, 9-13

A Prayer for Father John Hollowell

God of boundless mercy,

we pray for Father John Hollowell

who offers his suffering for the victims of abuse.

Give him strength and courage

and let him know the gratitude of the Church

for his witness of love and service.

Let his example inspire us

to join our sufferings to those of Christ

and the suffering members of the Body of Christ.

Finally, bless and renew all victims of abuse

with your healing peace and merciful love.

We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen

by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism

A Prayer for the 15 children who died in orphanage fire in Haiti

“Let the children come to me and do not prevent them”

O Lord, is this you meant?

“Babies and toddlers were among the dead”


“15 babies and children died in a fire “

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti -- Relatives of 15 children killed in a fire at an orphanage continued to show up “

Can this be what you meant?

Can this be what you wanted?

Is this what you have willed?


No. Never. Rather:

Then children were brought to him

that he might lay his hands on them

that he might pray for them.

That he might receive them into the kingdom.

O Lord, it is only by the mysterious working your divine grace

That we see beyond the tragedy to the Kingdom.

Lord that we may see.

by Father David O. Brown, O.S.M. Profiles in Catholicism

A Prayer to Prevent Femicide in Mexico

Good and Gracious God.

We look at the work of Sandra Cisneros and her short story called Esperanza, we learn from this work to concentrate on hope even in the worst times. Lord assist us in doing so.

We know that the people of Mexico are experiencing an awful bout of Femicide worse than any virus in which women of any age are brutally killed because they are in a serious relationship with a brutal person. We ask that you give them the hope that the piece Esperanza calls us. To be human is to be in love with ourselves and the creatures on our journey so that we are delighted by our interactions with them. If we have more than another help us to share what we have in a kind and loving way. If we are jealous of another let us remember that God gave each one of us wonderful and different gifts. Women and men are wonderful mates when they care for each other and people along the path. We ask that you give them the courage to make relationships that will bring them wholeness and love for a God who loves them unconditionally. We ask that you give those that are brutal love for God and their neighbor that they can't turn away from. Give them the grace Lord not to be brutal but loving and caring. Underneath all their interactions is the awe of hope which helps us to live in peace

by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism

A Prayer for Michael Nnadi

Good and gracious God,

We thank You for your loving presence in our lives

and we ask that as we mourn the loss of Michael Nnadi,

a humble servant who was returned home to Heaven too soon for us,

that you may give him and his family the peace that they are seeking at this moment.

We also ask Father, that you protect those who have been affected by this horrible event which includes his brother seminarians. May Your loving embrace protect all involved.

We also pray for those that caused all this pain. Eternal Good Shepherd, we know that all things happen for a reason.

We are not sure why these people did what they did, but through our prayers, may they find their way back to You.

Through the intercession of our Blessed Mother, St. Charles Borromeo, patron of seminarians, and St. Patrick, patron of Nigeria

we pray.


by Ryan Mau-- Seminarian Profiles in Catholicism


General Articles/Commentaries

by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee Tablet

by Bob Berwyn Earthbeat

by Greg Kennedy, SJ igNnation

by Marilyn Rodrigues Crux

by Andrea Gagliarducci Monday Vatican Vatican at a Glance

by Jesus Caritas Est Catholic World Report

by Crux Staff Crux

by Elizabeth Barber The New Yorker

by Charles C. Camosy Crux

by Margaret O’Brien Steinfels Commonweal

by Catholic News Agency/The Pilot

by Net TV

Link to Homeless

by Vatican News

by Mark Pattison Crux

Link to The Holocaust

by Edwin Benson Return to Order

by Catholic News Agency/ National Catholic Register

by Center for Science in the Public Interest

by Ryan MerrifieldWorcester News

Link to School Bullying and Hazing

by Independent Catholic News

by CathNews

by Andrea Gagliarducci Vatican at a Glance

by Yonat Shimron Religion News Service/Pocket

by David Agren Crux

by Andrew Dampf Crux

by Rodney Page Tampa Bay Times

by Jesus Caritas Est Catholic News World

by Independent Catholic News

by Cecilia A. Ranger Global Sisters Report

Link to PTSD

by Stéphane Jaquemet International Catholic Migration Commission

by Nicholas Clairmont Tablet

by Marjean A. Perhot Echoes

by Mark Shea Patheos

by Associated Press/Crux

by Gabriella Patti Crux

by Michael J. O’Loughlin America

by Aysha Khan Religion News Service

by Mark Hilliard The Irish Times

by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux

by Gina ChristiaCatholic Philly

Please support one of our organizations and people who need help

Book Reviews/Commentaries

Film Reviews/Commentaries

Reviewed by Cahir O'Doherty IrishCentral

Commentary by Independent Catholic News

Reviewed by John Anderson America

Television Reviews/Commentaries

Reviewed by Nick Ripatrazone America

Theater Reviews/Commentaries

Reviewed by Rob Weinert-Kendt America

Feasting with the Saints


I Am Becoming a Catholic

He called me...At first it was a tiny call and I said:

"Well I am listening" He called again and again I said:

"I am listening"

Sometimes His voice is strong and clear,

other times I can hardly hear Him,

Sometimes He calls me when I am looking at a beautiful sunset,

Sometimes He calls me when I am helping to serve the homeless,

sometimes He calls me when I am out to dinner with friends.

I am still listening

He wants me to follow Him now and always.

He wants me to follow Him in joy and solitude.

He wants me to follow Him when others are in need.

He wants me to follow Him when I have chosen to hurt Him

and then say I am sorry.

He is after me night and day.

He is after me at the dawn of a new day.

He is after me when daylight disappears.

His never ending loving call is for ME!

I want to belong to Him and His Church.

I want His presence to become stronger in my everyday life.

I want Him to love me now and forever.

I say YES and again YES.

He hugs me with a strong embrace.

He and I are together with the rest of His followers.N ow and forever.

by Holy Name RC(A Committee Profiles in Catholicism

A Prayer to End Gun Violence

Lord Jesus, as you approached the city of Jerusalem, Before your passion, As your people waved palms in your honor, You saw the city and wept over it because you Loved it.

You knew of the violence and chaos you would suffer In that beloved city still you loved it and wept over it. Lord Jesus, look upon our cities, weep over them, Love them and protect them. Weep over us and strengthen us as we suffer Violence and chaos. Weep over us and love us. Lord Jesus, weep over us and love us. (See Lk 19)

by Father David O. Brown, O.S.M.. Profiles in Catholicism

A Prayer for Migrant Children

Good Lord, who said “Whoever receives one of these little ones, receives me,” bless the little ones who are caught in the struggle of migration, separation, and abuse. Give all those adults who are responsible for them and for their welfare the wisdom and courage to do the children justice and to protect them. Make our hearts more, loving and willing to do the right thing by them. May we see in all people young and old your image and so reverence their great dignity. We make our prayer through you who came among us as a child and who was forced to flee the threat of violence Amen

by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism


On Care for Our Common Home: Mary Frohlich, RSCJ

On Care for Our Common Home: C. Vanessa White

U.N. report warns on the impacts of climate change

The Femicide Crisis in the State of Mexico

Outside the City

Chibok LGA Faces Extinction by Boko Haram, Whilst Abducted Girls Remain In Custody

Desert Locust Upsurge in the Greater Horn of Africa- Press Conference

Rights of Older Persons - The Holy See at the UN Geneva

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