A Message from the Editor
Death is something that we all think about. As others, I grieve when family, friends, and other loved ones die. During the many years that I was with The International Association for AIDS Care, I grieved for many many more including suicide victims and several infants and small children. My soul was scarred for eternity the time that I held as small dead child in my arms.
As I approach age 90, I think more and more of death, and somewhat look forward to being reunited with family and friends in the presence of God’s eternal and all-encompassing love.
There was a recent commentary by Pope Francis in America Magazine on Father James Martin’s latest book Come Forth
Read: Pope Francis’ preface to Father James Martin’s book on Lazarus
Here is our review of Father Martin’s book Come Forth. I strongly recommend buying a copy.
It was very disturbing to read the Report on Catholic Diocese of Kalamazoo names 19 former priests accused of abuse and Close to 300 former pupils report abuse by clergy and lay staff at Spiritan schools. Hopefully states and governments will do more since the Church has not used more effective strategies to reduce child sexual abuse. One suggestion is those who are in prison be subjected to chemical castration (which is temporary) for five years after confinement. It would also be helpful if states add governments required mandatory confinement for twenty years since strong penalties are helpful in reducing inappropriate actions and ten year sentences are not enough to diminish child sexual abuse,
A note to investigators of child sex abuse. Science and case management experience have shown us that most child molesters are heterosexual. Abuse is about power and control and is not anchored by sexual orientation. Dr. Gene Abel, a researcher in the field of sexual violence for over twenty-five years, wrote an article for the average parent in Redbook magazine to take the knowledge he gained in doing over 100 scientific articles to provide specific warning signs for parents and caregivers. In this article, he explicitly states that most cases of boys being molested are attributed to heterosexuals.
It was great to learn that Ukraine has experienced a surge in religious growth since February 2022.
To see all of the topics that we cover, go to Topics
A Quote to Remember
“And even if we know that we cannot always guarantee healing or a cure, we can and must always care for the living, without ourselves shortening their life, but also without futilely resisting their death”
by Pope Francis
A prayer for Palliative Care and Hospice staff:
“A Soft Singing”
As I sat beside my mother, Lord, the late hours went to midnight
And her breathing was more and more laboured, slow, and a kind
Of rattling that made me think, more and more, she does not have
Long to live and, as the ward was quiet and there were few awake,
I remembered that the last of the senses to go was hearing and so
I sang the psalms from the prayer book, softly, hoping her heart
Was still open to the meaning and melody of the comfort in words.
As my thoughts turned to my wife and children I left and drove
Home, hoping to return in the morning and praying for the final
Hours to pass peacefully, even if her breathing was a new labour
Unto eternal life, leading like birth pangs, not without my heart
Touched, keenly, by the help she needed to be comfortable but
Not hastened to the door and so the doctor prescribed what was
Needed and, as I drove and prayed, Lord, it was dark and silent.
As day dawned, my Lord, and the family got organized and then
I left for the ward, so dark and quiet the night before, I panicked
Over parking and had to pay and delay before I could visit again.
Meanwhile, in those few minutes, my mother died to the sound of
Two of my sisters reading her psalms to her, making me think of
Mary, the Mother of the Word, being present as I arrived and cried.
How many were the hours, Mary, from her decline from a busy,
Eighty-year-old mum and bicycle, as my father went ahead and the
House my wife and I had founded our family in, went from big to
Smaller, from hosting teas for us on a Friday evening to bearing
With our noisy visits and the comings and goings of all our eight
Children, drifting in and out of the garden, playing, not noticing
The faltering step, the long-time sitting, the falls and final leaving.
Oh Mary, can one life speak to all as each of us dies in unforeseen
Ways, with or without our family around and the help we need?
But then what is the death of your Son if not the humble entrance
To the mystery of suffering and suffering with, patient and painful
As it is, yet great and majestic in the eyes of God who suffers with
Us by being with all who pass, silently or struggling, into the open,
Eternal heart, that throbbed a last beat, and the last drop of blood
And water that fell and blessed the earth from which we depart.
Oh Joseph, how many pass, alone, unnoticed, and need but another
To be there, whether speaking or singing, whether silent or holding
A hand, whether family or from the family of man, standing in as
You did as the father of the Son of God, whether as brother, uncle,
Neighbour, or those whose care it is to take us through the last days
Of our life, nurturing not just the passing of time and enabling the
Peace, but preparing us for the abrupt departure to everlasting love.
Oh Holy Family, call together all those who will, when others leave,
Or cannot stay and are called away, who will stay and bear the loss,
And share the grief of parting and, through praying, begin the rejoicing
as yet another, we hope, has entered the Holy of Holies where the great and unimaginably beauty, of the being of God, dwells as an everlasting fountain
of health to share with all who come to be in the presence of the Blessed Trinity,
now and forever.
Francis Etheredge, Catholic married layman, father of 11, 3 of whom are in heaven, and an author. Just published:“
The Word in Your Heart: Mary, Youth, and Mental Health”:
Lord of life and mercy,
bless the souls of those people who lost their lives off of Yemen's coast
as they sought a safer and more secure life.
Let them come into the safe harbor of your eternal love.
We pray through Christ our Lord.
Prayer to end child abuse
What has happened to the world Lord Jesus that so many abuse the children? Many look away and hide the crimes, they do not cry out for justice. You said the children are the most important in the Kingdom, To accept a child, you said, is to accept you.
Bring the children to me you told the disciples that they be blessed and protected.
You said let the abusers be brought to account and do penance as if a mill stone were tied around their necks and they be thrown into the deep sea, you said Lord in Matthew (Ch.18: 6-7)
Lord, inspire us and strengthen our faith by your words and actions, that goodness, love of neighbor and action for justice will over come evil. Inspire us to save and heal the children through justice, peace so they can live a new happier life.
by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
End of Life Interviews
General Interviews
End of Life Articles and Commentaries
What is death? Learning to Die with a Friend by Patrick Saint-Jean, S.J. The Jesuit Post Link to The Jesuits
How parishes can help Catholics prepare for death by David E. Nantais America
New Catholic Hospice Tries to Ease Pain, Help Patients Get to Heaven by Matthew McDonald National Catholic Register
Perinatal Palliative Care by Stephanie Richardson, RN, BSN, MA, CHPN CBHD/Dignitas
Biden has tearful meeting with priest who performed last rites on his son by Tyler Arnold Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Accompanying the dying paramount for Catholic health providers by CathNews
Final Visions by Paul Lauritzen Commonweal
What I Learned From Accompanying Someone Through Their Final Days by Suzanne Hurley Busted Halo
Learning how to accompany the dying by CathNews
The Mystery of Death by Cynthia Borgeault Spirituality and Practice
Catholic Union welcomes new police guidance on Last Rites by James Somerville-Meikle Independent Catholic News
A contemporary reflection on the place of Last Rites by Rob Esdail The Tablet
In facing end-of-life dilemmas, the Lord will never abandon us by Father Jeffrey F. Kirby Crux
Hospice Nurse Reveals Unexplained Phenomenon Patients Experience Shortly Before Dying by Isaac Serna-Diez Your Tango/Microsoft New
Dignity in dying by Maggie Fergusson The Tablet
What Catholics should know about brain death by Jonah McKeown Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to Brain Death
Despite guidelines, end-of-life care remains aggressive for ovarian cancer patients by Emily Henderson, B.Sc. News-Medical.
American Funerals by Anne Roiphe Tablet
Dying ‘the Buddhist way’ gains in hospice centers in the West by Ken Chitwood Religion News Service
Pandemic narrows Americans' cultural distance from death and dying by Jesse Remedios National Catholic Reporter
Meditating on death during a pandemic by Thomas Reese Religion News Service/National Catholic Reporter
Looking Death in the Face and Surrendering by Patti Armstrong National Catholic Register
End-of-life care the real battleground of moral theology, author says by Crux
The Art of Dying. I always said that when my time came I’d want to go fast. But where’s the fun in that? by Peter Schjeldahl The New Yorker
Death in the modern age – and how to prepare as a Catholic by Adelaide Mena The Catholic World Report
Death doulas guide the way for those who face the end of life by Chace Beech Religion News Service
The Inspiring Story of the Man With 3 Months to Live by Tom Rapsas Patheos
End of Life Choice Act will change the nature of our society by CathNews
Upside down solutions: palliative care and COVID-19 by Daniel Knights, Felicity Knights and Iain Lawrie ,BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care
One mother’s story of love and loss, and the impact of a child’s short life by Charles C. Camosy Crux
Comforting the dying and their families — from a distance by Lane DeGregory Tampa BayTimes/Crux
I Was Denied Entry at Hospital to Give Last Rites to Catholic Who Requested Me by Fr. Kevin M. Cusick National Catholic Register
Nutrition and Hydration at the End of Life by Fr. Jose I. Lavastida Catholic Culture.
CCI offers updated guidance on advance directive for end of life by Catholic Conference of Illinois
End of Life Decisions: Ordinary versus Extraordinary Means by Colin B. Donovan, STL EWTN
End-of-Life Care and Catholic Ethics by Rev. James A. O'Donohoe, JCD Catholic Health Association
Catholic approaches to end-of-life care by John J. Paris America
Jewish Perspectives on End-of-Life Care by Dr. Anne Hartley, MD My Jewish Learning
Hearing Persists at End of Life, Brain Waves of Hospice Patients Show by U.S. News & World Report/ Bioethics
‘We Live for Christ,’ Says Priest in Viral Photo Bringing Last Rites in Horrific Wreck by Peter Jesserer Smith National Catholic Register
Death, hope, and resurrection: A conversation with Dr. Scott Hahn by Paul Senz The Catholic World Report
Canadian appeal court to hear case of hospice refusing to offer euthanasia by CathNews
Austrian Archbishop stresses end of life a fundamental moment of life itself by Vatican News
French lawmakers open tense two-week debate on assisted dying by RFI - Radio France International Link to Assisted Suicide
German Christians to focus Week for Life on end-of-life care by Lisa Zengarini Vatican News
Siobhán McSweeney, Judi Dench and Mel Giedroyc turn artists to support fund for hospice nurses by Fiona Audley Irish Post
An uneasy history: Irish Catholicism and the Irish wake by Dr. Christopher Shannon The Catholic World Report
Archbishop Paglia: Some end-of-life care resembles new form of eugenics by Amedeo Lomonaco Vatican News
A boy dying of cancer wanted to be buried near Pope Francis. His wish came true by Gerard O’Connell America
Death of John Paul II and the basic human care for the sick and the dying. by Velez G JR. Ethics Med.
Spanish bishops call for palliative care instead of euthanasia and assisted suicide by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Mary comforts all those who die alone, pope says at audience by Carol Glatz Catholic News Service
English Catholic priest vindicated for ‘pro-life’ opinion in end-of-life case by Joe Bukuras Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
UK judge denies transfer to pope’s hospital for baby girl slated to die by Charles Collins Crux
Catholics to help NZ’s hospices and palliative care services by CathNews New Zealand
Bereavement law ignores women with post-abortion grief by CathNews New Zealand
Sisters care for home-based patients and the terminally ill in Botswana by Rumbt Chakamra National Catholic Reporter
Singapore’s Catholic hospice comforts sick and needy. The center requires significant funding each year to run the services and depends on donations by Rock Ronald Rozar UCA News
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General Articles and Commentaries
Featured Report
Overcoming poverty by respecting human rights by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism Link to Poverty and to Human Rights and Human Rights Violations
UN chief says world is on ‘highway to climate hell’ as planet endures 12 straight months of unprecedented heat by Laura Paddison CNN Link to Environment and Climate Challenges, Advocacy, and Response
Zero abortions in Arkansas for 2023: A pro-life victory by Adriana Azarian National Catholic Register Link to Abortion
Pro-life pregnancy centers provided over $367.9 million worth of services in 2022 by Tyler Arnold, Catholic News Agency/Angelus Link to Other ProLife Challenges
Pro-lifers sent off to prison, witnesses of light in the darkness by Monica Migliorino Miller The Catholic World Report Link to Prison Challenges
Glass Containers Filled With Red Paint Thrown at Attendees of Bay Area Jewish Event by Aaron Bandler Jewish Journal Link to Antisemitism
Famine looms in 18 ‘hunger hotspots’ by John Burge Aleteia Link to Famine and Starvation
Finding humanity at the border — in migrants, the Border Patrol and ourselves by Merinda Cutler and Meredith Gardner Religion News Service Link to Migrants, Refugees, and Immigrants
Keeping children safe on social media: What parents should know to protect their kids by Barbara Ortutay The Associated Press Link to Social Media
3 in 5 children in Middle East suffering severe food poverty by Jessica Jeyamaridas Vatican News Link to Children at Risk
Pope Francis' CBS interview is surprisingly and refreshingly clear by Gretchen R. Crowe The Pilot
Trump’s Obsession With Revenge: A Big Post-Verdict Danger by David Corn Mother Jones
Florida sheriff’s office fires deputy who fatally shot Black airman at home by Terry Spencer The Associated Press
Bishop Conley asks Pope Francis to provide ‘encouragement, clarity, support’ to U.S. bishops by Jonah McKeown Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
England vs Iceland: Gareth Southgate’s side suffer demoralising 1-0 defeat ahead of Euro 2024 by Michael Dominski The New York Times Link to Sport
Diocese of Greensburg asks police to investigate possible cover-up of staff criminal record by Gina Christian Our Sunday Visitor
From blunder to blunder: Roman Catholicism and sexuality by Rodolfo Soriano-Núñez Los Ángeles Press
Dorothy Day Peacemaker Award goes to Pax Christi USA by John Lavenburg Crux
Caring for the Sick, Sisters Continue Work of Late Nun Deemed Venerable by Katie Vasquez New Evangelization Television (NET)
Third Leader Faces Sexual Assault Charges at Televangelist Mark Barclay’s Michigan Church by Liz Lykins The Roys Report Link to Sexual Relations with and Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
Dr. Hermina Nedelescu on Clergy-Perpetrated Sexual Abuse by Scott Douglas Jacobsen Good Men Media
“Abuses ften occur in a sacramental context, related to Mass or confession” by Gilles Donada La Croix International
Vatican reinstates Carmelite nun after bishop’s dismissal in Texas over affair with priest by Daniel Payne Catholic News Agency
Former priest ends his life ahead of abuse hearing in New Mexico by Gina Christian Our Sunday Visitor Link to Suicide
A Parent's Guide To Ensuring Their Children's Digital Privacy by Ryan P. Duffy, Esq. Master of Legal Studies
The rise of the Catholic bully by Phyllis Zagano National Catholic Register
What goes into a hate crime? Don’t assume you know. by Simran Jeet Singh Religion News Service Link to Hate and Hate Crimes
First case of rare, sexually transmitted form of ringworm reported in the U.S by Erika Edwards NBC News/Yahoo Link to Sexually Transmitted Infections
Navy Reserve veteran pleads guilty to beheading Satanic statue in Iowa State Capitol by Louis Casiano Fox News
Southern Baptist pastor, former seminary official, charged with obstructing federal sex abuse probe by Mark A. Kellne Washington Times
Abuse is a travelling wave says top Irish cleric in Rome by Irish Catholic Link to Catholic Sexual Violence Against Minors
Religious women help launch program to combat sexual abuse, ‘create a culture of care’ by Kate Quiñones for Catholic News Agency/Catholic World Report Link to Women Challenges and Leadership
Dallas priest charged with indecency with a child by Alex Boyer and FOX 4 Staff KDFW-TV Fox-4
RC Archbishop and Westminster Abbey Settle by Bernadette Howell, Sandra L. Kovacs, and D.H Bernadette Howell's Blog
B.C. church to pay settlement to priest sex abuse survivor by Jeremy Hainsworth Vancouver is Awesome
Peterborough priest penned letter of support for convicted child predator by Todd Vandonk Peterborough Examiner
New assault allegations emerge against staff member at Sask. private Christian school by Rory MacLean CTV News
Canonical inquiry finds Canadian cardinal free of wrongdoing by Elise Ann Allen Crux Link to False Accusations
Judge: Lacroix abuse investigation ‘greatly affected’ by accuser’s refusal to participate by Francois Gloutnay National Catholic Reporter
Argentine archbishop resigns abruptly as former diocese reels by Luke Coppen The Pillar
Bolivia Jesuits ask victims of two priests implicated in scandal to make formal complaint by Vox Link to The Jesuits
Priest arrested during landless occupation of a farm in Brazil’s Amazon by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
Protestors occupy Vatican embassy in Colombia by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
French former Catholic priest convicted of raping and sexually abusing four boys by RFI - Radio France International
French cardinal convicted of not reporting abuse by Bastille Post Global
France’s Handsome Socialist Jewish Hamlet by Marc Weitzmann Tablet
Tablet Paris: An Introduction by Marco Roth Tablet
A small and steadfast group of worshippers could be the blueprint for modern-day Christianity. by James Wiliiams Erfurt's Catholic Day
Court overturns early release of Greek neo-Nazi leader by Aljazeera Link to Neo-Nazis
In Joint Letter, Victims Of Sex Abuse Urge Polish Bishops’ Conference To Act As Its President Is Accused Of Alleged Negligence by Pauline Guzik Our Sunday Visitor
OTHER EXAMPLE That was more dangerous – RTE GAA pundit Joe Canning vents frustration at inconsistency from refs after David Burke red by Vincent Whelan The Irish Sun
Close to 300 former pupils report abuse by clergy and lay staff at Spiritan schools by Cormack Fitzgerald MSN
A MAN has been charged with murder and attempted murder after two women were stabbed on Bournemouth seafront. by The Irish Sun Link to Murder
IN COLD BLOOD Horror moment champion skateboarder is chased by gun-toting hitman before being brutally executed in ‘love-rival murder’ by Juliana Cruz and Lima Will Stewart The Irish Sun
'LIKE A BAD DREAM' Young woman, 23, killed in Limerick dog attack pictured as ‘shattered’ sister reveals she died on her birthday by John Hand and Ríona Maguire The Irish Sun Link to Animal Challenges
Tragic Amie Gray was murdered on Bournemouth beach by The Irish Sun
Life is going backwards for many of our teenagers by David Quinn The Irish Catholic Link to Youth Challenges and Leadership
Empowering Catechists as collaborators against Human Trafficking by Sr Oluwakemi Akinleye fsp Vatican News Link to Human Trafficking/Sex Trafficking
Italian bishops ready to launch study of abuse cases reported to Vatican by Carol Glatz National Catholic Reporter
Clerical abuse still hidden by fear, Lithuanian Church warned by Ruta Tumenaite The Tablet
Top Polish archbishop accused of negligence in sex abuse case by Paulina Guzik National Catholic Reporter
Polish abuse victims demand suspension of bishops’ conference president by Bess Twiston Davies The Tablet
Vatican Arrests Ex-Employee for Attempted Extortion Using Allegedly Stolen Bernini Manuscript by Hannah Brockhaus Catholic News Agency/The National Catholic Register
Pope Francis uses deprecating slang to complain about the high number of gay men in Italian seminaries by Catholic Vote Link to LGBTQ Challenges and Leadership
Children – Be united with Jesus: Celebrating World Children’s Day by Sr Oluwakemi Vatican News Link to Children Issues and Challenges
Pope Francis's Comments on Women, Gays Draw Controversy by Catholic Arena Link to Women Challenges and Leadership
Vatican Faces Backlash Over Use Of Artwork By Accused Abuser Father Rupnik by Adriana Azarian National Catholic Register
Activists chide pope over handling of sex abuse and cover-ups by Matteo Negri Reuters
Brother of ‘Vatican girl’ blasts papally-ordered inquest as a ‘farce’ by Crux
Sydney’s homeless double in cost-of-living crisis by Dr Michael Walker The Catholic Weekly
Green Signal by Catherine Holmes Australian Jesuits Link to Environment and Climate Challenges, Advocacy, and Response
Secretive sect under investigation faces venue cancellations after email campaign by Amy Williams RNZ
Release of kidnapped priest won’t solve Cameroon’s long-running conflict by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
Ghana: Fr Andrew Campbell’s healing mission of hope by Paul Samasumo Vatican News
Nigeria: Sisters of Charity serving victims of human trafficking by Sr. Oluwakemi Akinleye, fsp Vatican News
Priest kidnapped in Nigeria by Christopher Wells Vatican News Link to Kidnapping
Massive crowds flock to Uganda Martyrs shrine for celebrations of their feast by Tony Onyuolo Our Sunday Visitor
Over 670 people died in a massive Papua New Guinea landslide, UN estimates, as survivors seek safety by Rod McGuirk The Associated Press
Bihar priest held for raping 4-year-old girl by Times India
Syro-Malabar synod in India threated to excommunicate priests who defy change to Mass by Nirmala Carvalho Crux
At least 49 die and 140 are missing after migrant boat sinks off Yemen’s coast, UN agency says by The Associated Press
Religious minorities in Pakistan most affected by modern-day slavery, British report says by Charles Collins Crux
In Southeast Asia’s youngest nation, leaders are defending clergymen mired in child abuse scandals by Kimberly Lambourne SBS News
Papal authority rejected by Chinese government: Last week in the Church with John Allen Jr. by John L. Allen Jr. Crux Link to China Issues and Challenges
14 pro-democracy activists convicted, 2 acquitted in Hong Kong’s biggest national security case''
by Kanis Leung and Zeb Soo The Associated Press Link to Hong Kong Issues and Challenges
Iran further increases its stockpile of uranium enriched to near weapons-grade levels by Stephanie Liechtenstein The Associated Press
European Commission president accused of complicity in Israel’s war crimes at ICC by Middle East Monitor Link to War Crimes
Zelenskyy accuses China of pressuring other countries not to attend upcoming Ukraine peace talks by David Rising and Peter Moritsusu The Associated Press
Clampdown in Belarus by This Week in Rights/LinkedIn
Israeli minister Benny Gantz resigns from war cabinet in blow to Netanyahu by Nadeen Ebrahim CNN
Israeli strike kills at least 33 people at a Gaza school the military claims was being used by Hamas by Wafaa Shurafa and Samy Magdy Currently ATT Yahoo Link to War
Helping Gaza's Children Cope With Trauma by Sarah Ferguson UNICEF USA/Forbes
Ukraine has experienced a surge in religious growth since February 2022. by CathNews New Zealand
Did Israeli spy threaten the ICC prosecutor? by Shay Cullen The Manila Times
UN says Israeli forces and Palestinian armed groups may have committed war crimes in a deadly raid by Jamey Keaten The Associated Press
Christian organizations come together to take boycott, divestment action as Rafah campaign continues by Aleja Hertzler-McCain Religion News Service
Medical Journal Articles
Lowering Fecal Immunochemical Test Positivity Threshold vs Multitarget Stool RNA Testing for Colorectal Cancer Screening by Tobias Niedermaier, PhD, Teresa Seum, MSc, Michael Hoffmeister, PhD et al JAMA June 1, 2024 Link to Cancer
Evidence Against Use of Nitrogen for the Death Penalty by Philip E. Bickler, MD, PhD and Michael S. Lipnick, MD JAMA May 29, 2024 Link to Death Penalty
What Is Lynch Syndrome? by Kasey Hornbuckle, MD and Cassandra D. L. Fritz, MD, MPHS JAMA June 1, 2024
Revisiting Race and the Benefit of RAS Blockade in Heart Failure A Meta-Analysis by Li Shen, MBChB, PhD; Matthew M. Y. Lee, MBChB, PhD; Pardeep S. Jhund, MBChB, MSc, PhD; et al. JAMA May 29,2024
Chronic Pruritus: A Review by Daniel C. Butler, MD; Timothy Berger, MD; Sarina Elmariah, MD, PhD, et al.JAMA May 29, 2024
Ransomware Attacks, ED Visits and Inpatient Admissions in Targeted and Nearby Hospitals by Rahi Abouk,PhD and David Powell, PhD JAMA May 29, 2024
Cefepime vs Piperacillin-Tazobactam in Adults Hospitalized With Acute Infection, The ACORN Randomized Clinical Trial by Edward T. Qian, MD, MSc, Jonathan D. Casey, MD, MSc, Adam Wright, PhD, et al JAMA October 14, 2023
Causal Inference About the Effects of Interventions From Observational Studies in Medical Journals by J. Dahabreh, MD, Kirsten and Bibbins-Domingo, PhD, MD, MAS JN Learning May 8, 2024
Krill Oil for Knee Osteoarthritis. A Randomized Clinical Trial by Laura L. Laslett, PhD, Lieke E. J. M. Scheepers, PhD. Benny Antony, et al by JN Learning May 22, 2024
Book Reviews, Commentaries, and Announcements
Death, Where is Thy Sting? A Meditation on Suffering by Joe Hoover Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Afterlife interrupted: Helping Stuck Souls Cross Over by Father Nathan Castle Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Medical Care at the End of Life: A Catholic Perspective by David E. Kelly Reviewed by Rev.Ramil Fajardo Profiles in Catholicism
To Die Is Gain: A Theological (Re-)Introduction to the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick for Clergy, Laity, Caregivers and Everyone Else by Roger W. Nutt Reviewed by Father Roger Landry National Catholic Register
Inside the Hospice by Fr Peter Michael Scot Reviewed by Marie Saba Independent Catholic News
It’s Your Camino: One Couple’s 500 Mile Pilgrimage Across Spain by Kenneth Strange Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Seven Trials Against Jesus by Rolando Jose Olivo by Rolando Jose Olivo Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Revelations of Divine Love by Julian of Norwich by Julian of Norwich Translated by Grace Warrack Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
First Belong to God: On Retreat with Pope Francis by Austen Ivereigh with an Introduction by Pope Francis Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Etica Teologica Della Vita (ETV) Commentary by AC Wimmer Catholic News Agency/The National Catholic Register
Nervous Exhaustion: A Gen X Saga of Clergy Abuse, PTSD, and the Path to Acceptance by Ed Hanratty Commentary by Deena Yellin NorthJersey.com
The Unclaimed: Abandonment and Hope in the City of Angels by Pamela Prickett and Stefan Timmermans Commentary by Heather King Angelus
Film Reviews and Commentaries
Afterlife interrupted: Helping Stuck Souls Cross Over Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Wildcat Commentary by Jesuitical America
Teilhard: Visionary Scientist Commentary by Thomas Reese Religion News Service
Flynn: Deliver the Truth. Whatever the Cost. Commentary by Stephanie Mencime Mother Jones
America's First Guru Commentary by Richa Karmarkar Religion News Service
Music Reviews and Commentaries
The Way of Love Commentary by Zoey Maraist Our Sunday Visitor
The Avett Brothers Reviewed by Kenneth Craycraft Our Sunday Visitor
Cowboy Carter Reviewed by Danny Duncan Collum U.S. Catholic
Theater Reviews and Commentaries
A Strange Loop Commentary by Jim McDermott National Catholic Reporter
Special Documents
Catholic Teaching on End-of-Life Medical Care
What Is the Catholic Approach of Palliative Care?
Eternal Rest
Hanson Hospice Center – Caren and Cara’s Story