A Message from the Editor
Appropriately only 50% of Americans beloved is Exorcism even though there has been a significant increase for exorcist. We hope that our interview with exorcist will help our readers to better understand the process. The first exorcist was Jesus Christ. From biblical depictions of Christ casting out demons, to charismatic Christians in the '60s, Satanic challenges still are prevalent .A Church of England priest, Vicar David Renshaw wanted to “sacrifice babies to Satan” and fantasized about drugging boys with crystal meth.
As a refugee advocate, I can appreciate the concern by Jesuit Refugee Service/USA Condemns Closing Border to Asylum-Seekers. They may also be concerned about the possible election of former President Donald Trump’s possible election to be President since he will try to end all refugees entrance to the United States and has promised to expel tens of thousands current migrants from the United States. We should want to thank President Biden for his immigration program that now offers legal status to 500,000 spouses of U.S. citizens.
There needs to be global boycott of Boeing until their greedy president resigns. Boeing committed ‘the deadliest corporate crime in US history’ and should be fined $24 billion, victims’ families say.
Sadly, we have retuned to a monthly edition due to a lack of donations. We have two staff members to support. We are deeply grateful for all who have made donations and we are having a Mass offered monthly for the intentions of all donors.
A Quote to Remember
“The ritual of exorcism is not practiced by an ordinary priest. An exorcist requires specific training and must be thought to have a personal sanctity. He can be exposed to dangerous behavior and personal threat. His prayers often cause a violent response as he attempts to shine a beam of light into the darkness.”
A prayer for those possessed by Satan
“Out of the Black Hole”
Comes only what the Lord allows, what we plead
to be bled from this imprisoning, torturing torment.
Oh Lord, how wondrous are your colors, blending,
suffusing sunsets and sunrises of scattering, sculptural
clouds, rising and running, majestically towering,
and swiftly changing, snowy mountains of mist.
Beautiful, blushing pink blossoms, delicately
flecked by a darker pink, light and dark
dancing, inviting us like bees to taste and
see, how good are the gifts that attract us,
bunched like grapes, waving in the wind,
suggesting a presence, not ominous, but
wavy, leading to a pondering, wondering,
almost greeting-like wave as we walk, of a
glimpsed welcome, as if nature is, briefly,
transparent to the passing Giver of gifts.
Raising the question of the Gardener of these
astonishingly shapely shapes, so integrally
detailed and outwardly golden-bold to behold.
Oh Mary, how you mother the places of quiet, and
peace, of a convent, a monastery or a team of players,
whether musicians, sports men and women, or simply
of friendship and family, fostering communion.
And yet, dear Lord, there are varieties of ever
green, as if impervious to the sun-lit lighting,
shiny, dark green, prickly, spiky and tough,
telling of the closed choice: the darkened place
taking but not retelling the strikingly liked light.
What of a poisonous venom, the long inroads of resentment,setting injustice as a throne and embellishing it with petty complaints, making it ready for the seat of rebellion, of a radical rejection of
Love’s loving kindness, waiting, more than waiting, to forgive.
Dear Lord, how many ways we can be a part of a closed, ingrowing,
enclosing enclave, all of which has the tendency, as of all the fallen, to look, and dwell, remaining within, risking the non-think, “in-think”, not allowing the critical mass of change to stimulate the
challenge that helps us all to grow tall, catch the light, like trees rising up and stretching out towards the skyward air, touching the sky, the sun, bathing in the warmth and relishing all that is reaching up to the brightly beautiful starlight from the smallest, slowest seed.
And, as we rise at your command, oh Lord, we are stripped of all, of all that traps and ensnares and bedevils the innocents who fell, deeply, deeper and deeper, into the darkness that bites and grits and
grips and from which no human hand can release, unbind, or deliver.
Speak your word, Lord, like you did to the thief, that today we will
be with you in Paradise knowing, as you do, what a terrible longing
is unloosed as our freedom reigns and races to the end of happiness:
to the possibility of a tearless place, healing, forgiving, freeing, and leaving behind all that possessed us and singing, as only the song of love can sing, from a heart refreshed and fresh from the Love that does not die but which, out of love for us, died and rose again so that we, too, might mingle with the Lord and His family in heaven.
by Francis Etheredge, Catholic married layman, father of 11, 3 of whom are in heaven, and an author. Some of these verses are adapted from the author’s book, An Unlikely Gardener: Prose and Poetry
A Prayer for Ja’Mari Amir Rivera
Lord of Life,
We pray for your beloved child, Ja’Mari Amir Rivera, the victim of a random shooting in the middle of the afternoon.
We know from Scripture where all the violence began; but, where, Lord, will it all end?We already know it will not end here. Not even the killing of a seven-year-old running an errand for his mother can stop the flow of blood in Chicago.
Jesus, you invited children to come to you and you embraced them when they came. Embrace now Ja’Mari and all who love him. Pierce our hearts with grief. Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears. They are drops of rain upon the blinding dust that covers our hardened earth.
Prayer to end child abuse What has happened to the world Lord Jesus that so many abuse the children? Many look away and hide the crimes, they do not cry out for justice. You said the children are the most important in the Kingdom, To accept a child, you said, is to accept you.
Bring the children to me you told the disciples that they be blessed and protected.
You said let the abusers be brought to account and do penance as if a mill stone were tied around their necks and they be thrown into the deep sea, you said Lord in Matthew (Ch.18: 6-7)
Lord, inspire us and strengthen our faith by your words and actions, that goodness, love of neighbor and action for justice will over come evil. Inspire us to save and heal the children through justice, peace so they can live a new happier life. Amen by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer to Remember the Homeless
O God, you are the Source of our protection, shelter, faith, love and eternal life. You are the Creator of all that is good, beautiful and everlasting in your holiness.
We pray for the lives of all our homeless brothers, sisters and all children of God, living and deceased. We especially pray for those homeless friends, who have died because of abuse and violence. May they now know God's peacemaking and eternal healing. Please, O God strengthen all with the power of the Holy Spirit to guide others for proper protection, shelter and health care. Yes, Lord we know that All Life Matters in your eyes, your love and gentleness. Send helpers to bolster our homeless friends away from evil and danger towards safety. May they find, you O God in those peaceful helping hands towards security and blessing, now and forever.
We ask this prayer in the name of the Almighty Father, Jesus, our Lord and Savior and their Holy Spirit, Amen and Amen. by Father Christopher Krymski, O.S.M. Profiles in Catholicism
May God the all-merciful
receive all those who died
As they sought to be faithful in their practice of faith,
so may they find the reward of their fidelity. Amen
by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism
Exorcist Interviews
Archbishop Ronald Feyl Enright by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Father Jeffrey Grob by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Bishop Bryan D. Ouellette, Ph.D., SOSM by Gordon Nary Profiles in Catholicism
General Interviews
Anna Nuzzo by Gordon Nary Profiles in Catholicism
Father Jude Thaddeus Langeh by Gordon Nary Profiles in Catholicism
Father Rick Malloy, SJ by Gordon Nary Profiles in Catholicism
Father John Predmore, S.J. by Gordon Nary Profiles in Catholicism
Exorcism Articles and Commentaries
Researchers Study Ministry and Life of Cathoic Exorcists. Dominican priest and exorcist Fr. Francois Dermine underlined the isolation and lack of support an exorcist priest can feel within his diocese. by Hannah Brockhaus Catholic News Agency /National Catholic Register
Question: Are demonic possessions just mental illness? by Jenna Marie Cooper The Pilot
The priest who had the number of the beast: As the Vatican's chief exorcist for 30 years, Father claimed to have dealt with the devil 60,000 times. Now a new book tells his head-spinning story by Tom Leonard The Daily Mail
From exorcist to monster: How Hollywood has recast Catholicism by Tyler Huckabee Religion News Service
Poor Church communication helps trivialise exorcism by CathNews New Zealand
Christchuurch exorcisms – Paddy Gower has issues by CathNews New Zeeland
Thank the Lord: Here’s how exorcists freed me by Tom Hoopes Our Sunday Visitor
Board Game Marketed as ‘Christian’ is Actually Demonic, Exorcist Warns by Peter Pinedo Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Register
An exorcist’s warning to families about the devil’s influence by Roberta Sciamplicotti Aleteia
Therapist, Exorcists Comment on Satanic Catholic Priest by Patti Armstrong National Catholic Register
Researchers Study Ministry and Life of Cathoic Exorcists. Dominican priest and exorcist Fr. Francois Dermine underlined the isolation and lack of support an exorcist priest can feel within his diocese. by Hannah Brockhaus Catholic News Agency /National Catholic Register
Is Latin more effective in driving out demons? An exorcist responds by David Ramos Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
The Catholic Church’s views on exorcism have changed – a religious studies scholar explains why by Joseph P. Laycock The Conversation
How does demonic possession happen? by Tony - W.A.M. LinkedIn
US priest: Exorcisms on the rise as demons now haunt victims by text by John Aidan Byrne New York Post
The priest who had the number of the beast: As the Vatican's chief exorcist for 30 years, Father Gabriel Amorth claimed to have dealt with the devil 60,000 times. Now a new book tells his head-spinning story by Tom Leonard The Daily Mail
New graphic novels star Catholic exorcists battling demons for souls by Katie Yoder Catholic News Agency
Cork nuns broke Ireland's travel restrictions to attend exorcism of the Dáil by Shane O'Brien IrishCentral
Boy whose case inspired The Exorcist is named by US magazine by Maya Yang The Guardian
Catholic priests told not to perform exorcisms on Covid patients by CathNews New Zealand
An Italian Exorcist Kept a Record of His Work for a Decade. Here’s What’s nside. by John Last Slate/Microsoft News
US priest: Exorcisms on the rise as demons now haunt victims by text by Sean Gallagher Catholic News Service
Exorcists to Jesuit head: Satan is real by Catholic News Agency Link to The Jesuits
London exorcist: “All of society is subject to a demonic deception” by K. V. Turley The Catholic World Report
How to Protect Yourself against Demonic Possession. Father Vincent Lampbert Exorcist of Indianapolis Archdiocese by Francis Mary Catholics Online
Mountie had priest perform exorcism on 'possessed' son by Gary Dimmock Ottawa Citizen
This priest is known as one of the most powerful exorcists in Church history by Bret Thoman, OFS Aleteia
Researchers Study Ministry and Life of Catholic Exorcists Dominican priest and exorcist Fr. Francois Dermine underlined the is. olation and lack of support an exorcist priest can feel within his diocese. by Hannah Brockhaus Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Register
Exorcism: Increasingly frequent, including after US protests by David Crary Associated Press/Crux
Explainer: What is an exorcism, exactly? by Sean Salai, S.J. America
New Guide For Exorcists: Exorcism is a Ministry of Joy, Light, and Peace by Hannah Brockhaus CNA/National Catholic Register
Demonic Possession or Epilepsy? by Dave ArmstrongPatheos
Wife and Mother of Four Describes Experience of Possession, Exorcism by Terese Piccola National Catholic Register
An Exorcist Explains Why the Devil Hates Bells So Much by Patti Armstrong National Catholic Register
Solemn Requiem Mass offered in Diocese of Madison for Bishops Morlino and Sirba.“A few days after Bishop Morlino died,” said Rev. John Zuhlsdorf during his homily, “I was told by an exorcist that he used Morlino’s name against a demon during an exorcism…” by Joseph M. Hanneman The Catholic World Report
‘I Was Possessed’: How One Man Was Freed From Satanic Possession by Solène Tadié National Catholic Register
Exorcists see ecumenical agenda in fighting ‘voluntary possession’ by Elise Harris Crux
What Happened When Atheists Attended a Talk on Exorcism by Tom Nash National Catholic Register
On exorcisms and excommunications in New York City by Aleteia
Exorcism and deliverance by The Catholic News Archdiocese of Singapore
What an Italian bishop saw at his first exorcism by Catholic News Agency
Demand for exorcists increasing in Europe by Xavier Renard, Orléans La Croix International
An Exorcist’s Perspective on the Sex Abuse Scandal by Patti Armstrong National Catholic Register
Fr. Gary Thomas, Exorcist and subject of the movie, "The Rite," explains the by Queen of Peace Media
Exorcism in Italy a job 'too scary' for young priests by James Reynolds BBC News Rome
Catholic Church Needs More Exorcists Due to Urgent Increase in Demonic Activity, Priest Warns by Cristina Maza Newsweek
3 Prayers of an exorcist that can drive out evil by Philip Kosloski Aleteia
Exorcism: prayers against ‘powers of darkness’ published by US bishops by Patsy McGarry The Irish Times
US Exorcists: Demonic Activity on the Rise by Patti Armstrong National Catholic Register
9 Disturbing and Deadly Cases of Real-Life Exorcisms and Possessions by The Lineup Staff
Irish priest asks for back-up as demand for exorcisms rises 'exponentially' by Catholic News Agency
When exorcists need help, they call him by John Blake, CNN
What an Italian bishop saw at his first exorcism by Catholic News Agency
Rise of the exorcists in Catholic Church by Nick Squires The Telegraph
Exorcist Fr. Gabriele Amorth shares secrets for driving out the devil by Diane Montagna Aleteia

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General Articles and Commentaries
Pope: ‘Welcome, promote, accompany, and integrate’ refugees by Joseph Tulloch Vatican News Link to Migrants, Refugees, and Immigrants
Southern Baptists pass resolution calling for strictures to curb IVF by Bob Smietana Religion News Service Link to In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)
Supreme Court dismisses challenge to abortion drug in unanimous ruling by Kate Scanlon OSV News/Angelus Link to Abortion
Antisemitism: Four clear reasons why Catholics must speak up by Teresa Pirola Catholic Outlook Link to Antisemitism
Losing a loved one to suicide by Father Ronald Rolheiser, OMI AngelusLink to Suicide
Boeing hid questionable parts from regulators that may have been installed in 737 Max planes, new whistleblower alleges by Chris Isidore and Gregory Wallace CNN
U.S. bishops approve outreach to Native Americans by Holly Meyer The Associated Press Link to Native Americans
Three Great Reads from the Jewish Journal by Jewish Journal Roundtable Link to Jewish Leadership and Challenges
Jesuit Refugee Service/USA Condemns Closing Border to Asylum-Seekers by Jesuit Refugee Services USA Link to Jesuit Relief Services USA and to Migrants, Refugees, and Immigrants
What art looks like when approaching death by Heather King Angelus Link to Dying and Death
Dorothy Small on Abuse of Adults in the Roman Catholic Church by Dorothy Small SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests)
The Supreme Court Upholds a Law Disarming Domestic Abusers by Mother Jones Link to Domestic Violence
U.S. bishops approve outreach to Native Americans by Holly Meyer The Associated Press/The Journal Link to Native Americans
Biden immigration program offers legal status to 500,000 spouses of U.S. citizens. Here's how it works. by Camilo Montoya-Galvez CBS News
Boeing committed ‘the deadliest corporate crime in US history’ and should be fined $24 billion, victims’ families say by Jordan Valinsky CNN
Shooting at grocery store in Arkansas kills 3 and wounds 10 others, police say by Andrew DeMillo The Associated Press Link to Mass Murders
Texas Pastor Convicted of Stealing Church Properties Worth More than $800,000 by Liz Lykins The Roys Report Link to Financial Crimes and Improprieties
Mark Wahlberg credits his faith in God for his career success by Desert News
Phoenix police have pattern of violating civil rights and using excessive force, Justice Dept. says by Jacques Billeaud The Associated Press Link to Police Brutality and Misconduct
Head Coach Joe Mazzulla’s Faith Helped Guide The Boston Celtics To An NBA Title by Religion UnpluggedLink to Sports
What is church teaching on yoga and reiki? by Jenna Marie Cooper The Pilot
Inside the secretive Church With No Name sect that’s under FBI investigation over decades of child sex abuse claims by Andrea Cavallier The Independent
Coffee Recalled Over Fatal Poisoning Fears by Alia Shoaib Newsweek
Anglican Priest Found Guilty Of Pornography Speaks On Sacrificing Babies To Satan by Unini Chioma The Nigeria Lawyer Link to Pornography Challenges
'Surgeon general's social media warning for kids 'one of many steps' to be taken, say experts by Gina Christian Our Sunday Visitor/Angelus Link to Children at Risk and to Social Media
VIDEO: Supporting LGBTQ+ People in Latin America All Year by Beverly Goldberg HIAS Link to LGBTQ Challenges and Leadership
NCR, Global Sisters Report and EarthBeat win 44 Catholic Media Awards by National Catholic Reporter Link to Media
Violence at Pro-Palestinian Protest In Front of Adas Torah by Aaron Bandler The Jewish Journal
11 Nigerian priests commissioned for mission in Europe, America by CSN Media – Abuja
Anti-porn age verification laws see sweeping success nationwide by Virginia Aabram National Catholic Register Link to Pornography Challenges
Evangelicals need to focus on church’s sexual abuse epidemic, not just Trump or drag queens by Nicole Russell USA Today
Alex Jones’ personal assets to be sold to pay $1.5B Sandy Hook debt. Company bankruptcy is dismissed by Dave Collins and Juan A Lozano The Associated Press Link to Donald Trump’s Cultish Cronies
Megachurch pastor and ex-Trump adviser admits child sexual abuse by Erum Salam The Guardian Link to Protestant Sexual Violence Against Minors
Texas Pastor Convicted of Stealing Church Properties Worth More than $800,000 by Liz Lykins The Roys Report Link to Financial Crimes and Improprieties
VB Catholic church to get new leadership after diocese investigation into parish parent sex abuse claims by David Lance WTKR CBS 3Link to Suicide
The City of LA Needs to Show Up for Its Jews by David Suissa Jewish Journal Link to Jewish Leadership and Challenges
Lots of pain’: Families lose everything in New Mexico wildfires by Gina Christian Our Sunday Visitor
Reports: Communist China buying land next to U.S. military bases by Catholic Vote
B.C. sexual abuse victim makes history with church promise to publish all details of civil case by Joseph Ruttle Vancouver Sun
New assault allegations emerge against staff member at Sask. private Christian school by Rory MacLean CTV News
100 cops storm wanted Philippine pastor’s home to arrest him but he’s not found by Faith Argosino Philippine Daily Inquirer Link to Human Trafficking/Sex Trafficking
Duterte on serving of Quiboloy arrest warrant: Overkill by Edith Regalado, and Diana Lhyd Suelto Philippine Star
Quiboloy’s group to sue cops who served warrants by Rgil Relator GMA Regional TV
Jesuits in Bolivia admit their actions were ‘disastrous’ in dealing with sexual abuse by Walter Sánchez Silva Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to The Jesuits
Church in Haiti overwhelmed by spike in gang violence by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
Church still bringing hope for migrants at Venezuelan border by Sr. Katleho Khang, SNJM Vatican News Link to Migrants, Refugees, and Immigrants
Belgian Catholic Church opens online survey for sexual abuse victims by Ellen O'Regan Brussels Times
Diminished in size, Bosnian Jews hold fast to their identity by Yonat Shimron Religion News Service
Lithuanian Catholics demand explanation for convicted priest’s appointment by Ruta Tumenaite The Tablet
Martyred Polish priest beatified in Krakow by Cardinal Semeraro by Isabella Piro Vatican News
Germany deploys vast Euros ring of steel with 22,000 cops, snipers and ‘super spotters’ amid ISIS & hooligan threat by Ellie Doughty The Irish Sun
252 abuse allegations made against members of Catholic Church in Ireland over past year, new report by Sarah Mac Donald Irish Independent
Former Limerick-based teacher-turned-priest faces historic sex abuse allegations by Donal O'Regan Limerick Leader/Ireland Live
Man who raped 12-year-old stepdaughter repeatedly in 'egregious' violation jailed by Isabel Hayes Irish Independent
Catholic Church child protection board received 252 abuse allegations by Patsy McGarryI Irish Times
Culture of death advances in Spain with two new developments by Nicolás de Cárdenas Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Vatican publishes papal primacy document aimed at ‘a reunited Church’ by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Pope Francis jokes with Colbert, Fallon, Conan, Whoopi, Chris Rock, Gaffigan and others at the Vatican by Justin McLellan Catholic News Service/America
'Denigration of my humanity': Gay priests reflect on pope's use of homophobic slur by Katie Collins Scott National Catholic Reporter Link to Homophobia
Vatican accuses former US nuncio of schism, begins trial by Justin McLella Our Sunday Visitor
Vatican comms chief defends use of accused sexual abuser’s artwork by Crux
Safeguarding & Disability Conference: Injustice affects all by Vatican News Link to Disabilities
Sex-related blunders, the never ending story at the Catholic Church by Rodolfo Soriano-Núñez Los Ángeles Press
Latin Mass Suppressed in Melbourne by Catholic Arena
Vinnies CEO Sleepout raises $7.8 million in a ‘perfect storm’ of homelessness by Marilyn Rodrigues Catholic WeeklyLink to Homeless
Victorian premier’s flimflam covers up the scale of sexual abuse in government schools by Michael Cook MercatorNet
New Zealand cardinal cleared to return to ministry after Vatican, police abuse inquiries by Marilyn Rodrigues National Catholic Reporter Link to Catholic Sexual Violence Against Minors
Letter from Prison – CWs Vigil behind Bars by CathNews New Zealand Link to Prison Challenges
China jails woman for teaching Quran to Uyghur children by UCA News Link to China Issues and Challenges and to Prison Challenges
Five Syro-Malabar bishops question threat to excommunicate priests who defy Mass change by Nirmala Carvalho Crux
Two priests attacked in parish robbery in Odisha, India by Nirmala Carvalh Crux
Archdiocese in Kerala, India, refuses to follow decree from Syro-Malabar Major Archbishop by Nirmala Carvalho Crux
Silence of the Lambs, Speaks Loudly: Stop sexual abuses by Catholic priests by Savio Rodrigues Goa Chronicle
Rights group slams quick bail for Pakistan’s blasphemy rioters by UCA News
At least 16 dead in a fire at a lithium battery factory in South Korea by The Associated Press
Vietnam’s Buddhist monk banned from preaching by UCA NewsLink to Buddhism
JRS launches project to support child refugees in DRC by Sr. Katleho Khang,SNJM Vatican News
Kenya bishops say proposed tax increases would punish the poor by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
Church leaders urge Nigeria government to raise minimum wage by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
South Africa archbishop says being stateless means living without rights by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
Death toll at Hajj pilgrimage rises to 1,300 amid scorching temperatures by Samy Magdy The Associated Press
Israeli officials say Netanyahu has dissolved the War Cabinet after key partner bolted government by Tia Goldenberg The Associated Press
Spokesperson for Israel says Palestinians are “human beasts” - UN report by Fr. Shay Cullen Preda Foundation
Israel targeted 69% of schools sheltering displaced people in Gaza: UN agency by Middle East Monitor
Israeli military accused of abusing injured Palestinian man by Nathan Morle Vatican News
Intel stops $25bn investment in Israel — ‘Biggest victory yet,’ says BDS campaign by Middle East Monitor
Russia obliterates Ukraine’s frontline towns faster with hacked bombs and expanded airbase network by Lori Hunter, Vasilisa Stepanenko, and Hanna Arhedova The Associated Press Link to War
Medical Journal Articles and Commentaries
Association Between Cost Sharing and Naloxone Prescription Dispensing by Kao-Ping Chua, MD, PhD, Rena M. Conti, PhD, Pooja Lagisetty, MD, et al JAMA June 13, 2024
Upholding Standards for Qualified Bilingual Staff by Adaugo Amobi, MD, MPH JAMA June 13, 2024
The Weight of a Differential by Maren E. Olson, MD, MPH, MEd JAMA June 13, 2024
The Conquest of Yellow Fever by JAMA Revisited June 13, 2024
Book Reviews, Commentaries, and Announcements
Exorcism: The Battle Against Satan and His Demons by Fr. Vincent Lampert Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Exorcism: The Battle Against Satan and His Demons by Fr. Vincent Lampert Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Devil Is Afraid Of Me by Father Marcello Stanzione Commentary by Tom Leonard Daily Mail
Don Amorth — La biografia ufficiale (Fr. Amorth — The Official Biography) by Domenico Agasso Reviewed by Gelsomino Del Guercio Aleteia
Diary of an Exorcist: Demons, Possessions, and the Modern-Day Battle Against Ancient Evil by Monsignor Stephen Rosetti Reviewed by Patti Maguire Armstrong National Catholic Register
The Devil Is Not an Invention by Fabio Marchese Ragona Reviewed by Edward Pentin National Catholic Register
Diary of an Exorcist: Demons, Possessions, and the Modern-Day Battle Against Ancient Evil by Monsignor Stephen Rosetti Author interview by Patti Maguire Armstrong National Catholic Register
The Seven Trials Against Jesus by Father Rolano Jose Olive Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Winter Past: The Spirit of Hope by Father John O'Brien, OFM Reviewed by Linda O’Halloran Angelus
Letters From the Vatican by Father Francis Xavier Murphy, C.Ss. Commentary by Msgr. Richard Antall Angelus News
Deadpan by Richard Walter Commentary by Debra L. Eckerling Jewish Journal
True Confessions: Voices of Faith from a Life in the Church by Francis Maier Commentary by Michael Sean Winters National Catholic Reporter
Film Reviews and Commentaries
The Exorcist: Believer Reviewed by Brad Miner The Catholic Thing
The Pope’s Exorcist by Filip Mazurczak The Catholic World Report
Rosemary's Baby Commentary by Ryan Menezes Cracked
The Exorcist Reviewed by David Patten Patheos
Incarnate Reviewed by Joe Leydon Variety
The Nun Reviewed by Eve Tushnet America
The Exorcism of Emily Rose Reviewed by Roger Ebert.com
Deliver Us Reviewed by Wendy Ide The Guardian
Jesus: A Deaf Missions Announcement/Commentary by Kathryn Post Religion News Service
Treasure Commentary by Toby Axelrod Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Music Reviews and Commentaries
Catholic Artist Marie Miller’s Latest Music Is An Uplifting Dive Into The Faith by Our Sunday Visitor
This Man is Fearless 🫨 | An Exorcist Shares His Scariest Moment | Interview with Fr. Chad Ripperger
This exorcist has spoken to Satan himself