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Exorcism Issues and Challenges

Writer's picture: Profiles in CatholicismProfiles in Catholicism

Updated: Jun 30, 2024

A Message from the Editor


Appropriately only 50% of Americans beloved is Exorcism even though there has been a significant increase for exorcist. We hope that our interview with exorcist will help our readers to better understand the process. The first exorcist was Jesus Christ. From biblical depictions of Christ casting out demons, to charismatic Christians in the '60s, Satanic challenges still are prevalent .A Church of England priest, Vicar David Renshaw wanted to “sacrifice babies to Satan” and fantasized about drugging boys with crystal meth.


As a refugee advocate, I can appreciate the concern by Jesuit Refugee Service/USA Condemns Closing Border to Asylum-Seekers. They may also be concerned about the possible election of former President Donald Trump’s possible election to be President since he will try to end all refugees entrance to the United States and has promised to expel tens of thousands current migrants from the United States.  We should want to thank President Biden for his immigration program that now offers legal status to 500,000 spouses of U.S. citizens.

There needs to be global boycott of Boeing until their greedy president resigns. Boeing committed ‘the deadliest corporate crime in US history’ and should be fined $24 billion, victims’ families say.

Sadly, we have retuned to a monthly edition due to a lack of donations. We have two staff members to support. We are deeply grateful for all who have made donations and we are having a Mass offered monthly for the intentions of all donors.


A Quote to Remember


“The ritual of exorcism is not practiced by an ordinary priest. An exorcist requires specific training and must be thought to have a personal sanctity. He can be exposed to dangerous behavior and personal threat. His prayers often cause a violent response as he attempts to shine a beam of light into the darkness.”




A prayer for those possessed by Satan


“Out of the Black Hole”


Comes only what the Lord allows, what we plead

to be bled from this imprisoning, torturing torment.


Oh Lord, how wondrous are your colors, blending,

suffusing sunsets and sunrises of scattering, sculptural

clouds, rising and running, majestically towering,

and swiftly changing, snowy mountains of mist.


Beautiful, blushing pink blossoms, delicately

flecked by a darker pink, light and dark

dancing, inviting us like bees to taste and

see, how good are the gifts that attract us,

bunched like grapes, waving in the wind,

suggesting a presence, not ominous, but

wavy, leading to a pondering, wondering,

almost greeting-like wave as we walk, of a

glimpsed welcome, as if nature is, briefly,

transparent to the passing Giver of gifts.


Raising the question of the Gardener of these

astonishingly shapely shapes, so integrally

detailed and outwardly golden-bold to behold.


Oh Mary, how you mother the places of quiet, and

peace, of a convent, a monastery or a team of players,

whether musicians, sports men and women, or simply

of friendship and family, fostering communion.


And yet, dear Lord, there are varieties of ever

green, as if impervious to the sun-lit lighting,

shiny, dark green, prickly, spiky and tough,

telling of the closed choice: the darkened place

taking but not retelling the strikingly liked light.


What of a poisonous venom, the long inroads of resentment,setting injustice as a throne and embellishing it with petty complaints, making it ready for the seat of rebellion, of a radical rejection of

Love’s loving kindness, waiting, more than waiting, to forgive.


Dear Lord, how many ways we can be a part of a closed, ingrowing,

enclosing enclave, all of which has the tendency, as of all the fallen, to look, and dwell, remaining within, risking the non-think, “in-think”, not allowing the critical mass of change to stimulate the


challenge that helps us all to grow tall, catch the light, like trees rising up and stretching out towards the skyward air, touching the sky, the sun, bathing in the warmth and relishing all that is reaching up to the brightly beautiful starlight from the smallest, slowest seed.


And, as we rise at your command, oh Lord, we are stripped of all, of all that traps and ensnares and bedevils the innocents who fell, deeply, deeper and deeper, into the darkness that bites and grits and

grips and from which no human hand can release, unbind, or deliver.


Speak your word, Lord, like you did to the thief, that today we will

be with you in Paradise knowing, as you do, what a terrible longing

is unloosed as our freedom reigns and races to the end of happiness:


to the possibility of a tearless place, healing, forgiving, freeing, and leaving behind all that possessed us and singing, as only the song of love can sing, from a heart refreshed and fresh from the Love that does not die but which, out of love for us, died and rose again so that we, too, might mingle with the Lord and His family in heaven.

by Francis Etheredge, Catholic married layman, father of 11, 3 of whom are in heaven, and an author. Some of these verses are adapted from the author’s book, An Unlikely Gardener: Prose and Poetry

Lord of Life,

We pray for your beloved child, Ja’Mari Amir Rivera, the victim of a random shooting in the middle of the afternoon.


We know from Scripture where all the violence began; but, where, Lord, will it all end?We already know it will not end here. Not even the killing of a seven-year-old running an errand for his mother can stop the flow of blood in Chicago.


Jesus, you invited children to come to you and you embraced them when they came. Embrace now Ja’Mari and all who love him. Pierce our hearts with grief. Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears. They are drops of rain upon the blinding dust that covers our hardened earth.  


Prayer to end child abuse What has happened to the world Lord Jesus that so many abuse the children? Many look away and hide the crimes, they do not cry out for justice. You said the children are the most important in the Kingdom, To accept a child, you said, is to accept you.

Bring the children to me you told the disciples that they be blessed and protected.

You said let the abusers be brought to account and do penance as if a mill stone were tied around their necks and they be thrown into the deep sea, you said Lord in Matthew (Ch.18: 6-7)

Lord, inspire us and strengthen our faith by your words and actions, that goodness, love of neighbor and action for justice will over come evil. Inspire us to save and heal the children through justice, peace so they can live a new happier life. Amen by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism


A Prayer to Remember the Homeless

O God, you are the Source of our protection, shelter, faith, love and eternal life. You are the Creator of all that is good, beautiful and everlasting in your holiness.


We pray for the lives of all our homeless brothers, sisters and all children of God, living and deceased. We especially pray for those homeless friends, who have died because of abuse and violence. May they now know God's peacemaking and eternal healing. Please, O God strengthen all with the power of the Holy Spirit to guide others for proper protection, shelter and health care. Yes, Lord we know that All Life Matters in your eyes, your love and gentleness. Send helpers to bolster our homeless friends away from evil and danger towards safety. May they find, you O God in those peaceful helping hands towards security and blessing, now and forever.


We ask this prayer in the name of the Almighty Father, Jesus, our Lord and Savior and their Holy Spirit, Amen and Amen. by Father Christopher Krymski, O.S.M. Profiles in Catholicism


May God the all-merciful

receive all those who died

As they sought to be faithful in their practice of faith,

so may they find the reward of their fidelity. Amen

by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism


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This Man is Fearless 🫨 | An Exorcist Shares His Scariest Moment | Interview with Fr. Chad Ripperger

This exorcist has spoken to Satan himself

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