A Message from the Editor
There are essentially two commandants- Love God and Love your neighbor. Most of us consider a neighbor as someone we know. However, the biblical definition of neighbor is different. In Luke's Gospel (Luke 10:29-37), this parable is Jesus' way of teaching us that our neighbor is anyone, anywhere who is in need of help.
One of the organizations that correctly practices this commandments is the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) an international Catholic organization with a mission to accompany, serve, and advocate on behalf of refugees and other forcibly displaced persons, that they may heal, learn, and determine their own future.
Unfortunately immigration challenges have become a politicized issue in several countries including the United States, Donald Trump is a hate monger of immigrants and hate often results in violence. If trump is reelected President, thousands of refugees will be evicted and experts have predicted that some of these will die. We may have to add a blindfold to the US Statue of Liberty who asks us "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”
This is why this month we have focused on the Jesuit Refugee Service and hope that our readers will follow this commandment by making a donation to support those in need and Donate to Jesuit Refugee Service.
Pope Francis has asked everyone to “Welcome, promote, accompany, and integrate’ refugees”. We have a book project designed to realise up to $300.000.00 for immigrants. You could help by editing a two- page article for the project. For more information contact gnary@catholicprofiles.org
A Quote to Remember
“Blessed are you when people hate you, exclude you, revile you. Woe to you when all speak well of you. Refugees are people whose choices have been taken:” by Jesuit Refugee Service
A Prayer for the Current, Past and Volunteer Members of the Jesuit Relief Service
“Branching Ever-New”
Lord, you planted the Tree of Life from the beginning, or was it
Transplanted from the soil of eternity, taking temporal root and
First flourishing in the Garden of Eden, persisting through the Corruption that came with sin – but not wholly so and the infection, Like a black spot that appears on the leaves of roses is pulled off but
Then begins again, rising with the sap and although the sap is drawn Wholesome, yet the tendency to die is always in need of new life.
Oh Lord, then you watered the Tree of Life with your unfolding Being, in time, building on the history of salvation, scrapping Nothing and drawing on everything, from the earth to every kind
Of good culture which had arisen through your ever moving andMothering gift of your Holy Spirit, transforming your Passion into An everlasting offering of undying love, ever watering afresh from The ground soaked from the falling of your blood, water, and work.
Dear Lord, even as you died and rose, so the Tree of Life wilts,
Withers, needs pruning, strips down as if dying but then with the
Ever-greening of new leaves, councils, reforms and small, unusual
Growths, almost estranged from the trunk, turn out to be the life-
Saving branching-out in new directions, brightening the wintering
Look, burst alight with welcomed developments of the stable wise,
Itinerant travellers, telling of the Gospel of Love from poor to all.
Oh Lord, how many and how unusual are your golden, gilded gifts,
Like the mosaics that adorn the sky-ceilings of cathedrals, decorate The sanctuary, glisten with design and skill, taking up all that art And craft can offer back to God, drawing on what has been given From the beginning and ever mixed afresh with new talents and Inspirations from multi-cultural roots throughout the world, moving
As people move, bringing and over spilling with fresh adornments.
How great, Lord, is the mysterious flowering of the Tree of Life, so Weak and yet so strong, so wretched and so noble, as the impulse of Life, Like a melody running through the root and trunk, limbs and Leaves, like the many-eyes of the heart of God seeing through all The human misery, the cut and dirt of dreadful wounds of fleeing
Peoples, children dragging what they can, trailing goods, carts and Few bundles of possessions that may yet be left and plot their path.
Oh Lord, how many are the ways your outreach stretches through The land, like a network, drawing from so many sources, sustained
By so many small gifts but, like drop of water, each with a grain of Soil, adding grain to grain, drop to drop and stretching to bursting as
The hand of help of multiplies, hand to hand, so many people Holding hands, to pass what can be passed, touching each as it goes
And embracing, as only love can, the eye and heart of the wrecked.
I beg you Lord, to take these branches, transplant them further, let Them grow from the great tree, take shape and bloom, bear great
Burdens and be taken up, even as broken, on the fire of love’s rising,
Witnessing beyond themselves to the rush of need-driven help as
People sail, swim, are swamped by their sufferings and the tragic
Unscrupulous stealing of wealth, only to die, cheated, as the boats
Sink and safety, long lost, left behind by the desperate to land safe.
Oh God, who see all, love all, seek to save all, what can we do but Act and water, cut and plant, and beg around the world to cry out,
Wail, trumpet, announce, shout and sing the prayer that has to pierce
The human heart through and through to the heart of Christ, His Mother and St. Joseph, imploring upon us all that generosity that
Sews heart to heart, showing forth the abundant mercy of God that
Alone answers all human needs, now and to everlasting eternal life.
by Frances Etheredge Catholic married layman, father of 11, 3 of whom are in heaven, and an author. Just published: “The Word in Your Heart: Mary, Youth, and Mental Health”:
Prayer for Deceased Migrants
God of mercy and life,
receive the souls of the forty migrants who perished off the coast of Haiti.
Stir up within us a sense of connection with desperate people throughout the world.
Enable us to do what we can to alleviate suffering.
Bless those who bring help to those in need. Amen
by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer to Prevent Antisemitism
Lord God, through the covenant you established with the Jewish People, we Christians have been grafted into this covenantal tradition according to St. Paul. But very often throughout history, we have shown ourselves ungrateful for this gift given us through Jesus who imbued in his teachings this Jewish covenantal tradition through acts of antisemitism. We join with Popes St. John Paul II and Francis in confessing our sins of antisemitism past and present. Through this prayer, we commit ourselves to the elimination of any remaining anti-Semitic teachings in the Catholic community and pledge to add our public voice in denouncing any manifestations of antisemitism in contemporary society. We ask your blessing so that we may have the strength to fulfill this pledge we make in your presence
by John T. Pawlikowski, OSM, Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer to End the War in Ethiopia
Good and gracious God,
As members of our universal Church, we reach out to all those struggling, suffering or in need. We know that the Pope encouraged the Ethiopian Church, a small minority of 2%, to continue its outreach efforts for the poor and most vulnerable in Ethiopia, including children who cannot go to school, mothers who cannot go to hospital and the elderly who have been displaced by war: “The Pope reminded us that we must always be with the people and insisted that fraternity and paternal presence are most important.” Lord, we plea for your help as the small number are in dire need of all of our help.
Dear Lord. regarding the ongoing armed conflicts in Ethiopia, Cardinal Souraphiel reiterated that the Catholic Church does not take any side but is only on the side of the people who suffer and works for reconciliation. You know Lord this is done not only at the level of the local Church but also with the support of the universal Church, including that of the many missionaries from across the world who work with us. Please help them with the graces and blessings they need and assist them in helping this group to be true followers of Jesus Christ. We ask this through Jesus and the wisdom of the Holy Spirit.by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer for Gaza
May ten million voices cry for peace to end the violence and the hate,|| Let goodness over come the evil, let the senseless violence now abate. The innocent of Gaza suffer wounds, hunger, thirst, countless met their death, Missiles, bombs rain down, the world looks away without a care or second breath. Women, children many thousands dead, “Not a stone will be left upon a stone” you truly said. Lord, we see countless murders and massacres profound Once again on the once holy sacred ground. Justice, peace so far away, let your power and words |bring the evil to an end, Let truth and love change people’s hearts and turn them from enemy to be a friend.
by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Jesuit Refugee Service Members and Former Members Interviews
General Interviews
Jesuit Refugee Service Articles and Commentaries
New and Noteworthy
On World Refugee Day, we launch the One Shared Humanity Manifesto by Jesuit Refugee Service
Migrant Accompaniment Network Volunteer Shares Her Story by Chloe Gunthe Jesuit Refugee Service
For an index of articles on Jesuit Refuge Service go to
New and Noteworthy
Catholic advocates ‘deeply troubled’ by alleged abuse of migrant kids in US-funded shelters by Gina Christian Our Sunday VisitorLink to Migrants, Refugees, and Immigrants
Dorothy Day’s granddaughter carries on her work & mission by Theresa Civantos Barber Aleteia Link to Martha Hennessey
On anniversary of migrant deaths, El Paso prelate prays for ‘respect’ by John Lavenburg Cruz
Alleged abuse of migrant kids in US shelters is ‘deeply troubling’ to advocates by Gina Christian Our Sunday Visitor Link to Child and Teen Sexual Abuse General Reports
NIH-funded intervention did not impact opioid-related overdose death rates over evaluation period by NIH Link to Addiction
Some 400 children die of rising heat across Europe and Central Asia by Deborah Castellano Lubov Vatican News Link to Children at Risk
North Korean charged in cyberattacks on US hospitals, NASA and military bases by Nick Ingram, Michael Goldberg, and Heather Hollingsworth The Associated Press Link to Cybersecurity
Paris Olympics organisers apologise to Christians for Last Supper parody by CathNews
Catholics, others respond to mockery of Last Supper at Paris Olympics by Catholic News Agency
‘Be not deceived’: Christians react to drag Last Supper, debauchery at Paris Olympics ceremony by The Christian Post
US arrests 2 leaders of Mexico’s Sinaloa cartel: ‘El Mayo’ Zambada and son of 'El Chapo' by Alanna Dorlin Richer, Maria Verza. Christoper Sherman The Associated Press/ ABC News Link to Drug Cartels
Safeguarding: Church must place disabled persons at center, experts say by Justin McLellan U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops - USCCB Link to Disabilities
Overturning of Chevron doctrine impacts religious freedom by Kate Scanlon Our Sunday Visitor
NCR, Global Sisters Report and EarthBeat win 44 Catholic Media Awards by National Catholic Reporter Link to Media
Is Catholic Social Teaching communitarian? by Patrick Riordan SJ Thinking Faith Link to Catholic Social Teaching
All the world’s a stage, even behind bars by Nick Olszyk The Catholic World Report Link to Prison Challenges
NYPD arrests anti-Israel protester who allegedly called to eject ‘Zionists’ from subway car by Luke Tress The Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Thousands of faith leaders, union members, activists rally for poor by Jack Jenkins Religion News Service Link to Poverty
Michigan iconographer roots work in prayer when depicting the divine by Daniel Meloy Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to Spirituality and Art
Sacred Art in the Service of God: How a Portrait of Father Emil Kapaun Is Stirring Vocations for the Military by Alyssa Murphy National Catholic Register Link to US Military and Veterans
Newsom orders California state agencies to start clearing homeless encampments by Tran Nguyễn The Associated Press Link to Homeless
Majority of American Jews support Biden in two polls by Yonat Shimron Religion News Service Link to United Sates Politics Part Two
Jewish Federation board chair assaulted in brazen lunchtime attack by The Jewish Chronicle Link to General Violence Challenges
Woody Allen and the IDF by David Mamet Jewish Journal
Bringing All to the Table by Brian Kemper SJ The Jesuit Post
FDA approves blood test for colorectal cancer screening among average-risk adults in the US by Jacqueline Howard CNN
Featured Report
Getting Real About Old Age by Father Joseph Chamblain, O.S.M. Profiles in Catholicism Link to Elder Challenges and Leadership
FDA approves blood test for colorectal cancer screening among average-risk adults in the US by Jacqueline Howard CNN
Rudy Giuliani officially disbarred in New York for Trump election interference efforts by Katelyn Polantz CNN Link to Donald Trump’s Cultish Cronies
Indigenous reactions mixed after US bishops’ apology: ‘They won’t ever forget’ by Katie Collins Scott National Catholic Reporter Link to Indigenous People
Harvard task forces find discrimination and harassment against Jews, Muslims by Yonat Shimron Religion News Service
Jewish Community Members Attacked By Anti-Israel Protesters in Front of Adas Torah Speak Out by Aaron Bandler Jewish Journal
Church fires long-time pastor after finding out he was convicted sex offender by Sylvia St. Cyr CBVN.1 Radio
‘Booming industry’: Report exposes financial motives behind subjecting kids to ‘trans’ procedures by Catholic Vote Link to LGBTQ Challenges and Leadership
A Chesterfield Parish And The Militia That Wasn’t by Mary Pezzulo Patheos
A rare voice box transplant helped a cancer patient speak again, part of a pioneering study by Lauran Neergaard The Associated Press Link to Cancer
Vandal Decapitates Statue of Jesus Outside Queens Church in Early Morning Attack by The Tablet
The Supreme Court strips the SEC of a critical enforcement tool in fraud cases by Mark Sherman The Associated Press
Longtime Pastor at Chuck Swindoll’s Dallas-Area Megachurch Fired for ‘Moral Failure’ by Josh Shepherd The Roys Report
Fall River priest placed on leave over allegations of 'sexual misconduct': What we know by Dan Medeiros The Herald News
Gateway Settled Lawsuit Alleging Sexual Harassment, Hostility At Church Robert Morris Founded by Sheila Stogsdill The Roys Report
Texas police say former Luling priest accused of sex crimes could have more victims by Erin Lowrey WDSU
Survivor of abuse calls for 'meaningful' Catholic Church apology by Eleisha Foon NZRLink to Catholic Sexual Violence Against Minors
Texas megachurch pastor tried to pay off his child sexual abuse victim, phone transcript shows by Erum Salam The Guardian Link to Protestant Sexual Violence Against Minors
After Morris allegations, Texas legislators vow to expand statutes of limitations on abuse by James Russell Religion News Service Link to Child and Teen Sexual Abuse General Reports
Former Fresno Anglican priest accused of sex crimes sentenced by KFSN-TV ABC-30 Link to Anglicanism’
‘Apache Christ’ Icon Removed From New Mexico Mission, Shocking Indigenous Parishioners by Gina Christian Our Sunday Visitor Link to Indigenous People
Woman who accused ex-Trump adviser of molesting her says he shouldn’t lead a church by Mike Hixenbaugh NBC
Supreme Court limits obstruction charges against January 6 rioters by John Fritze, Tierney Sneed and Katelyn Polantz CNN
The Supreme Court weakens federal regulators, overturning decades-old Chevron decision by Mark Sherman The Associated Press
Patient Trust in the Slow Work of God by Rob Lorenz The Jesuit Post Link to The Jesuits
Featured Report
Getting Real About Old Age by Father Joseph Chamblain, O.S.M. Profiles in Catholicism Link to Elder Challenges and Leadership
Alabama church employee pleads guilty to stealing $300,000 from parish for TikTok creators by Catholic News Agency Link to Financial Crimes and Improprieties
A Chesterfield Parish And The Militia That Wasn’t by Mary Pezzulo Patheos
Fla. pastor, father of 9, accused of raping 15-year-old niece by Michael Gryboski Christian Post Link to Sexual Relations with and Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
Who designed the FGC-9? Unmasking the man behind the world’s most popular 3D-printed gun – podcast by Gemma Ware The Conversation Link to Podcasts
Senior pastor of Palm View Baptist Church arrested for possession of child pornography by ABC7 Link to Pornography Challenges
Accused youth pastor now faces potential federal child sex trafficking charges by David Bumgardner Baptist News Global Link to Human Trafficking/Sex Trafficking
Former Montreal priest who sexually abused boys is denied parole by Paul Cherry The Gazette
First Nation, Catholic Church agree on residential school truths by Courtney Dickson ·CBC
Catholic archdiocese, B.C. First Nation reveal ‘living’ covenant by Lauren Collins The Northern View
Church must pay $104 million to victims of historical abuse in Newfoundland by Sarah Smellie The Canadian Press
Defrocked Montreal priest denied parole by Anna Farrow The Catholic Register
My stepfather sexually abused me when I was a child. My mother, Alice Munro, chose to stay with him by Andrea Robin Skinner Toronto Star
Catholic Church pledges to continue helping Tk’emlups with Residential School healing by Paul James Radio NL 610AM
Canadian megachurch halts services after insurers pull sex abuse coverage by Hemant Mehta Friendly Atheist
Church in Canada continues to walk with Indigenous Peoples by Christopher Wells Vatican News Link to Indigenous People
Young adults defying secularism trend in the Church in Canada by Luke Mandato Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Featured Report
Brave children win convictions against abusers by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism Link to Child and Teen Sexual Abuse General Reports
Featured ReportFaith must challenge child abuse in Church and State by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Featured Report
Rights advocates red-tagged as was Jesus of Nazareth by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Philippines archdiocese to hold prayer rally to oppose legalizing divorce by Crux
UN police mission reviving some hope in gang-ravaged Haiti by Jean-Charles Putzolu and Lisa Zengarini Vatican News
Ortega’s regime cancels legal status of Catholic station in Nicaragua by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
Caritas Philippines sets new standard for ‘sustainable and inclusive’ fundraising by Mark Saludes LiCAS News/Vatican News
Quiboloy’s group to sue cops who served warrants by Rgil Relator GMA Regional TV
Holy See condemns attempted coup in Bolivia by Linda Bordoni Vatican News
Fearing Evangelical drug lord, four parishes suspend activities in Rio de Janeiro by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
Church in Southern Mexico demands help for refugees of cartel war by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
Nicaragua blocks indigenous priest from returning to the country by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
Venezuela election, as it happened: Maduro declared winner, González claims victory by The Associated Press Link to Venezuela Politics
Pope to meet with sexual abuse victims during trip to Belgium by The Brussels Times
'None of our people were invited': Church accused of hand-picking abuse victims to meet Pope by Ciara Carolan The Brussels Times
Macron Wipeout in Snap Election he Called, Le Pen Surges and Could Take Outright Majority by Breitbart Link to France Politics
Beloved priest Abbe Pierre was the conscience of France. Several women now accuse him of assault by Barbara Surk and Nicole Winfield The Associated Press
Farage Calls for Royal Navy to Push Back Boat Migrants to France as 50,000 Cross Under Sunak by Breitbart
A French alleged neo-Nazi sympathizer, suspected of targeting Olympic torch, sentenced to 2 years by The Associated Press/Washington Times Link to Neo-Nazis
Another 400,000 people left Germany’s Catholic Church last year, but the pace slowed from 2022 by Catholic News Agency/The Pilot
This Jewish gynecologist saved hundreds of pregnant women’s lives in Auschwitz by Julia Gergely Jewish Telegraphic Agency Link to The Holocaust
Ireland's Abortion Rate Skyrockets by Catholic Vote
Eamonn Casey: Man of the people with life of lies and sex crimes by Terry Prone Irish Examiner
Irish Politician Denied Communion For Anti Life Stance by Catholic Arena
Mystery as dad found dead in Magaluf covered in bite marks after being separated from wife when he took wrong turn by The Irish Sun
Former Limerick-based teacher-turned-priest faces historic seabuse allegations by Donal O'Regan Limerick Leader/Ireland Live
Diocese: 'Time and space' needed to consider Casey interment by RTE
Further historical sexual abuse complaints against Monaghan priest by Northern Sound
LIFE BEHIND BARS Feared gangster’s ex-moll hails herself ‘Queen’ of the Dochas prison & ‘boasting’ behind bars after violent crime by Stephen Breen Irish News Link to Prison Challenges
Catholic Church child protection board received 252 abuse allegations by Patsy McGarry Irish Times
Controversial Sinead O’Connor waxwork AXED from Dublin Wax Museum after fan uproar as owner and family breaks silence by Ken Sweeney The Irish Sun
Church in Portugal publishes regulations for compensation claims in abuse cases by Natalia Zimbrão The Catholic World Report
Establishing Polish church’s first investigative commission is ‘about the truth,’ bishop says by Paulina Guzik Our Sunday Visitor/ National Catholic Reporter
Spain intervenes in ICJ case on genocide prevention in Gaza by Middle East Monitor Link to Genocide
Nun who abused vulnerable children has sentence cut by BBC Link to Nuns who Harmed Children
As a child, I was relentlessly abused by a Catholic priest. As an adult, it almost killed me twice by Rory Carroll The Guardian
Man pleads guilty to making antisemitic posts on X by Jewish News Agency
Pope writes to young people in Romania: Be bearers of hope, use social media wisely by Vatican News Link to Youth Challenges and Leadership and Social Media
Vatican demands changes to new Church body in Germany by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Catholic Authorities in Spain Excommunicate, Expel 10 Renegade Poor Clare Nuns by Walter Sánchez Silva National Catholic RegisterLink to Excommunication
Spain’s church to compensate victims whose abusers have died. Victims say the plan lacks guarantees by Joseph Wilson The Associated Press
Keir Starmer’s Labour Party has a thumping election win – what does it mean for the UK and the rest of the world? by Ben Wellings The Conversation Link to United Kingdom Politics
Ballarat’s history of sexual abuse is an enduring wound. How can we heal together? by Dellaram Vreeland The Guardian
Victorian premier’s flimflam covers up the scale of sexual abuse in government schools by Michael Cook MercatorNet Link to Antisemitism
Pope calls drug traffickers 'murderers,' pushes against legalization by Justin McLellan Catholic News Service/The Pilot
Pope who once advised learning from tattoos bans them in the Vatican by Crux
Vatican’s first-ever auditor general accuses Cardinal Becciu and the old guard of framing him and deceiving Pope Francis by Gerard O’Connell America
Viganò defies Vatican summons, denounces Pope Francis by Jonah McKeown Catholic News AgencyLink to Schism
Vatican excommunicates ex-ambassador to U.S., Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, declares him guilty of schism by CBS News Link to Excommunication
Vatican’s Pius XII archives shed light on another contentious chapter: The Legion of Christ scandal by Nicole Winfield The Associated Press Link to Legionaires of Christ
Vatican prosecutor who won ‘trial of the century’ trapped in a slasher movie by John L. Allen Jr Crux
Pope’s audience with German priests who were victims of sexual abuse by Valentina Di Giorgio Zenit
Antisemitism on the Rise Down Under by Nomi Kaltman Tablet
Exercise means more gain, less pain for breast cancer patients by CathNews Link to Cancer
Loud Fence ribbons recognising child sexual abuse survivors removed from Ballarat cathedral by Rochelle Kirkham Australian Broadcasting Corporation
New Zealand report shows 200,000 people abused over decades by Junno Arocho Esteves Union of Catholic Asian News
Whanaketia – Through pain and trauma, from darkness to light | Final Report of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care in New Zealand by Coral Shaw, Dr Andrew Erueti, Paul Gibson, and Arrun Soma by Abuse in Care Royal Commission of Inquiry
Priest defrocked – NZ Bishops ensuring more accountability by CathNews New Zealand
The Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care: What you need to know by Katie Kenny RNZ
Don’t look away: damning report demands our attention by David Tombs Waikato Times
Sexual assault victim felt silenced and shamed in sect: 'I had only ever known fear' by Katie Kenny RNZ Link to Sexual Relations with and Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
Priest charged with abusing girl at regional mission by Aaron Bunch Australian Associated Press/Yahoo News
Survivor of abuse calls for 'meaningful' Catholic Church apology by Eleisha Foon NZR
Abuse survivor says nine months at Epuni Boys' Home 'basically ruined my life' by Jimmy Ellingham RNZ
New Zealand bishop expels traditionalist order by Luke Coppen The Pillar
Widespread racism targets Māori medical students and doctors by CathNews New Zealand Link to Racial Challenges and Leadership
Bullying plagues all NZ schools and is taken seriously at St Benedict’s by CathNews New Zealand Link to Cyberbullying, School Bullying, and Hazing
PM on defensive after minister admits not reading interim abuse report by Tim Brown RNZ
Amnesty report condemns government inaction amid Manipur violence by Xavier Sartre Vatican News]
Australian Pastor Refuses to Resign, Despite Disqualification and Allegations of Abuse and Manipulation by Ann Marie Shambaugh The Royce Report
India: Sisters of Charity of Nazareth caring for children with disabilities by Sr. Prasanthi Mandapati, SCN Vatican News Link to Disabilities
India Catholic school threatened by Hindu nationalist group by Nirmala Carvalho Crux
Christians arrested in India’s largest state, accused of ‘illegal conversion’ by Nirmala Carvalho Crux
African seminarians urged to reject ‘revisionism,’ to ‘stick to the truth’ by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux Link to Seminarians
U.S. bishops urge Catholics to stand by Church in Africa by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
Skill acquisition for Africa’s youth – a necessary path to peace, poverty eradication and development by Sr. Oluwakemi Akinleye fsp Vatican News Link to Youth Challenges and Leadership
Mudslides in Ethiopia have killed at least 229. It’s not clear how many people are still missing by Amanual Gebremedhin Birhane The Associated Press
Cardinal Souraphiel: the Church is close to the people suffering in Ethiopia by Michele Raviart and Lisa Zengarini Vatican News
Malawi ruling against same-sex relationships sparks debate by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux Link to LGBTQ Challenges and Leadership
UK: Archbishop Wilson’s heartwarming Pastoral Message to Catholics of Nigerian heritage by Paul Samasumo Vatican News
Nigeria bishops warn EU deal could push abortion, gender rights on Africa by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
In Nigeria, a nun helps trafficked women rebuild their lives by Valentine Benjamin U.S.Catholic Link to Human Trafficking/Sex Trafficking
Christian watchdog calls on U.S. to recognize persecution of Christians in Nigeria by Kate Quiñones Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
The Sahara Desert: A deadly frontier for migrants by Delphine Allaire Vatican News Link to Migrants, Refugees, and Immigrants
Bishops appeal for peace as Sudan's conflict escalates by Francesca Merlo Vatican News
Day of the African Child in South Sudan: Catholic Official Says “Church must see that children are safe” by Ginaba Lino Michael ACI Africa –
Scottish Catholic aid worker says latest Zambia food crisis ‘different from before’ by Charles Collin Crux Link to Famine and Starvation
Bishops in Zambia, Malawi and Zimbabwe to form bloc to tackle regional problems by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
Armenian Christian sentenced to 10 years in Iranian prison by Adriana Azarian National Catholic Register Link to Prison Challenges
Report records 1,045 cases of violence against minorities in Bangladesh by Lisa Zengarini Vatican News Link to General Violence Challenges
China’s green facade and its grim, red reality for Cambodia by David Pinault The Catholic World Report Link to China Issues and Challenges
World swimming federation confirms US federal investigation into Chinese swimmers’ doping tests by Graham Dunbar and Elie Pells The Associated Press Link to SportsArrest of 25 in India shows Hindu nationalists don’t understand Christianity, priest says by Nirmala Carvalho Crux
Church in Pakistan pleads for Christian sentenced to death for blasphemy by Lisa Zengarini Vatican News Link to Death Penalty
Traces of cyanide are found in the blood of Vietnamese and Americans found dead in a Bangkok hotel by Jintamas Saksornchai and Napat Kongsawad The Associated Press Link to Mass Murders
Their son captive in Gaza, parents dedicate a Torah scroll to 120 remaining hostages by Michele Chabin Religion News Service Link to Jewish Leadership and Challenges
Israel orders evacuation of part of Gaza humanitarian zone as war’s toll passes 39,000 Palestinians by Wafaa Shurafa and Melanie Lidman The Associated Press Link to Humanitarian Crises
With Its Ruling Against Israel, ICJ Makes Conflict Resolution Impossible by David Suissa Jewish Journal
Ukrainian Catholic priests freed by Moscow after 19 months by Filipe D’avillez The Pillar
An Israeli airstrike hits a school sheltering people in Gaza, killing at least 30 by Waffa Shirafa and Sam Metz The Associated Press Link to War
A Russian court orders the arrest of opposition leader Navalny’s widow, who lives abroad by The Associated Press
SPECIAL REPORT: The peace campaigner who came to kill by Richard Ferrer Jewish News
The Wild Story of What Happened to Pablo Escobar’s Hungry, Hungry Hippos by Chris Klimek Smithsonian Magazine Link to Animal Challenges
Medical Journal Articles
Major Gaps in the Cascade of Care for Opioid Use Disorder: Implications for Clinical Practice by M. Allison Arwady, MD, MPH; Miriam Delphin-Rittmon, PhD; Nora D. Volkow, MD JAMA June 27, 2024Link to Addiction
Even Better by Lydia Henderson, MD JAMA June 22. 2024Link to Cancer
Heart Disease Prevalence, Medical Costs Will Soar in US by 2050 by Emily Harris JAMA June 28, 2024 Link to Cardiac Disorders
A More Selective vs a Standard Risk-Stratified, Heparin-Based, Obstetric Thromboprophylaxis Protocol by Macie L. Champion, MD; Christina T. Blanchard, MS; Michelle Y. Lu, MD; et al. JAMA June 27, 2024 Link to Pregnancy and Pregnancy Challenges
US Heat Waves Linked With Small Rise in Preterm Births by Emily Harris JAMA June 28, 2024
Service Dogs May Reduce Veterans’ PTSD Symptoms by Emily Harris JAMA June 28. 2024 Link to PTSD
CDC Recommends Doxycycline Prophylaxis to Prevent STIs in US by Emily Harris JAMA June 28, 2024 Link to Sexually Transmitted Infections
Misaligned Pharmacy Incentives in Value-Based Care by Nina Jain, MD, MBA; Benjamin N. Rome, MD, MPH; Mallika L. Mendu, MD, MBA JAMA June 27, 2023
Wildfires and Human Health by Raj P. Fadadu, MD, MS, Gina Solomon, MD, MPH, and John R. Balmes, MD JAMA July 10, 2024
Book Reviews, Commentaries, and Announcements
Angel Mountainby Christine Sunderland Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Fire Trail by Christine Sunderland Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Dying to Live by Danielle Vella Announcement by Jesuit Refuges Service
Women and Ministries in the Synodal Church Announcement by Walter Sánchez Silva Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
False Flag: Why Queer Politics Mean the End of America by Joy Pullmann Commentary by Nathanael Blake Catholic World Report
Exploring the World’s Foundation in Christ: An Introduction to the Writings and Thought of Donald J. Keefe, S.J. by Kevin A. McMahon Commentary by Carl E. Olson Catholic World Report
Baptistland by Christa Brown Commentary by David Morris Baptist News
Possum Trot Commentary by Nick Olszyk The Catholic World Report
Unreconciled (World Premiere) Announcement by ACIAfrica
Something To Stand For Commentary by Kathy Schiffer The Catholic World Report
Sound of Hope Commentary by Katie Yoder Our Sunday Visitor
Inside Out 2 Commentary by Colm O’Shea America
Music Reviews and Commentaries
New ensemble Musica Transalpina makes musical milestones by Julian Kwasniewski The Catholic World Report
Smalltown Boy Commentary by Paul Flynn The Guardian
Theater Reviews and Commentaries
Unreconciled Commentary by Terence McKiernan Bishop Accountability
Clowns Like Me Commentary by Chava Pearl Lansky Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Television Reviews and Commentaries
The Bear Commentary by Amy Welborn Angelus
The Promised Land Commentary by Kathryn Post Religion News Service
Walk with Us: Jesuit Refugee Service/USA
JRS at 40 Years
JRS/USA World Refugee Day with Jack and Jim Gaffigan
JRS East Africa on the Crisis in Sudan