A Message from the Editor
I was fortunate to work with people with autism several years ago and learned much about their disorder – what it is and what it isn’t. But when I recently learned that that many chidden and teens with autism are murdered by their parents and caregivers I started to cry.. This is one of the greatest crimes imaginable, What must have gone through these precious minds as they were being murdered?
To help remember them we have designed a webpage for Murdered Autistic Children and Teens and hope that you will pray for them often.
A Quote to Remember
"Autism is not a tragedy. It's a challenge that can be met with creativity, courage, and resolve."
by Senator Tom Harkin.
“An Enlightening Love”
How, Lord, little by little, I forgot to spend your love, not mine,
On the children who wear me away, like water on a rock, rising
Early, even midnight or four in the morning, ready to play and
Rock the day, ready to play and wear me away, ready to play day
By day, when I am no longer ready to play but ready for a rest.
Dear Mary, you were alert at the marriage feast and knew that
The wine had run out and that we needed an extraordinary help
In the gift of your Son taking the waterless jars used to wash
And, just as we used up that water to clean externally, to rinse
What can be rinsed off, and to soak what can be soaked off.
Dear Joseph, you were close to running out of goodwill when the
Angel spoke to you of a divine gift of accepting a child not your
Own but your wife’s and to live that love of Him as if it was your only
Son, your most precious son, yet the son you adopted amidst
The adoption of other children, too, which were not your own.
Oh Joseph, you needed the help of an angel to see beyond a child,
Not your own, mysteriously conceived in the womb of Mary, your
Betrothed, knowing that the child was not your own but, by angel
Grace, knowing that this child was divine and was given as a grace
To help the human race and so, like Mary, you took up the task.
Oh Mary, you needed the help of an angel, too, to accept the truly
Mysterious nature of a uniquely holy conception, wholly holy, in
The very embryonic reality of Jesus Christ, the Son of God made
True man, come to unfold the path of redeeming love for all who
Live, traversing human life from conception until an untimely death.
And you Lord, in the garden of anguish, confronted with an inescapable
possibility of a terrible suffering, an angel came to
Strengthen you, giving the strength that comes from the presence
Of God Himself, making us realize that in our hour of desperation,
When it is impossible to be patient, that the angels are there to help.
Lord, may you and your holy Mother and spouse, St. Joseph, all
Of whom have known the help of an angel, press into service for each of us,
our guardian angel, given us by God to be exactly there,
At our side, in order to turn our hearts into helpers especially when
Our goodwill is spent, we are tired, and the child is in danger too.
Let your word, coming as it does more freely than psychiatric
Assessments, more routinely than a regular appointment with
The doctor, revealing more than an x-ray and opening,
more discreetly than we can be, what untold stresses are in our hearts
And hammering at our door, day in and day out, to ask for help.
And so we pray, Lord, not just for ourselves but for those we love
And care for, that we need the vigilance of our Guardian Angel
So that, on call more than any monitor, our angel may help us to
Seek the help that we need to be of help to others without the snap
And crack of wear sending us to prison to get the help we needed.
by Francis Etheredge Catholic married layman, father of 11,3 of whom are in heaven, and an author. Just published: The Word in Your Heart: Mary, Youth, and Mental Health
A Prayer of St. Francis for Autism
The sun shining through trees on a dirt road
The silhouette of a person climbing on a mountain with the sun in the background
The silhouette of pine trees with blue sky in the background
Lord, let thy peace fill me up until I overflow;
that where people cannot speak, I may be their advocate;
that where anyone is rejected, I may extend my arms in welcome;
that where parents are heavy burdened, I may offer a word of comfort;
that where our children struggle, I may lift them up and cheer; that where some see disability, I may reveal to them extraordinary gifts; that where others judge, I may share with them my deep gladness; and that where any are overlooked, I may help the lights of all to shine.
Oh giver of these gifts, grant that I may not so much seek to be reassured as to reassure; to be praised as to praise; to be accepted as to accept;
for it is in all our uncertainty that we are inspired to hope;
it is in great challenges that we discover our greatest joys,
and it is in our community of wanderers that we find the way home.
by Tim Tucker
Both Hands and a Flashlight Parenting, Autism, and the Pursuit of Being Awesome
Provided by the National Catholic Partnership on Disability Autism Task Force
Autism Interviews
General Interviews
Medical Journal Articles on Autism
Autism in Australia: Community Knowledge and Autistic People's Experiences by Sandra C Jones, Muhammad Akram, Chloe S Gordon, Nicole Murphy, and Fiona Sharkie J Autism Dev Disord
Screen Time Before 2 Years of Age and Risk of Autism at 12 Years of Age by Ping-I. Lin, MD, PhD, Weng Tong Wu, Yue-Liang Leon Guo, MD, PhD JAMA Pediatr. November 4, 2024.
Patterns of Brain Maturation in Autism and Their Molecular Associations by Charlotte M. Pretzsch, PhD. Martina Arenella, PhD. Jason P. Lerch, PhD. et al JAMA October 16, 2024
Machine Learning Prediction of Autism Spectrum Disorder From a Minimal Set of Medical and Background Information by Shyam Sundar Rajagopalan, PhD. Yali Zhang, MSc. Ashraf Yahia, MBBS, PhD et al JAMA Network Open August 19, 2024
One in 5 Children Have Autism If Older Sibling Does Too by Samantha Anderer JAMA August 9, 2024
Determining Associations Between Intervention Amount and Outcomes for Young Autistic Children by Micheal Sandbank, PhD James E. Pustejovsky, PhD. Kristen Bottema-Beutel, PhD. et al June JAMA Pediatr.24, 2024
Type of Prenatal Antiseizure Drug Matters for Children’s Autism Risk by Emily Harris JAMA April 19. 2024
Autism Prevalence Has Been on the Rise in the US for Decades—And That’s Progress by Emily Harris JAMA May 3, 2023
Inflammation Genes Show Age-Dependent Link With Autism by Emily Harris JAMA March 15, 2023
Autism Spectrum Disorder. A Review by Tomoya Hirota, MD and Bryan H. King, MD, MBA JAMA January 10, 2023
Autism medical comorbidities by Mohammed Al-Beltagi World Journal of Clinical Pediatrics May 9. 2021
Autism Spectrum Disorder by Tomoya Hirota, MD and Bryan H. King, MD, MBA AMA EdHub
Aripiprazole for irritability associated with autistic disorder in children and adolescents aged 6–17 years by Kelly Blankenship, Craig A Erickson, Kimberly A Stigler, David J Posey, and Christopher J McDougle Ped Health. 2010 Sep 29/PubMedCentral
Autism Articles by Father Matthew P. Schneider, LC
Helping Autistics Participate in the Liturgy by Father Matthew P. Schneider, LC Patheos
Greg Locke, Autism Is not Demonic by Father Matthew P. Schneider, LC Patheos
Art of Autism Interview by Matthew Schneider Patheos
Woman Told She Should Have Aborted Autistic Children by Father Matthew P. Schneider, LC Patheos
Helping Autistics Participate in the Liturgy by Matthew Schneider Patheos
Give Autistics Control: Don’t Push DNR Orders on Us by Father Matthew P. Schneider, LC Patheos
What Autistics Want Their Fellow Catholics to Know About Us by Father Matthew P. Schneider, LC Patheos
Adult Autism Diagnosis Changes Ministry by Father Matthew P. Schneider, LC Patheos
A Quick Blog Interview on Autism by Father Matthew P. Schneider, LC Patheos
We Should Treat Autistics Like Jesus Treated Lazarus by Father Matthew P. Schneider, LC Patheos
Welcoming Autistics at Mass (Podcast with Cincinnati Archdiocese) by Father Matthew P. Schneider, LC Patheos
Christians-Should Embrace Neurodiversity by Father Matthew P. Schneider, LC Patheos
Autistic Children Should Receive First Communion! by Father Matthew P. Schneider, LC Patheos
Yes, I am Autistic by Father Matthew P. Schneider, LC Patheos
Study: Autistic Kids Struggle in the Catholic Church by Father Matthew P. Schneider, LC Patheos
Autistics Should Be Welcome in Church (Re: Evensong at Cambridge) by Father Matthew P. Schneider, LC Patheos
What Is It Like Being an Autistic Priest? by Father Matthew P. Schneider, LC Patheos
General Autism Articles and Commentaries
NYPD Officer Found Guilty of Killing Son, 8, with Autism After Making Him Sleep in Freezing Garage by Glenn Garner People Link to Murdered Autistic Children and Teens
Teenager arrested in rape and murder of autistic Maryland woman was illegal immigrant and known MS-13 member by Anna Giaritelli The Washington Examiner Link to Murder
UnitedHealth Is Strategically Limiting Access to Critical Treatment for Kids With Autism by Annie Waldman ProPublica
Early intervention is key when it comes to autism by Kelsey Elliott The Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle
Autistic teen was treated ‘worse than an animal,’ prosecutor says by WXIX Fox19
Priest who went public with autism dreams of doing ‘great things’ by Elise Harris Crux
3 Saints who may have had autism spectrum disorder by Aleteia
Teenager arrested in rape and murder of autistic Maryland woman was illegal immigrant and known MS-13 member by Anna Giaritelli The Washington Examiner Link to Murder and to Sexual Relations with and Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
Texas lawmakers urge mercy for autistic man set to be executed in child’s death by Ryan Chandler KXAN
Why You Should Care About Black Autistic Lives And CESSA by Jennifer Jay Palumbo Forbes Link to Racial Challenges and Leadership
Comprehensive Intervention and Effect of Martial Arts Routines on Children with Autism by Li Li, Hui Li, Zhe Zhao,and Shijie Xu J Environ Public Health. 2022 Aug 31/PubMed
Mother accused of abandoning son with autism in Colerain appears in Hamilton County court by WKRC
Gene-Edited Brain Organoids Are Unlocking the Secrets of Autism by Bioethics.com
Mother Locks Up Autistic Son in Loft, Nearly Starves Him to Death by Jack Dutton Newsweek
Study finds teens with autism more likely to develop suicidal behavior due to bullying by Autism Speaks
CDC estimate on autism prevalence increases by nearly 10 percent, to 1 in 54 children in the U.S. by Autism Speaks
Autism and Communion: Textbook social-media clash between parents, press and church by Terry Mattingly Get Religion
DNA Damage Linked to Brain Overgrowth in Autism by Abby Olena The Scientist
Researchers Find 102 Genes Linked to Autism in One of the Largest Studies of Its Kind to Date by Alice Park Time
Meet “Autism With Attitude” — the dance group celebrating differences by Cerith Gardiner Aleteia
Confirmation for the Developmentally Disabled by Father Kenneth Doyle Echoes
Is the church doing enough to welcome its neurodiverse members? by Amanda Hendler-Voss US Catholic
Teaching Children with Autism and Other Disabilities to Attend Mass by Archdiocese of Newark
Canada's Autism Strategy by Government of Canada
Whistleblowers claim children with autism 'abused' at Cardiff home by India Pollock BBC Wales
Camberley autism care home staff were 'rude and some were bullies' to residents, say CQC inspectors by David Bradshaw Surry Live
Autistic Ealing man, 27, 'humiliated' by police who 'told him he'd had too many drinks' when he was mugged by Nicole Karageorgi My London
Pope Francis offers solidarity to people with autism by Paolo Lucariello Associated Press/USA Today
Pope calls autistic teen who ‘corrected’ him on Sign of Peace by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Iyad Halaq: Israeli court acquits officer who killed autistic Palestinian man by David Gritten BBC News
Cambodian court sentences autistic teenager for Telegram posts by AFP/Microsoft News
General Articles and Commentaries
In the past five years, over 570 people with disabilities have been murdered by their parents, relatives or caregivers by 2024 Anti-Filicide Toolkit Link to Disabilities and to Murder
U.S. Bishops and American Jewish Committee join together to fight antisemitism by John Lavenburg Crux Link to Antisemitism and to Catholic/Jewish Issues and Challenges
Biden administration releases strategy for fighting Islamophobia by Religion News Service Link to Islamophobia
Wisconsin Christian school shooting leaves three dead, including suspect by The Guardian Link to Mass Murders
2024, a year in the global history of the abuse crisis by Massimo Faggioli La Croix International Link to Child and Teen Sexual Abuse General Reports
General Reports New Analysis Shows Weight Loss Saves Employers and Medical Costs
by Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease Link to Weight Loss
Does marriage transcend death? by Jenna Marie Cooper The Pilot Link to Marriage and Family
Cardinal Cupich asks Catholics ‘to receive holy Communion standing’ in Chicago Archdiocese by Tyler Arnold Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Apocalyptic Signs by Joseph Dickan The Jesuit Post Link to The Jesuits
Bureau of Prisons agrees to court monitor, public acknowledgement of staff-on-inmate sexual abuse by Michael R. Sisak and Michael Balsamo The Associated Press/Las Vegas Sun Link to Homosexual Rape and to Prison Challenges
Catholic priest accused of sexual assault fathered children of victims, court hears by Charlie Scudder and Ramon Antonio Vargas The Guardian Link to Sexual Relations with and Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
RFK Jr. attacked the CDC’s ‘fascism’ and likened vaccinating children to abuse by the Catholic Church by Brandy Zadrozny NBC News Link to The Dangerous Crazies
Freedom Gala celebrates O'Connell House's assistance to trafficking survivors by Wes Cipolla The Pilot Link to Human Trafficking/Sex Trafficking
Member of secretive Christian sect sentenced to 120 years in prison by Lauren Lantry ABC News Link to General Reports of Religious Sexual Abuse of Minors
Catholics seeking to end US death penalty chart Jubilee course in God’s justice by Krisanne Vaillancourt Murphy Catholic Mobilizing Network/Vatican News Link to Death Penalty
How did Adolf Hitler's car end up in Ottawa? by Gabrielle Huston CBC News
Archdiocese publishes list of 48 church associates accused of child sex abuse by Joe Taitano II Pacific Daily News
Church in Philippines calls for prayer after volcano erupts by CathNews
Report: 80 priests murdered in Mexico over last three decades by Catholic News Agency/. The Catholic World Report Link to Murdered Priests and Seminarians
Radical changes to Nicaraguan Constitution are a blow to Catholic Church by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
Peru case imperils Vatican sovereignty, religious freedom, and anti-abuse efforts by John L. Allen, Jr. Crux
Belgium found guilty of crimes against humanity in colonial Congo by Jennifer Rankin The Guardian Link to Kidnapping
Notre Dame Cathedral ‘back in the light’ after glorious reopening by Solène Tadié Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Samuel Paty’s Beheading: The Limits Of Speech And Religion by Paul Marshall Region Unplaced Link to Adult Beheadings
Once shuttered by the Nazis, Vienna’s 115-year-old Hakoah Sports Club has found new life with a roster of promising athletes by Karen Propp and Lisa Rosenblatt Jewish Telegraphic Agency Link to Sports
Brave victim of 'singing priest' paedo Tony Walsh says sicko 'will always be a danger to young boys' by Nicola Donnelly The Irish Mirror
Former school welfare officer from Co. Down jailed for sexually assaulting female pupils
by Gerard Donaghy The Irish Post Link to Sexual Relations with and Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
Man targeted by Paul Dunleavy as a then P7 pupil in Newry waives his right to anonymity as he recalls his horrific experience by John Breslin The Irish News Link to Northern Island Issues and Challenges
From Bologna to ‘Commonweal Catholicism’ by Massimo Faggioli Commonweal
Zollner: Work, ‘change of attitude’ needed to make zero tolerance for abuse universal in church by Gina Christian OSV News/Catholic Review
Italian nun accused of working for Mafia placed under house arrest by CathNews Link to Mafia
In Spain, church and state urged to compensate victims of sexual abuse by La Croix International with AFP)
Assisted suicide in UK could see ‘major exodus of healthcare professionals’ by CathNews Link to Assisted Suicide
It’s not just churches: why closed communities like sport and youth groups can harbour abuse by Ian Mahoney and Kirsty Teague The Conversation
Vatican approves liturgical adaptations for Indigenous cultures in Mexico by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux Link to Indigenous People
Pope Francis to criminalise ‘spiritual abuse’ in the Catholic Church by Savio Rodrigues Goa Chronicle
Catholic bishops decry British end of life vote: ‘May God help us’ by Simon Caldwell Our Sunday Visitor
Farewell, then, Justin Welby. Good to see that you have already forgiven yourself by Marina Hyde The Guardian Link to Anglicanism
C of E bishops accused of ‘careerism’ over failure to condemn abuse cover-up by Matthew Weaver The Guardian
OPINION: We don’t need a special day to help our learning disabled community thrive by Richard Franklin Jewish News
Queensland Parliament passes ‘unprecedented’ gag on abortion debate by CathNews Link to Abortion
Australian synagogue set on fire in arson attack by Lee Harpin Jewish News Link to Arson
India’s Bangalore Archdiocese offers safe shelter for migrants by Sr. Florina Joseph SCN Vatican News Link to India Immigration and Refugee Challenges
Pakistan journalist probing protest deaths arrested by AFP Link to Journalism
South Korea’s parliament votes to impeach president over martial law debacle by Jessie Yeung, Gawon Bae and Yoonjung Seo CNN
Bucking Israel’s far right, several large American Jewish groups say they oppose resettling Gaza by Andrew Lapin Jewish Telegraphic Agency
From doctor to brutal dictator: the rise and fall of Syria’s Bashar al-Assad by Peter Beaumont The Guardian
‘This is the end of the great history of Christians in Aleppo’ by Louis Knuffke Catholic Vote
South Korea president declares emergency martial law by Yoonjung Seo and Peter Wilkinson CNN
Mystery Disease X outbreak in Congo kills more children as health officials reveal risk level for America by Luke Andrews Daily Mail
Belgium found guilty of crimes against humanity in colonial Congo by Jennifer Rankin The Guardian
Kenyan Catholic Church calls out Ruto on rights abuse, graft by Otieno Otieno The East African
Nigerian Missionary School’s Alumni Force An Investigation into Past Abuse by Bob Smietana The Roys Report
Sudanese Catholic bishop narrowly escapes execution by OSV News/The Catholic Weekly
Amnesty: Israel committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza by Middle East Monitor Link to Genocide
Two Orphaned Siberian Tigers Reunite as Mates After a 120-Mile Trek Through Russian Wilderness by Eli Wizevich Smithsonian Magazine Link to Animal Challenges
Book Reviews and Commentaries
Growing into Autism by Sandra Thom-Jones Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Thorlak of Iceland: Who Rose Above Autism to Become Patron Saint of His People by Aimee O'Connell Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Child with Autism Learns the Faith by Kathy Labosh Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D.. Profiles in Catholicism
Autism and Worship: A Liturgical Theology by Armand Léon van Ommen Reviewed by Priest Hermit Aspic The Anchorite
Severe Autism Kills by Julie Skolnik Summary by Julie Skolnik Authorlink
Onward: A Life on a Sailboat by Mark Tedesco Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Polish Blue & Criminal Police in the Holocaust by Jan Grabowski Commentary by Zev Stub Jewish Telegraphic Agency
The Paglia Case: A Tale of Innocence and Betrayal in the Church by Fabrizio Mastrofini Commentary by Mike Lewis Where Peter Is
I Came To Cast Fire: An Introduction to René Girard by Fr. Elias Carr Commentary by Casey Chalk The Catholic World Report
Opus: The Cult of Dark Money, Human Trafficking and Right-Wing Conspiracy inside the Catholic Church by Gareth Gore Commentary by Mat Murray The National Catholic Reporter
Chapel Ikons: Biblical Meditations on Living the Spiritual Life in the Modern World” by William Y. Penn Jr. and John Patrick Cobb Commentary by Heather King Angelus
I Knew a Miracle: The Story of John Traynor, Miraculously Healed at Lourdes by Father Patrick O’Connor Reviewed by Nicolás de Cárdenas Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
The Rock from Which You Were Hewn Edited by Dr. Patrick Kenny and Fr. John Hogan Commentary by Paul Senz The Catholic World Report
Film Reviews and Commentaries
The Saints Commentary by Monica Miller Crisis Magazine
On Falling Commentary by Claudio Zonta SJ La Civita Cattolica
Gladiator II by Stefano Rebeggiani Angelus News
Television Reviews and Commentaries
Love on the Spectrum: Season 2 Reviewed by Kerry Magro Autism Speaks
The Speed Cubers Reviewed by Kerry Magro Autism Speaks
Mary Commentary by Ruben C. Mendoza UCA News
Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, LC: Big Announcement, "I'm Autistic"
A 10 year-old autistic and blind boy singing. His voice shocked everyone.
10 Early Signs of Autism
Study: Autistic Kids Struggle in the Catholic Church