A Message from the Editor
it is remarkable that approximately 55% of our readership are students or recent graduates. I am continuous amazed by their technical accomplishments such as
A Ukrainian Teenager Invents a Drone That Can Detect Land Mines, This High Schooler Invented a Low-Cost, Mind-Controlled Prosthetic Arm, and A 15-year-old girl invented a solar ironing cart that's winning global respect. their faith such as Thousands of young Catholics pray on Mount of the Beatitudes in the Holy Land, their creativity such as 20-year-old filmmaker wins award for powerful 1-minute film about marriage and their activism including Amid Black exodus, young Catholics are pushing the church to address racism.
Tom Mann said "The future of the world belongs to the youth of the world, and it is from the youth and not from the old that the fire of life will warm and enlighten the world. It is your privilege to breathe the breath of life into the dry bones of many around you.” This is the lesson that I have learned in working with young people and youth leaders.
Silence is not golden. Silence is consent. The silence of those U.S. Republicans on the Antisemitism, White Supremacy, Racism, Fraud, and Anticonstitutionalism of Donald Trump makes them Antisemites, White Supremacists. Racists, Crooks, and Haters of the Constitution.
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A Quote to Remember
Let Christ turn your natural optimism into Christian hope, your energy into moral virtue, your good will into genuine self-sacrificing love! This is the path you are called to take. This is the path to overcoming all that threatens hope, virtue and love in your lives and in your culture. In this way your youth will be a gift to Jesus and to the world.
by Pope Francis
A Prayer for Youth
We offer to you, Loving God, the gifts and needs of youth. Bless them with your guiding grace as they face the challenges and opportunities in their lives. Touch their hearts with the gentleness of your love, that they may know they are valued and valuable beings. Send your spirit of hope to their lives, that they may believe in themselves and know they are needed in this world. Grace them with the gift of joy that they may celebrate life through laughter and tears alike. Guide us, as we continue to grow in appreciation of the many gifts of young people, in the ministry opportunities we offer to them, in the journey of faith we walk with them, in our shared mission as a community called to discipleship in the world. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen. by Our Lady of Sorrow-St. Anthony Parish Hamilton, New Jersey
There are so many innocent who suffer in war. The passion of your son is continued in the innocent children. Just as you brought your son to the day of resurrection so too with these young ones. Bring them to the light of resurrection and give them eternal peace. Comfort those who grieve and soften the hearts of those who bring suffering and death.
by Father John O’Brien, OFM Profiles in Catholicism
Heavenly Father, we commend into your hands the victims of violence who have lost their lives. Console those who survive. Enable us to work for a world where peace reigns. Enlighten government leaders to leaders in their efforts. We pray through Christ Jesus, the Prince of Peace, who is Lord forever and ever. Amen
by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer for the Children of Ukraine
Oh Lord, we pray for all the people of Ukraine, innocent victims of Russia’s merciless and murderous attack on their country and all who live within it. So many have died, so many have been injured, so many have had to flee from their homes to be able to survive. We pray for all Ukrainians in this time of great need and suffering. Oh Lord, we pray especially for the children of Ukraine whose lives have been so seriously disrupted, who are living in poverty, living with injuries, living with the knowledge that many of their relatives and friends have died, and whom they will never see again. Oh Lord, we pray for the children who have died and we pray for those who have, so far, survived. May those who have died rest in your Peace, Oh Lord. May those who survive be found by their families. May they receive the care that they need, To heal from their suffering, pain and trauma. And live to rebuild their lives and their country. Amen by Dr. Eugene Fisher Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer for the Murdered Children in Chicago Lord God, source of all life, you make all life sacred and love especially the most vulnerable among us. Protect our children from senseless violence, shield them from the plague of gunfire, and enable us to defend them from those who would harm them. Enable our community to address the root causes of violence and to transform our life together in a spirit of justice and deep respect for all life. We pray through Christ, our Lord. Amen by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism
A prayer to end Islamophobia.
“Abraham’s Children”
Oh God Almighty, you love to create and you love all you created,
Look upon us with pity as we, children of Abraham, long for thee!
In the three great faiths that spring from the loins of Abraham, you
Have shown your faithful love, loving each and all in a unique way.
Oh God Almighty, untangle our differences and difficulties and Open to us the grace of dialogue, discovering anew the faith of each.
Let us set out afresh on the journey of Abraham’s faith, following The God who speaks a real word in the daily events of our life.
Oh Almighty God, let us leave behind our false hopes and trails,
Awaiting your answer to our prayer and the signs of your presence.
Let your Holy Spirit grace our words, go before us, take what is Yours and share it among us, so that all can find a word from you.
Oh God Almighty, you know the many ways we have offended you, In offending each other, let the past not be a provocation but a start.
When we remember injustice, torment and travail, let us remember The suffering of the other too, re-founding a common love today.
Oh God Almighty, you are the author of all good works, go before Us as we come together to meet beyond being anonymously silent.
You know the path of everyday meetings, shopping and working,
Open up the friendly exchange of the seasoning of the season’s gifts.
Oh God Almighty, you see from all eternity the bright path of faith
Through this darkened universe, ablaze with the wisdom of the stars.
Let us find anew the wonder of creation’s gifts, given to all, given to
Each of us, to trace that path of light from the sun to the Son.
Oh God Almighty, let us take each step that is possible, from each
Possible starting point, unto you making the impossible possible.
You know the traces of your divine presence among us, expressed in Every culture, every truth, every true turning to your Holy Holiness.
Oh God Almighty, you have made us for yourself, founding us in the beginning to be-in-relationship to you, to each other and to all.
Guide us in the secret places of our hearts that we will be able to
Announce to all the mystery of God: the common inheritance of all.
Oh Almighty God, the children of Abraham are gathering around Mary, we hope and beg you bring all, old and new, to everlasting life.
Let us board the ship from all eternity that sails through space, ahead Of time, leading us through the Holy Spirit to your son, Jesus Christ.
Oh Almighty God, let us take up the life of Abraham, finding our own
Steps in his and hoping against hope in the help you can give us.
Let us look anew to the new horizon, taking up what is good in what All have done, seeking forgiveness and reconciliation as we travel.
by Francis Etheredge Profiles in Catholicism
Youth Challenges and Leadership Interviews
General Interviews
Youth Challenges and Leadership Articles/Commentaries
Pope Francis exhorts young people put themselves on the line. In his prepared remarks to the young members of Italian Catholic Action, Pope Francis reiterates the importance of “teaming up” in a world that tends to isolate and divide people. by Edoardo Giribaldi Vatican News
This 12-Year-Old Designed a Water Bottle You Can Eat by Jacquelyne Germain Smithsonian Magazine
North Korea executes two teenagers for 'evil' crime of watching foreign films by Charles Harrison Express
How USA teen superstar Yunus Musah slipped through Arsenal’s fingers by Nnamdi Onye Irish Examiner Link to Sports
Four groups of women religious present study on girls’ rights during pandemic by Sr Bernadette Reis,fsp Vatican News
West Roxbury teen's commitment to youth ministry leads to meeting with pope by Jacqueline Tetrault The Pilot
Pope urges African youth to be protagonists in shaping future by Elise Ann Alan Crux
How America’s conservative youth movement grew a powerhouse on the cult of rage by Yonat Shimron Religion News Service
2 people killed, 2 wounded in shooting outside Chicago high school by Brad Parks and Andy Rose CNN Link to Gun Violenceand to Murdered Children
NYCI research shows Covid-19 pandemic impacting most severely on ‘at risk’ youth by National Youth Council of Ireland Link to COVID-19 and to Irish Issues and Challenges
Teenager charged with membership of neo-Nazi terrorist group and possessing bomb-making manuals by Lizzie Dearden The Independent Link to Neo-Nazis
Study: Religion and spirituality can aid youth mental health crisis by Religion News Service Link to Mental Health/Illness
When there’s a problem, ‘we just pray’: Lebanese teen started NGO to get medical care to poor by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
How the great Muslim poet Rumi is helping today’s displaced youth find themselves by Michael Wolfe, Sumreena Hussain Religion News Service
A Ukrainian Teenager Invents a Drone That Can Detect Land Mines by Margaret Osborne Smithsonian Magazine
Ukrainian youth festival: hope wins over hate by Svitlana Dukhovych Vatican News
Thousands of young Catholics pray on Mount of the Beatitudes in the Holy Land by Courtney Mares Catholic News Agency/Angelus
Youth Changemakers Tackle Global Issues by Jennifer Sperbe UNICEF USA
Gun violence and the deep sadness of our teens by Bishop Robert Barron Word on Fire/Angelus Link to Gun Violence
Pope Francis: Conscientious objector Bl. Franz Jägerstätter an example for youth by Hannah Brockhaus Catholic News Agency/Angelus
This High Schooler Invented a Low-Cost, Mind-Controlled Prosthetic Arm by Margaret Osbor The Smithsonian Magazine
Anti-Trans Bills Are Directly Harming LGBTQ+ Youth Mental Health by James Factor them Link to LGBTQ Challenges
The Dangerous Experiment on Teen Girls. The preponderance of the evidence suggests that social media is causing real damage to adolescents by Jonathan Haidt The Atlantic Link to Social Media
Amid Black exodus, young Catholics are pushing the church to address racism by Alejandra Molina Religion News Service Link to Racial Challenges
A 15-year-old girl invented a solar ironing cart that's winning global respect by Sushmia Pathak NPR
Young people deserve to hear directly from Pope Francis on synod by Father Daniel P Horan, OFM National Catholic Reporter
Zimbabwean teen teaches taekwondo to fight child marriage by Farai Mutsaka The Associated Press
These High School Students Staged a Walk Out to Support Bullied Gay Classmate by Molly Sprayregan them
This Teenager Is Developing a Video Game That Assesses Your Mental Health by Lila Thulin Smithsonian Magazine
20-year-old filmmaker wins award for powerful 1-minute film about marriage by Aleteia
Sisters set troubled Filipino teens on course to self-sufficiency Brazilian Franciscan works to raise Black teen girls' self-esteem in the Amazon by Catholic News Service/Global Sisters Report
Zimbabwean teen teaches taekwondo to fight child marriage by Farai Mutsaka The Associated Press
Preventing Drug Use among Children and Adolescents by National Institute on Drug Abuse
Catholic altar girl in hiding in Pakistan after escaping abductor, Maira Shahbaz was raped, blackmailed and forced into sex work after being made to convert to Islam by Kamran Chaudhry UCA News Link to Human Trafficking
Poll: Young Americans say online bullying a serious problem by The Associated Press Link to Cyberbullying, School Bullying, and Hazing
African youth struggle with poverty and broken families by Russell Pollitt, SJ Vatican News Link to Poverty
Card. Cupich promises to be more attentive, present, available to young people by Linda Bordoni Vatican News
General Articles/Commentaries
Castration, gang-rape, forced nudity: How Russia’s soldiers are using sexual violence to terrorise Ukraine by Harriet Barber The Telegraph Link to War
Ukraine: Church fears kidnapped priests are being tortured by John Newton and Maria Lozano Independent News
Putin 'critically ill' with 'Parkinson's and cancer' leaving him bloated and unstable by Alessandra Scotti Di Santiolo Express
Pope: Violence against women is blasphemy against God by Independent Catholic News Link to Women Challenges and Leadership
S2 Ep85: Unsolved Murder of Sister Cathy by Foul Play: Crime Series Link to Murdered Nuns
2022 saw opposition to Pope Francis, plus intellectual and ecclesial shifts by Michael Sean Winters National Catholic Reporter
Jailed Catholic Belarusian human rights activist receives Nobel Peace Prize by Filip Mazurczak The Catholic World Report Link to Human Rights and Human Rights Violations and to Prison Challenges
Vatican dismisses Father Frank Pavone from priesthood by Shannon Mullen and Joe Bukuras Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Broken Souls and Crooked Hearts by Rod Dreher The American Conservative
Why Congress Can’t Stop the CIA From Working With Forces That Commit Abuses by Lynzy Billing ProPublica Link to Political Crimes
Catholic Church buys $2.4M Seattle house as finances peak, parishes close by Rebecca Moss Seattle Times
Street mural project honors unknown ‘Righteous Among the Nations’ in their homelands. With first installations completed in Greece and Portugal, an international initiative celebrates Holocaust rescuers and educates on antisemitism by Matt Lebovic The Times of Israel Link to The Holocaust and to Antisemitism
White Supremacist Nick Fuentes Spills About Mar-A-Lago Dinner With Trump by Mary Papenfuss HuffPost/Yahoo Link to White Supremacy
'Part of war is terror': A new neo-Nazi group is trying to capitalize on the Moore County power grid attack by Jordan Green Raw Story Link to Neo-Nazis and to Terrorism
by Andrew Schwartz Chattanooga Times Free Press
Featured Report
What Does the Bible Say about Addiction by Ted Atkins Best Daily Prayer Link to Addiction
What we owe U.S. veterans who fought in Afghanistan by Matt Malone, S.J. America Link to US Military and Veterans
Michigan priest charged with stealing $830,000 from retired clergy by The Associated Press/U.S.News
Prominent Jesuit artist is Catholicism’s latest icon to fall from grace by Elise Ann Allen Crux Link to Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls and to The Jesuits
DNA match reunites missing daughter with her family 51 years after she was kidnapped, family says by Ashley Killough and Ed Lavandera CNN
Venezuelan prelate begs US to reverse crackdown on entry for asylum seekers by Elise Ann Allen Crux Link to United States Immigration Challenges
Holocaust denial is embedded in the Trump administration,’ says historian by MSNBC
Jewish Texans see rising antisemitism as a precursor to fascism by Robert Downen The Texas Tribune
Anti-Muslim Sentiment in the West by Gallup Link to Islamophobia
Wyoming Man Accused of Using Blowtorch in Killing of 2-Year-Old Boy by Allison Quinn Daily Beast
Defending children's human rights on the Internet by Father Shay Cullen Independent Catholic News
Trump’s bigoted dinner guest Nick Fuentes favors burning women alive by Daniel Villarrealand The New Civil Rights Movement/AlterNet Link to United States Politics- Part Two and to The Crazies
'Treason out loud': Critics rip Marjorie Taylor Greene for 'fantasizing about killing her colleagues' by David Badash AlterNet Link to Donald Trump’s Cultish Cronies, and to Domestic Terrorism/Insurrection/Sedition
Neo-Nazis Say Attack Leaving 40,000 Americans in Dark Is Only the Beginning by Tom O'Connor and Naveed Jmali Newsweek
Oregon governor commutes all 17 of state's death sentences by Andrew Selsky The Associated Press/Yahoo Link to Death Penalty
In Philadelphia, artwork brings Catholic Church’s synod to life by Kyle Desrosiers Religion News Service Link to Spirituality and Art
Chasten Buttigieg stunned over new DHS warning lists LGBTQ people as 'targets of potential violence' by David Badish AlterNet
Park is planned for Jewish philanthropist who built over 5,000 schools for Black kids by Yonat Shimron Religion News Service Link to Jewish Leadership and Challenges In a first, children with rare genetic diseases get mitochondrial transplants from their mothers by Megan Molteni Stat Link to Children Challenges
Serious’ prison failures led to Whitey Bulger’s murder, finds DOJ report by Rachel Sharp Independent
Rozanski’s call: St. Louis archbishop to decide fate of dozens of Catholic parishes by Jesse Bogan St. Louis Post-Dispatch Link to Parish Challenges
Trump Organization found guilty on multiple counts of criminal tax fraud by Lauren del Valle and Kara Scannell CNN Link to Financial Crimes
Naperville man accused of defacing campaign signs with swastika stickers charged with hate crime by Suzanne Baker Naperville Sun/Chicago Tribune Link to Hate Crimes and to Hate Mongers
Fort Worth bishop appeals for calm amid racially charged police shooting trial by John Lavenburg Crux Link to Police Brutality and Misconduct
Controversy at the Cup: Human Rights Abuses, Misogyny, and More by We Hold These Truths
Indigenous leaders press for their land rights as COP15 debates ecosystem protection areas by Ryan Rowe EarthBeat Link to Environment and Climate Challenges, Advocacy, and Response
Capitol rioter who chased officer near Senate chamber sentenced to 5 years in prison by Holmes Lybrand CNN Link to Domestic Terrorism/Insurrection/Sedition
For Black Families in Phoenix, Child Welfare Investigations Are a Constant Threat by Eli Hager, Agnel Philip, and Hannah Rappleye ProPublica Link to Racial Challenges
We Can Now Use Cells from Dead People to Create New Life. But Who Gets to Decide? by MIT Technology Review Link to Ethics and Ethical Challenges in Healthcare
Canadian veteran offered assisted suicide after asking for wheelchair help by Joe Bukuras Catholic News Agency Link to Assisted Suicide
An evangelical cult leader assassinated Santa Claus in front of a bunch of kids by LGBTQNation Link to Murder
Jesuits offer Trudeau their Haiti expertise by Michael Swab The Catholic Register
Former bishop of French Guyana guilty of sex abuse, Vatican court says by Kevin J. Jones Catholic News Agency
Nicaragua: Report shows harsh clampdown on faith, civil society by Independent Catholic News
Peru expels Mexican Ambassador over former president asylum row by James Blears Vatican News Link to Peru Politics
Peru's oligarchy overthrows President Pedro Castillo by David Badash AlterNet
Scientists finally achieve ‘holy grail’ of nuclear fusion power.‘We are witnessing a moment of history,’ says one physicist by Anthony Cuthbertson Independent Link to Nuclear Challenges
Australia: Law Against Secrecy of Confession Takes Effect by FSSPX News
Vinnies celebrates its unsung heroes on Volunteer Day by CathNews
Church in Australia ‘making a difference’ in fight against modern slavery by CathNews Boost for palliative care in New South Wales by CathNews Link to Palliative Care
New Zealand artist makes faith shine in Australia by CathNews New Zealand
DNL343 Well-tolerated by ALS Patients, Interim Data Show by ALS News Today Link to Alzheimer’s disease
‘Landmark moment’ in breast cancer treatment could save thousands of lives each year by Maya Oppenheim Independent Link to Cancer
Haitians suffer through Cholera and malnutrition by James Blears Vatican News Link to Cholera
Treating HIV/AIDS in DRC: After 20 years, MSF sees progress and problems by Doctors Without Boarders Link to HIV/AIDS
Strong Recommendation for Pyronaridine-Artesunate in Revised WHO Malaria Treatment Guidelines by WHO Link to Malaria
Measles now an imminent global threat due to pandemic, say WHO and CDC by Jennifer Rigby Reuters Link to Measles
Major corruption scandal rocks European Parliament by Nathan Morley Vatican News
Paschal Donohoe re-elected unanimously as Eurogroup President by Naomi O'Leary The Irish Times
At least 10 people buried in avalanche in Austria by Sahar Akbarzai and AnneClaire Stapleton CNN
More people distancing themselves from Catholic Church in Belgium by Brussels Times
Three dead, several injured in central Paris after gunman opens fire by Xiaofei Xu, Niamh Kennedy and Joseph Ataman CNN
Why the French bishops have launched the world’s first canonical criminal court by Solène Tadié Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
3,000 cops raid 150 sites, foiling bizarre far-right coup plot by in Germany by The Associated Press/The Times of Israel
Crisis of confidence over cardinal shakes Cologne Catholics by The Associated Press/Crux
Cardinals Ladaria, Ouellet outline concerns about German Synodal Path by Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service/Angelus
Mostly members of Catholic Church have lost faith in clergy, church after scandals, according to new survey by Ayhan Simsek Anadolu Agency
How German Catholics pushed Church's slow reforms by Christoph Strack Deutsche Welle
Neo-Nazis Dream of 'Day X' in Germany by James Jackson Newsweek
German bishops’ VP faces ‘Vos estis’ complaint over abuse cases by Kevin J Jones Catholic News Agency
Ireland: Archbishop rejects Westminster's priority of abortion 'at time of health and cost of living crisis' by Independent Catholic News Link to Abortion
For Padua’s rebel priest, money rather than morals is the real problem by John J .Allen, Jr Crux
Hearing the Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor in St Alban's by Mary Harber Independent Catholic News Link to Poverty
Prince Harry and Meghan reveal bitter split from royal family in Netflix documentary by Rob Picheta CNN
PM Mark Rutte apologises for Netherlands' role in slave trade by Firstpost
Slovenian Bishops express grief and dismay over Fr. Rupnik case by Vatican News
The mental health patients dying on NHS wards from starvation and neglect by The Independent Link to Famine and Starvation
2021 Census finds less than half England and Wales is Christian by CathNews New Zealand
Two men jailed after teenager, 16, stabbed to death in front of his mother in Croydon by Kieran Davey SurreyLive
Downing Street issues Strep A warning to parents after seven deaths by Neil Shaw SurreyLive
UK court rules babies with Down's syndrome can be aborted up to birth by Independent Catholic News Link to Down Syndrome
Vatican publishes cardinals’ critiques of German ‘synodal way’ by Luke Copper The Pillar
Shared Hopes for the Future by L’Osservatore Romano
Pope prays for German homeless man found dead near St. Peter’s by Vatican News Link to Homeless
Irish Chaplaincy blog: The Fields of Athenry by Eddie Gilmore Independent Catholic News Link to Irish Issues and Challenges
Vatican's handling of Jesuit priest shows new dimensions of never-ending abuse crisis by Massimo Faggioli National Catholic Reporter
Statement about Fr. Rupnik from the Diocese of Rome raises more questions by Christopher R. Altieri The Catholic World Report
Pope supports Jewish-Catholic project for social justice by Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service/Detroit Catholic Link to Catholic/Jewish Issues and Challenges
Pope warns Vatican staff an ‘elegant demon’ lurks among them by Nicole Winfield The Associated Press
Pope Francis warns Vatican officials against believing church no longer needs conversion by Christopher White The National Catholic Reporter Link to Conversions
Disgraced cardinal secretly recorded Pope Francis, Vatican alleges by Claire Giangravé The Washington Post
Handling of three ‘problem priests’ exposes gap in Church policy by John L. Allen Jr, Crux/Angelus
Portraitist to the popes wishes to promote peace through her art by Claire Congrave Religion News Service Link to Art and Faith
Pope: Violence against women is blasphemy against God by Independent Catholic News Link to General Violence Challenges
Pope to Italian schoolchildren: 'Dream big, like John XXIII and Martin Luther King' by Joseph Tulloch Vatican News Link to Children Challenges
Covid: the Elderly and 'the Right to Frailty' by Vatican News Link to Elder Challenges and Leadership and COVID-19
Iran protests: 14-year-old girl repeatedly raped, killed, report says by Firstpost
The dangers of the government emerging in Israel and the need to oppose it by Ron Kronish The Times of Israel
Israel crushes water pipelines with bulldozers in occupied West Bank by MEMO
Spokesman defends Israeli Defense Force in slaying of Palestinian journalist by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Eight Thoughts on Israel’s Political Crisis by Matti Friedman Tablet Link to Israel Politics
Rabbi calls on Christians, Jews to put ‘unsavory’ new Israeli coalition on notice by Elise Ann Allen Crux
'Stop Trying to Cure Us, Stop Trying to Make Us Normal. Let Us Be Autistic' by Hilo Glazer Haaretz Link to Autism
Israeli troops kill two Palestinians in Jenin raid. Two Palestinian men were shot and killed by Israeli forces during a raid in a refugee camp in the West Bank by Nathan Morley Vatican News
Christian leader warns Netanyahu about anti-Christian forces in new government by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Death by horror: As Saudi beheads 12 people in 10 days, a look at some capital punishment methods in history by Iram Ibrahim First Post Link to Death Penalty
United Nations say rebels killed at least 131 in horrific Congo killings by Nathan Morley Vatican News
Sexual violence in DRC: 'International community cannot turn a blind eye' by Alessandro di Bussolo and Francesca Merlo Vatican News
Abduction, torture, rape: Conflict in Congo worsens, says UN by Sam Mednick The Associated Press
Floods kill at least 120 in Kinshasa by Amy Cassidy CNN
Kenya: Twinning partnerships as a form of international development by Matt Moran Independent Catholic News
Mali: Priest missing presumed kidnapped by John Newton Independent Catholic News
In Morocco, a few brave saints plant seeds for the future by Danilo Mendoza Rugama, SJ The Jesuit Post
Mozambique bishops denounce terrorism, corruption and poverty by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux Link to Terrorism
Smothered, Poisoned, and Shot. Nigerian Army massacred children in its war against Islamist insurgents, witnesses say by Paul Carsten, David Lewis, Reade Levinson, and Libby George Reuters
The Abortion Assault. Nigerian military ran secret mass abortion programme in war against Boko Haram by Reuters Link to Abortion
Nigeria: Two priests kidnapped by Independent Catholic News
JRS protests after High Court approves 'cruel' Rwanda plan by Independent Catholic News
Sudan: Stoning death sentence overturned by Rebecca Tinsley International Catholic News
Catholic school staffer to spend at least 18 months in jail over sexual abuse of Tasmanian students, girls by Monte Bovill ABC News Link to Child Sexual Abuse General Reports
U.S. couple charged in Uganda with torturing 10-year-old boy by Reuters Link to Violence Against Children
Clerical child abusers must be held accountable by Father Shay Cullen UCA News Link to Catholic Sexual Violence Against Minors
Ministry Offers Hope in Darkness of Online Sexual Exploitation of Children by Sylvia St. Cyr The Roys Report
Dave Winslow: The Savior won’t tolerate abuse. So why does the LDS Church? by Dave Winslow Salt Lake Tribune Link to Protestant Sexual Violence Against Minors
US Jewish school teacher charged for 25 sex crimes including rape, child pornography by Luke Tress The Times of Israel Link to Jewish Sexual Violence Against Minors and to Pornography Challenges
Pandemic pushes 460,000 Cambodians into poverty by CathNews New Zealand
Protesters, police clash over Adani port in India's Kerala; over 80 hurt by Jose Devasia and Munsif Vengattil Reuters
Bishop: Eastern Catholic priorities ‘coincide beautifully’ with Pope’s synodal focus by Benedict Mayaki Vatican News
Catholics in India barred from cathedral after liturgical dispute leads to clashes by Nirmala Carvalho Crux
Indian clergymen booked as anti-port protests turn violent by UCA News
Cyberattack on top Indian hospital highlights security risk by Anirruddha Ghosal The Associated Press Link to Cybersecurity
A Malnutrition Tragedy Averted in Afghanistan by Sam Mort UNICEF USA
Indonesia bans sex outside marriage in new criminal code by Ananda Teresiaand Kate Lamb Reuters
Asia Bibi appeals for protection for Pakistan’s blasphemy victims by CathNews
US freezes Filipino pastor’s assets over criminal charges by UCA News
Advent messages from a prophet and a baby by Tony Magliano The Southern Cross
Beijing, Holy See test Sino-Vatican deal by Michel Chambon UCA News Link to Catholicism and China
Emerging COVID-19 crisis in China 'could shake the world': WaPo Editorial Board by Maya Boddie AlterNet
Japan’s inhumane immigration centers by Cristian Martini Grimaldi UCA News Link to Japan Immigration Challenges
Parasites Make Grey Wolves More Likely to Become Pack Leader by Will Sullivan Smithsonian Magazine Link to Animal Challenges
Please support one of our organizations, colleagues, and friends who need help
Please help my friend Francis Otieno care for children affected by HIV/AIDS in Africa. He desperately needs your donations.
Donation request for mentally retarded children in India When Children are Set Free by Father Shay Cullen Preda Foundation
Books, Book Reviews, Commentaries, and Excerpts
Blessed Are the Bored in Spirit: A Young Catholic’s Search for Meaning by Mark Hart Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Carlo Acutis: The First Millennial Saint by Nicola Gori Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Leadership for Catholic Youth Ministry: A Comprehensive Resource by Thomas East with Alejandra Agiolera-Titus, Carolyn Coll, RSM, Ann Marie Eckert, Leif Kehrwald, Sean T. Lanning, Mariette Martineau, Hohm Roberto, Cheryl M. Tholeke Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Connecting Young Adults to Catholic Parishes. Best Practices in Catholic Young Adult Ministry by United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Dear Evan Hansen by Carl Kozlowski Reviewed by Carl Kozlowski The Catholic World Report
Teens and the Impact of Sleep on Mental Health by Slumber Yard Team Reviewed by Dr. Gregory Minnis, DPT Slumber Yard
Unfolding a Post-Roe World by Francis Etheredge Reviewed by Christine Sunderland Profiles in Catholicism
Handbook to guide practitioners and policymakers in reception, transit, and destination xountries to better prevent and [rotect children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse. by the Lanzarote Committee Secretariat
The American Pope: The Life and Times of Francis Cardinal Spellman by John Cooney Reviewed by Paul Baumann Commonweal
Post Christendom: Church and Mission in a Strange New World by Stuart Murray Reviewed by Kristina Cooper Independent Catholic News
Thee Sistine Chapel: History of a Masterpiece Reviewed by Sean Salai The Catholic World Report
Film Reviews/Commentaries
Dear Evan Hansen Reviewed by Peter Bradshaw The Guardian
Avatar: The Way of Water Reviewed by Steven D. Greydanus The Catholic World Report
The Chosen Commentary by Kathryn Post Religion News Service
The Fablemans Reviewed by Scott Simon NPR
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Reviewed by Sean Barry, SJ The Jesuit Post
No Bears Reviewed by Bernard-Henri Levy Tablet
Sangue in Vaticano (Blood in The Vatican) Commentary by The Associated Press/Religion News Service
Farah Commentary by Murtaza Hussain The Intercept
Television Reviews/Commentaries
P-Valley Reviewed by Amethyst Holmes Religion News Service
Unveiled: Surviving La Luz Del Mundo Reviewed by Alejandra Molina Religion News Service
Pinocchio Reviewed by Richard Lawson Vanity Fair
Theater Reviews/Commentaries
Dear Evan Hansen Reviewed by Charles Isherwood The New York Times
Echoes of the Holocaust Commentary by TC Jewfolk
Music Reviews/Commentaries
Tales of the Diaspora Reviewed by Lonny Goldsmith TC Jewfolk
Youth Work Leading the Way As part of Youth Work Ireland’s multi-year campaign to highlight the vital role youth services play in supporting young people’s mental wellbeing, we will be hosting a youth event to support young people to identify what a revolution in mental wellbeing would look like. This interactive event will be debate and explore what a revolution in youth mental wellbeing would look like and what government, policy makers and services need to do to achieve this. Date: Saturday January 28th, 2023 Time: 11am - 4pm Venue: Youth Work Ireland National Offices, Dublin Register to attend by clicking here
Feasting with the Saints
Gen Z Voters Discuss Guns Laws & Police Reform in the US
Blessed Carlo Acutis, The Tech Teen who found Jesus | EWTN Vaticano
2 Week Pilgrimage Across Italy Focuses on Inspirational Catholic Youth | EWTN News Nightly
Pope Francis shares message for U.S. Catholic Youth: “Do not lose your joy”