A Message from the Editor
I was a working artist for about 15 years and had several art galleries featuring my art. I seldom tried to take on spiritual topics since the galleries. did not want spiritual art. But I did create a Pieta for a customer who bought several of my works. Then when the AIDS pandemic came, I stopped being artist and founded the Physicians Association for AIDS Care with the help of Dr. Len Feininger, a Vice-President of the American Medical Association. So working on this issue of Art and Spirituality brought back many happy memories when interviewing some great artists.
Antisemitism is becoming an epidemic. We all have an obligation to speak out whenever possible to reduce this hate crime whenever if affects our community.
In an unimaginable coincidence, l had some sugar-free raspberry sorbet for dessert recently, then I learned that The Irish Post reported that cocaine and heroin haul worth millions found hidden in raspberry sorbet . Be sure to read the article in this issue of Profiles in Catholicism.
A Quote to Remember
“It is not art in the professionalized sense about which I care, but that which is created sacredly, as a result of a deep inner experience, with all of oneself, and that becomes ‘art’ in time.”
by Alfred Stieglitz
A Prayer for Artists Who Create Sacred Art.
“From Creator to Creative Creatures”
Oh Father of all, you built the universe through dynamic words, expanding into sentences all what, from nothing, leapt into existence,
linking particles finer than the finest dust, multiplying into atoms and molecules, solidifying into planets and stars, breaking the darkness with burning light, and lightless, energy sinks, swirling through the shapes of space and telling time in pulses unstoppable, rippling and running through changes, whether mauve coloured inter-stellar clouds, bespeckled smudges with sparkling stars, near and far, or ever-changing weather compositions, cloudless or countless shades.
And in your generosity you have given to men and women, a glimpse of your word-architecture, raising stones like fountains, rising shape uponshape until, like trees, the arches fan wide and bear the load, not of leaves but roofs, not branches but decorated ceilings, eyes into eternity, capturing moments of life in colour, whether your own or that of your saints, sending messages to all, every day, of your presence among us, past and present, always illuminating lives like stained glass, shattering the darkness, dispelling evil, trumpeting the good to be done, today and every day, in imitation of your own work.
Oh Father of all, from out of what conception of life comes the seed and all it contains, the myriad ingredients of small, replicating chains, immersed in communicating cells containing energizers, nutrients, documents of development, drilling the growth of plants, animals and human beings, manifesting from within a form without and populating the planet with varieties of culture raising races, dwellings, culinary palates, objects of inventions and inventiveness, and species upon species of individually different families of creatures, showing forth the domestic sparkle of creative imaginings.
And so you sowed in us a generous gift of overflowing glory in children’s drawings from the life of your Son, cards greeting the seasons of the Church, paintings of the great events of salvation history, sculptures depicting the figures of the holy family and the family of saints, decorative details adorning the altars, rails, kneelers, fabrics of our worship, whether worn or draped, hung or made into banners, canopies, shaping the many outward signs of your splendid presence, especially the light-scattering, star-points, of the crafted vessels of your Holy Presence, muted impressions of hidden glories.
Oh Father of all, you generated detail upon detail of how to depict the temple in which you would dwell, the angelic imagery, the skills that were necessary to transform the varieties of woods, the exotic colours, the different metals, including gold and silver, and the many precious stones into the multi-faceted image of your divine dwelling, rising above all that was around in its extravagant magnificence and yet,
In time, your Son took flesh and dwelt in a humble hand-maid, a graced life, a new beginning, who found favour with you, Mary, the Immaculate Conception, sinless, she conceived her sinless son, Jesus,
Who took the form of a man and, in an incomparable act of humility, He chose the Passover bread to express the past, make it present and be food-in-future, throughout time, now and forever, an endless gift.
And in your abundant giving, you have sculpted the human heart to be the interior place of your coming to rest amidst the noise and busyness of life, whether traffic, machinery, jostle or marketing mayhem, so that your divine gifts of faith, hope, and love, transform a feeble, fear-ridden heart, trembling over sins since committing them, can bring again that simplicity, humility, and praise that expresses the reality of your indwelling, inhabiting, and consolidating communion, communicating the mystery of the Head to the many members of the Body of Christ belonging together in the Holy Spirit.
Oh Holy Family, generate anew the domestic Church, enlivening the flock of Jesus Christ, that we may shape the joy of times to come from
the very hearth of burnt beginnings, ever hoping in your help to guide the chisel, the paint brush, the pencil, so that outward art and truth, goodness and love, will inspire a lovely place of your presence within.
by Francis Etheredge , Catholic married layman, father of 11, 3 of whom are in heaven, and an author: francisetheredge.online
Prayer for Gaza
May ten million voices cry for peace to end the violence and the hate,
Let goodness over come the evil, let the senseless violence now abate.
The innocent of Gaza suffer wounds, hunger, thirst, countless met their death,
Missiles, bombs rain down, the world looks away without a care or second breath.
Women, children many thousands dead, “Not a stone will be left upon a stone” you truly said.
Lord, we see countless murders and massacres profound
Once again on the once holy sacred ground. Justice, peace so far away, let your power and words |bring the evil to an end,
Let truth and love change people’s hearts and turn themfrom enemy to be a friend. Amen
by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer for Those Who Were Murdered and Injured at Mass in the Philippines
Good and gracious God,
The beautiful gift of priesthood was cut short in the Philippines as a forceful explosion, suspected to result from a bomb, tore through a morning Catholic Mass held in a university gymnasium, killing at least four people and injuring more than 50 others. The incident took place on Sunday in a predominantly Muslim city in the southern Philippines, according to local officials. The morning Mass was in progress at the Mindanao State University in Marawi City, a state-run institution, when the blast induced panic among students and teachers in the congregation. The aftermath left victims bloodied and strewn across the ground, according to campus security chief Taha Mandangan. Mandangan said the act was unmistakably an act of terrorism and rejected any notion of a simple personal feud. He said at least two of the wounded were in critical condition. Help the people of the Philippines turn to you, dear Lord as they strive to put an end to violence and open their lives to your mercy and love. Help us to live in peace with one another and realize that all of us are loved by God and we need to honor His pleas to know and love God and all of our neighbors more completely. We ask this through Our Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen
by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer to Prevent Antisemitism
Lord God, through the covenant you established with the Jewish People, we Christians have been grafted into this covenantal tradition according to St. Paul. But very often throughout history, we have shown ourselves ungrateful for this gift given us through Jesus who imbued in his teachings this Jewish covenantal tradition through acts of antisemitism. We join with Popes St. John Paul II and Francis in confessing our sins of antisemitism past and present. Through this prayer, we commit ourselves to the elimination of any remaining anti-Semitic teachings in the Catholic community and pledge to add our public voice in denouncing any manifestations of antisemitism in contemporary society. We ask for your blessing so that we may have the strength to fulfill this pledge we make in your presence.
by John T. Pawlikowski, OSM, Profiles in Catholicism
Lord God, as we mourn the recent loss of life and human
suffering in Northwest Pakistan, we ask for strength in the face of attacks on
fundamental human dignity. We acknowledge your face in all of our brothers
and sisters. We pray that you give us the courage to stand up and say NO to
the increasing examples of human brutality.
Art and Spirituality Interviews
General Interviews
Art and Spirituality Articles and Commentaries
Mary Icons by Mary Jane Miller Profiles in Catholicism
Saint Francis and the Sultan by Father John O'Brien, OFM Profiles in Catholicism
Matisse and the Chapel of the Rosary by Father John O'Brien, OFM Profiles in Catholicism
David Lee Csicsko: Making the saints accessible today by Joyce Duriga Chicago Catholic
Pope: Art reflects communion between God and humanity by Devin Watkins Vatican News
Ukraine iconographer and artist paints history while it’s still unfolding by Nicholas Elbers The B.C. Catholic /The Catholic World Report
A sculpture of Jesus at Rome’s airport is taking travelers by surprise by Peter Pinedo Catholic News Agency. The Catholic World Report
Artists' dreadlocked, tattooed icons offer a fresh take on the saints by Katherine Post Religion News Service/National Catholic Reporter
Debate over abusers’ artwork pits tradition against new moral imperatives by John L. Allen Jr. Crux
The Sanctuary of Lourdes may remove Rupnik’s mosaics out of respect for victims by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Sculptor Edmonia Lewis shares message of human dignity through time by Dennis Sadowski Our Sunday Visitor
Sinner and sage: Despite troubled life, Caravaggio mastered spiritual meanings by Carol Glatz Catholic News Service/Angelus
Artist draws on faith as source of inspiration by CathNews
This Catholic family in Bethlehem has carved Nativity scenes for popes and presidents by Courtney Mares Catholic News Agency
Florence's Medici Family Used Portraits as Propaganda by Smithsonian Magazine
Catholic sculptor wishes to restore Catholic credibility amid modern evils by Claire Giangravé Religion News Service
6 works of art that bring new meaning to the Eucharist by John Christman S.S.S. U.S. Catholic
The Catholic artist and the challenge of evangelizing modern culture by Thomas M. Doran The Catholic World Report
Schoolchildren's 'Eyes of the World' art installation sends powerful message to G7 leaders by Independent Catholic News
Vatican’s vanishing artisans: Traditional workshops struggle amid COVID-19 by Robert Duncan Crux
New Zealand artist makes faith shine in Australia by CathNews New Zealand
In Philadelphia, artwork brings Catholic Church’s synod to life by Kyle Desrosiers Religion News Service
What Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel teaches us about God's creation, woman and man by Kevin J. Jones Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
The Mystery Man’: A hyperrealistic artwork of the Shroud of Christ by Johan Pacheco and Salamanca, Vatican News
Stefan Salinas uses art to connect with Catholic ‘outsiders’ by Jeannine M Pitas U.S. Catholic
The Catholic Art of George Tooker by Dana Gioia The Catholic Thing
Recalling the skill of a Benedictine sculptor by Independent Catholic News
On cusp of Roe v. Wade decision, pro-life sculpture to be blessed in Rome by Inés San Martín Crux
Artist sees stained glass as a window to the divine by Jacqueline Tetrault Pilot
Inside Hieronymus Bosch’s Surreal Visions of Heaven and Hell by Meilan Solly Smithsonian Magazine
Michelangelo behind bars paints prison chapel ceiling by CathNews
Special Art Celebrates the Crown of Rosaria by The Skanner
Art deepens faith, says Sulpician priest, who has international following by George P. Matysek Jr. Catholic News Service
Priest finds inspiration for preaching in Corita Kent's vibrant serigraphs by Julie Asher Catholic News Service/Global Sisters Report
Marc Chagall’s Jesus by Brad Miner The Catholic Thing
How is painting like a prayer by An Nguyen Vu, SJ The Jesuit Post
Get to know God the artist with painter Makoto Fujimura by U.S Catholic
Award-winning artist David Troncoso on life in a camper van, the Renaissance, and learning from the masters by Autumn Jones Catholic News Agency
The Divine Comedy in sculpture: Timothy Schmalz. by Jane Farrell The Florentine
Homeless Jesus: responding to those in need by CathNews New Zealand
Childhood Restored: Art By Young Holocaust Survivors by United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Schoolchildren's 'Eyes of the World' art installation sends powerful message to G7 leaders by Independent Catholic News
An Artist of the Yiddish Never-World.A newly reopened exhibit showcases the previously unknown photographer Shimmel Zohar, whose bizarre, arresting historical photos are nothing short of miraculous by Eddy Portnoy Tablet
Artist paints icons of endangered species to 'foster ecological conversion' by Barbara Fraser EarthBeat
The Catholic artist and the challenge of evangelizing modern culture by Thomas M. Doran The Catholic World Report
Vatican’s vanishing artisans: Traditional workshops struggle amid COVID-19 by Robert Duncan Crux
The Masterpiece of the Divine Artist by Elizabeth A. Mitchell The Catholic Thing
Art and the late Linda Nochlin can teach us about suffering by Ciaran Freeman National Catholic Reporter
Catholic sculptor’s work to be part of COVID-19 memorial at Ohio hospital by Catholic News Service
Jesuits launch first online exhibition, celebrating Forty Martyrs by Independent Catholic News
Forgotten Last Supper Scene Linked to Renaissance Master Titian Spent Century Hidden in Plain Sight by Isis Davis-Marks Smithsonian Magazine
Wow Famous Artist Timothy Schmalz Reveals his New Sculptures of St. Padre Pio - Wrestling the Devil! VIDEO by Jesus Caritas Est Catholic News World
Fra Angelico – Opening Our Imagination to the Vastness of Divine Beauty. by Billy Kangas Patheos
Bishop Donald J. Hying blesses pro-life sculpture by Martin Hudáček by Joseph M. Hanneman The Catholic World Report
Painting the Saints: Artist Gwyneth Thompson-Briggs Takes Catholic Approach to Her Craft by Joseph Pronechen National Catholic Register
“The Memorial of Unborn Children II” portrays regret, mercy, healing. Slovakian artist Martin Hudáček’s newest statue tells the abortion story through mother, father, and the lost child. by Joseph M. Hanneman The Catholic World Report
A realistic 'Homeless Jesus' statue sparks conversation -- and a visit from police by David Williams CNN
3020 Christmas stamp shows Peruvian painting of Our Lady of Guapulo by Dennis Sadowski Catholic News Service/Crux
Black Jesus version of Michelangelo's Pietà divides Catholics on race and politics by Claire Giangravé Religion News Service
Restorers uncover new details in a Michelangelo Pieta by Associated Press/Crux
Sister Plautilla Nelli, the Forgotten Woman Painter of the Renaissance by Solène Tadié National Catholic Register
In Chicago, shattered glass but also a vision of heaven by Dr. Bryan Berry The Catholic World Report
Artist Erin McAtee's faith journey led to a place of encounter by Stephen G. Adubato National Catholic Reporter
Catholic sculptor re-creating Dante’s ‘Divine Comedy’ aims to shift the emphasis off hell by Claire Giangravé Religion News Service
Norwich Catholic high school launches virtual art exhibition by Alex Savage Independent Catholic News
Tissot’s Great Reversion by Brad Miner The Catholic Thing
Caravaggio: Revelation and Revolution by Brad Miner The Catholic Thing
Raphael's last paintings unveiled: A discovery made during a Vatican Museums restoration by Paolo Ondarza Vatican News
Pope at Mass prays for artists: ‘without beauty we cannot understand the Gospel’ by Linda Bordoni Vatican News
Tapestries by Raphael make brief return to Sistine Chapel by Carol Glatz Catholic News Service/America
Celebrating the genius of Raphael, 500 years later by Elizabeth Lev Angelus
Raphael tapestries ‘integral’ to fully understanding Sistine Chapel, theologian says by Inés San Martín Global Sister Report
Restoration of Ghent Altarpiece reveals surprising face on the “Lamb of God” by John Burger Aleteia
7 Little-known facts about Michelangelo’s Pietà by V. M. Traverso Aleteia
Particles of Faith fills a gap in typical Catholic high school curriculums by Mary Woods The Catholic World Report
Traditional Catholic Procession in the Philippines brings Millions to the Streets for the 'Black Nazarene' sculpture of Jesus by Jesus Caritas Est Catholic News World
The ‘Holy Angels’ mural heralds the Gospel and one Chicago church‘s vibrant history by Leo J. O’Donovan, S.J. America
Teenage hopes expressed through painting a giant mural on an Edinburgh church by Rachel Farmer Anglican Communion News Service
Pope unveils sculpture commemorating migrants and refugees by Vatican News
Bono and Guggi: A friendship based on art, punk rock and Jesus by Cathleen Falsani Religion News Service
Exhibit brings Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel to Christ Cathedral by John Burger Aleteia
Da Vinci masterpiece on loan from Vatican to be displayed in New York by Christopher White Crux
This Catholic high schooler painted a mural of black saints to help fight racism by Zac Davis America
A Painter of the Holocaust for Our Times by Pat Lipsky Tablet
Meet the Catholic graffiti artist who created a giant St. Thomas Aquinas mural in Texas by Vivian Cabrera America
Inspired innovator: The startling Christian art of Tintoretto by Zelda Caldwell Aleteia
This amazing young artist sees Christ in each portrait she paints by Carissa Pluta Aleteia
Tintoretto’s Enlightenment by Fr. Robert P. Imbelli The Catholic Thing
An artist finds his calling in painting a city’s forgotten faces by Jean P. Kelly US Catholic
Art exhibit by Roy Ruiz Clayton by Saint Meinrad Archabbey Library Gallery
Amazing Mexican Artist Captures Jesus at Calvary with Optical Illusion - Octavio Ocampo by Jesus Caritas Est Catholic News World
The Catholic art of Frida Kahlo by Anela Alaimo O'Donnell America
Notre-Dame’s Artwork Is Headed to the Louvre by Milan Polk Vulture
Meet The Catholic Graffiti Artist Who Created A Giant St. Thomas Aquinas Mural In Texas by Vivian Cabrera America
The greatest Christian paintings of Leonardo da Vinci by John Burger Aleteia
Teens’ sacred art on display at LA Cathedral’s Robert Graham exhibit by Clara Fox Angelus Ne
Treasures from the Wreck of the Unbelievable review – a titanic return by Damien Hirst The Guardian
Why paint the saints? An interview with Carlos Vega by Ciaran Freeman America
Pietà offers meaning amid the betrayal of the abuse crisis by NCR Editorial Staff
Welcome to my world: Notes on the reception of Frédéric Martel’s bombshell by Adam Ericksen Patheos
Art exhibit features mosaics, paintings by Saint Meinrad Seminary & School of Theology
Sculpture worth suffering for by Heather King Angelus
Revisiting Leonardo da Vinci’s faith 500 years after his death by Elizabeth Lev Angelus
Papal Nuncio blesses Homeless Jesus by Jesuits in Britain/ICN
Diabolical liberty? Anger over Spanish city's 'friendly' devil by Sam Jones The Guardian
Q & A with Sr. Venus Marie Pegar on her 'painting for the mission' by Madonna Tividad Virola Global Sisters Report
What Michelangelo’s flawed Pietà teaches us about Mary by Terrance Klein America
Ramona student’s artwork on display in local gallery by Angelus Staff
American sculptor humbled to bring sand nativity to Vatican by Hannah Brockhaus CNA/Catholic Herald
Art and beauty can carve a path through a fallen world by Meacham Wecker National Catholic Reporter
Recognition for a Much-Neglected English Catholic Artist by K. V. Turley Crisis Magazine
'Soul of a Nation' showcases timeless power of black art by Leo J. O'Donovan National Catholic Reporter
Andy Warhol’s camouflaged Catholicism by Ciaran Freeman America
Meet Hilma af Klint, the spiritualist and unknown pioneer of abstract art by Karen Sue Smith America
A sculpture of the Virgin Mary is a sign of welcome on the U.S.-Mexico border by J.D. Long-García America
Church wins praise for sculpture of 'homeless Jesus' in Canada by La Croix International
Finding hope in the anger of David Wojnarowicz by Ciarán Freeman America’
Philippine artist creates Christ image with guns, bullets by Ronald Reyes La Croix International!
Artists say "NHO" to Child Abuse. A remote village in India starts the change. by Stefania Minutaglio LinkedIn
How Art Can Deepen Our Experience Of Lent And Holy Week by Margot Patterson America
Andy Warhol goes to the Vatican by Nick Ripatrazone America
'A way of healing': Art and memory in Latin America by BBC News
Afro-Latina artist reimagines Michelangelo's "The Creation of Adam" by Cecilia González-Andrieu America
St. Xavier mural part of ‘Tribute' by The Beverly Review
Art and Spirituality: In the name of the mother by Rich Heffern National Catholic Reporter
An Irish monk breathes new life into liturgical art in Toronto by Dean Dettloff America
"Australia Catalogue" highlights role of Vatican Museums" by Linda Bordoni Inside the Vatican
Rilke on the Lonely Patience of Creative Work by Maria Popova Brain Pickings
Art at St. Benedict the African reflects experience of black Catholics by Joyce Duriga Chicago Catholic
Matilde gives drawing to Pope Francis, surrounding him with love by Albin Hiller Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace!
An Irish monk breathes new life into liturgical art in Toronto by Dean Dettloff America
Two new art exhibits address earthly spirituality by Menachem Wecker National Catholic Reporter
General Articles and Commentaries
Featured Report
That Meeting in Rome by Father Joseph Chamblain, O.S.M. Profiles in Catholicism
My experience of the synod by Bishop Robert Barron The Pilot
State Abortion Bans Result In 32,000 More Babies Born A Year, Research Show by The Daily Wire Link to Abortion
Some Republicans Were Willing to Compromise on Abortion Ban Exceptions. Activists Made Sure They Didn’t by Kavitha Surana ProPublica
Catholic group opposes ‘buffer zone’ legislation for abortion in Scotland by Charles Collins Crux
Catholic school leaders in N. Ireland call to reject 'abortion ideology' by Michael Kelly OSV News/UCA News
Bad Medicine. A wave of open Jew-hatred by medical professionals, medical schools, and professional associations in the wake of the Hamas slaughter suggests that a field entrusted with healing is becoming a licensed purveyor of hatred by Ian Kingsbury and Jay P. Greene Tablet Link to War, Hate and Hate Crimes, and Antisemitism
House passes resolution equating antisemitism with anti-Zionism, despite many abstentions by Ron Kampeas Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Suspect Arrested, Charged with Hate Crime After Antisemitic Assault on Elderly Jewish Couple in Beverly Hills by Brian Fishbach Jewish World
Harvard, MIT and Penn presidents grilled on campus antisemitism at congressional hearing by Andrew Lapin Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Civilian Casualties and the Ethics of Jewish Power by Rabbi Yitz Greenberg The Jewish Journal
What we know about rape and sexual violence inflicted by Hamas during its terror attack on Israel by Ivana Kottasová CNN Link to Sexual Relations with and Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
Russia Has Recruited Over 100,000 Convicts Since Ukraine War Began by Isabel van Brugen Newsweek
Myroslav Marynovych: War in Ukraine is ‘a fight for freedom’ by Xavier Sartre Vatican News
Biden takes a tougher stance on Israel’s ‘indiscriminate bombing’ of Gaza by Colleen Long and Jameer Madhani The Associated Press
UN General Assembly votes overwhelmingly to demand a humanitarian cease-fire in Gaza Link to Humanitarian Crises
US is running out of money for Ukraine and that could hinder fight against Russia, White House warns by Zeke Miller The Associated Press
Drawing moral distinctions in war by Michael Sean Winters National Catholic Reporter
One Family Head Belzberg at IAF gathering: 'This war is a fight to eradicate evil from the world' by Alan Rosenbaum The Jerusalem Post
Conversations on Christian-Jewish Relations with Rabbi Abraham Skorka by Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations
Baby Indi and the dangers of deciding who lives or dies by Charles Camosy Angelus Link to Ethical Challenge
UNICEF: In wealthier countries, 1 in 5 children living in poverty by Francesca Merlo Vatican News Link to Children Issues and Challenges and to Poverty
At least 3 victims after shooting on University of Nevada, Las Vegas campus, sheriff says, and the suspect is dead by Cheri Mossburg CNN Link to Mass Murders
Jude in Trump civil fraud trial received hundreds of threats, court filing says by Tara Suter The Hill
‘Israel is not our friend’: Neo-Nazis salute Hitler in march through Wisconsin town by Rachel Leigh Hale The Times of Israel Link to Neo-Nazis
I exposed Nazis — I know it’s time to call out Trump by Andrew Mitrovica Al Jazeera Link to Sociopathic Political Leaders
Donald Trump Says He Never Swore Oath 'to Support the Constitution' by Ewan Palmer Newsweek
Treat antisemitism and terrorism like the cancers they are by Saralyn Mark The Hill Link to Antisemitism
Fighting Antisemitism with Adam Sandler’s Hanukkah Song by David Suissa Jewish Journal
Suspect charged with hate crimes for allegedly attacking Israeli near Times Square after outbreak of Israel-Hamas war by Luke Tress Jewish Telegraphic Agency Link to Hate and Hate Crimes
15 New York synagogues hit with false bomb threats on Friday by Luke Tress The Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Pro-Palestinian group shares ‘reprehensible’ antisemitic map of NYC targets on social media by Jesse O’Neill and Carl Campanile The New York Post
‘It Comes From Our Heart to Fight Antisemitism’: Borussia Dortmund Football Club Honored by CAM at European Mayors Summit by Combat Antisemitism Movement Link to Sports
Schumer delivers landmark Senate speech on rising antisemitism by Marc Rod JewishInsider
Congress President addresses European Mayors Summit against Antisemitism by Church of Europe
Italy – A teacher resign after post against Jews: “Hitler was right” by The Coordination Forum for Countering Antisemitism
JCRC Head Says BDS Is ‘Essence Of Antisemitism by Lonny Goldsmith TC Jewfolk
Greta Thunberg invites criticism for chanting 'crush Zionism' at pro-Palestinian protest in Sweden Edited by Navya Beri WION
Susan Sarandon and Melissa Barrera among Hollywood figures facing blowback for stances on Israel and Jews by Andrew Lapin The Jewish Telegraphic Agency
United by Responsibility’: Mayors From Across Europe Gather in Dortmund to Stand Against Rising Antisemitism by Combat Antisemitism Movement
Jewish man dies after struck by pro-Palestinian protester, LA Jewish federation says by Jewish Telegraphic Agency and Jacob Magid The Times of Israel Link to Murder
Elon Musk, under fire for antisemitism on X, visits Israel and tours ravaged kibbutz with Benjamin Netanyahu by Philissa Cramer Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Letter Calls Minneapolis Teacher Union Resolution ‘Antisemitic and Hostile by TC Jewfolk
Students for Justice in Palestine suspended at GW University – adding to a growing trend by Jackie Hajdengerg The Jerusalem Post
As Antisemitism Wave Sweeps Over World, Brazilian Metropolis Rio de Janeiro Adopts IHRA Definition With CAM Support by Combat Antisemitism Movement
Ukraine churches remember Moscow's campaign of 'death by hunger' by Jonathan Luxmoore The Pilot
Intercepted calls from the front lines in Ukraine show a growing number of Russian soldiers want out' by Erika Kinetz The Associated Press
Suspect arrested in shooting of 3 students of Palestinian descent in Vermont, police say by Kevin Shalvey and Jessica Gorman ABC News Link to Islamophobia
The Magic Jews. On finding a spiritual community that is higher than high by Madison Margolin Table
Defending the Rights of Jewish Students: A Legal Primer by Lori Lowenthal Marcus Jewish Journal
Before removal, Louisiana priest was accused of misconduct by multiple women by Ramon Antonio Vargas and David Hammer The Guardian Link to Sexual Relations with and Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
From the Boy Scouts to the Catholic Church, an upcoming Supreme Court ruling may mean some victims won’t see their day in court by James Kukstis CNN Link to Child and Teen Sexual Abuse General Reports
Priest Killed in 100th Attack on a Catholic Church This Year Link to Murdered Priests and Seminarians
Luling priest removed by Archdiocese of New Orleans after anti-LGBTQ comments in sermon by Michelle Hunter Nola Link to LGBTQ Challenges and Leadership
Alex Crow marries teenager he met at McGill-Toolen High School by Thomas Boni WKRG/Yahoo News
Before removal, Louisiana priest was accused of misconduct by multiple women by Ramon Antonio Vargas and David Hammer The Guardian
Pope punishes leading critic Cardinal Burke in second action against conservative American prelates by Nicole Winfield The Associated Press
New York appeals court reinstates gag order against Donald Trump in civil fraud trial by Lauren del Valle CNN Link to Sociopathic Political Leaders
Trump Flagged for $40 Million in Undisclosed Cash Transfer by Kaitlin Lewis Newsweek Link to Financial Crimes and Improprieties
How a game designer turned Jesuit ended up writing about space religion by Bob Smietana Religion News Service Link to The Jesuits
What Ought I Do About My Carbon Footprint? by Daniel Mascarenhas, SJ The Jesuit Post
Jesuit Missions demand climate justice by John McManus Independent Catholic News Link to Environment and Climate Challenges, Advocacy, and Response
The Potlucks of Vatican II by Patrick Hyland, SJ The Jesuit Post
A Symphony of Prayer by Jesuits in Britain
An interview about refugees and social justice by Jesuits in Britain Link to General Immigration Challenges
Adult Survivors Act: The New York law that saw Diddy, Trump, Cosby and more sued for historic sexual assault by Velvet Winter Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Mississippi Jailed More Than 800 People Awaiting Psychiatric Treatment in a Year. Just One Jail Meets State Standards by Kavitha Surana ProPublica Link to Prison Challenges and to Mental Health/Illness
State Roundup: Deadline nears for state to keep, replace health care provider for inmates by Maryland Reporter
Central American bishops warn of ‘unprecedented’ migration crisis by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux Link to United States Immigration Challenges
Mass. priest gets probation after $100k theft charges by The Pillar Link to Financial Crimes and Improprieties
Denver archbishop: Why I wrote a pastoral letter on marijuana by Walter Sanchez Silva ACI Prensa/Catholic News Agency
FBI slated to exhume body of Joyce Malecki, whose killing was explored in ‘The Keepers,’ next week by Julie Scharper The Baltimore Banner
Accept responsibility’: Survivor behind lawsuit against Washington Archdiocese wants closure by Tracee Wilkins, Katie Leslie and Jeff Piper NBC Link to Catholic Sexual Violence Against Minors
Takeaways from The AP’s investigation into the Mormon church’s handling of sex abuse cases
by Michael Rezendes and Jason Deare The Associated Press Link to Mormon Sexual Violence Against Minors
Church responds to AP story detailing 2015 Idaho abuse case by William F. McMurry Courier Journal
FBI slated to exhume body of Joyce Malecki, whose killing was explored in ‘The Keepers,’ next week by Julie Scharper The Baltimore Banner
Sexual Abuse Lawsuits Stream In Before New York’s Adult Survivors Act Expires by Sara Boboltz HuffPost
Former Teacher and Sex Abuse Survivor Motivates Archdiocesan “Garden of Healing” by Maria Luisa Torres San Fernando Valley Sun
Statement by Diocese of Grand Rapids on James Beauchamp by Julie Scharper The Baltimore Banner
Experts: New lawsuit shows church has work to do in protecting adults from clergy abuse by Gina Christian Angelus
Axl, Foxx, Adams: flurry of last-minute claims gives sex abuse law powerful legacy by Edward Helmore The Guardian
OxyContin maker’s settlement plan divides victims of opioid crisis. Now it’s up to the Supreme Court by Geoff Mulvihill and Mark Sherman The Associated Press
Women and the Diaconate Link to Women Challenges and Leadership
How sushi power sustains a Carmelite monastery by Merche Crespo Aleteia
Catholic All-Girls College Will Admit Men Who Identify as Trans Women by Mary Margaret Olohan The Daily Signals
US, Japanese bishops hail UN summit on prohibiting nukes as ‘journey toward hope’
by John Lavenburg Crux Link to Nuclear Challenges
Pope Francis meets with professional soccer team founded by a Catholic religious by Courtney Mares Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Upholding Our Ethical, Moral, and Bipartisan Commitment to HIV/AIDS by Travis Manint HIV/HCV Updates Link to HIV/AIDS
High-profile attacks on Derek Chauvin and Larry Nassar put spotlight on violence in federal prisons by Michael R.Sisak and Michael Balsamo The Associated Press Link to Prison Challenges
Recognizing the Intersection of Transgender Identity and HIV by Travis Manint HIV/HCV Watch Link to LGBTQ Challenges and Leadership and to HIV/AIDS
‘The devil was in that building’: New Orleans church orphanages’ dark secrets by Jason Berry The Guardian Link to Catholic Sexual Violence Against Minors
Former International House of Prayer Staff Lead Silent Protest to Highlight Abuse Allegations by Rebecca Hopkins The Roys Report Link to General Reports of Religious Sexual Abuse of Minors
Deadly bomb attack on Catholic mass in the Philippines kills four and injures dozens by Euronews Link to Mass Murders
ISIS claims deadly blast at Catholic Mass by CathNews New Zealand
FDA approves first gene-editing treatment for human illness by Orlando Gili NPR
COP28: to eliminate fossil fuels and save the planet by Fr Shay Cullen The Mantilla Times Link to Environment and Climate Challenges, Advocacy, and Response
Dubai climate summit adopts world-first 'transition' from fossil fuels by Laurent Thomet, Shaun Tandon, Hachem Osseiran and Talek Harris AFP/Yahoo
German police raid group over alleged ties to Hezbollah, amid antisemitism crackdown by Agencies and Times of Israel
London cabbie boots out passenger after antisemitic rant by Olivia Gittel The Jewish Chronicle
Ahead of historic UK rally against antisemitism, BBC journalists complain that they are barred from marching by Jackie Hajdenberg Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Pope: Places, mentalities must be more receptive to people with disabilities by Carol Glatz The Pilot Link to Disabilities
A Short Primer on Disability by Mark Bradford Word on Fire
Florida students walk out in support of staff who flouted DeSantis trans ban by Richard Luscombe The Guardian
Vatican draws line on women’s ordination and hoosexuality in new letter to German bishops by AC Wimmer Catholic News Agency
The impact of the Adult Survivors Act by Emily Ngo, Nick Reisman, and Jeff Coltin Politico
‘I’ll never be the same whole girl I was,’ ex-student tells former Ottawa teacher’s sex-crimes trial by Gary Dimmock Ottawa Citizen Link to Child and Teen Sexual Abuse General Reports
IHOPKC Hired Man Who Admitted ‘Inappropriate Touch’ of 16-Year-Old; Fails to ‘Prioritize the Wounded’ by Rebecca Hopkins The Roys Report
New York diocese offers $200 million to abuse victims in largest-ever settlement offer by Tina Dennelly Catholic News Agency Link to Catholic Sexual Violence Against Minors
Chubb Insurance Probe Sought by New York Catholic Abuse Victims by James Nani and Alex Wolf Bloomberg Law
Experts: New lawsuit shows church has work to do in protecting adults from clergy abuse by Gina Christian Angelus
Moral Fibre: Nun Accountability Is a Reflection by Scott Douglas Jacobsen Good Men Media
In the US, Black survivors are nearly invisible in the Catholic clergy sexual abuse crisis by Tiffany Stanley and Lea Sken The Associated Press Link to Racial Challenges and Leadership
Buffy Sainte-Marie is the latest public figure accused of being a ‘Pretendian.’ Here’s why that matters by Harmeet Kaur CNN Link to Indigenous People
General principles of Sacrosanctum Concilium, especially the Mass by Father John F. Baldovin, SJ The Pilot Link to The Mass
US suicides hit an all-time high last year by Mike Stobbe The Associated Press Link to Suicide
Founder of far-right Catholic site resigns over breach of its morality clause, group says by Peter Smith and Matt Zelensky The Associated Press
369 people come forward with abuse claims against Archdiocese of St. John’s in bankruptcy case by Ryan Cooke CBC
General principles of Sacrosanctum Concilium, especially the Mass by Father John F. Baldovin, SJ The Pilot
Deadly bomb attack on Catholic mass in the Philippines kills four and injures dozens by Euronews
Philippines: Week of peace turns to 'time of terror' by Amy Balong Independent Catholic News
COP28: to eliminate fossil fuels and save the planet by Fr Shay Cullen The Mantilla Times Link to Environment and Climate Challenges, Advocacy, and Response
COP28: Religious leaders appeal for joint action to heal the planet by Benedetta Capelli Vatican News
Why psychedelics produce some of the most meaningful experiences in people’s lives by Oshan Jarow Vox
Archbishop’s warning on ACT’s euthanasia legislation by CathNews Link to Euthanasia
Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith responds to questions about cremation by Vatican News
'Zombie Deer Disease' Documented in Yellowstone for the First Time by Margaret Osborne Smithsonian Magazine by Alene Tchekmedyian and Alexandra E. Petri The Los Angeles Times
‘We’re inundated’: Animal shelters across the U.S. are overflowing by Alene Tchekmedyian and Alexandra E. Petri The Los Angeles Times Link to Animal Challenges
Undignified,’ ‘inhumane,’ ‘wicked’ Sexual abuse survivors say they’re revictimized during civil process by Julie Ireton CBC Link to Child and Teen Sexual Abuse General Reports
World Malaria Report 2023: “We are at the crossroads of opportunities and challenges,” says WHO by Medicines for Malaria Venture Link to Malaria
Missionary priest builds up Haiti one student, one classroom at a time by Zoe Romanowsky Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Brazil clergy see synodality as possible antidote to priest suicides by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
Brazilian priest accused of schism faces canonical proceedings by Luke Coppen The Pillar
Nicaraguan dictatorship releases new photos, video of imprisoned bishop by Sanchez Silva Catholic News Agency/CathNews
Pope Francis meets with President of Paraguay by Joseph Tulloch Vatican News
Pope meets with chief of Peru sodality amid calls for dissolution by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Peruvian bishops hail new law that specifies the rights of the unborn child by Diego Lopez Marina ACI Prensa/The Catholic News Agency Link to Other ProLife Challenges
Peruvian constitutional court orders release of former President Alberto Fujimori by The Associated News
Meta must clarify measures against child sexual abuse by Dec. 22, EU says by Foo Yun Chee and Charlotte Van Campenhout Reuters
Bavaria’s bishops criticize AfD after election success by Luke Coppen The Pillar
In Belgium, sexual abuse in Catholic Church sparks debate over state funding by Alix Le Burdon and Chris Moore France 24
Meet the Death Row prisoner who discovered a “saint sleeping within his soul” by Brother Silas Henderson, SDS Aleteia Link to Death Penalty
Francis greets participants in French Social Week by Christopher Wells Vatican News
The real bishop behind Les Misérables is on the path to sainthood by Caroline de Sury The Pilot’
Paris 'Terrorist Attack' Leaves One Dead, More Injured by Khaleda Rahman Newsweek
A French bishop is accused of attempted rape in latest scandal to hit Catholic Church in France by The Associated Press/greenwich time
Pope Francis: German Synodal Way Not in Alignment With Church by Chris Tomlinson European Conservative
German synod committee reacted calmly, but tensions exist by Our Sunday Visitor
Rapidly shrinking church causes burnout among Dutch priests by Francesco Paloni Katholiek Nieuwsblad/Crux
Former circus strongman is jailed for historic child sexual offences by Gerard Donaghy The Irish Post Link to Ireland Issues and Challenges
A Catholic crisis: why priests in Ireland are fading into history and not being replaced by Rory Elliott Armstrong Euronews
34 arrested in night of violence following stabbing attack outside Catholic school in Dublin by Michael Kelly The Pilot
The kidnapping of Don Tidey by Ronan McGreevy The Irish Post
‘Bravery’ of victims commended as childminder’s husband jailed for abusing children by Fiona Audley The Irish Post
Cocaine and heroin haul worth millions found hidden in raspberry sorbet by The Irish Post
Lock of Oscar Wilde’s hair expected to fetch €8k at auction by Fiona Audley The Irish Post
Climate Justice by Youth Word Ireland Link to Youth Challenges and Leadership
The curious evolution of leadership in Northern Ireland by Malachi O'Doherty The Irish Post Link to Northern Island Issues and Challenges
NGO scandal a reminder that a Pope’s friends can be as dangerous as his enemies by John L. Allen Jr. Crux
Italian ‘revolution’ over violence against women may press the Pope too by John L. Allen Jr. Crux Link to General Violence Challenges
Mass celebrated in Rome for children victims of war in Holy Land by Francesca Merlo Vatican News
Swiss ecclesiastical criminal court to be established in 2024 by Swissinfo
Swiss Prosecutors Probe Historical Sexual Abuse Within Catholic Church by Dil Bar Irshad BNN’
Jealous Surrey woman who murdered ex's new fiancée in savage attack sentenced by Lorna Hughes SurryLive Link to Murder
JRS UK calls for refugee 'prison barge' to be closed after reported suicide by Eileen Cole Independent Catholic News Link to United kingdom Immigration Challenges
Environment Bishop: 'There is no option but for COP28 to succeed' by Independent Catholic News
COP28: Religious leaders appeal for joint action to heal the planet by Benedetta Capelli Vatican News
COP28: Nuncio to UAE highlights role of religion in overcoming climate change by Vatican News
‘Laudate Deum’ – Ecology in the Light of the Gospel by Andreas Gonçalves Lind, SJ La Civiltà Cattolica
Pope: Reconstruction of earthquake-hit central Italy must be sustainable by Lisa Zengarini Vatican News
Pope adds married couples, Church movement reps to Vatican’s laity and family office by Jonathan Liedl Catholic News Agency
Vatican prosecutor tried to ‘monstrify’ Becciu, defense lawyers say by Crux
Closing arguments in Vatican trial seek to expose problems in the city state’s legal system by Nicole Winfield The Associated Press
From the ‘Old’ to the ‘New’ Vatican Communications by Federico Lombardi, SJ La Civita Catolica
Pope calls for reflection on feminine dimension of Church by Christopher Wells Vatican News
Pope encourages Franciscans to live out their charism in the world is invites Franciscan friars and sisters to renew their vocation of bringing the Gospel of poverty and fraternity to today’s world. by Lisa Zengarini Vatican News Link to The Franciscans by John L. Allen Jr. Crux
Catholic Social Services strengthens connections with Canberra by CathNews
Lismore floods used to highlight effects of climate change at COP28 by CathNews
It’s time to understand homosexuality by CathNews New Zealand
New online technologies putting Kiwi kids at risk of sexual abuse by CathNews New Zealand Link to Child and Teen Sexual Abuse General Reports
Parents of pupil with childhood dementia say school super-supportive by CathNews New Zealand Link to Dementia
Bishop says African Pentecostals are waging ‘guerilla war’ against Catholicism by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux Link to Fear, Hate, Prejudice, and Discrimination against Others
Pope expresses sorrow for stampede deaths in Congo-Brazzaville by Joseph Tulloch Vatican News
Nigerian prelate says Christians not at risk under country’s new Muslim rulers by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
German missionary Hans-Joachim Lohre is freed in Bamako by Agenzia Fides
The Jewish Sport Report: An unauthorized moment of silence for Israel by Jacob Gurvis The Jewish Telegraphic Agency Link to Sports
Basketball priest makes ‘longest playground shot ever’ by John Touhey Aletei
Medical Journal Articles
Postpartum Depression—New Screening Recommendations and Treatments by Tiffany A. Moore Simas, MD, MPH, ME, Anna Whelan, MD, and Nancy Byatt, DO, MS, MBA JAMA November 27, 2023 Link to Pregnancy and Pregnancy Challenges and to Mental Health/Illness
Clinical Research Risks, Climate Change, and Human Health by Jeff D’Souza, PhD and Gabrielle Samuel, PhD JAMA. November 27, 2023.
Germline Sequencing Analysis to Inform Clinical Gene Panel Testing for Aggressive Prostate Cancer by Burcu F Darst, Ed Saunders, Tokhir Dadaev. et al JAMA Oncology Nov 1;9(11):1514- 2023 Link to Cancer
Fourth-Generation HIV Testing by Michael R. Rose, MD, MPH. Natasha M. Chida, MD, MSPH, Joyce L. Jones, MD, MS JAMA. December 1, 2023 Link to HIV/AIDS
What is Prediabetes by Jill Jin, MD, MPH JAMA December 1, 2023
Pride by David Malebranche, MD, MPH JAMA December 1, 2023
Trends in Before Medically Advised Discharges for Patients With Opioid Use Disorder, 2016-2020 by Ashish P. Thakrar, MD, MS, Margaret Lowenstein, MD, MPh,, MSHP, S. Ryan Greysen, MD, MHS, et al.JAMA December 4, 2023
A 52-Year-Old With Painful Fingertips by Hideki Oka, MD, Shuji Sumitomo, MD, PhD, and Koichiro Ohmura, MD, PhD JAMA December 4, 2023
Best of Graphic Medicine—The 2023 Graphic Medicine International Collective Awards by Michael J. Green, MD, MS;, and Kevin Wolf, FSA JAMA December 4. 2023
Pregnancy After Breast Cancer in Young BRCA Carriers: An International Hospital-Based Cohort Study by Matteo Lambertini, MD, Eva Blondeaux, MD, Elisa Agostinetto, MD, et al.JAMA December 7, 2023
The Unsuccessful Effort to Revise the Uniform Determination of Death Act by Robert D. Truog, MD and David C. Magnus, PhD JAMA December 7, 2023 December 7, 2023
Strategies to Improve Medical Communication by Anne R. Cappola, MD, Sc and Karthika S. Cohen, MS, MA JAMA December 7, 202
State-Regulated Psychedelics on a Collision Course With FDA by Mason Marks, MD, JD JAMA December 8,, 2023 Link to Psychedelic Drugs
What Is Alpha-Gal Syndrome? by Fatema Mollah, MD, Mark A. Zacharek, MD, and Mariel R. Benjamin, MD JAMA December 8, 2023
Book Announcements, Reviews, and Commentaries
Art & Prayer: The Beauty of Turning to God by Msgr. Timothy Verdon Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Catholic Art Appreciation for Little Ones by Nicole M. McGinnis Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
At Eternity’s Gate: Artists of the Infinite by Father John O'Brien, OFM Reviewed by Francis Etheredge Profiles in Catholicism
In Light of Women: One Woman’s Journey with Icons by Mary Jane Miller Reviewed by The Right Reverend William O. Gregg, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Sistine Chapel: History of a Masterpiece by Antonio Forcellino Reviewed by Sean Salai The Catholic World Report
The Dialectics of Art by John Molyneux Reviewed by Ciaran Freeman National Catholic Reporter
Michelangelo, God’s Architect: The Story of His Final Years and Greatest Masterpiece by William E. Wallace Commentary by Ingrid D. Rowland The New York Review of Books
Jenny Saville by Richard Calvocoressi and Mark Steven Reviewed by Ciaran Freeman America
Madonnas of Color by Mickey McGrath Reviewed by Laryssa Herrington U .S .Catholic
What You Have Heard Is True: A Memoir of Witness and Resistance. by Carolyn Forché Reviewed via an Interview with Carolyn Forché by Nicole-Ann Lobo Commonweal
Marty Glickman: The Life of an American Jewish Sports Legend by Marty Glickman Reviewed by Jacob Gurvis The Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Modern Saints by Ann Ball Reviewed by Kathryn Post Religion News Service
Answering Orthodoxy: A Catholic Response to Attacks from the East by Michael Lofton Reviewed by Casey Chalk The Catholic World Report
Film Reviews and Commentaries
The Levys of Monticello Reviewed by Jacob Gurvis The Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Jack and Sam Reviewed by Julia Gergely Jewish Telegraphic Agency
The Philadelphia Eleven Commentary by Yonat Shimron Religion News Service
Godzilla Minus One Reviewed by Jim McDermott Religion News Service
Mad About The Boy: the Noel Coward Story Commentary by Fiona Audley The Irish Post
We Live Here: The Midwest. Reviewed by Fiona André Religion News Service
Napoleon Reviewed by Andrew Fowler Angelus
Lady Ballers Reviewed by Andrew Petiprin The Catholic World Report
Once I’m Gone Reviewed by David Sugarmen Tablet
Theater Reviews and Commentaries
Unreconciled Reviewed by Steve Pfarrer Daily Hampshire Gazette
What I Really Think of my Husband Reviewed by Christy Lawrence Independent Catholic News
Remembering Those Who Have Passed
Age is in debt to Death
and Death shall Sue
when Age Outruns the Issue of It’s Bond
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