by Joshua Shea
Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D.

I am sure the author had many meaningful conversations with the people he interviewed. I believe the conversations were helpful and meaningful to all the participants. There are wonderful testimonials and acknowledgements included in the book. The author is a coach, author, educator and presenter on the topic of pornography addiction. He has written four books and given lectures at colleges, churches and libraries, along with over 400 interviews about pornography addiction. He lives in Maine with his wife, son, three dogs and 10 cats.
According to one recent study by the Barna Group, nearly 1 in three men under 30 believe they have an unhealthy relationship with pornography, With access to the most extreme sexually-themed material unlike it’s ever been in the history of mankind it’s not surprising so many Millennials and Gen Z’ers grew up with the ideas, attitudes and behaviors toward pornography that they have. Bit what happens when they want to change things?
The last section of this book contains various assessments, thought exercises and other tools to help the reader better understand the individual situation in regard to the addiction. Throughout the book, the reader will be prompted to take an assessment. The author urges the reader not to skip over these part. They will help the reader personalize this beast of porn addiction.