by Faith Hakesley
Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D.

All our lives are filled with glimmers of grace as we go through each day. The child that runs and hugs us. The parent who does the dinner for a special occasion. The teacher who reaches out to the student. The person who holds the door for us. The persons who help us to heal from sexual abuse with loving care that continues throughout the healing process of the person. These are all glimmers of grace. Faith Hakesley lays out four things that she wants readers to take away. First and foremost that, whether a victim or a loved one, you are not alone in the fight. Secondly that you find freedom and recognize the gifts that the Lord is offering you. Thirdly to assist in finding your own voice and validating your experiences. Lastly to encourage and seek help.
The book itself is 171 pages long and packed full of powerful reflections. Faith shares her own experiences and one can’t help but to be drawn in. In reading the reflections I found myself to be challenged in my faith in a way previously not known. This isn’t a bad thing, but s blessing. Each chapter begins with a scripture passage or a relevant quotation from a saint. Faith then elaborates on the quote with a relevant topic, and she does so with the wisdom of one who has lived several lifetimes. The book is filled with beautiful reflections. Each reflection is something that can easily be read in just a few minutes per day, but I was so enthralled that I read it in one sitting. It is very rare that a devotional has that effect. The end of each devotion has a prayer, a call to action, a step to deepen your faith, and questions for reflection. Though you may not have had an experience like the author in healing from sexual abuse, you will still be challenged to examine your own experiences. This will challenge you to let go of hatred, develop compassion for others, and embrace the grace of Christ.