A Message from the Editor
We are failing to protect our children from clerical sexual abuse... Be sure to check our web Clerical Sexual Violence Against Minors.
In this issue, we feature an interview with a woman who was sexually abused as a minor by a priest, a man who was abused as a child by a priest who was a family friend, and an article by a sexual abuse survivor who details his abuse by a priest and the impact that it has had on his life and family, and an interview with Father Hans Zollner, SJ, the Vatican’s expert of preventing sexual abuse of minors.
A Quote to Remember
"Before God and his people, I express my sorrow for the sins and grave crimes of clerical sexual abuse committed against you. And I humbly ask forgiveness. I beg your forgiveness, too, for the sins of omission on the part of church leaders who did not respond adequately to reports of abuse made by family members, as well as by abuse victims themselves. This led to even greater suffering on the part of those who were abused, and it endangered other minors who were at risk"
by Pope Francis
Special Prayer
A Prayer for Those Who Have Suffered Abuse by the Clergy
God, in your providential love you comfort those who are wounded and afflicted.
Hear our prayers for those who have suffered abuse by those in their families or by those entrusted with their care. In a special way, we pray for those who suffered abuse by clergy who betrayed a sacred trust and who were meant to stand for your loving presence in their lives. May those who have been hurt find support and encouragement in communities of faith, hope, and love. May they discover healing in genuinely loving and caring relationship. May they reclaim hope for themselves. May they be strengthened and confirmed in their resolve to set things aright. May they rest in you who make all things work for the good.
by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer for Michael Nnari
Michael Nnari
Flipping through the news the name catches my eye.
What kind of name is that? How would I ever pronounce it?
Still, it did catch my eye.
A martyr. A martyr?
Martyrs are from the first century.
The time of the Caesars.
Or perhaps, the ugly times of the Reformation.
But today? A martyr?Yes.
Michael Nnari, A martyr
O Lord, open my eyes to see and my heart to feel
The pain and suffering your body still endures.
Yes, even today.
Michael Nnadi. A martyr
Today I must ask again and again
Today I must pray:
O Lord, open my eyes to see and my heart to feel
As you suffer for the sins of all.
As you still suffer and die for us.
by Father David O. Brown, O.S.M. Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer for El Salvador Victims
Lord, it has recently been reported
that 138 people, and possibly many more,
who sought refuge in the United States
from violence in their homeland
have been brutally murdered.
We pray for the victims, their families and their friends.
We pray that El Salvador and other Central American countries
may see a lessening of gang violence,
from which they fled
and which has caused their tragic deaths
and likely the deaths of countless others.
We pray that the United States,
instead of simply returning refugees
to a place in which they will die,
will find the conscience and the will
to help countries such as El Salvador
create safer societies.
We pray that the United States
will live up to the inscription on
the Statue of Liberty
which defines the mission and purpose
of the United States as a place of refuge for those in need.
Oh Lord, the vast majority of us Americans
are descended from immigrants
who were themselves refugees
from poverty or violence,
or often both,
in their homelands.
Lord, may we Americans do unto others
what earlier Americans did unto our ancestors,
saving them, and us, from the dire circumstances
from which they fled
to find in our country
a safe and welcoming haven.
Prayer for El Salvador Victims
by Dr. Eugene J. Fisher Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer for the Soldiers Who Suffered Traumatic Brain Injury in Iraq
God, ever-faithful and true,
you walk with your people,
especially when they are most in need of your healing presence.
We lift to you
our troops in Iraq who have suffered traumatic brain injury,
while serving us and the people of Iraq.
Confirm their mission of peace in that troubled country.
Bring healing, hope, and consolation to them.
Help the nurses, doctors, and others responsible for their care.
Enable us to care for those who have cared for us. Amen
by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism
General Articles/Commentaries
My Journey of Healing from Sexual Abuse by Mike Hoffman Profiles in Catholicism Link to Clerical Sexual Violence Against Minors
Fr. Hans Zollner: Clergy abuse has damaged the church, but ‘more damage has been done to human beings’ by Gia Myers, Catholic News Service/America
Canossa reversed: The Church and the secular state in the abuse crisis by Massimo Faggioli La Croix International
Victim-survivor says affirmation, sharing his story a pathway to healing
by Dave Hrbacek Crux
Matthew-25 by Father Matthew Kelly Care for Survivors
In ‘Broken Silence,’ a composer brings a note of hope to the church’s sex abuse crisis by Maggi Van Dorn America
Pope hints at broader vision of ‘recovery’ from sex abuse scandals
by John L. Allen Jr. Crux
by Dr. Adam A. J. DeVille The Catholic World Report
You Cannot Deny Someone Forgiveness and Be a Christian by Grayson Gilbert Patheos
Link to Forgiveness
Forgiveness is a gift for your transgressors (and yourself) by Father Jake Martin, SJ America
Kidnapped Nigerian seminarian has been killed by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report Link to Murdered Priests and Seminarians
The death of Michael Nnadi and the sacrifice of seminarians by Father Seán Connolly The Catholic World Report
US sanctions 13 former Salvadoran soldiers for 1989 killing of Jesuits by Robin Gomes Vatican News
Priest held hostage by IS/Daesh reflects on his experience by Grégoire de Fombelle Independent Catholic News
I survived sex trafficking. Now, prayer is helping me heal by Anonymous America
Link to Human Trafficking
Human slavery: Filipino girls trafficked into bondage by Father Shay Cullen UCANews.com
SUPER NUNS: the fearless sisters fighting human trafficking by Linda Bordoni and Sr. Bernadette Reis Vatican News
Healthcare workers are on front lines of fight against human trafficking by Christopher White Crux
Cardinal Sarah: The priesthood “is in mortal danger… going through a major crisis” by Carl E. Olson The Catholic World Report
Never let Holocaust horrors fade from memory by Father Shay Cullen UCANews.com Link to The Holocaust
Auschwitz and “intrinsic evil” by George Weigel The Catholic World Report
Anti-Semitism preceded Auschwitz — and outlived it by Sara J. Bloomfield The Boston Globe Link to Antisemitism
Violence, Gaslighting and Flying Monkeys: How Abusers Manipulate their Communities by Mary Pezzulo Patheos Link to Domestic Violence
Commemorating Black History Month as a white Catholic by Daniel P Horan National Catholic Reporter
Federal government backs Ohio on Down syndrome abortion law by Julie Carr Smith Associated Press/ABC Link to Down Syndrome
Down syndrome could get a patron saint by Philip Kosloski Aleteia
Meet “Autism With Attitude” — the dance group celebrating differences
by Cerith Gardiner Aleteia
Link to Autism
Researchers Find 102 Genes Linked to Autism in One of the Largest Studies of Its Kind to Date by Alice Park Time
DNA Damage Linked to Brain Overgrowth in Autism by Abby Olena The Scientist
Panel assesses Dorothy Day’s impact on church and their own lives by Mark Pattison Crux
Filmmakers point to Knock Shrine as a place of hope for Ireland by Courtney Mares Catholic News Agency/Angelus
The Jesuit School That Serves A Predominantly Muslim Community In Brussels by Melissa Vida America
Analysis: Pope Francis and the Germans by Ed Condon CNA/The Catholic World Report
Three churches reportedly burned down in Sudan by Catholic News Agency/Angelus Link to African Challenges
Africa: most dangerous place to be a missionary by Bess Twiston Davies Independent Catholic News
Coronavirus Wuhan diary: Living alone in a city gone quiet by BBC News Link to Coronavirus
Coronavirus: Philippine bishop calls for solidarity and prayer by Robin Gomes Vatican News
Staying Alive: Mary Oliver on How Books Saved Her and Why Passion for Work Is the Antidote to Sorrow by Maria Popova Brain Pickings
Dragooning Pope St. John Paul II into an Antichrist Cult by Mark Shea Patheos
Panel assesses Dorothy Day’s impact on church and their own lives by Mark Pattison Catholic News Service/America
Even before PBS airing, Dorothy Day film tops Amazon documentary chart by Mark Pattison Catholic News Service/Angelus
George F. Will vs. God by Msgr. Richard Antall Angelus News
U.S. Bishops and Catholic hospitals denounce Trump’s plan for Medicaid by Michael J. O’Loughlin America
Elections, Newman, Augustine, Media, and more on Rose Hawthorne by Dr. Jeff Miru Catholic Culture
Pro-lifers urged to build stronger relationships with African Americans by Sydney Clark CNS/Crux
Aquinas and God: Why Muslims And Others Believe In The Same God As The Christians by Henry Karlson Patheos
Praying with the mystics by Russell Shaw Echoes
Faith groups join call to oppose Trump 'peace plan by Independent Catholic News Link to United States Politics
The New Normal: Traitors are Protected. Heroes are Punished. by Rebecca Hamilton Patheos
“Public Charge” Ruling Shows the Supreme Court Won’t Save Us From Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Agenda by Natasha Lennard The Intercept Link to United State Immigration Challenges
Peace scholar says finding disappeared victims of Mexico's drug war 'a moral issue' by Claire Schaeffer-Duffy National Catholic Reporter
A Lesson in Realism for Iran by William Kilpatrick The Catholic World Report
Meditations and Ponderings about the RCIA by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Prophetic Saint Who Foretold What the End of the World Will Be Like by Joseph Pronechen National Catholic Register
Mali bishops warn against rise of inter-communal violence by Crux Staff Crux Link to General Violence Challenges
French Government releases Statistics 1,052 anti-Christian acts committed last year - an Increase of 35% by Jesus Caritas Est Catholic News World
Quo vadis, Sam Travis by Dick Flavin Echoes Link to Sports and Spirituality
Why Kobe Bryant took his Catholic faith so seriously by Tom Hoffarth and Steve Lowery Angelus News
Faith in Football - the Chiefs Win the SuperBowl but also Show that Prayer is Important in Life - #SuperBowl by Jesus Caritas Est Catholic News World
From the Gridiron to the Gala: Tim Tebow Hosts Special Needs Gala by Melissa Butz New Evangelization Television (NET)
Philippine archdiocese's action on climate emergency by Robin Gomes Vatican News Link to Environment and Climate Challenges
Running Red Hot, and Scientists Don’t Know Why by Eric Boston Bloomberg Green
Friar warns that Brazilian ecological problems can lead to food crisis by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
Defending the most defenseless by Tony Magliano Catholic Sentinel Link to Abortion
Vatican working to get U.S., Russia to discuss nuclear arms reduction by Dennis Sadowski Catholic News Service/Angelus
Link to Nuclear Challenges
Physical, political persecution against Christians in Nigeria getting worse by Allen Ottaro The Catholic World Report Link to African Challenges
Sisters care for home-based patients and the terminally ill in Botswana by Rumbt Chakamra National Catholic Reporter Link to End of Life
The Irony of Opioids by Katherine Lucky Commonweal Link to Substance Use/Addiction
Just a few hundred prescribers responsible for half of U.S. opioid doses by Lisa Rapaport Reuters
What is environmental justice? by Brian Roewe EarthBeat
Vatican speaker tells NJPN: 'this must be the decade for action, inspired by Laudato Si' by Ellen Teague Impendent Catholic News
Canada Leads the Way in Liberalizing Euthanasia Around the Globe by Celeste McGovern National Catholic Register Link to Euthanasia
What Is the Future of Parochial Schools? by Peter Jesserer Smith National Catholic Register Link to Catholic Schools
Why You Should Re-Read Paradise Lost by Benjamin Ramm BBC Culture
Healthcare networks launch anti-human trafficking training by Christine Rousselle Catholic News Agency//Angelus
AI and ethics aren’t mutually exclusive, says this data scientist by A U.S. Catholic interview U.S. Catholic
Link to Artificial Intelligence
The silent suicides of Pakistan by Kamran Chaudhry UCANews,com Link to Suicide/Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia
The polarization of America, part N: sex and politics and the GSS by Jane the Actuary Patheos Link to United States Politics
American Gangsters by Dominic Preziosi Commonweal
Remembering Ann Lovett's tragic death, and Ireland's silence in the aftermath by Cahir O'Dohert Irish Central
A Flight into Reality by Anthony Esolen The Catholic Thing
Caged like animals: Inside Bangkok's notorious IDC by UCA News reporter UCANews,com
For some Latinos, grappling with their Christian identity can be complicated by Alejandra Molina Religion News Service/National Catholic Reporter
Leading journalist renounces his British citizenship, takes Irish after Brexit by IrishCentral Staff IrishCentral
Order of Malta honors Australian Jesuit by UCANews Repoter UCANews.com Link to The Society of Jesus
A Light Shines From ‘GOLD’: Order Cares for the Elderly by K.V. Turley National Catholic Registet Link to Elder Outreach/Services
Yes, This Is Who We Are: The United States and Our History of Injustice by Rebecca Bratten Weiss Patheos
The Superbowl and the Silencing of the Prolife Message by Tina Mayeux Patheos
Homeless gather in Roman basilica to pray for those who died on the streets by Courtney Mares Catholic News Agency/Angelus Link to Homeless
The story of Asia Bibi, the Pakistani woman condemned to death for blasphemy by Agnès Pinard Legry Aleteia
Nationalist event in Rome warns against 'pink police state,' Pope Francis by Joshua J. McElwee National Catholic Reporter Link to Italy Politics
Trump's 'Remain in Mexico' policy expanded to now include Brazilians by Catholic News Service/Angelus Link to General United States Immigration Challenges and United States Politics
Music against the Mad Cry of War: Mary Gauthier and Michele Gazich by Claudio Zonta SJ La Civiltà Cattolica Link to War/Acts of War /Terrorism/Genocide
John O. Brennan, former C.I.A. director, criticizes Suleimani killing at Fordham Law by Ryan Di Corpo America
After attack, London archbishop urges people to say 'no' to violence by Catholic News Service/The Pilot Link to General Violence Challenges
Colombian diocese, with some U.S. support, helps flood of Venezuelans by Manuel Rueda Catholic News Service/Crux
Story of first U.S. black priest takes the stage in LA by Tom Hoffarth Angelus News
A young woman's suicide puts focus on church's counseling for LGBT Catholics by Carina Julig Religion News Service Link to Suicide/Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia and to LGBTQ Challenges
Pope Acknowledges Nuns Were Sexually Abused by Priests and Bishops by Jason Horowitz and Elizabeth Dias The New York Times Link to Sexual Violence Against Women
Can heaven be happy with some missing? by Father Kenneth Doyle The Boston Pilot
Report: At least 138 sent from U.S. to El Salvador were killed by Ben Fox Associated Press/America
Pornography Is a Public-Health Problem by Maseleine Kearns National Review Link to Pornography Challenges
NGO releases 'Baker's Dozen' list of contributors to sexual exploitation by Christine Rousselle Catholic News Agency/Angelus
Belfast boxer Michael Conlan calls for action over suicide epidemic by Conor Donnan IrishCentral
Rwandan rehabilitation center cares for children with mental illness by Aimable Twahirwa National Catholic Reporter Link to Mental Health/Illness and to Children Outreach/Protection
Argentina’s bishops call for prayer for life as government seeks to legalize abortion by Inés San Martín Crux
The Importance of Papal Diplomacy. Francis Re-Commits to International Cooperation & Dialogue by Massimo Faggioli Commonweal
The Catholic priest in Mali who's the son of an imam, Father Amadou Kizito Togo, a specialist in Church History, recounts his journey of faith by Lucie Sarr La Croix International
Congress has a duty to protect immigrants by The Editors America
We Must Do the Impossible to Assist Migrants From Central America Say Mexican Bishops
by International Catholic Migration Commission
Forum examines religious persecution 75 years after Auschwitz liberation by Mark Pattison Catholic News Service/Crux
Underground Catholics ignore China's religion rules amid dangers
by UCAN News Reporter UCAN News.com
Link to Catholicism and China
No back to school fun for child labourers by Tony Magliano CathNews New Zealand
Pope names critic of war on drugs to administer Manila Archdiocese by Catholic News Service/Angelus
Please support one of our organizations and people who need help
Please send a donation for help save the life of my close friend Alwin Rex in India. Please read the article How do we love our neighbor as ourselves? and send a donation of $10.00 or more to help cover his healthcare costs to Father Thomas Ayyaneth, Syro Malankara Catholic Eparchial Chancery,1500 DePaul Street, Elmont, New York 11003, USA with a notation that the donation is for Alwin Rex. Father Thomas will process donations and send them to his pastor. Thank you Gordon Nary Editor, Profiles in Catholicism
When Children are Set Free by Father Shay Cullen Preda Foundation
Book Reviews/Commentaries
The #MeToo Reckoning: Facing the Church’s Complicity in Sexual Abuse and Misconduct by Ruth Everhart Commentary by Kristy Burmeister Patheos
The Prayerful Kiss by Francis Etheredge Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
How the Church has changed the world by Anthony Esolen Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Wounded Shepherd: Pope Francis and His Struggle to Convert the Catholic Church by Austen Ivereigh Reviewed by Michael Sean Winters National Catholic Reporter
The Force of Nonviolence: An Ethico-Political Bind by Judith Butler Reviewed by Ryan Di Corpo America
Girl, Arise! by Claire Swinarski Reviewed by Elizabeth Pardi National Catholic Register
Everyone Belongs Commentary by Contributor Catholic News Service/Crux
Worship as Community Drama: Introduction to Liturgy Evaluation by Pierre Hegy Reviewed by Peter C. Phan National Catholic Reporter
No Place to Lay One’s Head by Françoise Frenkel Reviewed by Brigette Manion Asymptote
'Street Homelessness and Catholic Theological Ethics' Edited by Fr James Keenan SJ and Mark McGreevy, Commentary by Independent Catholic News
Pope, Ukrainian president talk about peace, freeing prisoners of war by Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service/America
Film Reviews/Commentaries
Blind Eyes Opened: The Truth About Sex Trafficking in America Reviewed by Denis Grasska Crux
Just Mercy Commentary by Christopher White Crux
Parasite Reviewed by Matt Briand SJ Jesuit Post
Once Upon a Time...in Hollywood Reviewed by John Anderson America
Joker Commentary by J. Hoberman Tablet
Reviewed by Antonio D. Sison National Catholic Reporter
Reviewed by Joe Leydon Variety
Burden Commentary by Sophia Martinson Angelus
Reviewed by Eve Tushnet America
Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words Commentary by Sophia Martinson Angelus
Commentary by Christopher White Crux
Television Reviews/Commentaries
Reviewed by Sr. Rose Pacatte National Catholic Reporter
The Good Place by Jim McDermott America
Sanditon Commentary by Rob Weinert-Kendt America
Music Reviews/Announcements
Inferno Announcement by Lucia Ronchetti
Feasting with the Saints
I Am Becoming a Catholic
He called me...At first it was a tiny call and I said:
"Well I am listening" He called again and again I said:
"I am listening"
Sometimes His voice is strong and clear,
other times I can hardly hear Him,
Sometimes He calls me when I am looking at a beautiful sunset,
Sometimes He calls me when I am helping to serve the homeless,
sometimes He calls me when I am out to dinner with friends.
I am still listening
He wants me to follow Him now and always.
He wants me to follow Him in joy and solitude.
He wants me to follow Him when others are in need.
He wants me to follow Him when I have chosen to hurt Him
and then say I am sorry.
He is after me night and day.
He is after me at the dawn of a new day.
He is after me when daylight disappears.
His never ending loving call is for ME!
I want to belong to Him and His Church.
I want His presence to become stronger in my everyday life.
I want Him to love me now and forever.
I say YES and again YES.
He hugs me with a strong embrace.
He and I are together with the rest of His followers.Now and forever. by Holy Name RC(A Committee Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer to End Gun Violence
Lord Jesus, as you approached the city of Jerusalem, Before your passion, As your people waved palms in your honor, You saw the city and wept over it because you Loved it.
You knew of the violence and chaos you would suffer In that beloved city still you loved it and wept over it. Lord Jesus, look upon our cities, weep over them, Love them and protect them. Weep over us and strengthen us as we suffer Violence and chaos. Weep over us and love us. Lord Jesus, weep over us and love us. (See Lk 19) by Father David O. Brown, O.S.M.. Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer for Migrant Children
Good Lord, who said “Whoever receives one of these little ones, receives me,” bless the little ones who are caught in the struggle of migration, separation, and abuse. Give all those adults who are responsible for them and for their welfare the wisdom and courage to do the children justice and to protect them. Make our hearts more,loving and willing to do the right thing by them. May we see in all people young and old your image and so reverence their great dignity. We make our prayer through you who came among us as a child and who was forced to flee the threat of violence Amen by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism
Award winning photographer, punk-rocker, gives up everything to become a Catholic priest
Caught on camera a rare footage - humble reaction of Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle
John Paul II miracle 2006
The Power the Miraculous Medal [a true life story]: Sermon by Fr Linus Clovis. A Day With Mary