Book Reviews
Ricky and Julie – a story of courage and survival in the Philippines by Father Shay Cullen Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Equality and Justice for Women by Father Shay Cullen
Celebrating the Rightful Power and Dignity of Women by Father Shay Cullen
Global Warming Can be Stopped by Father Shay Cullen
The Good Judges that Give Justice to Abused Children by Father Shay Cullen
Racism: The Inheritance of Slavery by Father Shay Cullen
The Empowerment of Women by Father Shay Cullen
The Rape of Innocence by Father Shay Cullen
Human Trafficking: A Scourge on Humanity by Father Shay Cullen
On the ascent and fall from power by Father Shay Cullen
Some Very Uncomfortable Truths by Father Shay Cullen
Street children in the Philippines features PREDA | DW Documentary
Message by Columban Missionary Fr. Shay Cullen about the current situation in the Philippines.
Children are safe from Coronavirus at Preda | Preda Foundation, Inc.
Jailed Filipino Children in danger from Covid-19