Prayer for the Children of Nigeria
Oh Lord, the children in Nigeria are starving to death.
We join together with all Catholics, with all Christians,
with all people of faith.
Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists.
All who pray to you. The One God,
Lord of all humanity.
We pray that these innocent children
will have the sustenance, food, medicine, care
so that they may grow and flourish and help their communities
and all whom they may see who also will need the help that they need now.
We pray that the religious peoples of the world may come together to provide food
for these children,
and that the nations of the world may unite to send them what they need
to survive
and thrive.
And together we pray Amen. Let it be so!
by Dr. Eugene Fisher Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer for Child Protection
The force of eternal goodness and love will fill our hearts and action today and everyday as we strive to bring greater respect and dignity to every child.
The UN established the convention of the rights of the child, may they be implemented.
Lord, you made children the most important in the Kingdom, inspire good people to stand up and protect children and bring abusers to justice. Heal the victims and survivors so they have a happier, better life. Amen by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer to end violence against children
Children are the most vulnerable the most at risk from abusers. From those Lord,
who should protect and help them.
You taught us that the Children are first in God's the Kingdom.
Inspire us Lord Jesus to save and protect all children and bring the abusers to Justice.
Lord you said to throw them in the ocean of isolation where they will truly repent,
confess and do penance and beg forgiveness.
Help us protect children and prevent abuse everyday. Amen by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
A prayer to end child starvation:
“I am the bread of life” (Jn 6: 48)
Lord of life: you create all that is good (cf. Gn 1-2)!
Just as you walked the earth and saw our needs
You see the plight of our times: riches and poverty:
The starving among us; and, just as you had pity (Mk 8: 2)
On the multitude who came to listen to you,
And caused food to be shared in abundance (cf. Mk 8: 6-10) –
We cannot describe what is more fully known to you!
So we beg you to listen to the lips that cannot cry!
To the almost inaudible cry of our starving children!
Lord of love: you give every kind of good food!
Just as Zacchaeus was moved by your visit
And generously opened his wealth to others (cf. Lk 19: 1-10)
Out of love and as a remedy for what he had done,
Let your abundant gifts run between the poor, the generations,
Peoples of all races and creeds, particularly the silent-starving
We cannot tell you more clearly of the hearts open to you!
So we beg you to listen to the lips that cannot cry!
To the almost inaudible cry of our starving children!
Lord of Bread: let us share what you give us!
You will ‘Give us this day our daily bread’ (Mt 6: 11)
If we ask your Father (cf. Mt 6: 9); and so we ask on behalf
Of ourselves and those without daily bread, that just as you
Taught us this prayer that you intend it to be answered:
Again and again, again and again, again and again –
We cannot tell you more deeply of the hunger in us!
So we beg you to listen to the lips that cannot cry!
To the almost inaudible cry of our starving children!
Prayer to protect Children from online abuse
Lord help us Protect children from online abuse, may the EU retain and improve the existing law to filter and trace child pornography
and stop the grooming of children by evil doers and end child abuse and extortion.
Lord we pray that the internet server providers will block the abusers and may the good police bring them to justice.
As you said Lord Jesus, in Matthew 18: let a mill stone be tied to their necks and they be thrown into the sea !
Let truth and justice for all children prevail. Amen
by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
A Doctor’s Prayer
I see the suffering children and say I must help, I see the pain and hurt and I know, I can’t ignore when I feel and hear the call To respond and do my best To reach the sick and end the pain and bring healing, and respite. So few of us are left to heal and mend the hurt and sickness. We have fallen ill when we took the risk to save and help the others, the stranger and we too have suffered and have died. I ask why has all the world so little care As corona ravages the humble and the poor, And the vaccines are reserved for the rich and not the weak? Wicked hunger, squalor, and disease spreads with corona in nations that have brought conflict, riots and war upon themselves by corruption and by greed and are cursed to suffer and despair. We, and all humanity with the compassion and concern can call for justice for the rich to share the wealth and heal the world so all are safe to live in peace without the suffering and the fear. by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Children at Risk Articles/Commentaries
Children continue to suffer in Haiti: 'The world cannot remain silent' by Kielce Gussie Vatican News
Nothing is worth sacrificing the life of a child, pope tells world leaders by Carol Glatz Our Sunday Visitor
Syria: Unexploded ordnance poses biggest threat to children by Deborah Castellano Lubov Vatican News
Alleged abuse of migrant kids in US shelters is ‘deeply troubling’ to advocates by Gina Christian Our Sunday Visitor
Some 400 children die of rising heat across Europe and Central Asia by Deborah Castellano Lubov Vatican News
Bambino Gesù, for two years caring for young Ukrainian patients fleeing from war by Salvatore Cernuzio Vatican News
The making of the 1st global report on child protection by Luke Coppen The Pillar
Zuckerberg’s Apology Falls Flat: A Look at Social Media’s Damaging Impact by Alexandra Russel The Conservative Fix
As Rail Profits Soar, Blocked Crossings Force Kids to Crawl Under Trains to Get to School by Topher Sanders and Dan Schwartz ProPublica
Maryland’s Child Victims Act takes effect: What to expect in the days ahead by Rachel Konieczny & Madeleine O'Neill The Daily Record
Saveve the Children: Over half a million Rohingya children lack food assistance by Edoardo Giribaldi Vatican News
500 children die from hunger in war-torn Sudan by Agnel Maria Vatican News
The Disturbing Reality of Human Trafficking and Children by Allison Chawla Huff Post
Ukrainian kids ‘stolen’ by Putin must be returned by Father Shay Cullen UCA News
Post Distorts History of Presidential Efforts to Fight Child Sex Trafficking by Sean Christensen FactCheck
Pope Francis prays for children suffering in Ukraine by Devin Watkins Vatican News
The Worst Pediatric Care Crisis in Decades by The Atlantic/
Author argues broken American foster care system puts children in danger by Catholic News Service/Angelus
Ukraine: 'Russian invasion has killed hundreds of children' by Stefan J. Bos Vatican News
Save the Children calls for global response to stop famine by Lisa Zengarini Vatican News
Children of Ukraine suffering separated families, education gap by Deborah Castellano Lubov Vatican News
Children are still at risk of trafficking, says report by Sarah Meyrick Church Times
Advocates fear fate of 100K orphaned kids in Ukraine by Ashleigh Banfield WGN-TV
Israel and the silent genocide of Palestinian children by Sayid Marcos Tenório Middle East Monitor
Afghanistan: UNICEF launches historic Appeal to save children by Linda Bordoni Vatican News
Madison Diocese prohibits COVID-19 vaccination clinics for children at its schools, churches by Chris Rickert Wisconsin State Journal
Australian Church concerned over suicide rate of Aboriginal children by Lisa Zengarini Vatican News
Another Immigration Purgatory for Children by Diana R. Gordon The New York Review
Ron DeSantis Announces Plan to Basically Ensure Florida Schoolchildren Get COVID by Bess Levin Vanity Fair
Planned Parenthood-trained instructor: sex-ed programs sexualize children by The Catholic World Report/The Catholic News Agency
Dozens of babies 'died or brain damaged' at Nottingham hospitals by BBC News
16 children, suspected victims of sex trafficking, rescued in metro Atlanta by WSBTV
Nigeria child abduction: Kidnappers demand millions for a child's life by BBC News
Ethiopia conflict: 33,000 Tigray children risk death from hunger - UN by BBC News
Children tell of neglect, filth and fear in US asylum camps by Hilary Andersson and Anne Laurent BBC
Sex slavery shackles impoverished Philippine children by Joseph Peter Calleja UCA News
In Syria camp, forgotten children are molded by IS ideology by Hogir Al Abdo and Bassem Mroue The Associated Press
Britain’s back street baby rescue by Fiorella Nash The Catholic World Report
Children ‘pay the highest price’ in Yemen war, says Save the Children as seven injured while leaving school by ReliefWeb
Child protection: A social justice issue by Beatrice Mumbi Jesuit Conference of Africa and Madagascar
The Throwaway Rejected Street Children by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Catholic campaign to aid Syrian children who ‘have known nothing but war’ by Catholic News Agwncy/The Catholic World Report
Global rise in childhood mental health issues amid pandemic by John Leicester The Associated Press
Syria: UNICEF highlights plight of children after a decade of conflict by Fr. Benedict Mayaki, SJ Vatican News
A ‘revolution’ in child poverty? by Catholic News Agency
Can Duterte stop the evil of online child sexual abuse? Those responsible for the shocking increase .in this heinous crime in the Philippines must face the law by Father Shay Cullen UCA News
The Torture and Suffering of the Innocents by Father Shay Cullen ManilaTimes
Just Judges Implement the Law for Abused Children by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
'Our children die in our hands’: Floods ravage South Sudan by Maura Ajak Associated Press
Starving Children by Gordon Nary Profiles in Catholicism
Safeguarding children online, Fr Hans Zollner explores online risks for children and offers tips for their online safety. by Sr Bernadette Mary Reis, fsp Vatican News
Coronavirus-linked malnutrition is killing 10,000 more children a month, UN warns by France 24
German cardinal asks Pope Francis to review his handling of abuse case by CNA Staff Catholic News Agency Link to Catholic Sexual Violence Against Minors
A U.S.-Backed Militia That Kills Children May Be America’s Exit Strategy From Its Longest War by The Intercept/Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs
In South Africa, child homicides show violence ‘entrenched’ by Beralds Imray and Bram Janssen Associated Press Link to Murdered Children
Faith leaders call for political cooperation to tackle child poverty in England by Independent Catholic News
Euthanasia’s Slippery Slope in Netherlands Set to Snare Children by Cardinal Willem Eijk National Catholic Reporter
In Nigeria, nun cares for abandoned children labeled as witches by Valentine Iwenwanne Catholic News Service/UCA news
Child sex trafficking: It's probably not what you think it is by Theresa Waldrop CNN Link to Human Trafficking
Q & A with Sr. Meena Dias, serving children with disabilities in Goa for three decades by Lissy Maruthanakuz Global Sisters Report
More than 1.5 million children experience homelessness in a year. by Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD)
Children flee organ harvesters by CathNews
What Kids (and Parents!) Can Learn from Dorothy Day by Barbara Allaire with contributions by Jerry Windley-Daoust Peanut Butter & Grace
Funeral Mass for 640 unborn children is held in Poland by Catholic News Agency/Angelus
How To Keep Kids Safe Online: 14 Ways to Protect Your Children On The Internet by Erwin Caniba VTPN Thrive
Millions on the brink of starvation as the pandemic exacerbates world hunger