Book Reviews and Commentaries
Vatican investments must follow Catholic social teaching, new policy says by Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service/Angelus
Cathonomics: How Catholic Tradition Can Create a More Just Economy by Anthony Annett Reviewed by Michael Sean Winters National Catholic Reporter
Cathonomics: How Catholic Tradition Can Create a More Just Economy by Anthony M Annett Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Cathonomics: How Catholic Tradition Can Create a More Just Economy by Anthony Annett Reviewed by Michael Sean Winters National Catholic Reporter
Radical Sufficiency: Work, Livelihood, and a U.S. Catholic Economic Ethic by Christine Firer Hinze Reviewed by Matt Mazewski Commonweal
Catholic Economics by Angus Sibley Reviewed by Father John A Coleman, SJ Profiles in Catholicism
Holy See shifts personnel management to Secretariat for Economy - by Vatican News
Growing your wealth and spreading Christ's message through faith-based investing by Mike Skillman The Pilot
Report shows more dioceses establish foundations to fund work of church by Christina Lee Knauss Catholic News Service/National Catholic Reporter
Francis' teachings inspire Catholics in Latin America's economic protests. Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Brazil see rising discontent over abysmal inequalities by Eduardo Campos Lima National Catholic Reporter
Pope Francis encourages young economists to learn from the poor by CNA Daily News/The Catholic World Report
Economy of Francesco: Generating solidarity out of ashes of pandemic by Devin Watkins Vatican News
The friendly tension between Catholic social teaching and capitalism by Kathleen Bommette U.S Catholic
Parolin: people at center of integral ecology and human economy.During the online international conference held by the Centesimus Annus pro Pontifice Foundation, Cardinal Parolin speaks about integral ecology and human economy in the context of Pope Francis's appeal to change the course of human events. by Sr Bernadette Mary Reis, fsp Vatican News
Hundreds attend first Catholic ethical investment webinar by Independent Catholic News
Pope to European Forum: Ecological conversion of economy needed for better future by Vatican News
Pope names U.S.-based finance executive to secretariat for the economy by Carol Glatz, Catholic News Service/National Catholic Reporter
A Church That Is Poor? Money, Sectarianism, & Catholic Tradition by Massimo Faggioli Commonweal
Pope Francis, the future Vatican financial framework by Andrea Gagliarducci Monday Vatican
New Chicago Catholic Charities head: Economic crisis from coronavirus will last a decade by Michael J. O’Loughlin America
Pope proposes considering a ‘universal basic wage’ by CNA Daily News/The Catholic World Report