Multiple Ontario nursing homes broke safety rules meant to prevent COVID-19 outbreaks by CBC News
‘Stop ignoring faith communities’: Cardinal Lacroix on Quebec’s coronavirus response by Gerard O’Connell America
China stalls delivering aborted baby COVID vaccine to Canada for trials by LifeSiteNews/CatholicCanada
China stalls delivering aborted baby COVID vaccine to Canada for trials by LifeSiteNews/CatholicCanada
Importing Prescription Drugs from Canada — Legal and Practical Problems with the Trump Administration’s Proposal by Rachel E. Sachs, J.D., M.P.H., and Nicholas Bagley, J.D.New EnglandJournal of Medicine
Quebec dioceses start layoffs as anti-COVID-19 measures get stricter by CBS/The Pilot
In Canada, Justin Trudeau marshals a federal response to coronavirus by Dean Dettloff America