A Message from the Editor
About twenty years ago in London, I met several rescued survivors of human trafficking. While I was listening to their stories, I teared up - something I rarely do. These brave children and adults were scarred forever in their hearts, minds, and souls. We are privileged to have interviews with several global and regional leaders who specialize in addressing and preventing human trafficking.
Sadly, I earned that Nicholas Magliano, the son of my friend and contributor
Tony Magliano has a brain tumor. We are featuring a prayer for Nicholas by Father Shay Cullen, Please pray for Nicholas as often as possible.
If you find Profiles in Catholicism of interest and helpful, we deeply need your help to pay our staff who work very hard. If possible, please make a $10.00 donation (tax deductible in the United States) to help pay our hardworking staff.
A Quote to Remember
“It is not possible to remain indifferent before the knowledge that human beings are bought and sold like goods! I think of the adoption of children for the extraction of their organs, of women deceived and obliged to prostitute themselves, of workers exploited and denied rights or a voice, and so on. And this is human trafficking. It is precisely on this level that we need to make a good examination of conscience: how many times have we permitted a human being to be seen as an object, to be put on show in order to sell a product or to satisfy an immoral desire? The human person ought never to be sold or bought as if he or she were a commodity. Whoever uses human persons in this way and exploits them, even if indirectly, becomes an accomplice of injustice.”
by Pope Francis
Prayer to End Human Trafficking
Lord Jesus, you taught us the value of human life, the dignity of every person,
You said, like Isaiah, you came to bring good news to the poor,
To set captives free,
To lift up the oppressed,
To give sight to the blind,
May we not be blind but inspired by your words and action,
to support the children, and free all the captured slaves,
the victims of the people traders bought and sold as objects by the
human traffickers, may we set them free and end the scourge of human trafficking in your name.
Lord Jesus May your spirit be upon us.
Amen by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer for the victims of drowning by human traffickers
You taught us a great truth Lord that the children are the most important of all, you said for us to be with them is to be with you. They are precious and how many perish in the angry seas as migrant boats flee the war in Yemen to Djibouti.
Thrown overboard by human traffickers. Such evil criminals must be held accountable and those making war in Yemen.
The lives of 27 , Lord Jesus, were lost Sixteen children, women left to drown all because of human greed the root of so much evil.
Lord may your words and example inspire good people in the international community to be united in ending the horrific war and uses their power and intervention to bring a ceasefire and make peace. The lives of starving children will be saved. Amen
by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Prayer to End Human Trafficking
O Lord, you said you came: “to set the captives free.” In our world young men and women who are trafficked are modern-day slaves. Help these young people not to lose hope. Give the grace for elected officials to grow in awareness of and to take active steps to eradicate this horror. Teach them not to prosecute the victims of trafficking but to bring to justice those who perpetrate this crime. Lord, give the grace of conversion to those who mistreat unfortunates for their own personal gain. May demand decrease as people realize that prostitution is a crime against human dignity, forced upon these people, who are more victim than anything else. May the awareness of this horrendous crime spread throughout the world and may many join the efforts to stop trafficking and help the victims begin anew, filled with hope.
We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
by Sr. Veronica Piccone, MSC
Prayer for Fr Javier Campos and Fr Joaquín Mora
Whatever is our religious creed, we are united by the desire for justice, reconciliation and peace. A desire that comes from the depths of our hearts in the face of the blood that is shed violently day after day. From here we join the prayers of many in many countries following the murder of the Jesuit missionaries in the Tarahumara Sierra, Fr Javier Campos and Fr Joaquín Mora.
The blood of our brothers is sacred blood, so remembering them in community makes us feel connected to a memory of death and resurrection. In this desire for peace is the life that emerges from death. There is the presence of God giving us the word and the movement to build peace.
In these deaths God speaks to us to go out of ourselves and to undertake a journey, in these deaths he reminds us that we are one body and one family, that we cannot go forward alone, that we need each other.
by Father Hans Zollner, S.J. Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer for Nicholas Magliano
We pray Lord that you help the sick ,that they believe in you and that Nicholas can endure and heal, inspire and strengthen Nicholas
overcome the challenge,
knowing you are always with us. We will never give up believing that Goodness and Truth. will triumph over sickness and evil, that your Spirit will help Nicholas heal and our love will lift him up, and help him feel your love and presence through us and all will know that we and Nicholas are your friends and disciples. Amen
by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer for Those Murdered in the Highland Park Parade and their Families and Friends
Good and Gracious God,
We ask you to comfort the families who had friends and family lost in the brutal attach on the Highland Park Parade. Help them to remember the good things that happened to those who perished. May we take seriously our responsibility to put a halt on the use and abuse of guns in our society.
May all who perished be filled with the light of eternal life. We ask you this through Christ, our Lord, Amen by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer for Landon “Waldy” Raber
Good and gracious God,
You brought Landon back to yourself quickly. It is his simple kindness that made you think of him. Please bless his parents and all his relatives in this time of sorrow for them. May their lives be filled with the knowledge that Landon is with you at peace and embraced in your loving arms by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
A prayer for peace in Ukraine
“To whom shall we go?” (cf. Jn 6: 68)
Lord, there was a time before the bombs
Lord, there was a time before the atrocities
Lord, there was a time before the destruction
Lord, there was a time before …
Who wants the devastation, the ravaging, the turmoil, the loss of limbs, the deaths and destruction of livelihoods, crops and homes?
Who wants the unspeakable harm to the innocent, the undefended, those who cannot run, the weak, the frail and the hospitalized?
Who wants to carry out the commands that humiliate, decimate, dismember, waste, ruin the countryside, towns and cities?
Who, in the beginning, willed to wield the brutality of our neighbours?
Who, then, can enter the well defended, unreachable depths of unforgiveness?
Our hope for peace is built on the crucifixion opening out into the resurrection!
Our hope for peace is built on the extermination camps closing and the beauty of their silence!
Our hope for peace is beyond the machinations of human beings, their hidden plots and plans!
Our hope for peace is bled from the wounds which cannot heal without your help!
Our hope for peace is that human cry for help which pierced the hands and side of Christ!
Mary, Mother of the Lord, St. Joseph and all angels and saints,
Raise a plea in the presence of God which, like a wave gathering Momentum, will reach the throne of Mercy
And open the gates of grace!
by Francis Etheredge Profiles in Catholicism
Human Trafficking Interviews
General Interviews
Human Trafficking Articles/Commentaries
On World Day Against Human Trafficking- The Sovereign Order of Malta Call for Increasing Joint Efforts by Order of Malta
Stella Maris chaplain receives major anti-trafficking hero award by Independent Catholic News
Survey Report 2021 of Efforts to Implement OSCE Commitments and Recommended Actions to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings by Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
What's behind Iran's claims of Iraqi women trafficking crackdown? - analysis by Seth J. Frantzman The Jerusalem Post
Cardinal praises Mo Farah for admitting he was trafficked into UK by Jo Siedlecka Independent Catholic News
Human traffickers ‘using UK universities as cover’ by Shanti Das The Independent
Newsom pardons woman who killed sex trafficker, spent decades behind bars by Zachary Schermele ABC News
R. Kelly sentenced to 30 years in prison for federal racketeering and sex trafficking charges by Sonia Moghe and Dakin Andone CNN Link to Child Sexual Abuse General Reports
Tabitha Kum, combating human trafficking in nearly 100 nations by Deborah Castellano Lubov Vatican News
Forced to Beg: Tanzania’s Trafficked Kids by Njeri Mwangi BBC News
Teen Girl Charged With Kidnapping, Trafficking of 13-Year-Old: Police by Thomas Kika Newsweek
Pope condemns human trafficking at conference involving Church leaders, police by Inés San Martín Crux
Catholic nuns lead global fight against human trafficking by TODAY
Children are still at risk of trafficking, says report by Sarah Meyrick Church Times
Holy See urges protection of victims of human trafficking by CathNews
Prince Andrew Admits Epstein ‘Trafficked Young Girls’ in Settlement With Virginia Giuffre by Jon Blistein Rolling Stone
Pope on human trafficking: Keep your indignation alive! by UCA News
A Reflection on the Intersection of Racism and Human Trafficking by Sister Maryann Mueller, CSSF Acting Franciscan
Pope: Human trafficking an ‘open wound’ in the body of Christ and humanity by Vatican News
Philippine anti-terrorism law 'threatens human rights by AFP/UCA News
Christian group challenges Duterte over human trafficking by CathNews
Human trafficking, why so few convictions? by Father Shay Cullen Independent Catholic News
A clarion call to end the scourge of Human Trafficking by Vatican News
Sisters fight Nigeria trafficking with networking, advocacy and collaboration by Patrick Egwu Global Sisters Report
Brisbane Archdiocese moves to combat modern slavery by CathNews
Slavery in the 21st century by Tony Magliano Clarion Herald
Human Trafficking: A Scourge on Humanity by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Adivasi Women to Prevent Human Trafficking in N-E India by Indian Catholic Matters
Holy See calls for joint efforts to combat trafficking in persons by Vatican News Human Trafficking is a Global Challenge by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
The Scourge and Pain of Human Trafficking by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
The Christian Challenge to End Human Trafficking and Sex Slavery by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism
Rebecca Bender on Surviving Human Trafficking by Team Busted Halo
UN Human Rights Council to hear of Anglican efforts to combat human trafficking by Anglican Communion News Service
General Articles/Commentaries
Pope Francis Comments on Roe vs Wade by Dr. Dermot Kearney Catholic Arena Link to Abortion
Making a Difference. Finally! The unborn now have a fighting chance! by Tony Magliano The Journal
Justice Department urged to address violent attacks on pro-life centers by Julie Asher Catholic News Service/Pilot Link to Other ProLife Challenges
The promises and perils of a post-Roe America by David G. Bonagura, Jr. The Catholic World Report
Lay US Catholics to ‘redouble efforts to help moms’ after Roe overturned by Devin Watkins Vatican News
Pope hails families, blasts 'culture of waste' after Roe by Nicole Winfield The Associated Press
Catholic churches vandalized by abortion-rights advocates following Supreme Court ruling by Michael J. O’Loughlin America
Fertility doctors moving embryos to guard against legal protection by Dominique Mosbergen and Natalie Andrews The Wall Street Journal
How I Found Love, Family and Jewish Wisdom in Highland Park by Monique Parsons Interfaith America
World Meeting of Families 2022: Full text of Pope Francis’ address at the Festival of Families by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Daringly Balanced on One Point: The New Papal Letter on Liturgy by Peter Kwasniewski PhD OnePeter5
Church remembers two Jesuit priests killed in Mexico by James Blears -Vatican News Link to Murdered Priests and Seminarians and to The Jesuits
Pope prays for victims of Italian glacier tragedy, appeals for care of environment by Linda Bordoni Vatican News Link to Environment and Climate Challenges, Advocacy, and Response
Russia arrested an Orthodox Church priest who said troops fighting Ukraine are going to hell, reports say by Sophia Ankel Insider
Interview: Archbishop Gallagher on Vatican diplomacy, Ukraine and the threat of World War III by Gerard O’Connell America Link to War
Vatican Inconsistencies: A Tale of Two Bishops by Edward Pentin National Catholic Reporter
The pope and the Jews by Russell Shaw Angelus News Link to Catholic/Jewish Issues and Challenges
Call for greater protection for migrants and refugees by Vatican News Link to Migrants, Refugees, and Immigrants Challenges
Pope Francis saddened by Fourth of July shooting in Chicago by Deborah Castellano Lubov Vatican News
At least 5 killed in July 4th parade shooting in Illinois by Aditi Sangal, Elise Hammond, Maureen Chowdhury and Mike Hayes CNN
Cardinal calls for stricter gun laws after Chicago shooting by CathNews Link to Gun Violence
Gun violence and the deep sadness of our teens by Bishop Robert Barron Word on Fire/Angelus Link to Youth Challenges and Leadership
Germany: Over 2,700 antisemitic incidents reported in 2021 by The Associated Press/UCA News Link to Antisemitism
Antisemitic German military officer convicted on far-right terrorism charges by The Jerusalem Post Link to International Terrorism
Gangsters vs. Nazis. How the Jewish mob fought American admirers of the Third Reich by Robert Rockaway Tablet
The Roma Holocaust/Roma Genocide in Southeastern Europe by The Auschwitz Institute Link to Genocide
The New ‘Dear Evan Hansen’ Star on His Jewish Asian Identity by Tablet Podcasts
CUNY Schools Jews on the New Race Regime by Armin Rosen Tablet
Rabbi: Jews are flourishing in America. For that, I thank the Catholic Church. by Joshua Stanton America
Gay Men under the Nazi Regime by United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Link to The Holocaust and to LGBTQ Challenges
The Nazi Roots of Islamist Hate by Jeffrey Herf Tablet
‘I mean you no harm’: From troubled teen to neo-Nazi foot soldier by Bryan Bender, Alexander Nabert, and Christina Brause Politico Link to Neo-Nazis
Family chooses forgiveness after drunk driver kills three of their children by Inés San Martín Crux Link to Forgiveness
Depaul charity in Ukraine: ‘We sometime find people starving to death’ by Zuzana Klimanová Vatican News Link to Famine and Starvation
Life in Lviv: Ukrainian priest on funerals, food aid and prayers for victory by Marika Proctor Religion News Service
Italian nun slain in Haiti is hailed by pope as martyr by The Associated Press Link to Murdered Nuns
Husband Accused of Murdering New Bride on Luxurious Fiji Honeymoon by Justin Rohrlich The Daily Beast Link to Murder
Man, 73, who cut wife’s throat in suicide pact cleared of murder by Hope Philpott and Helen Pidd The Guardian
Researchers study embryo transfer as way to address ectopic pregnancy by Catholic News Service/CatholicPhilly Link to Pregnancy and Pregnancy Challenges
Justice Dept. Taps Reforming Outsider to Run Federal Prisons by Michael Balsamo andMhael R. Sisak The Associated Press/The Skanner Link to Prison Challenges
Donald Trump Should Never Be Allowed Within 1,000 Feet of the White House Again: A Pocket Guide
by Bess Levin Vanity Fair Link to Sociopathic Political Leaders
'Donald's' Mental Health Is 'Deteriorating' Even More Under Attacks, Says Mary Trump by Mary Papenfuss HuffPost Link to Mental Health/Illness
Shinzo Abe remembered for ‘great respect’ shown Catholic Church by Nirmala Carvalho Crux
Tokyo archbishop condemns political violence after former Japanese PM killed by Nirmala Carvalho Crux Link to Political Crimes
The Catholic Life of a Professional Baseball Player, the Next American Awakening Starts Here, and More Great Links! by Tito Edwards National Catholic Register Link to Sports and Spirituality
Aaron Judge and the Yankees by Dick Flavin The Pilot
Softball Player of Year: Lewis proves a hit for state champion Cougars by Rick Kozlowski The Journal
Ja’Marr Chase Is the NFL's Wild Young Wide Out by Tyler R. Tynes GQ
Tsitsipas slams 'bully' Kyrgios, Australian hits back by Reuters
10 Embarrassing Wrestling Scandals That Got Swept Under The Rug by Ravi Iyer The Sportster
Supreme Court sides with football coach in prayer case by Katie Yoder Catholic News Agency/Angelus
Elena Rybakina wins Wimbledon women’s final for 1st Slam by The Associated Press/NBC News
Day by day with the Boston Red Sox by Dick Flavin The Pilot
Nigeria's Amusan breaks 100 metres hurdles world record by Amy Tennery Reuters
Four indicted in smuggling incident that killed 53 migrants in Texas by Reuters
Top Vatican prelate calls Russian patriarch’s defense of Ukraine war ‘heresy’ by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Vatican investments must follow Catholic social teaching, new policy says by Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service/Angelus Link to and to Catholic Social Teachingand to Catholicism and Economics
Lawsuit alleges serial assault by CFR Franciscan by The Pillar Link to Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls and to The Franciscans
Archbishop Wester embarks on the long path to end the nuclear threat by Dennis Sadowski Catholic News Service National Catholic Reporter Link to Nuclear Challenges
Monk alleges abuse - and retaliation - at Silverstream Priory by The Pillar
Recalling the skill of a Benedictine sculptor by Independent Catholic News Link to Spirituality and Art
Sen. Joe Manchin and His Wife Directed Millions to the Wildlife Area Surrounding Vacation Condo by Daniel Boguslaw The Intercept Link to United States Politics- Part Two
Couple aims to shed light on domestic violence in Catholic families by Elise Ann Allen Crux Link to Domestic Violence
2 Kentucky officers killed, several hurt by gunman who opened fire at his home by Emily Shapir ABC News Link to Police Protection and Challenges
Suicide and our Misunderstandings by Father Ronald Rolheiser OMI Angelus Link to Suicide
Texas Catholic Charities CEO removed after planning women’s empowerment summit by Brian Fraga National Catholic Reporter Link to Women Challenges and Leadership
Pope Francis: Conscientious objector Bl. Franz Jägerstätter an example for youth by Hannah Brockhaus Catholic News Agency/Angelus
As Catholics, what is our responsibility to address climate change? by Maxine Kollasch Global Sisters Report
Surgeons Transplant 3-D-Printed Ear Made From Patient’s Own Cells by Elizabeth Gamillo Smithsonian Magazine
Christianity and Poetry by Dana Gioia First Things Link to Spirituality and Poetry
Making a Difference: 100 m People Forced to Flee by Tony Magliano Indian Catholic Matters Link to General Immigration Challenges
Who Trusts Institutions? by Father Joseph Chamblain, O.S.M. Profiles in Catholicism
Vatican releases suggestions for lengthier, revamped marriage preparation by Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service/Pilot
A ‘sunny child’ from Ukraine lays bare all hearts by Gina Christian CatholicPhilly Link to Children Challenges
America Was in an Early-Death Crisis Long Before COVID by Ed Young The Atlantic
NYC man charged in sex assaults after woman sent for help via Grubhub by Natalie Neysa Alund USA TODAY Link to Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
Canadian admits to hacking spree with Russian cyber-gang by Joe Tidy BBC News Link to Cybersecurity
Canadian Priest Lays Out Catholic Church’s Path to Reconciliation With First Nations by Peter Jesserer Smith National Catholic Register
Ten important papal moments in the Catholic Church in Canada by Patrick Owen Brown The Catholic World Report
Ottawa-area Trudeau event cancelled due to 'size and composition' of protest group by The Canadian Press Link to Canada Politics
Ahead of papal visit, Canadian bishops begin payouts to Indigenous communities by Elise Ann Allen Crux Link to Indigenous People
Pope Francis apologizes for forced assimilation of Indigenous children at residential schools by CBC
Canadian residential school survivors: ‘We can forgive, but we’ll never forget’ by CathNews New Zealand
Pope Francis condemns forced assimilation of Canada’s residential schools as ‘incompatible with the Gospel’ by Gerard O’Connell America
Researcher hopes trove of rare residential school photos can help identify missing children
by Olivia Stefanovich CBC
Residential school survivor: 'I'm here for my parents, whose kids were taken' by Francesca Merlo Vatican News
Priest asks Mount Pearl Catholics to unite after decision made to close Mary Queen of the World by Terry Robert CBC
John Paul I and the pill: He wanted change, but accepted ‘Humanae Vitae’ by Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service/Crux
The binding power of hatred by Father Ronald Rolheiser OMI Angelus
Masked white supremacist march through Boston draws condemnation by CBS News Link to White Supremacy
How Making Art Helps Improve Mental Health by Sarah Kut Smithsonian Magazine
Catholic charity launches campaign to protect elderly during hot summer by Inés San Martín Crux Link to Elder Challenges
The Abuse Scandal & Synodality by Massimo Faggioli Commonweal Link to Catholic Sexual Violence Against Minors
Pope: Zero Tolerance of abuse is non-negotiable by Vatican News
At Canadian Megachurch, One Abuse Investigation Spurs Another and Another by Meagan Gillmore The Associated Press Link to Protestant Sexual Violence Against Minors
Church must speak out against child abuse in sport by Shay Cullen UCA News
Imam arrested for alleged sexual abuse of 7 children in western Turkey Link to Muslim Sexual Violence Against Minors
Ortega government orders dissolution of Missionaries of Charity in Nicaragua by Catholic News Agency Link to Immoral Political Practices
Filipinos are buying books to preserve the truth about the Marcos regime by Kathleen Magramo CNN
Philippine bishops pledge to prioritize poor by CathNews Link to Poverty
Priest accuses Philippine govt of betraying health workers by Joseph Peter Calleja UCA News
The catastrophe to come- nuclear power plants by Fr. Shay Cullen Preda Foundation Link to Nuclear Challenges
The bloody legacy of Rodrigo Duterte by Howard Johnson & Virma Simonette BBC News
Pope Francis to make amends for Church abuse to indigenous children by Fr. Shay Cullen Preda Foundation Link to Indigenous People
Philippine diocese warns churchgoers of defrocked priest by Joseph Peter Calleja UCA News
Philippines: Government orders Rappler to shut down by IFJ Asia
How Catholicism Lost Political Clout in the Philippines by Daniel Moss Bloomberg
Pandemic made the poor poorer and the rich richer by Father Shay Cullen Preda Foundation Link to Economic Challenges
Five Kids Rescued From Detroit House of Horrors After Blind Sibling Found Dead in Freezer by Josh Fiallo The Daily Beast Link to Violence Against Children
Jan. 6 hearing live updates: Focus on Trump's '187 minutes' of inaction during attack by ABC News Link to Domestic Terrorism/Insurrection/Sedition
Doctors have less empathy to manage pain on night shifts - study by Jerusalem Post
Mother-Daughter Mental Health Professionals Launch Organization for Black Professional Women by Saundra Sorenson The Skanner
Over 1,000 children in English town were sexually exploited, inquiry finds by Andrew MacAskill Reuters Link to Child Sexual Abuse General Reports
Save the Children calls for global response to stop famine by Lisa Zengarini Vatican News Link to Children at Risk
NZ bishops urge action to end Palestinian suffering in Holy Land by CathNews
Flu vaccination linked to 40% reduced risk of Alzheimer’s - study by The Jerusalem Post Link to Alzheimer’s disease
How a woman with Down's syndrome swims across the Kinneret by Barbara Sofer The Jerusalem Post Link to Down Syndrome
Missing 6-year-old boy with autism found dead in Virginia by Delaney Murray Nexstar Media Wire/KTLA Link to Autism
Epilepsy & Mental Health: A Patient’s New Outlook on Life by Tim T UCB USA Link to Epilepsy
A new technology offers treatment for HIV infection through a single injection by Tel-Aviv University ScienceDaily Link to HIV/AIDS
WHO declares rapidly spreading monkeypox outbreak a global health emergency by Spencer Kimball CNBC Link to Monkeypox
Changing the field of stroke rehabilitation by Lior Novic The Jerusalem Post Link to Stroke
Voice of the Faithful report addresses lay involvement in Catholic Church governance by Voice of the Faithfull
Some wondering where is the community outrage three weeks after 5-month old baby girl is gunned down in South Shore by Mike Krauser WBBM Radio Link to Murdered Children
Ireland detects unusually high number of hepatitis cases in children by Colin Gleeson The Trish Times
Folau injured in test return for Tonga in Pac Nations Cup by Steve McMorran The Associated Press
Residential schools, the Jesuits of Canada and the process of reconciliation by Father Gilles Mongeau, S.J. Aleteia Link to The Jesuits
Australia spins out Sri Lanka to win 1st test by 10 wickets by Krishan Francis The Associated Press
Palliative care is grossly underfunded by CathNews New Zealand Link to Palliative Care
How do we stop the arms trade? by Paul McGowan Independent Catholic News
Retired 3-star general suspended from Army contract after tweet that appeared to mock Jill Biden
by Tom Vanden Brook USA TODAY Link to US Military and Veterans
Mother accused of abusing 6-month-old infant during inbound flight to Las Vegas by Julia Romero 8 News Now Link to Violence Against Children
Argentina government crises build as Economy Minister Guzman resigns by Jorge Otaola Reuters
Political shootout in Brazil amid presidential race alarms bishops by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux Link to Brazil Immigration Challenges
Chile’s bishops object to draft constitution over abortion, euthanasia by Inés San Martín Crux
Colombia extradites accused drug cartel leader's sister to U.S. by Reuters
Former N.J. priest indicted for sexual assault dies by suicide after shooting 3, killing 1 in Ecuador by Karin Price Mueller nj.com
Priest says São Paulo’s ‘forced hospitalization’ of addicts is ‘unethical’ by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux Link to Addiction
Haitians continue to flee gang violence in the capital, as U.N. prepares to vote on its role by Jacqueline Charles Miami Herald Link to Gang Violence
Mexicans asked to bring photos of violence victims to church by CathNews Link to General Violence Challenges
6 dead in shooting attack on Mexico drug rehab center by The Associated Press/ABC News
Harvard must face lawsuit over 'horrific' slave photos –Massachusetts Court by Nate Raymond Reuters
D.C. exhibit recalls Catholic journalists’ courage in Lithuania under Soviets by CatholicPhilly
Motu Proprio on Opus Dei to protect charism and promote evangelization by Alessandro De Carolis Vatican News Link to Evangelization
Indian police arrest 'masterminds' behind murder of Hindu tailor, officials say by Reuters
Indonesian Islamic College Bans Magazine Reporting Sexual Abuse by Andreas Harsono Human Rights Watch
In Kashmir, ‘conscious music’ tests India’s limits on speech by Sheikh Saaliq Aijaz Hussain Religion News Service
Bus falls into deep ravine in southwest Pakistan, killing 19 by The Associated Press
Pakistan: Archbishop's fresh plea for abducted and abused minors by John Newton Independent Catholic News
Pakistan: Kidnappings, forced conversions are ‘human rights issue’ by Aid to the Church in Need Link to Human Rights and Human Rights Violations
Father James Jackson arrested in Kansas by Joe Bukuras Catholic News Agency /The Catholic World Report Link to Pornography Challenges
Boy, 12, Who Drowned in Mission Beach Brought Back to Life By Rescuers by Eric S. Page NBC San Diego
Pope Francis warns of toxicity in social media, calls for inclusion in digital space by Anian Christoph Wimmer Catholic News Agency Angelus Link to Social Media
Catholic Cop: How to Defend Your Church by John Michael Buckle OnePeter5
Native American leaders push for boarding school commission by Susan Montoya Bryan The Associated Press Link to Native Americans
'Donald's' Mental Health Is 'Deteriorating' Even More Under Attacks, Says Mary Trump by Mary Papenfuss HuffPost Link to Mental Health/Illness and to Domestic Terrorism/Insurrection/Sedition
Princeton’s Buried Bodies by Paul Needhsm Tablet
Notre Dame awards honorary doctorate to NSW Governor by CathNews
Heavy rains, floods prompt evacuations of Sydney suburbs by The Associated Press
Australia may need to prepare for climate refugees by CathNews
Australia’s Plenary Council votes yes for Women Deacons by CathNews New Zealand
Indigenous elder tells court of 50-hour work weeks at New Norcia Mission by Sam McManus Australian Broadcasting Corporation
‘Walkout’ over role of women at Australia’s Catholic by CathNews New Zealand Link to Women Challenges and Leadership
Strict new rules for mobile providers after $10 million lost to text message scams in 2021 by Dana Morse Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Tori Amos uses music as medicine on ‘Ocean to Ocean by Ann Christenson U.S. Catholic
Bride is shot dead at her wedding in Iran during celebratory gunfire when stray bullet from a rifle hits her in the head by Jack Newman Daily Mail
Catholic journalists urged to face media, church distrust head-on by Carol Zimmerman Catholic News Service Link to Media
Fledgling social justice movement connects young Catholics by CathNews New Zealand Link to Youth Challenges and Leadership and to Social Justice
EU Parliament urges Vatican to defend human rights in Hong Kong by Claire Giangravé Religion News Service Link to Human Rights and Human Rights Violations
What’s behind the debate on ritual slaughter in Belgium? by Sarah Ben-Nun The Jerusalem Post
Vatican investigation in Strasbourg marks latest upheaval in French church by Elise Ann Allen Crux
French Catholic association shut down for ‘mismanagement’ by Tom Heneghan The Tablet
CathNews New Zealand Link to Suicide
German leaders see crisis as Catholics resign from the church by Thomas Winkel and Joachim Heinz Catholic News Service/The Pilot
German “Synodal Way” a “conscious statement against Catechism”, says official by AC Wimmer Catholic News Agency /The Catholic World Report
What do the German synodal way’s documents actually say? by Luke Coppen The Pillar
Vatican confirms ban on German lay group linked to Medjugorje by Elise Ann Allen Crux
German Catholic leaders ‘astonished’ at Vatican warning about ‘Synodal Path’ by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Irish archbishop: Church can be renewed if we listen to Holy Spirit by Franciscan Media Link to Ireland Issues and Challenges
‘Do not mention leprechauns, don’t call Irish people English’: An embassy’s advice for visitors to Ireland by The Irish Times
Police in Northern Ireland investigate burning of Pope Francis image by Michael Kelly Catholic News Service/Crux Link to Fear, Hate, Prejudice, and Discrimination against Others
Italian bishops urge prayers for end of drought by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Mario Draghi resigns, plunging Italy into political turmoil by Crispian Balmer, Giuseppe Fonte and Angelo Amante Reuters Link to Italy Politics
Defibrillator dramas show Church as focus of Italy’s good, bad and ugly by Crux
Horror Behind Closed Doors of Polish Residential Institution by Karolina Kozik Human Rights Watch Link to Human Rights and Human Rights Violations
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson resigns after mutiny in his party by Jack Guy, Luke McGee and Ivana Kottasová CNN Link to United Kingdom Politics
Why is it so hard to force Donald Trump off the political stage? by Michael Sean Winters National Catholic Reporter
Campaigners pleased at MPs opposition to euthanasia and assisted suicide by Independent Catholic News Link to Euthanasia and to Assisted Suicide
Holy See: Migrants are not just numbers by Lisa Zengarini Vatican News Link to General Immigration Challenges
Migrants, Melilla border guards clash as thousands storm Spanish enclave by Emma Pinedo and Ahmed Eljechtimi Reuters Link to Spain Immigration Challenges
Pamplona archbishop condemns violence at bull-running festival by Inés San Martín Crux
A global look at suffocation deaths of trafficked migrants by The Associated Press Link to General United States Immigration Challenges
Vatican to start monthly newspaper by and with the poor Link to Poverty and to Media
Doctors warn telehealth cut puts elderly at risk by CathNews Link to Elder Challenges
Colombia: Scores injured in deadly bullfight stand collapse by BBC
Church in Colombia eager to lend a hand in peace talks with guerillas by Inés San Martín Crux
'Living a daily tragedy': Venezuelans struggle to survive in Colombia by Steven Grattan The Guardian Link to Columbia Immigration Challenges
Pope calls on Ecuadorians to abandon violence and extremism by James Blears Vatican News
EXPLAINER: What led to priests being killed in Mexico? by Mark Stevenson Religion News Service
Mexican bishops to put photos of dead priests in churches by The Associated Press/Crux
‘Pressure is really on’ to find disability workers by CathNews Link to Disabilities
Tragedy in Texas by Griffin Oleynick Commonweal Link to General United States Immigration Challenges
Catholic leaders urge protection for Syrian, Venezuelan refugees by John Lavenburg Crux
Justice Dept. Taps Reforming Outsider to Run Federal Prisons by Micheel Balsamo and Michael R. Sisak The Associated Press/The Skanner Link to Prison Challenges
Aid agencies protest at G7 failure to address global food shortage by Independent Catholic News
The Sexual Scientist by Rokhl Kafrissen Tablet
BREAKING: Historic Catholic Church in West Virginia Destroyed in Suspected Arson by Joe Bukuras Catholic News Agency
Joshua Schulte: Former CIA hacker convicted of 'brazen' data leak by Matt Murphy BBC
1.6M Children Stranded by Flash Floods in Bangladesh by Sarah Ferguson UNICEF
Catholic priest suspended in India after marrying in Hindu temple by UCA News
India's influential king of "kitsch" broke rules and blazed a trail. Kalpana Sunder explores his remarkable life, work and legacy by Kalpana Sunder BBC
Church in India remembers archbishop that guided Goa in uncertain times by Nirmala Carvalho Crux
Israel’s new policy on ‘kosher cellphones’ is an abomination for Haredi rabbis by Eetta Prince-Gibson Religion News Service
Indonesian police rush in to arrest the 42-year-old son of an Islamic cleric accused of molesting a female student on July by Ryan Dagur UCA News
Sri Lanka: How a dramatic day unfolde by Tessa Wong BBC
Ranil Wickremesinghe elected President of Sri Lanka by Vatican News Link to Sri Lanka Politics
Casualties reported after attack on church inauguration in Syria by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
East African Bishops pledge to respond to "the cry of the earth" by Alessandro De Carolis Vatican News
At least 22 killed in jihadist attack on village in Burkina Faso by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Burkna Faso: 95% of villages lack priests after terror attacks by Fionn Shiner Independent Catholic News
LGBTQ+ People in East Africa Are Showing Up for Themselves by Caleb Okereke Pocket
Archbishop says peace a prerequisite for justice in Cameroon by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
Congo buries murdered independence hero Lumumba's only remains by Reuters
DRC and Catholic Church sign agreements as Cardinal Parolin visits by Salvatore Cernuzio Vatican News
‘Total bloodbath’: Witnesses describe Ethiopia ethnic attack by The Associated Press
Ethiopian Bishops: No one should be killed because of identity or religion by Vatican News
Ghana confirms its first outbreak of highly infectious Marburg virus by Reuters
Madagascar: Overcoming ‘despair and evil’ by Aid to the Church in Need
Morocco watchdog: 27 migrants killed in June border storming by Tario Elbaraka The Associated Press/ABC News
Mozambique: Charity commits fresh help after latest extremist attacks by John Newton Independent Catholic News
In Mozambique ‘sex was demanded in exchange for food,’ says Catholic entity by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
Mozambique arrests father planning to sell albino children by ENCA
Nigeria: Senior Catholic priest murdered by Boko Haram by Independent Catholic News Link to Murdered Priests and Seminarians
Nigerian archbishop cries at gravesite of slain priest as Catholics protest violence by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Priests are an ‘endangered species in Nigeria’ by Aid to the Church in Need
Nigeria: Catholic Priests abducted in Edo, Kaduna by Fr. Benedict MayakiVatican News
The Revolutionary Beauty of Nigeria’s Genderfluid Fashion Movement by Elvis Kachi them
Nigerian prelate sees attacks on Christians as part of broader government failures by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
Nigeria: Over 68 Christians in one state killed within two months by Fionn Shiner Independent Catholic News
Islamic State claims raid on Nigerian prison, 440 inmates on run by Abraham AchirgaReuters Link to Prison Challenges
Rwanda making preparations to take children removed from UK by Rajeev Syal The Guardian
South Sudan: As food aid stops three die of starvation by Independent Catholic New
Cardinal Parolin in South Sudan: 'God never forgets injustices you suffer' by Salvatore Cernuzio -Vatican News
At least 20 dead in South African club; cause not yet known by The Associated Press
South Africa Risks Race War by Stoking Xenophobia, Opposition Warns by Antony Sguazzin Bloomberg
Sudan security forces skirmish with demonstrators after protest deaths by El Tayeb Siddig Reuters
Sudan woman faces death by stoning for adultery in first case for a decade by Zeinab Mohammed Salih The Guardian
Tanzanian president praises Eastern African Bishops’ focus on environment by Angella Rwezaula Vatican News
African officials: Monkeypox spread is already an emergency by Farai Mutsake The Associated Press
Catholic activist ‘sad and angry’ as Zimbabwe girls resort to cow dung for sanitary pads by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
Georgetown's ex-tennis coach gets 2-1/2 years in prison in U.S. college scandal by Nate Raymond Reuters Link to Financial Crimes
Trump biographer says ex-president projecting mental instability on Cassidy Hutchinson after Jan. 6 hearing by Sarah K. Burris Raw Story Link to Domestic Terrorism/Insurrection/Sedition and to Mental Health/Illness
Priest prays for vandal after 'hate crime' causing thousands in damages, assaulting employee by Emma Colton Fox News Link to Hate Crimes
Prison officer who placed female officers in pimping affair fired by The Jerusalem Post Link to Police Brutality and Misconduct
Texas bishops call for immigration reform after truck deaths by CathNews
The Battle for the Soul of Miami by Alex Perez Tablet
AMLO Tells Biden Migrants Are Key to Growth in Fight With China by Maya Averbuch, Josh Wingrove, and Justin Sink Bloomberg Link to General United States Immigration Challenges
The City Where Investigations of Police Take So Long, Officers Kill Again Before Reviews Are Done by Laurence Du Sault ProPublica
Pastor of Catholic Church in Bethesda, Maryland, Describes Arson, Desecration of Tabernacle by Shannon Mullen/ Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Register
Five dead, dozens injured in strong earthquake in Iran by NBC News
Twitter sues Elon Musk to force him to complete acquisition by Clare Duffy CNN Link to Social Media
Bishop's removal of Paulists from Ohio State campus ministry sparks protest by Brian Fraga National Catholic Reporter
Actor is ‘transformed’ by portraying Father Tolton in theater production by George P. Matysek Jr. Catholic News Service/Crux Link to Spirituality and Theater
What Is An Addiction Evaluation?: The Process And What To Expect by Sarah Morris New Direction
Religious freedom is under fire across the globe, experts warn by Inés San Martín Crux Link to Religious Freedom
Pope says he hopes to renew Vatican’s deal with China by Elise Ann Allen Crux Link to Catholicism and China
UN rights chief sold her soul to China's brutal regime by UCA News Link to China Challenges
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson resigns after mutiny in his party by Jack Guy, Luke McGee and Ivana Kottasová CNN Link to United Kingdom Politics
Protesters break into home of Sri Lankan PM, set it on fire by Krishan Franci The Associated Press
China developing neural monitoring device to detect illegal porn by Roman.Meitav The Jerusalem Post Link to Pornography Challenges
Vatican astronomer praises beauty and potential of Webb space photos by Claire Giangravé Religion News Service/EarthBea
Vatican astronomer praises beauty and potential of Webb space photos by Claire Giangravé Religion News Service/EarthBeat Link to Astronomy
Hundreds of migrants rescued off Tunisian coast by Vatican News Link to Tunisia Immigration Challenges
The irrepressible, irreplaceable Midge Decter by George Weigel The Catholic World Report
Can laypeople lead a parish? Look to Louisville for a thriving example by Jospeh Martos National Catholic Reporter Link to Parish Challenges
A Saint-Soldier Defending Sikhs and Reviving the American Melting Pot by Joshua Stanton and Benjamin Spratt Interfaith America
Blue Angels names first female pilot in squadron’s history by Rachel Nostran Navy Times Link to US Military and Veterans
Stella Maris port chaplain honoured with US award by Vatican News by Suzanne Hurley Busted Halo Link to End of Life Challenges
Maronite Catholic officials denounce 12-hour detention of archbishop by Doreen Abi Raad, Catholic News Service/The Pilot
China: Shock at continued crackdown on human rights defenders and lawyers – UN expert by United Nations Link to Human Rights and Human Rights Violations
Vatican envoy in Hong Kong warns Catholic missions to prepare for China crackdown by Greg Torode Reuters Link to Catholicism and China
Timid west must draw a line in the sea and break Putin’s criminal food blockade by Simon Tisdall The Observer/The Guardian
Putin Pal Drops Menacing Hint: a ‘Cleansing’ Is Coming for Europe by Shannon Vavra The Daily Beast
World Leaders Make Laughingstock of ‘Bare-Chested Horseback Rider’ Putin at G7 Summit by Alice Tecotzky The Daily Beast
Bears Eat Wealthy Couple and Pilot After Helicopter Crash in Wilderness by Robyn White Newsweek Link to Animal Challenges
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Book Reviews, Commentaries, and Excerpts
The Slave Across the Street: The harrowing true story of how a 15-year-old girl became a sex slave by Theresa Flores Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
In Our Backyard: Human Trafficking in America and What We Can Do to Stop It by Nita Belles Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Ricky and Julie – a story of courage and survival in the Philippines by Father Shay Cullen Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Sex Trafficking: Inside the Business of Modern Slavery by Siddharth Kara Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Slaves Among Us: The Hidden World of Human Trafficking by Monique Villa Reviewed by Rebecca Tinsley Independent Catholic News
Surviving Sex Trafficking by Sadhvi Siddhali Shree Reviewed by Nick Schager The Daily Beast
Inheritance by Christine Sunderland Reviewed by Francis Etheridge Profiles in Catholicism
Reaching for the Resurrection, A Pastoral Bioethics by Francis Etheredge Reviewed by Christine Sunderland Profiles in Catholicism
Honorable Peace: How Can Lasting Peace be Secured between the Muslim World and Israel by Gottfried Hutter Reviewed by Dr. Eugene Fisher Profiles in Catholicism
The Ministry of Liturgical Environment by Joyce Ann Zimmerman, CPPS Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Alive in God: A Christian Imagination by Timothy Radcliffe Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Cane Boy: A Wonderful Discovery by Peter Tassi Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. and Maeve Quinn Knight Profiles in Catholicism.
Catholic Leadership for Civic Society by Cristofer Pereyra and Erin Monnin Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Old Man on a Bicycle by Don Petterson Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Ring: a Story of Love, Loss and Hope by Sarah Anne Carter Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Our Lady Undoer of Knots by Sylvia Dorham Reviewed by Zoey Maraist Crux
A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole Commentary by James T. Keane America
The Economic Weapon: The Rise of Sanctions as a Tool of Modern War by Nicholas Mulder Reviewed by David Cortright Commonweal
The Big Lie by Jonathan Lemire Excerpt by Jonathan Lemire Vanity Fair
Accidental Gods by Anna Della Subin Reviewed by Nate Klug Commonweal
God and Guns in America by Michael Austin Reviewed by Dr. Patrick Toner The Catholic World Report
Dignity, Agency, Power by Church Action on Poverty Reviewed by Ellen Teague Independent Catholic News
The Creed in Slow Motion by Martin Kochanski Reviewed by Independent Catholic News
Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Armfield Reviewed by Sam Manzella them
Faith & the LGBTQ Community by the Editors of Commonweal
My Hollywood and Other Poems Reviewed by Jane Greer Angelus
Infinite Regress by Joshua Hren Reviewed by Jesse Russell The Catholic World Report
No Apologies by Anthony Esolen Reviewed by Brian Welter The Catholic World Report
Film Reviews/Commentaries
Surviving Sex Trafficking Reviewed by Nick Schager The Daily Beast
Blind Eyes Opened: The Truth About Sex Trafficking in America Reviewed by Denis Grasska Crux
Broker Reviewed by Caspar Salmo The Daily Beast
Gabby Giffords Won’t Back Down Reviewed by Terry Tang The Associated Press
Hallelujah: Leonard Cohen, A Journey, A Song Reviewed by Rob LeDonne The Guardian
Nitram Reviewed by Clarisse Loughrey Independent
Elvis Reviewed by Lindsey Gahr The Associated Press
Thor: Love and Thunder Reviewed by Tyler Hummel Angelus
Building a Bridge Reviewed by Paul Elie The New Yorker
Baymax Reviewed by James Factor them
Swan Song Reviewed by Jo Siedlecka Independent Catholic News
Minions: The Rise of Gru Reviewed by Clarisse Loughrey Independent
Kalli Reviewed by Sunita Viswanath Religion News Service
Au Revoir les Enfants (1987) Reviewed by Criteria: The Catholic Film Podcast
Nope Reviewed by Jake Coyle The Associated Press/The Skanner
Television Reviews/Commentaries
Human Trafficking Exposed: Part One by Tamara Laine New Evangelization Television (NET)
Human Trafficking Exposed: Part Two by Tamara Laine New Evangelization Television (NET)
Human Trafficking Exposed: Part Three by Tamara Laine New Evangelization Television (NET)
Human Trafficking Exposed: Part Four by Tamara Laine New Evangelization Television (NET)
Human Trafficking Exposed: Part Five by Tamara Laine New Evangelization Television (NET)
EastEnders Commentary by Nathalie Raffray Independent Catholic News
God's Favorite Idiot Reviewed by Chris Byrd Catholic News Service/The Pilot
Stranger Things Reviewed by Joshua Rothman The New Yorker
EastEnders Commentary by Independent Catholic News
The Gray Man Commentary by Nick Schager The Daily Beast
Theater Reviews/Commentaries
Corsicana Reviewed by Rob Weinert-Kendt America
Feasting with the Saints
New Life at Preda: Resilience and Hope
Human Trafficking Survivors Share Their Stories
Unchained: The Scourge of Human Trafficking
Nefarious: Merchant of Souls
"RUN" - Human Trafficking Awareness