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Writer's picture: Profiles in CatholicismProfiles in Catholicism

Updated: Aug 17, 2020

Dedicated to the Memory of Anne Frank

A Message from the Editor

We thank all of the people who made a contribution to help create add distribute his issue of Profiles in Catholicism with our special focus on Antisemitism, We also thank Dr. Eugene Fisher, Father John Pawlikowski, and Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. for their exceptional help and contributions to this issue.

During my 85+ years, I have met a host of famous people and celebrities, and visited many famous places including the Vatican, Kensington Palace, and The Church of the Holy Sepulcher. But no person or place has ever seared my soul as the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam where I made a vow that I would try to create something in her memory which is why this issue of Profiles in Catholicism is dedicated to Anne Frank.

You will notice that there is a Prayer for Saikou Kambi, a 7-year-old boy in The Gambia who fell from a mange tree, was seriously injured and later died, I know his brother and paid for his burial costs. I am hoping that some of our readers will make a donation to cover his medical expense. Donations should be sent to Heidi Troyer via PayPal to her email She will foreword it on it on to Saikou’s pastor, and funds donated that exceed his medical expenses will go to help support his family.

Profiles in Catholicism is distributed to several thousand people in 68 countries. We rely on our readers for donations to continue and expand our mission. If you support our mission and find our publication of value, please make a tax-deductible donation.

A Quote to Remember

“Antisemitism is unique among religious hatreds. It is a racist conspiracy theory fashioned for the needs of messianic and brutal rulers, as dictators from the Tsars to the Islamists via the Nazis have shown. Many other alleged religious 'hatreds' are not hatreds in the true sense. If I criticize Islamic, Orthodox Jewish or Catholic attitudes towards women, for instance, and I'm accused of being a bigot, I shrug and say it is not bigoted to oppose bigotry.” by Nick Cohen

Special Prayer

A Prayer to Prevent Antisemitism

Lord God, through the covenant you established with the Jewish People, we Christians have been grafted into this covenantal tradition according to St. Paul. But very often throughout history we have shown ourselves ungrateful for this gift given us through Jesus who imbued in his teachings this Jewish covenantal tradition through acts of antisemitism. We join with Popes St. John Paul II and Francis in confessing our sins of antisemitism past and present. Through this prayer we commit ourselves to the elimination any remaining anti-Semitic teachings in the Catholic community and pledge to add our public voice in denouncing any manifestations of antisemitism in contemporary society. We ask your blessing so that we may have the strength to fulfill this pledge we make in your presence.

by John T. Pawlikowski, OSM , Profiles in Catholicism

In Memory: A Holocaust Prayer

Almighty God, remember the six million people that were gassed, killed, drowned, burned alive, tortured, beaten or frozen to death. For the sake of one man, a whole nation was crucified,

while the world looked on in silence. In our hearts, their sacred memory will last forever and ever. Amen

God of Our Fathers, let the ashes of the children incinerated in Auschwitz,

the rivers of blood spilled at Babbi Yar or Majdanek, be a warning to mankind that hatred is destructive, violence is contagious, while man has an unlimited capacity to cruelty.

Almighty God, fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah: “They shall beat their swords into ploughshares . . .nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.” Amen

by Alexander Kimel Remember

Prayer for Rabbi Bakshi-Doron תפילה פאר הרב בקשי-דורון

Eternal God of Abraham Isaac ,Jacob,

embrace into eternal life Rabbi Bakshi-Doron

your servant who served his people Israel and

brought enlightenment ,wisdom and peace to many.

We pray that in his spirit we will be united with all people in seeking

the peace he desired ,the freedom he loved, the justice

he lived for together with the spirit of Jesus of Nazareth,

a great Hew who sought unity and peace in a world torn by conflict.

May the spirit of Rabbi Bakshi-Doron live on with the Eternal God

of Love and Justice for the oppressed to inspire and encourage all Jews and all people people of faith to be faithful to the wisdom of the Holy Bible and bring unity to all.

Amen. by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism

תפילה פאר הרב בקשי-דורון

אייביק גאָט פון אברהם יצחק יעקב,

אַרומנעמען אין אייביק לעבן הרב באַקשי-דאָראָן

דײַן קנעכט װאָס האָט געדינט זײַן פֿאָלק ישׂראל און

געבראכט אויפקלערונג, קלוגשאפט און שלום פאר פילע.

מיר דאַוונען אַז אין זיין גייסט מיר וועלן זיין פאַרייניקט מיט אַלע מענטשן אין זוכן

די שלום ער געוואלט, די פרייהייט ער ליב געהאט, די יושר

ער געלעבט צוזאַמען מיט דעם גייסט פון יוזל פון נצרת,

א גרויסער איד וועלכער האט געזוכט אחדות און שלום אין א וועלט גערירט פון קאנפליקט.

מייַ דער גייסט פון רבי באַקשי-דאָראָן לעבן מיט די אייביק גאָט

פון ליב און גערעכטיקייט פֿאַר די אַפּרעסט צו באַגייַסטערן און מוטיקן אַלע אידן און אַלע מענטשן

מענטשן פון אמונה צו זיין געטרייַ צו די חכמה פון די רוס ביבל און ברענגען אחדות צו אַלע.

אמן. Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism

A Prayer to Protect Dr. Anthony Fauci and his Family Good and Gracious God You have sent Dr. Fauci to take care of us scientifically, specifically, about infectious disease during this pandemic. He has relentlessly filled our needs by his loyalty to the truth of science. "I wouldn't have imagined in my wildest dreams that people who object to things that are pure public health principles are so set against it, and don't like what you and I say, namely in the word of science, that they actually threaten you. I mean, that to me is just strange," Fauci said Dr. Fauci has received death threats to himself and his wife and harassment to his three daughters. Fauci has led the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984 and has advised six presidents on matters of public health. In recent months, he has sometimes made statements that have contradicted President Trump. He has remained true to the gifts God has graciously given him to serve the public in this capacity. Please, dear Lord, help him and protect him and his family as they continue to offer us the best information on infectious disease and how to handle it. We sanitize our hands in respect for this man’s understanding of the importance of cleaning; we distance ourselves from others in public as we know he has thought long and hard about what is needed to get rid of the virus; we wear masks in honor of the integrity, goodness, perseverance, honesty and compassion of this man. May Mother Mary hold his entire family in her loving embrace. We are grateful. Lord, for the constant and consistent attention to what needs to be done scientifically during this time. May each one of us saying this prayer, say another prayer for Dr. Fauci and his family each future day of the pandemic by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism

A Prayer for Saikou Kambi

Dear God.

Please welcome the soul of Saikou Kambi from The Gambia. We have lost a beautiful life of this wonderful 7-year old boy.

In this life, you embraced him with your tender love. We know that he is now infinitely happy in your joyous embrace.

Bless and console us and gently wipe every tear from our eyes: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit Amen by Gordon Nary Profiles in Catholicism.

Prayer for the Murdered Children in Chicago

Lord God, source of all life,

you make all life sacred

and love especially the most vulnerable among us.

Protect our children from senseless violence,

shield them from the plague of gunfire,

and enable us to defend them from those who would harm them.

Enable our community to address the root causes of violence

and to transform our life together

in a spirit of justice and deep respect for all life.

We pray through Christ, our Lord. Amen by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism

A Prayer for Daniel Anderl, the Son of Judge Salas

Lord God of all, we lament the death of Daniel Anderl, the victim of another man’s blind rage. Daniel was twenty years old and a university student. The shots were fired by a self-proclaimed “anti-feminist lawyer” with a grudge against Daniel’s mother, a Federal Judge.

Daniel’s crime was opening the front door of his home. Lord, so many young people (some just babies) die as collateral damage. They just happen to be in the way when someone points a gun and starts firing. Their crime was walking down the street, or attending a birthday party, or playing in the park, or watching television in their living room, or riding in the back seat of a car. They did not cause our world to become so messed up; yet they died because of it. Help us, Lord, to control our rage and find a path to understanding.

Help us to feel one another’s pain. Help us to honor the gift of life, which comes from you as a present to the human family. Let Daniel’s family and all those whose lives have been ripped open by gunfire experience your peace and consolation. Assure them that you share their grief, since your own son died a violent death at the hands of those who had no good reason to do what they did. Amen.

by Father Joseph Chamblain, O.S.M. Profiles in Catholicism

Father Don Luigi Piotto O God, you raised your servants, Fathers Albano and Luigi, to the sacred priesthood of Jesus Christ, according to the Order of Melchisedech, giving them the sublime power to offer the Eternal Sacrifice, to bring the Body and Blood of your Son Jesus Christ down upon the altar, and to absolve sins in your own Holy Name. They died serving the poor, risking their lives for the well-being of others. We beg you to reward their faithfulness and to forget their faults, admitting them speedily into your Holy Presence, there to enjoy forever the recompense of their labours. We ask this through Christ our Lord. by Father Mark White Profiles in Catholicism

Dear Lord, we ask that you bring the peace to Rabbi Avrohom that he always sought here on this earth. Give him all of your tender care and joy that is just too much to be experienced this side of eternity. In his service to you and your people, he touched many lives and helped them to know and love you. May he know this divine care for ever with you in heaven. May we who remain continue to be inspired by his example of loving service, and know that the Lord God weeps when we weep, suffers when we suffer, rejoices when we rejoice. He is with us in all things and always will be. May we all know this love perfectly one day Together in the communion of heaven. by Father Charlie Plovanich Profiles in Catholicism

Grant we beseech Thee, Lord our God, that the soul of Thy faithful servant Bishop Manuel Cruz Sobreviñas, your humble shepherd and ardent devotee of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the memory of whom we keep with special reverence, may find rest in the bosom of Thy saints and the joy of everlasting light. Through Christ our Lord. Amen

by Grace Avellana Villamora Cathedral Filipino Network

by His Excellency Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Taylor Marshall

A Prayer for Beirut:

In the Midst of Destruction

Dear Creator, Father of all, creative beyond comparison,| You are mysteriously present in the moment Of devastation – in the still centre of an explosion, Wrecking as it is sudden, shocking and demolishing: Of lives, homes, businesses, transport and culture.

We will never fully understand the mystery of human Freedom, so preciously lived in the passion of your Son, Jesus Christ, who accepted the moment of devastating death And transfigured it through the mystery of the resurrection – Take pity on us now as you took pity on your Son!

You are in the presence of the wounded, the dying and the dead – We beg, implore, and cry out to you to guide the hand of rescuers, Helpers, medical staff, relief workers, officials and all Who have come to take upon themselves the burdens of today.

Dear Lord, Jesus Christ, Son the Living God, You opened your heart to the wounds of human life Speaking forgiveness, understanding and transformation Through your uniquely redemptive death and resurrection Speak to your Father through the lives so tragically maimed – You know where each shock wave travelled, where its impact Hit the hardest, breaking upon the fabric of our lives, undoing the Growing of many years or a few, reminding us of the fragility Of our lives and the presence of an unexpected moment In which we pass, suddenly, into your presence.

We beg, implore, and cry out to you to make your presence

Visible in the work of finding the lost, the wounded and the dead. Make it possible for us to come together to build a-new The bonds of life, friendship and cooperation – Rising, like foundations, enabling the rebuilding of Our families, communities and commerce, Raising the city from the dust and debris of destruction.

Dear Holy Spirit, Lord of Life and Love, Co-creator of the splendour of redemption, giver of gifts, Pour out upon us all, near and far, nationally and internationally, An immense, abundant and generous love of this people And inspire every kind of regeneration and recovery.

Turn the shockwaves which went through the city and Around the screens of the world into practical and material Aid to a people on the edge of exhaustion, suffering Multiple social wounds and renew the will to govern.

We beg, implore, and cry out to you to make your presence An accompaniment of every kind of good work, softening Hearts, healing wounds, consoling us in our loss And springing generosity, gratitude and enthusiasm afresh.

by Francis Etheredge Profiles in Catholicism



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Closing Prayer

A Prayer for Those Who Have Made Donations to Profiles in Catholicism

God most kind,

Bless all those who have supported Profiles in Catholicism

with their donations and kind words of support.

Let their generosity bear much fruit.

Let those of us who benefit from this publication

be ever mindful of them and grateful for their gift. Amen

by Father Louis Cameli Profiles In Catholicism


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