Medical Journal Articles
How Artificial Intelligence Will Enhance Imaging Access and Analysis by Anna Bock and Yulin Hswen, ScD, MPH JAMA May 24, 2024
AI in Radiology: Enhancing Analysis, Education, and Access by JN Learning May 24, 2024
The Limits of Clinician Vigilance as an AI Safety Bulwark by Julia Adler-Milstein, PhD, Donald A. Redelmeier, MD2, and Robert M. Wachter, MD JAMA March 18, 2024
AI and Clinical Practice—Discovery and Scaling Findings From Large, Multicenter Health Care Datasets by JN Learning January 24, 2024 JAMA January 24, 2024
AI and Clinical Practice—AI and the Ethics of Developing and Deploying Clinical AI Models by JN Learning JAMA February 7 2024’
Reporting Use of AI in Research and Scholarly Publication—JAMA Network Guidance by Annette Flanagin, RN, MA, Romain Pirracchio, MD, MPH, PhD, Rohan Khera, MD, MS, et al JAMA March 7, 2024
Health Care AI and Patient Privacy—Dinerstein v Google by Mindy Nunez Duffourc, JD and Sara Gerke, Dipl-Jur Univ JAMA February 19,
Health AI Assurance Laboratories by William W. Stead, MD and Constantin Aliferis, MD, MS, PhD JAMA February 12, 2024
Health AI Assurance Laboratories—Reply by Nigam H. Shah, MBBS, PhD John D. Halamka, MD, MS, AND Brian Anderson, MD JAMA February 12, 2024
AI-Generated Clinical Summaries Require More Than Accuracy by Katherine E. Goodman, JD, PhD, Paul H. Yi, MD, and Daniel J. Morgan, MD, MS JAMA January 29, 2024
Regulate Artificial Intelligence in Health Care by Prioritizing Patient Outcomes by John W. Ayers, PhD, MA, Nimit Desai, BS, and Davey M. Smith, MD, MAS JAMA January 29. 2024
Measuring the Impact of AI in the Diagnosis of Hospitalized Patients: A Randomized Clinical Vignette Survey Study by Sarah Jabbour, MSE, David Fouhey, PhD, Stephanie Shepard, PhD, et al. JAMA December 19,2023
President Biden’s Executive Order on Artificial Intelligence—Implications for Health Care Organizations by Michelle M. Mello, JD, PhD, MPhil, Nigam H. Shah, MBBS, PhD. and Danton S. Char, MD JAMA November 30, 2023
Automation Bias and Assistive AI: Risk of Harm From AI-Driven Clinical Decision Support by Rohan Khera, MD, MS, Melissa A. Simon, MD, MPH, and Joseph S. Ross, MD, MHS JAMA December 19, 2023
AI Alone Will Not Reduce the Administrative Burden of Health Care by Kevin A. Schulman, MD, Perry Kent Nielsen Jr, and Kavita Patel, MD, MPH JAMA November 16, 2023
AI Will—and Should—Change Medical School, Says Harvard’s Dean for Medical Education by Yulin Hswen, ScD, MPH and Jennifer Abbasi JAMA October 15, 3023
Google Health’s Chief Clinical Officer Talks About Incorporating AI in Health Care by Rebecca Voelker, MSJ JAMA September 30, 2023
AI in Medicine—JAMA’s Focus on Clinical Outcomes, Patient-Centered Care, Quality, and Equity by Rohan Khera, MD, MS, Atul J. Butte, MD, PhD, Michael Berkwits, MD, MSCE;, et al JAMA August 11, 2023
Nonhuman “Authors” and Implications for the Integrity of Scientific Publication and Medical Knowledge by Annette Flanagin, RN, MA; Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, PhD, MD, MAS; Michael Berkwits, MD, MSCE, et al JAMA July 27, 2023
Guidance for Authors, Peer Reviewers, and Editors on Use of AI, Language Models, and Chatbots by Annette Flanagin, RN, MA1, Jacob Kendall-Taylor, BA1, and Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, PhD, MD, JAMA July 27, 2023
AI Chatbots, Health Privacy, and Challenges to HIPAA Compliance by Mason Marks, MD, JD and Claudia E. Haupt, JSD, PhD JAMA July 25, 2023
Health Care Privacy Risks of AI Chatbots by Genevieve P. Kanter, PhD and Eric A. Packel, JD JAMA July 25, 2023
Generative AI in Health Care and Liability Risks for Physicians and Safety Concerns for Patients by Mindy Duffourc, JD, BA and Sara Gerke, Dipl-Jur Univ, MA JAMA July 25, 2023
The Challenges for Regulating Medical Use of ChatGPT and Other Large Language Models by Timo Minssen, LLD, Effy Vayena, PhD;, and I. Glenn Cohen, JD JAMA July 6, 2023
Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Diagnosis: Opportunities, Challenges, and Hype by Prathit A. Kulkarni, MD and Hardeep Singh, MD, MPH JAMA July 6, 2023
Artificial Intelligence, Emerging Threats, and Diagnostic Advances—Highlights From ECCMID, Europe’s Largest Infectious Disease Conference by Preeti Malani, MD, MSJ JAMA May 3, 2023
National Health Care Leaders Will Develop AI Code of Conduct by Emily Harris JAMA July 12, 2023
Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Diagnosis Opportunities, Challenges, and Hype by Prathit A. Kulkarni, MD and Hardeep Singh, MD, MPH JAMA July 6, 2023
Effect of Prophylactic Antibiotics on Mortality in Severe Alcohol-Related Hepatitis: A Randomized Clinical Trial by Alexandre Louvet, MD, Julien Labreuche, MSc, Thong Dao, MD, et al. JAMA May 9, 2023
The Role of Prophylactic Antibiotics for Patients With Severe Alcohol-Related Hepatitis by Ewan Forrest, MD and William Bernal, MD JAMA May 9 2023
Harnessing the Promise of Artificial Intelligence Responsibly by David A. Dorr MD, MS,. Laura Adams, MS.. and Peter Embí, MD, MS JAMA March 27. 2023
AI-Generated Medical Advice—GPT and Beyond by Claudia E. Haupt, JSD, PhD and Mason Marks, MD, JD JAMA March 27, 2024
General Articles and Commentaries
AI and Us: Computers, Lemonade, and God by Mark Brumley The Catholic World Report
AI and ethics: No advancement can ever justify a human rights violation by Kielce Gussie Vatican News
AI and Data Privacy by Wagenmaker & Oberly
A shocking Chinese AI advancement called DeepSeek is sending US stocks plunging by David Goldman and Matt Egan CNN
AI is helping shape the 2024 presidential race. But not in the way experts feared by Dan Merika, Garnace Burke, and Ali Swenson The Associated Press
AI decodes image from Shroud of Turin to reveal Christ’s face by CathNews New Zealand
The Real Danger of AI by Paul Socken Jewish Journal
Artificial Intelligence and the Human Factor by Andrea Tornielli Vatican News
Pope Francis endorses Artificial Intelligence, but warns only people can make decisions by Charles Collin Crux
Artificial Intelligence and the Human Factor by Andrea Tornielli Vatican News
Franciscan AI expert warns of technology becoming a 'pseudo-religion' by Justin McLellan Catholic News Agency/The Pilot
Cisco signs the "Rome Call for AI Ethics" by Linda Bordoni Vatican News
Recovering the Common Good for Ethical AI Design by Dr. Steven Umbrello Word on Fire
This High Schooler Invented an A.I.-Powered Trap That Zaps Invasive Lanternflies by Catherine Duncan The Smithsonian Magazine
Health Care AI and Patient Privacy—Dinerstein v Google by Mindy Nunez Duffourc, JD and Sara Gerke, Dipl-Jur Univ JAMA February 19,
This High Schooler Invented an A.I.-Powered Trap That Zaps Invasive Lanternflies by Catherine Duncan The Smithsonian Magazine
Franciscan AI expert warns of technology becoming a 'pseudo-religion' by Justin McLellan Catholic News Agency/The Pilot
Ex-Google software engineer charged with stealing AI technology while working with Chinese companies by Eric Tucker The Associated Press
Does ChatGPT get Catholics? Check out this Jesuit/Dominican rap battle by Joe Bukuras Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Thousands of reports of AI-generated child abuse content in US by Big News Network
Surprise! Catholic social teaching already has a lot to say about AI, experts say by Kevin J. Jones The Pilot
FCC votes to outlaw scam robocalls that use AI-generated voices by Brian Fung CNN
WHO releases AI ethics and governance guidance for large multi-modal models by World Health Organization
Pope Francis’ same-sex blessings declaration is a major step forward for LGBTQ Catholics by James Martin, S.J. America
Pope's approval of gay blessings could have impact where rights are restricted, LGBTQ+ advocates say by Nicole Winfield Independent UK
The AP Interview: Pope says homosexuality not a crime by Nicole Winfield The Associated Press
Exorcist responds to Cosmopolitan’s ‘satanic abortion ceremony’ coverage by Katie Yoder Our Sunday Visitor
New Texas law criminalizing unauthorized migrants’ entry into state called inhumane by Kate Scanlon Our Sunday Visitor
A Nationwide Network of Health AI Assurance Laboratories by Nigam H. Shah, MBBS, PhD, John D. Halamka, MD, MS, Suchi Saria, PhD, et al. JAMA December 20, 2023
How Do Policymakers Regulate AI and Accommodate Innovation in Research and Medicine? by Melissa Suran, PhD, MSJ and Yulin Hswen, ScD, MPH JAMA December 20, 2023
AI offers both exciting opportunities and grave risks: Pope by CathNews
Europe reaches a deal on the world’s first comprehensive AI rules by Kelvin Chan The Associated Press
Google announces new generative AI search capabilities for doctors by Ashley Capoot CNBC
The Nanny vs. The Nanny State. Only one thing can save us from predatory AIs: our own data by John Robb and Jacob Siegel Tablet
The Promise and Pitfalls of AI in the Complex World of Diagnosis, Treatment, and Disease Management' by Rebecca Voelker, MS JAMA September 27, 2023
Why This AI Moment May Be the Real Deal by Ari Schulman The New Atlantis
Catholic universities push for ethical embrace of AI by Devin Watkins Vatican News
ChatGPT Encounters the Catechism of the Catholic Church by K.V. Turley National Catholic Register
AI isn’t all doom and gloom, says this theologian by U.S. Catholic
Catholic universities must embrace AI by CathNews New Zealand
Teens are turning to Snapchat's 'My AI' for mental health support — which doctors warn against by Melissa Rudy Fox News
Can chatbots write inspirational and wise sermons? by The Conversation
US priest says ‘no place for AI in the synodal process’ by CathNews New Zealand
In a small new study, scientists working on an AI ‘brain decoder’ inch closer than ever to reading minds by Brittany Trang Stat News
Sentient AI?: Here's what the Catholic Church says about artificial intelligence by Jonah McKeown Catholic News Agency
Clearview AI agrees to restrict US sales of facial recognition mostly to law enforcement by Rachel Metz CNN
A Hippocratic Oath for your AI doctor by Bryan Walsh Axios
The use of AI in rare disease has hidden flaws. Activation strategies are needed to reduce patient diagnostic delay by Tim Hare BioPharmaDive
Artificial Intelligence Can Bring Skynet From 'Terminator' to life: Reality or Myth? by Hugo Cen Entrepreneur
How A.I. Is Helping Scholars Unlock the Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls by Livia Gershon Smithsonian Magazine
How Doctors Are Using Artificial Intelligence to Battle Covid-19 by Jim Morrison Smithsonian Magazine
‘This is bigger than just Timnit’: How Google tried to silence a critic and ignited a movement by Katherine Schwablong Faat Company
The pope’s plan to fight back against evil AI by Rebecca Heilweil Vox
AI ethics backed by Pope and tech giants in new plan by Jen Copestake BBC / by Cori Urban Vermont Catholic
Can Artificial Intelligence Replicate the Mystery of Human Conversation? by Kevin Kuehl, SJ The Jesuit Post
The abuse of AI and child abuse images by Father Shay Cullen Preda Foundation
AI pioneer says its threat to world may be 'more urgent' than climate change by Martin Coulter Reuters
Kissinger warns of the potential catastrophic danger of artificial intelligence by CathNews New Zealand
The dangers of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by Fr Sean McDonagh Independent Catholic News
The Ethics of Creating A.I.-Generated Images of Public Figures by Carolyn Hagler Smithsonian Magazine
Pope Francis calls for 'ethical and responsible' AI development by Justin McLellan Catholic News Service/The Pilot
Robots are performing Hindu rituals – some devotees fear they’ll replace worshippers by Holly Walters The Conversation
40% of household chores will be done by AI by 2033: study by Brooke Steinberg The New York Post
An AI tool can distinguish between a conspiracy theory and a true conspiracy – it comes down to how easily the story falls apart by Timothy R. Tangherlini The Conversation
Vatican Library Enlists Artificial Intelligence to Protect Its Digitized Treasure by Chris Fegan Independent Catholic News
Vatican Library Enlists Artificial Intelligence to Protect Its Digitized Treasures. he archive employs A.I. modeled on the human immune system to guard offerings including a rare manuscript of the “Aeneid” by Nora McGreevy Smithsonian Magazine
Vatican, tech heads see COVID as opportunity for ‘ethical’ AI solutions by Elise Ann Allen Crux
The Unnatural Ethics of AI Could Be Its Undoing by Tom Whyman The Outline
EU Lawmakers Are Eying Risk-Based Rules for AI, per Leaked White Paper by Natasha Lomas Tech Crunch
Pope: Church’s social teaching can help AI serve the common good by Robin Gomes Vatican News
Humanity, ethics must be at center of AI technology, pope says by Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service/Angelus
Papal academy invites tech giants to support ethical guidelines for AI by Carol Glatz The Pilot
AI and ethics aren’t mutually exclusive, says this data scientist by A U.S. Catholic interview U.S. Catholic
A.I. could bring a sea change in how people experience religious faith by CathNews
Church needed as moral voice as AI technology expands, expert says by Charles C. Camosy Crux
Pope warns of ‘new barbarism’ in age of artificial intelligence by Inés San Martín Crux
Vatican conference on robotics and artificial intelligence by Robin Gomes Vatican News
Robots are coming: Time to consider the ethical dimensions by Paul de Dinechin Aleteia
Artificial Intelligence experts at Rome event warn of ‘technology arms race’ by Claire Giangravè Crux
Is AI a Threat to Christianity? by Jonathan Merritt The Atlantic
The (holy) ghost in the machine: Catholic thinkers tackle the ethics of artificial intelligence by Jack Jenkins Religion News Service/Crux
Ethics of robotics and AI: The Church is diving in by I Media for Aleteia
Book Reviews and Commentaries
Artificial Humanity by Father Philip Larrey Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Do Smart Phones Control and Program the Human Race with Artificial Intelligence?