A Message from the Editor
In my brief association with children with autism I learned that children with autism often do not communicate in the same way.
Pope Francis has chosen as the theme for the upcoming Nov. 26 celebrations "Rejoicing in hope," from Romans 12:12. And for World, Youth Day Nov. 24, 2024, he chose: "Those who hope in the Lord will run and not be weary," drawing from the Lord's promise in Isaiah 40:31
I hope that the organizers will address teen suicide. Suicide is the third leading cause of death in USA young people ages 15 to 24. The CDC reports that boys are 4 times more likely to die from suicide than girls. Girls are more likely to attempt suicide than boys. This is why we are promoting the book The Word in Your Heart: Mary, Youth, and Mental Health by Francis Etheridge . If you have a teenaged child, this book should be read as soon as possible.
It is fortunate that Poland arrests man suspected of spying for Russia to aid Zelenskyy assassination plot,
Donald Trump is a pathological liar. It is unfortunate that we do not keep the old Roman law that when men testify, they did so by placing their hand over their testes. If they lied, their testacies were removed (which is where the word testify comes from). If that was still the law, Trump would have an orchiectormy (An orchiectomy is a surgical procedure to remove one or both testicles).
Chocoholics who claim that Ferrero Rocher chocolate is heavenly are literally correct. Ferrero Rocher: The Chocolate Inspired by Our Lady of Lourdes.
A Quote to Remember
It was missing from he layout
If you need a quote, use this
"Let us walk together with people with autism, not only for them, but above all with them!"
by Pope Francis
A prayer to love people with autism
“Unconditional Love”
Dear Lord, your Holy Mother and Saint Joseph, you took others
Into your family life as and when you were the Holy Family,
Taking others who were understood to be your own, as Joseph
Was understood to be the father of Jesus, and so we ask, even
Now, that you take our autistic children, whether young or as
They grow and get older still, so that they may be planted in your Holy Family and watered with the Holy Spirit, under your saving Care, the watchful eye of Joseph, and your mother’s maternal, Ground swelling gift of gathering love, which unfolds an ever Opening embrace of people coming into the heart of your Church.
So we pray, dear Lord, that the guardian angels who exist now,
Both visible and invisible, whether parents, grandparents, brothers
Or sisters will, like a lively electric current, induce the desire to
Pray in those who may know you in some secret way, seeking a
Way out into the daylight of consciousness and contemplation.
Dear Mary, we do not know how your extended family grew,
But now it grows in the Church and we would love those close
To us to be close to you, so when we lie awake, troubled over
The future, the possibility of our death and our absence from
Their lives, that in our turn to hope in you that you will help.
Dear Joseph, foster-father and patron saint of all foster-fathers,
Help all those calling out to us to be loved, to be understood in
Ways too silent for words, like a smile, like a hug, like the gift
Of a gift of a flower, of an almost picture, poem, heartfelt and true
And all those unfinished beautiful gestures that speak simply:
I love you.
Dear Lord, now you and I, they and us seem to be so often veiled
From one another, too hidden and in a way too open to be left alone,
And so let labels peel and curl and drop off, except in so far as they
Help with getting the help that is needed, but otherwise let the Paperwork be pedalled to the bin and stay there, lest Harry, Martha,
James, Sibyl, or people with names become namelessly labelled.
Let there, Lord, be a better understanding of who each person is and That God does not have favourites and that we will awake from the bludgeoning that there are less and more important lives, some to let Live and some to let die, and we will see, if you help, that each of us
Has an imperishable dignity, given freely, from our very beginning.
Dear Holy Spirit, your invisible presence is everywhere, within all
Of us, making sense of our lives and helping us to navigate the inner
Path of hidden lives and how to help them turn outward to others.
You alone know the intimate cause and causes of what comes to Exist in our inner development and how it can be helped, even as we See the early signs of repetitious actions imprisoning a child’s life.
Dear Holy Family of the Church, just as I have held a child’s hand
And brought them to you, just as others have held my hand and Brought me to you, so be ready to hold the hands of those I am
Holding ready, like floating lilies, to unfold their beauty and talents
And take their place in a sheltered place, fostering their future and
Hoping against hope that there will always be an angel, visible or
Invisible, to guide the gift of these children, of these people, who
Ring out with the individuality you have given, shining out with
The unique dignity that each one of us has received and which is,
As it were, imperishable, so we may hear the echo of the beginning,
That each one of us is made in the image and likeness of God!
Let us hope, with a heavenly and indestructible hope, that whether
We or they go first into that impossibly, unimaginably blessed
Dwelling, that we will be there, that they will be there, that we will
Be there together with you and the untold numbers of all who love.
by Francis Etheredge, Catholic married layman, father of 11, 3 of whom are in heaven, and an author. Just published: “
A Prayer of St. Francis for Autism
Sun shining through trees on a dirt road
The silhouette of a person climbing on a mountain with the sun in the background
The silhouette of pine trees with blue sky in the background
Lord, let thy peace fill me up until I overflow;
that where people cannot speak, I may be their advocate;
that where anyone is rejected, I may extend my arms in welcome;
that where parents are heavy burdened, I may offer a word of comfort; that where our children struggle, I may lift them up and cheer; that where some see disability, I may reveal to them extraordinary gifts; that where others judge, I may share with them my deep gladness; and that where any are overlooked, I may help the lights of all to shine.
Oh giver of these gifts,
grant that I may not so much seek to be reassured as to reassure;
to be praised as to praise;
to be accepted as to accept;
for it is in all our uncertainty that we are inspired to hope;
it is in great challenges that we discover our greatest joys,
and it is in our community of wanderers that we find the way home.
By Tim Tucker
Both Hands and a Flashlight
Provided by the National Catholic Partnership on Disability Autism Task Force
A Prayer to Protect College Students from Antisemitism Acts
Lord God, as you have protected the Jewish people over time, we ask that you now ensure that Jewish
students on university campuses are free of harassment and intimidation. Inspire them to work
with their fellow students to stand up for peace, justice and human dignity throughout the world, in particular
in the Middle East. Shower them with your blessings in this time of global challenge.
A Prayer for the murdered Conor, Darragh and Carla McGinley and their Father Andrew
Lord, the suffering of innocent children is hard to bear. Help us to mourn and express our sadness. As a society help us o help those who suffer from mental illness. We fail so often to help those in distress. Forgive us and give us the grace to be more caring. We pray for the grieving father and all those who suffer a tragic loss. Be with them in their loneliness and grief.
This we ask through Christ, our Lord
A Prayer for the Murdered in Burkina Faso
God of mercy,
bless the victims and their families
of those murdered and injured at Mass in Burkina Faso.
Hold them in your hands.
Let them know that you are close.
Turn the hearts of those who perpetrate violence
to thoughts of peace.
Make all of us aware of our vocation to sow seeds of peace. Amen
A Prayer for Murdered Police Officer Luis Huesca
Good and gracious God,
As a Professor Emerita of many men who looked similar to Luis Huesca, my heart cries out with disbelief and sadness. This man coming home from work was brutally gunned down. Lord, this is so difficult as we look at Luis and see the sweetness of God swelling within him. Lord, help his Mother and his uncle to open their hearts to the forgiveness required of each of us. Help us all to forgive and find a way to live in peace with one another. We are taking the seriousness of life with respect to every living creature. Help us to see Luis Huesca as a man of valor in the police department. Help us to send our love to his family and friends as they try to understand your will for us to live in peace.
Autism Interviews
General Interviews
Please help us continue to publish Profiles in Catholicism.
We are desperate for funding. In 2023 we only received a donation of $15.00. Please make a donation of $5.00 or $10.00 (tax deductible in the United States) to Profiles in Catholicism to help pay our hardworking staff and help us support people with cancer, HIV/AIDS, orphans, those living in extreme poverty, and the organizations that help them. Some of those people whom we support may die without our help.
Autism Articles and Commentaries
Helping Autistics Participate in the Liturgy by Father Matthew P. Schneider, LC Patheos
Greg Locke, Autism Is not Demonic by Father Matthew P. Schneider, LC Patheos
Art of Autism Interview by Matthew Schneider Patheos
Woman Told She Should Have Aborted Autistic Children by Father Matthew P. Schneider, LC Patheos
Helping Autistics Participate in the Liturgy by Matthew Schneider Patheos
Give Autistics Control: Don’t Push DNR Orders on Us by Father Matthew P. Schneider, LC Patheos
What Autistics Want Their Fellow Catholics to Know About Us by Father Matthew P. Schneider, LC Patheos
Adult Autism Diagnosis Changes Ministry by Father Matthew P. Schneider, LC Patheos
A Quick Blog Interview on Autism by Father Matthew P. Schneider, LC Patheos
We Should Treat Autistics Like Jesus Treated Lazarus by Father Matthew P. Schneider, LC Patheos
Welcoming Autistics at Mass (Podcast with Cincinnati Archdiocese) by Father Matthew P. Schneider, LC Patheos
Christians-Should Embrace Neurodiversity by Father Matthew P. Schneider, LC Patheos
Autistic Children Should Receive First Communion! by Father Matthew P. Schneider, LC Patheos
Yes, I am Autistic by Father Matthew P. Schneider, LC Patheos
Study: Autistic Kids Struggle in the Catholic Church by Father Matthew P. Schneider, LC Patheos
Autistics Should Be Welcome in Church (Re: Evensong at Cambridge) by Father Matthew P. Schneider, LC Patheos
What Is It Like Being an Autistic Priest? by Father Matthew P. Schneider, LC Patheos
Priest who went public with autism dreams of doing ‘great things’ by Elise Harris Crux
Early intervention is key when it comes to autism by Kelsey Elliott The Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle
CEO’s Letter: Addressing the crisis in access to autism care by Keith Wargo Autism Speaks
Autism Spectrum Disorder by Tomoya Hirota, MD and Bryan H. King, MD, MBA AMA EdHub
'Stop Trying to Cure Us, Stop Trying to Make Us Normal. Let Us Be Autistic' by Hilo Glazer Haaretz
Autistic Ealing man, 27, 'humiliated' by police who 'told him he'd had too many drinks' when he was mugged by Nicole Karageorgi My London
NYPD Officer Found Guilty of Killing Son, 8, with Autism After Making Him Sleep in Freezing Garage by Glenn Garner People
Comprehensive Intervention and Effect of Martial Arts Routines on Children with Autism by Li Li, Hui Li, Zhe Zhao,and Shijie Xu J Environ Public Health . 2022 Aug 31/PubMed
He Felt Isolated and Adrift After an Autism Diagnosis. Can He Make It as a Cybersleuth? by Renee Dudley ProPublica
Autism in the classroom: How general education teachers can support students with ASD by Autism Speaks
Having autism makes finding a spiritual community difficult. Here are some ways to help by Amy Langston Religion News Service
Camberley autism care home staff were 'rude and some were bullies' to residents, say CQC inspectors by David Bradshaw Surry Live
Autistic worker makes sign to hang in office after allegedly getting disciplined for being a ‘bad communicator’ by Brooke Sjoberg Daily Dot
'My sweetheart's alive!' Moment California mother learns her autistic teenage son has been found alive and shivering outside Utah gas station - THREE YEARS after he went missing by James Gordon Daily Mail
Mother accused of abandoning son with autism in Colerain appears in Hamilton County court by WKRC
Gene-Edited Brain Organoids Are Unlocking the Secrets of Autism by Bioethics.com
Mother Locks Up Autistic Son in Loft, Nearly Starves Him to Death by Jack Dutton Newsweek
Virginia Beach Police used forged DNA reports to get confessions, state attorney general says by NBC News
Autism’s Growing Problem by Simcha Weinstein Tablet
Autism shapes the gut microbiome, scientists report, not the other way around by Kate Baggaley Popular Science/Microsoft News
Cambodian court sentences autistic teenager for Telegram posts by AFP/Microsoft News
My parents didn't hide my autism from me, and it gave me a sense of identity. Here's how to do the same. by Haley Moss Insider/Microsoft News
I left a dream job to be closer to my autistic twin by Joshua Needelman The Guardian
Marquette program helps students with autism navigate university life by John Lavenburg Crux
Whistleblowers claim children with autism 'abused' at Cardiff home by India Pollock BBC Wales
Autism no barrier as Daniel lives life to the full by CathNews
Study finds teens with autism more likely to develop suicidal behavior due to bullying by Autism Speaks
Pope praises Sunshine project for children with ASD by Independent Catholic News
Community mourns death of boy with autism allegedly killed by mother by Alex Browning and Marisela Burgos 7NewsMiaimi
Pope calls autistic teen who ‘corrected’ him on Sign of Peace by Elise Ann Allen Crux
CDC estimate on autism prevalence increases by nearly 10 percent, to 1 in 54 children in the U.S. by Autism Speaks
Autism and Communion: Textbook social-media clash between parents, press and church by Terry Mattingly Get Religion
An autistic boy was denied First Communion because he can’t tell right from wrong, his family says by Antonia Noori Farzan Washington Post
DNA Damage Linked to Brain Overgrowth in Autism by Abby Olena The Scientist
Researchers Find 102 Genes Linked to Autism in One of the Largest Studies of Its Kind to Date by Alice Park Time
Meet “Autism With Attitude” — the dance group celebrating differences by Cerith Gardiner Aleteia
No, Father Valanmanal, Autism is Not a Punishment by Mary Pezzulo Patheos
Dad steps up and takes daughter with autism to prom by Cerith Gardiner Aleteia
Confirmation for the Developmentally Disabled by Father Kenneth Doyle Echoes
Catholic school awarded for implementing “full inclusion” for people with Down syndrome and autism by Cerith Gardiner Aleteia
Is the church doing enough to welcome its neurodiverse members? by Amanda Hendler-Voss US Catholic
Some Remarks on Autism and Catholicism by Michael L. Ortiz Dappled Things
Autism Spectrum Disorder by National Catholic Partnership on Disability
Teaching Children with Autism and Other Disabilities to Attend Mass by Archdiocese of Newark
Pope Francis offers solidarity to people with autism by Paolo Lucariello Associated Press/USA Today

Please help us continue to publish Profiles in Catholicism.
We are desperate for funding. In 2023 we only received a donation of $15.00. Please make a donation of $5.00 or $10.00 (tax deductible in the United States) to Profiles in Catholicism to help pay our hardworking staff and help us support people with cancer, HIV/AIDS, orphans, those living in extreme poverty, and the organizations that help them. Some of those people whom we support may die without our help.
General Articles and Commentaries
California bishop praises district attorney’s decision to reset death penalties by John Lavenburg Crux Link to Death Penalty
The Silencing of the Jewish Poet by Maxim D. Shraver Tablet
Dignitas Infinitas could’ve been stronger by George Weigel The Catholic Weekly
Scandal begets a society that devalues human beings by Susan Ciancio The Catholic World Report
Regnum Christi: ‘It would have been easy to run and hide,’ but the Church is ‘purifying’ us by Nicolás de Cárdenas Catholic News Agency
Catholic parishioner stabbed outside Mass celebrated by San Francisco archbishop by Joe Bukuras Catholic News Agency
DC cardinal says LGBTQ Catholics are welcome, but Church has its rules by Elise Ann Allen Crux Link to LGBTQ Challenges and Leadership
Federal appeals court overturns West Virginia transgender sports ban by John Raby The Associated Press
Archbishop Jerome Listecki reflects on 14 years as Milwaukee’s ‘Good Shepherd’ by Mike Strehlow WDJT-TV
CCHD head resigns; program facing financial woes by The Pillar
Two juveniles vandalize Louisville Catholic Church by Madalaine Elhabbal Catholic Vote Link to Youth Challenges and Leadership
Seniors in Mequon living center hit 30,000 steps to raise awareness for Parkinson's disease by Ellie Nakamoto-White CBS 58
New complaints of abuse by Father Rupnik presented to Vatican by Almudena Martínez-Bordiú ACI Prensa Catholic News Agency
Putting the wicked to rest: Creating teal steeples beyond Sexual Violence Awareness Month by Mallory Challis Baptist News Global
Migrants: unappreciated, hardworking, and needed by Tony Magliano Clarion Herald
Bishop says America would ‘grind to a standstill’ without immigrants by John Lavenburg Crux
New Catholic report calls for improvements to CBP One app used by asylum-seekers by Kate Scanlon Our Sunday Visitor/Angelus
Archdiocese of Mobile OKs leave of absence for priest accused of sexual misconduct by Sarah Cervera KRGV
Crowd-funding no longer the Chosen model for Christian creators dependent on charity by Mathew De Sousa The Catholic Weekly
VIDEO: A woodpecker caught on camera ringing a doorbell goes viral by Jeff Stitt WBBH
Ferrero Rocher: The Chocolate Inspired by Our Lady of Lourdes by Francesca Pollio Fenton Catholic News Agency/ National Catholic Register
Dante and the poem worth dying for by Heather King and Desire Lines Angelus
Court allows Idaho to temporarily ban some hormones, surgeries for transgender minors by Kate Scanlon Our Sunday Visitor/The Pilot
Why you might have heard Paul Simon’s ‘The Sound of Silence’ at Spanish Mass by Aleja Hertzler-McCain Religion News Service
Rainbow Wolves: Catholic Accountability Project Releases New Ways Ministry Report by Mary Kroner Catholic Vote
Marcos tells Quiboloy: ‘All proceedings will be fair’ by Adrian Ayalin, Sherrie Ann Torres and Joyce Balancio ABS-CBN
Quiboloy arrest: Davao police say Senate security sought help from Camp Crame by Hernel Tocmo ABS-CBN
PNP Davao says no special treatment for Quiboloy by Hernel Tocmo ABS-CBN
Former priest charged with sexually abusing children in Nunavut granted bail by Natalie Pressman CBC
Toronto trustees oppose pro-life flag at its Catholic schools by Quinton Amundson Catholic News Agency Link to Other ProLife Challenges
Quebec bishops: Christians must respond to call of the hungry by Christopher Wells Vatican New
Residential school survivor leads class-action lawsuit against Catholic Church, priest by Teri Fikowski CTV News
Pope Francis sides with Peruvian villagers who accused Catholic group of trying to steal their land by Gabriela Molina ABC News
Analysis: Jesuit sex abuse scandal in Bolivia could be used politically to repress Church by Julieta Villar, Abel Camasca, Andrés Henríquez Catholic News Agency
Bolivian Bishops’ Conference criticizes 5-hour interrogation of fellow bishop in abuse case by Julieta Villar Catholic News Agency
Priest survives shooting in Brazil by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
Venezuela closes embassy in Ecuador to protest raid on Mexican embassy there by Regina Garcia Cano The Associated Press
Ariel Henry resigns as prime minister of Haiti, paving the way for a new government to take power by The Associated Press
In crime-stricken Haiti, Catholic priests and nuns are targeted as kidnap victims by Eduardo Campos Lima Religion News Service
Church warns of Mexico's drug cartels entering politics as candidates are killed by David Agren Our Sunday Visitor

Please help us continue to publish Profiles in Catholicism.
We are desperate for funding. In 2023 we only received a donation of $15.00. Please make a donation of $5.00 or $10.00 (tax deductible in the United States) to Profiles in Catholicism to help pay our hardworking staff and help us support people with cancer, HIV/AIDS, orphans, those living in extreme poverty, and the organizations that help them. Some of those people whom we support may die without our help.
Medical Journal Articles
Type of Prenatal Antiseizure Drug Matters for Children’s Autism Risk by Emily Harris JAMA April 19. 2024 Link to Autism
Type of Prenatal Antiseizure Drug Matters for Children’s Autism Risk by Emily Harris JAMA April 19. 2024
Autism Spectrum Disorder .A Review by Tomoya Hirota, MD and Bryan H. King, MD, MBA JAMA January 10, 2023
Autism Prevalence Has Been on the Rise in the US for Decades—And That’s Progress by Emily Harris JAMA May 3, 2023
Inflammation Genes Show Age-Dependent Link With Autism by Emily Harris JAMA March 15, 2023
Autism Spectrum Disorder by Tomoya Hirota, MD and Bryan H. King, MD, MBA AMA EdHub
Clinical Highlights From the American College of Cardiology’s 2024 Scientific Session by Jennifer Abbasi1 American College of Cardiology (ACC)/ JAMA April 19,2024 Link to Cardiovascular Disease/Disorders
Heart Disease Outcomes Improve After Mental Health Treatments by Emily Harris JAMA April 19. 2024
Estrogen-Only Hormone Therapy and Dementia by Sarah Glynne, MBBS, MSc JAMA April 18, 2024 Link to Dementia
What Is Hepatitis D Infection? by Rebecca Voelker MSJ JAMA April 18, 2024 Link to Hepatitis D
Loneliness Tied to Worse Physical, Mental Health Among Older Adults by Emily Harris JAMA April 19, 2024 Link to Loneliness and to Elder Challenges and Leadership
Medicines for Malaria Venture and Novartis announce positive efficacy and safety data for a novel treatment by Medicines for Malaria Venture Link to Malaria
People With Genetic Risk of Obesity Need More Exercise to Mitigate It by Emily Harris JAMA April 19,2024 Link to Obesity and Weight Challenges
Bacterial Subspecies Linked With Aggressive Colorectal Cancer Tumors by Emily Harris JAMA April 19. 2024 Link to Oncology
Study: Younger Deaths Driving Maternal Mortality Increase by Emily Harris JAMA April 19, 2024 Link to Pregnancy and Pregnancy Challenges
An Incarcerated Individual With Weight Loss and Interstitial Pulmonary Infiltrates by Nilesh Kapoor, MD, Christina Dietz, PhD, and Benjamin P. Buettner, MD JM Learning Link to Prison Challenges
Stewardship Prompts to Improve Antibiotic Selection for Pneumonia and Urinary Tract Infection by JM Learning JAMA April 19, 202 Link to Pulmonary Disorders and to Urinary Tract Infections
Interstitial Lung Disease: A Review by Toby M. Maher, MD, MSc, PhD JAMA April 22, 2024
Study: Roughly 1 in 8 Patients Wrongly Diagnosed With Pneumonia by Emily Harris JAMA April 19,2024
Even Low Levels of Albumin in Urine Tied to Worsened Kidney Disease by Emily Harris JAMA April 19, 2o24 Link to Renal Disease
Assessing the Real-World Effectiveness of Immunizations for Respiratory Syncytial Virus by Fatimah S. Dawood, MD, Amanda B. Payne, PhD, and Meredith L. McMorrow, MD, MPH JAMA April 11, 2024 Link to Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
Harnessing the Electronic Health Record to Improve Empiric Antibiotic Prescribing by Anurag N. Malani, MD, Preeti N. Malani, MD, MSJ JAMA April 19,2024 Link to United States Issues and Challenges
Measuring Equity in Readmission as an Assessment of Hospital Performance by Robert J. Gallo, MD and Christine Santiago, MD, MPH JAMA April 22, 2024
Measuring Equity in Readmission as an Assessment of Hospital Performance—Reply by Himali Weerahandi, MD, MPH, Katherine A. Nash, MD, MHS, and Susannah M. Bernheim, MD, MHS JAMA April 22, 2024
The Overdose Crisis in the 2024 Election—Political Fights and Practical Problems by Brendan Saloner, PhD JAMA April 22, 2024
Stewardship Prompts to Improve Antibiotic Selection for Urinary Tract Infection The INSPIRE Randomized Clinical Trial by Shruti K. Gohil, MD, MPH, Edward Septimus, MD, Ken Kleinman, ScD, et al JAMA April 19, 2024 Link to Urinary Tract Infections
Could GLP-1 Receptor Agonists like Semaglutide Treat Addiction, Alzheimer Disease, and Other Conditions? by Rita Rubin, MA JAMA April 19. 2024
Harnessing the Electronic Health Record to Improve Empiric Antibiotic Prescribing by Anurag N. Malani, MD, Preeti N. Malani, MD, MSJ JAMA April 19,2024
The Patient by Katie A. Thure, MPH JAMA April 18, 2024
The Promise of a Longer Lifetime by JAMA April 18, 2024
Associations Between Surrogate Markers and Clinical Outcomes for Nononcologic Chronic Disease Treatments by Joshua D. Wallach, PhD, MS, Samuel Yoon, BS, BA, Harry Doernberg, MM. et al JAMA April 22. 2024
Preoperative GLP-1 Receptor Agonist Use and Risk of Postoperative Respiratory Complications by Anjali A. Dixit, MD, MPH, Brian T. Bateman, MD, MS, Mary T. Hawn, MD, MPH, et al. JAMA April 22, 2024

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Upcoming Events
Funding and Resource Mobilization for Sustainable Youth Mental Health Programs Date: May 15-17 Location: Sports View Hotel, Kasarani, Nairobi, Kenya
We Remember: Exploring the Holocaust and Antisemitism – A Seminar for Catholic School Educators Date: July 17-20, 2024 and June pre-seminar date TBD Location: Bay Area, California
Book Reviews, Commentaries, and Announcements
Thorlak of Iceland: Who Rose Above Autism to Become Patron Saint of His People by Aimee O'Connell Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Growing into Autism by Sandra Thom-Jones Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
The Child with Autism Learns the Faith by Kathy Labosh Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D.. Profiles in Catholicism
Autism and Worship: A Liturgical Theology by Armand Léon van Ommen Reviewed by Priest Hermit Aspic The Anchorite
Book Announcement
The Word in Your Heart: Mary, Youth, and Mental Health by Francis Etheridge Profiles in Catholicism
A Simple Life Changing Prayer: Discovering the Power of St. Ignatius Loyola's Examen by Jim ManneyReviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
As Long as You Need by J.S. Park Commentary by Kathryn Post Religion News Service
Between Two Trailers by J. Dana Trent Commentary by Yonat Shimron Religion News Service
Ghosted by Nancy French Commentary by Bob Smietana Religion News Service
Rift: A Memoir of Breaking Away From Christian Patriarchy by Cait West Commentary by Kathryn Post Religion News Service
Unofficial Taylor Swift Haggadah by Na’ama Ben-David Commentary by Jackie Hardenberg Jewish Telegraphic Agency
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Film Reviews and Commentaries
A son shows his family the way home in Love, Hope and Autism by Louise Kinross Holland Bloorview
PM Narendra Modi Commentary by Preminda Jacob The Conversation
Flynn Commentary by Tess Owen Religion News Service
Television Reviews and Commentaries
Love on the Spectrum: Season 2 Reviewed by Kerry Magro Autism Speaks
The Speed Cubers Reviewed by Kerry Magro Autism Speaks
All We Carry Commentary by Yonat Shimron Religion News Service
Testament: The Story of Moses Commentary by Mathew De Sousa The Catholic Weekly
A Murder at the End of the World by Kevin P. Constaitine U.S.Catholic
A 10 year-old autistic and blind boy singing. His voice shocked everyone.
Including Autistics in Worship and Small Groups
Study: Autistic Kids Struggle in the Catholic Church
Autistic Children Should Receive First Communion
TCWA Sleeping Tips For Children With Autism
Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, LC: Big Announcement, "I'm Autistic"
Pope: Let's get rid of the stigma often associated with autism
10 Early Signs of Autism