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Updated: Mar 25, 2023

A Message from the Editor

About sixty-eight years ago when I graduated from LoyolaUniversity in Chicago, I took a job for the summer as a Shamus in an orthodox Jewish funeral home on North Clark Street in Chicago. They used to have an auxiliary chapel across the street where I also lived and worked every other day. When working I wore a yamaka.

One day, I was asked to go across the street to the main funeral home and did so wearing my yamaka. Some guys in a passing car yelled out “F-----g Jew boy”. At the time, I thought little of it. But later, I realized how it would feel if I was Jewish. In later years when I became aware of the increasing antisemitism, I reflected on how difficult it often was to understand antisemitism without feeling it.

One person who deeply understands antisemitism is Patrick J. Gallo who thoughtfully gave us permission to feature his EBook The Nazis, the Vatican, and the Jews of Rome.

A Quote to Remember

“Jews cannot fight antisemitism alone. The victim cannot cure the crime. The hated cannot cure the hate. It would be the greatest mistake for Jews to believe that they can fight it alone. The only people who can successfully combat antisemitism are those active in the cultures that harbour it.” by Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks


A prayer to end Antisemitism.

Do You Know Me?

Almost from the beginning, Lord, we have blamed one another!

Through our own fault we accompany the sinner in sin – but

Then we blame anyone but ourselves and work hard at denying

What we have done to be due to our fault, ignorance or malice.

Do you know me?

My blindness, Lord, is hard work, growing over my open eyes,

Year by year, unseeing myself and unseeing others, I see shapes,

Stereotypes, not simple people, but creations of my imagination,

Stalking the world and filling me with fear, rage and suspicion.

Do you know me?

You know where I worship – so you can disfigure or kill us.

You know where I live – so you can intimidate our families.

You know where I work – so you can invent your conspiracies.

You know who we are – so you can vent your blame on us.

Do you know me?

You, Lord, chose us of old, not because of our wealth, strength,

Intelligence, fraternity, wisdom or dominance but because we were

The weakest of nations and in the greatest need of your help,

Helping us, you showed your greatness to us and to the nations.

Do you know me?

Even in modern times, you keep calling us to come together,

To recognize that the variety of our ways belies a common calling,

To meet you, Lord, of the First Covenant, amidst the crises and the

Times in which we live, and to listen to the voice of Old calling us.

Do you know me?

You, Lord, know the terrible price of our social isolation, when we

Were corralled, herded, gassed and despoiled, our bodies marked with

What was done, the memories of those who lived, telling of what

Happened, remembering what was done in the hope of undoing …

Do you know me?

I met you in a synagogue and admired the Tabernacle of the Word, And prayed; I met you, my wife and I, in a European city with your Family and you talked of the Old and the New, the New you praised With the Old; I met you travelling and you answered many questions.

Do you know me?

Lord, you are the Faithful One, the promise of redemption is the core

Of the Covenant, which you ever renew, both throughout the Old and Into the New, bringing the nations with you, both whole peoples and Each one of us, my wife and I and those we have met, together in you.

Do you know me?

by Francis Etheredge, author of “Unfolding a Post-Roe World” and 12 other books on Amazon

A Prayer to Prevent Antisemitism

Lord God, through the covenant you established with the Jewish People, we Christians have been grafted into this covenantal tradition according to St. Paul. But very often throughout history, we have shown ourselves ungrateful for this gift given us through Jesus who imbued in his teachings this Jewish covenantal tradition through acts of antisemitism. We join with Popes St. John Paul II and Francis in confessing our sins of antisemitism past and present. Through this prayer, we commit ourselves to the elimination of any remaining anti-Semitic teachings in the Catholic community and pledge to add our public voice in denouncing any manifestations of antisemitism in contemporary society. We ask your blessing so that we may have the strength to fulfill this pledge we make in your presence.

by John T. Pawlikowski, OSM, Profiles in Catholicism

Prayer for Fr. Juan Angelo Fonseca

(Priest of our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Valle de Guadalupe, Mexico)

Heavenly Father,

Into your hands we commend the soul of one of your priests, father Juan Angulo Fonseca, who died as a victim of an act of violence.

May his soul rest in peace in your presence as a reward for the gift of his life at the service of your people.

We ask you to comfort those who mourn his lost, especially his humble community.

We pray that human hearts maybe transformed by your grace and we finally learn to love each other as brothers and sisters, just as you love us.

Bring strength to all of us, that we can stand up against violence and hatred. May the power of your Holy Spirit move us to love and to serve, to accept and to build each other up. We ask this in the name of your son Jesus Christ, Amen!

by Margarita Carreon Profiles in Catholicism

Oracion for El P.  Juan Angelo Fonseca

(Sacerdote de la Parroquia Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en Valle de Guadalupe, México)

Padre celestial,

En tus manos encomendamos el alma de uno de tus sacerdotes, el padre Juan Angulo Fonseca, quien murió víctima de un acto de violencia.

Que su alma descanse en paz en tu presencia como recompensa por el don de su vida al servicio de tu pueblo.

Te pedimos que consueles a los que lloran su pérdida, en especial a su humilde comunidad.

Oramos para que los corazones humanos sean transformados por tu gracia y finalmente aprendamos a amarnos unos a otros como hermanos y hermanas, tal como tú nos amas.

Danos fuerza a todos nosotros, para que podamos hacer frente a la violencia y el odio. Que el poder de tu Espíritu Santo nos mueva a amarnos y servirnos, a aceptarnos y edificarnos unos a otros. Te lo pedimos en el nombre de tu hijo Jesucristo, ¡Amén
por Margarita Carreón Perfiles en el Catolicismo

Dear Lord

Embrace Andrés Mauricio Vásquez Lasso into your infinite love and protection. Comfort his family and friends reminding them that he has your eternal love.

by Sarah Lyon Profiles in Catholicism

Oración por Andrés Mauricio Vásquez Lasso
querido señor
Abraza a Andrés Mauricio Vásquez Lasso en tu infinito amor y protección.
Consuela a su familia y amigos
recordándoles que tiene tu amor eterno.
por Sarah Lyon Perfiles en el catolicismo

Prayer to end child abuse

What has happened to the world Lord Jesus that so many abuse the children? Many look away and hide the crimes, they do not cry out for justice. You said the children are the most important in the Kingdom, To accept a child, you said, is to accept you.

Bring the children to me you told the disciples that they be blessed and protected.

You said let the abusers be brought to account and do penance as if a mill stone were tied around their necks and they be thrown into the deep sea, you said Lord in Matthew (Ch.18: 6-7)

Lord, inspire us and strengthen our faith by your words and actions, that goodness, love of neighbor and action for justice will over come evil. Inspire us to save and heal the children through justice, peace so they can live a new happier life. Amen

by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism

Prayer for Those who died in the Greece Train Wreck

God of mercy, receive to yourself all those who were injured or died in the train crash in Greece. Heal those who were injured. Console the families of those who lost loved ones. Give your wisdom to the civil authorities to protect those for whom they are responsible In your name. Amen.

by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism

Prayer for Late Father Isaac Achi

Heavenly Father, you raised your servant, Late Fr. Isaac Achi, to the sacred priesthood of Jesus Christ, according to the Order of Melchizedech. You gave him the sublime power to offer the Eternal Sacrifice, to bring the Body and Blood of Your Son Jesus Christ down upon the altar, and to absolve the sins of men and women in Your Holy Name.

We beseech you Father to reward your servant’s faithfulness with eternal life and to forgive whatever sin he might have committed out of human frailty Admit him Lord into your Holy Presence, where he will enjoy forever the perpetual company of the Angels and Saints.

As you made him a steward of your mysteries on earth, may You bring him to be nourished by their truth and reality as unveiled in heaven.

We also pray for those who took away the life of your servant and priest; may his death bring about their conversion and grant them peace. This we ask through Our Lord Jesus Christ Your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, One God forever and ever. Amen.

by Father Anthony Ikechukwu Kanu, OSA Profiles in Catholicism

Prayer for Fr. Fonseca, RIP

Oh Lord, we join the Diocese of San Juan de los Lagos in lifting up our prayers to God O Father of Mercy, we grieve the heartbreaking death of Father Juan Angulo Fonseca, Who was murdered.

May God reward the dedication of his life in the name of Christ for the Church!

May his soul and that of all the faithful departed, by the mercy of God, rest in peace.

We entrust to God and to his infinite mercy, that he will grant him to celebrate the eternal Eucharist along with the Virgin Mary, the angels and the saints.

We pray that he will pray and intercede for us on earth from heaven.

Oh Lord, we thank you for the life he led and all the good things he did for so many of those of us who were and are in need of your love and mercy, and for those who need the basics of life, food, health care, and secure lives for our families, especially the children, who are our future.

May his soul rest in the peace of the Lord. by Dr. Eugene Fisher Profiles in Catholicism

A prayer for peace in the Ukraine

“To whom shall we go?” (cf. Jn 6: 68)

Lord, there was a time before the bombs

Lord, there was a time before the atrocities

Lord, there was a time before the destruction

Lord, there was a time before …

Who wants the devastation, the ravaging, the turmoil, the loss of limbs, the deaths and destruction of livelihoods, crops and homes?

Who wants the unspeakable harm to the innocent, the undefended, those who cannot run, the weak, the frail and the hospitalized?

Who wants to carry out the commands that humiliate, decimate, dismember, waste, ruin the countryside, towns and cities?

Who, in the beginning, willed to wield the brutality of our neighbours?

Who, then, can enter the well defended, unreachable depths of unforgiveness?

Our hope for peace is built on the crucifixion opening out into the resurrection!

Our hope for peace is built on the extermination camps closing and the beauty of their silence!

Our hope for peace is beyond the machinations of human beings, their hidden plots and plans!

Our hope for peace is bled from the wounds which cannot heal without your help!

Our hope for peace is that human cry for help which pierced the hands and side of Christ!

Mary, Mother of the Lord, St. Joseph and all angels and saints,

Raise a plea in the presence of God which, like a wave gathering Momentum, will reach the throne of Mercy

And open the gates of grace!

by Francis Etheredge Profiles in Catholicism

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