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The Paulists

A Message from the Editor

More than 60 years ago when I worked at the now-defunct MichaelReese Hospital in Chicago, Old St. Mary’s, a Paulist’s parish in Chicago, was on the bus line and I sometimes stopped for Mass. I also asked some of the priests for advice on challenges that I was having at work.

I thank Fr. Stephen Arabadji for saying a Mass for all of our readers.

Children are starving to death in Angola. Please pray for food assistance.

I worked for two years in Ukraine, primarily in Odessa, and have friends there. Please pray daily for Ukraine.

Please help my friend Francis Otieno care for children affected by HIV/AIDS in Africa. He desperately needs your donations.

A Quote to Remember

Man not only has a destiny but each individual has a special destiny, a definite work to do, and this work is great, an important divine work.”


Prayer for Father Isaac Hecker’s Intercession

“Heavenly Father, you called your servant Isaac Thomas Hecker to preach the Gospel to the people of North America and, through his teaching, to know the peace and the power of your indwelling Spirit.

He walked in the footsteps of St. Paul the Apostle, and like Paul spoke your Word with a zeal for souls and a burning love for all who came to him in need.

Look upon us this day, with compassion and hope. Hear our prayer.

We ask that, through the intercession of Fr. Hecker your servant, you might grant us ( state the request ).

We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, Our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit. One God, forever and ever. Amen.”

Lord Save the Children of Ukraine

Lord inspire the good and wise to work of an end to war,

May they bring Peace and Calm to Ukraine.

Let the power of peace loving people rally to save the children.

The bombs and missiles explode and the children cower in fear by day.

They cry in terror at night. They have been killed, they have been threatened,

they are refugees fleeing war with their mothers, sisters and brothers.

They are hungry and thirsty and afraid.

They tremble and shake with every bomb, they live in bomb shelters

and subways. They need shelter and food on the road to safety.

May You, Lord and your teachings of values inspire good people to accept them all as refugees without racial discrimination, race, color or religion. Amen. by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism

A Prayer for Polina

Good and Gracious God,

Three-year-old Polina has neuroblastoma - a rare type of childhood cancer. Her family and friends are worried and care deeply for her. Please Lord, help them to seek for your will at this time. Give peace to her family and friends. We are also asking people to give from the bottom of their hearts her expensive treatment is running out. Her mother faces a dilemma - should the family stay in their basement for safety, or risk going outside to try and flee Kharkiv and get help for their daughter? Help them Lord to do what is best for all. Give generous hearts to all who read this prayer so they will give for her treatment. We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism

Prayer for Fr. Joseph Aketeh who was kidnapped on Tuesday during an attack by gunmen on St. John Catholic Church in Kudenda, Nigeria.

Oh Lord, this good man was serving your people In a place of real need. He has been taken from his sacred duties. As fellow Catholics we fear for him And pray that he will be safely returned To continue his work in Your Name To help all those in need. We pray this in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen by Dr. Eugene Fisher Profiles in Catholicism

Prayer for Peace

We are the blessed with comfort and the light, we know the truth of what is just and right, we have the ability and the power to help and heal, to encourage and inspire, to be rebels for the good, to oppose evil as we should. Jesus man you walked that road, saw the horror of violence by the sword, You choose peace and truth as the way to end the greed, crimes of war, bringing peace and calm, the rule of law, guide us to be strong, may we never fail to do the good, call out the wrong. We work for justice and follow You, resilient bold and strong May we never compromise the right and the true. Amen by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism

Prayer for Boris Romantschenko

Oh, Lord, we pray for a Holocaust survivor. Boris Romantschenko survived detention in four concentration camps 1942-945. He was killed by Russian bombs in his apartment in Ukraine on Friday, March 8, 2022. He is one of many who have been murdered in Putin’s war against humanity. We pray most deeply for Boris, his family and friends and community

And for all the innocent Ukrainians targeted for death by this war criminal. We pray that the world will remember this courageous and generous man who survived the Shoah and worked tirelessly to help other survivors and those in need. He was a leader of the Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora Memorials Foundation, and, returning to Buchenwald in 2012 to celebrate the anniversary of its liberation by US troops, he repeated the pledge made by survivors to create “a new world where peace and freedom reign.” Boris did not live to see this hope for all humanity fulfilled. In praying for him, we prayer for a world of universal peace and harmony Among all people In his memory, we pray that we too will take up his pledge to work together for the new world Envisioned by those who survived the worst of the present world. Amen by Dr. Eugene Fisher Profiles in Catholicism

A prayer for all in the Ukrainian war

“Heaven is Open to the Reconciled”

Lord, there was a flower on the windowsill

Lord, there was a home in the house

Lord, there was a family in the garden

Lord, there were neighbours next door

Lord, there was a street in a town

Lord, there was a child …

Lord, they are no more.

Suddenly there were explosions, wreckage, holed, crippled homes;

Suddenly there were sounds that scare us all and words which hurt;

Suddenly there are people fleeing, trapped, wounded, dying or dead.

Suddenly there were scientists, reporters, and medics who said “no”;

Suddenly the world is alive with countries on its lips and in its heart;

Suddenly there is the sending of money, blankets, medicine and all.

Lord, you can foresee the ultimate goal of destruction that bomb upon Bomb blast will bring about – Help turn human hearts from grievance And revenge, towards forgiveness and the good promise of the future.

Lord, you can see the pattern of political alliances that will become

Visible in the time to come – Help the common good of everyday Grandparents, mothers, fathers, children, youths, and peopled places.

Lord, you can foresee the hopelessness that will afflict the future of Our world in the wake of wars – Help the ground recover, purify the Water, the seed to fall and the crops to grow again, healthy and whole.

Suddenly our weakness shows itself as an opening for divine help;

Suddenly the scale of injustice swells, escalates and spreads our cry;

Suddenly the heart breaks, drained, cracked, letting loose our prayers:

Who am I to ask, beg, plead, turn to the Lord God Almighty?

I am a worm and no man – but worms till the soil and seeds sink in!

I am only one, like a raindrop – but millions of us water the earth!

I am merely a cell – but together we are a people-in-relationship:

All peoples, colours, races and faiths are in need of healing; and, as You know, the gates of heaven are reconciliation and forgiveness:

And so, while I am nothing and a nobody, your Son made us to be Adopted brothers and sisters of your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, Saviour of all who are children of the Father in word and deed; and,

Out of love and mercy, hear our prayer – not for one only but for all.

Mary, Mother of the Lord, St. Joseph and all angels and saints, pray!

by Francis Etheredge author of 12 books – go through the portal to a world of writing or on Amazon.

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