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Prison Challenges

Updated: Apr 16, 2021

A Message from the Editor

I have volunteered to help In prisons in three countries and the challenges are somewhat similar in all countries,. although there are some significant differences in the United States such as the imprisonment of the Kings Bay Plowshares 7 , one of whom we have interviewed, and all of whom we ask you to pray.

Please read my interview with my friend Shomaila Shafaz whom I have know for many years. The poverty in Pakistan in overwhelming in many areas and has had a profound impact on her critical work. Please send her a donation in any amount if possible

A Quote to Remember

“With regard to prisoners, it would appear that in many cases practical measures are urgently needed to improve their living conditions, with particular concern for those detained while awaiting trial. It must be kept in mind that penal sanctions have the aim of rehabilitation, while national laws should consider the possibility of other establishing penalties than incarceration. In this context, I would like once more to appeal to governmental authorities to abolish the death penalty where it is still in force, and to consider the possibility of an amnesty." by Pope Francis

Special Prayer


A prayer for all prisoners with Covid-19

You inherited a title from our first mother, Eve, and, as the

New Eve, you are even more the mother of all the living, loving To call out to all to take the steps to life, to enter from whatever Turning point and to take the rail, the rhythm of life and prayer And to ascend, step by step, holding on as you are helped to hold On and to rise, and rise again, rising in the company of others.

Oh Joseph, as you worked you saw who was lost and looking around,

And you prayed, whether in words or gestures, dedicating your

Difficulties to turning boys and girls, youths, old men and women,

To your wife, Mary, who stands by the entrance to the stairs,

Calling to all who would pass on by to stop, to falter just in time,

And to follow the turning up, and to avoid the turning down.

Oh Mother of the Stairs, let not those who are on the money-go-round

Stay stuck on the cutting edge, getting caught up in the swirling

Down and round, round and down until, either fished up or flat

Against the possibility of the water-fall, taking them beyond the Edge of returning, descending without drowning, falling as they Fail, failing as they fall, faster now, unless netted before the end.

Oh Lord, you have descended to hell and you have ascended

To heaven, you know the way down and you know the way up;

And, indeed, you know all the steps in between and all the

Stops and starts and changes of direction, encouraging all

Who are going down to come up and all who are going up to

Continue up, and even as they go to help others to rise with them.

You knew imprisonment and you turned it into an opportunity

For the salvation of the world; you knew the isolation of being

Intensely alone and again you turned it into an opportunity

For the salvation of the world; you knew the utter worn-out-ness

Of carrying your cross and bearing afflictions for others and you

Turned it into an opportunity for the salvation of the world.

Help all who are imprisoned bear the burden of illness, isolation, Even estrangement, turning their cross into opportunities to shed Addictions, to see in their lives your Son’s walk with them to the Resurrection, to turn around and see the goodness of God coming Towards them, arms outstretched, bringing the healing love that Loves to heal, turning them up-wards to go up the stairs with help.

Oh Mother of the Stairs, gather your children from all walks of life,

All points of the earth, all peoples of the world, all times of life,

Whether poor or rich, victim or violent, alone or as part of a gang,

Turning what is misused to a good use, scheming into helping,

Gang members into friends, taking into giving, causing harm

Into helping to heal – being saved into showing others the stairs.

by Francis Etheredge Profiles in Catholicism

A Prayer for Prisoners

Lord, you are close to those who are most alone.

Be present to our brothers and sisters in prison

who suffer from the coronavirus.

In their dark hours, be a light of hope.

In their sad plight, stir us to compassion.

In their daily routine, stir the kindness of their guards.

In their physical struggles, pour out a healing balm.

Lead them and us, one day, home to you. Amen

by Father Louis Cameli Profiles in Catholicism

Prayer for Alexey Navalny and innocent detainees.

We recall especially this Easter the unjust jailing and imprisonment and torture of You Lord because you defended the poor and spoke up for the oppressed and healed and help them. Today the human rights defenders re being arrested and tortured all over the world . In Russia Alex Navalny, is suffering unjust imprisonment in a cruel detention jail and his health is deteriorating. Lord we pray to hear the voices of politicians, of all the people, and of defenders to stand for the rights and freedom of the innocent. Amen by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism

Prayer for William ‘Billy’ Evans

Oh Lord, William ‘Billy’ Evans, an 18-year veteran of the Capitol Police force, was murdered while defending our Capitol. The murderer drove a car into him while he stood, doing his duty to protect our democracy. All Americans honor his valor and bravery, and mourn his loss.

Our hearts and prayers to out to his family, to his fellow officers of the Capitol Police who risk their lives to protect our freedom and diverse ways of life.

We join with Rep. Nancy Pelosi, who speaks for all of usK “America’s heart has been broken by the tragic and heroic death.” But though heartbroken and in national, communal grief, we pray that his death will not have been in vain, and that our representative Congress and Senate will, as he hoped and for which he gave his life, join hands across the aisle to honor his memory by working together for the benefit of all Americans, for whom he died.

May he rest in the peace of the Lord. And may his memory be for a blessing. Amen by Dr. Eugene Fisher Profiles in Catholicism

In your infinite compassion for those affected with mental health challenges, please welcome Denis Mullaney into your infinite loving embrace and comfort his family and colleagues by Gordon Nary Profiles in Catholicism

Prayer for the Victims of the Taiwan Train Crash

Dear Lord, On this Good Friday we have people in pain in Taiwan as a train crash occurred this morning. This accident coincided just as a long weekend kicked off for the Tomb Sweeping Day public holiday. One couple who were on the train told CNA they were on their way to Taitung to sweep tombs and pay their respects to deceased family members, as is traditional for the event. The train was so full that many people were standing. This respect dear Lord, for those in their tombs in thoughtful and kind of the families. Please console them and help them get through this tragedy. The crash site is located just east of the picturesque TarokoNational Park, a popular tourist destination on the island's mountainous east coast. As part of the Body of Christ we see leaders of nearby countries extend their sympathies to the victims and offered assistance to Taiwanese authorities. Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said he would "sincerely pray for the souls of those who have died," while Japan's former leader Shinzo Abe tweeted: "As a friend of the Taiwanese people, we will do anything we can to help, if needed, in this difficult time." Dear Lord, as members of the Body of Christ we all extend our prayers and love to the many people who lost their lives today and those who are injured. We ask you to assist their families in the healing process through Christ our Lord, Amen. by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism

Heavenly Father,

Through your Son's death and resurrection, salvation and redemption have been won for mankind. In this hour, we pray for the people of Sudan. We pray for peace in the country, peace that only you can give. We pray for peace between their feuding tribes, and throughout the region.

In your kindness, welcome those who have died into your eternal embrace, where every tear is wiped away, where there is no more weeping or mourning, pain or death.

Standing in the awesome glory of your Son's Resurrected glory, we ask this through the same Christ, our Lord. Amen. by Deacon Andrew Matijevic Profiles in Catholicism

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