A Message from the Editor
Priestly vocations are significantly low. Some insights into this challenges is Report: Vocations to religious life in US decline, but key factors can positively impact numbers by Gina Christian in Our Sunday Visitor and from some of the people that we interviewed This challenge has been compounded by loss of Cardinals, Bishops, and thousand of priests for sexual abuse of children.
The Catholic is Church has paid out tens of millions of dollars to survivors of clerical abuse. We need to end this abuse. Some options include use of pedophile tests which may not be accurate, but still could be helpful. The Catholic Church should invest money to develop a more accurate pedophilia test.
Many are deeply concerned over the possibility of tens of thousand of Palestinians starving to death A United Nations UN expert reports on genocidal acts in Gaza which could be substantially greater with Israel’s continued invasion of Gaza. This seems incompressible to many because of the attempted genocide of Jews by Nazis. I used to believe that the worst possibe crime was the beheading of children that occurred earlier in this war. I now believe that it is the starvation of a child when their parents watch them die.
I ask all of our readers to pray to keep the children of Gaza from starvation.
A Quote to Remember
“The vocation is truly a treasure that God places in the hearts of some men, chosen by Him and called to follow Him in this special state of life. This treasure, that must be discovered and brought to light, is not made to 'enrich' someone alone.”
by Pope Francis
A prayer for religious vocation
“Christ, Joseph and Mary”
In your Holy Family, Lord, there were many vocations, to
Marriage, adoption, being a foster-father, mother, the care
Of children, celibacy, virginity, prayer, pilgrimage, and the
Mystery of a priestly ministry of forgiveness and healing,
Which, together with the disciples, founded the Church.
Between widespread starvation, poverty, conflict and
The unreachable pinnacles of overwhelming wealth,
Lord, there is pointing to beautiful blossoms
Between the shops of impossibly expensive handbags,
And the ragged, bag man, woman, or child in a box,
Lord, there is the smile that lets another go first,
Between holidays, boats and security costs that could
Pay the poor an important pittance the world over,
Lord, there is planting flowers and vegetables
Between gangs, military powers, weaponized media,
And scraping a living and escaping gang membership,
Lord, there is announcing the truth-in-love
Between those immersed in their games, videos, phones,
And the efforts of those nearby, calling them outside,
Lord, there are the many sufferings of parents
Between the long, dominating hours of work, and study,
The long, lonely hours of child-care and slipping, socially,
Lord, there are the gifts of shopping and cooking
Between the “stay-ins” and those who die alone, isolated,
And the waste upon waste of wealth upon appearances,
Lord, there is remembering to visit in-person
And the need to integrate, to socialize, and to see the other
Is not just another, but the infant, the young, and the man
who is Christ and the infant, the young, and the woman
who is His Mother, Mary, who asks and obtains His help.
So what is the good to be done that undoes wrongdoing?
What is the giving of gifts that goes beyond leftovers?
What is the help that each and everyone can give freely?
What light can we switch off, what rubbish reuse or recycle?
What mission, transmitting what we have received, can we
Resend through the mystery of self-giving love, given wholly?
Lord, you have given everything, down to nothing and more,
Giving us your mother to be ours and your disciples to help!
Let us pray that all the ways we are called to act and to serve,
Will include the giving of life in the service of now and here,
And hereafter, not skimming and skipping like stones across
Water but helping, more and more deeply, like divers diving
Into the open wounds of Christ and mingling grace with pain
And hurt with tears, sharing what breaks separation and builds
Up the body through the bread of love and the wine of glory.
by Francis Etheredge Catholic married layman, father of 11, 3 of whom are in heaven, and an author.
The Holy Father’s Prayer For Vocations
Holy and Provident Father, You are the Lord of the vineyard and the harvest and You give each a just reward for their work. In Your design of love You call men and women to work with You for the salvation of the world.
We thank You for Jesus Christ, Your living Word, who has redeemed us from our sins and is among us to assist us in our poverty. Guide the flock to which You have promised possession of the Kingdom.
Send new workers into Your harvest and set in the hearts of Pastors faithfulness to Your plan of salvation, perseverance in their vocation and holiness of life.
Christ Jesus, who on the shores of the Sea of Galilee called the Apostles and made them the foundation of the Church and bearers of Your Gospel, in our day sustain Your people on their journey. Give courage to those whom You call to follow You in the priesthood and the consecrated life, so that they may enrich God’s field with the wisdom of Your Word. Make them docile instruments of Your love in everyday service of their brothers and sisters.
Spirit of holiness, who pours out Your gifts on all believers and especially on those called to be Christ’s ministers, help young people to discover the beauty of the divine call. Teach them the true way of prayer, which is nourished by the Word of God. Help them to read the signs of the times so as to be faithful interpreters of Your gospel and bearers of salvation.
Mary, Virgin who listened and Virgin of the Word made flesh in your womb, help us to be open to the Word of the Lord so that having been welcomed and meditated on, it may grow in our hearts. Help us to live like you the beatitudes of believers and to dedicate ourselves with unceasing charity to evangelizing all those who seek your Son.
Grant that we may serve every person, becoming servants of the Word we have heard, so that remaining faithful to it we may find our happiness living it.
Vocation Prayer
O Father, you desire all of us to be happy.
Stir up the grace of a religious vocation in the hearts
of many men and women.
Grant to them the willingness and generosity
to give of themselves, their lives, their time and their
talents to the service of Jesus Christ, Your Son, Our Lord and
Savior, and to His Holy Church.
May more men and women go forth as priests, deacons,
brothers and sisters to bring the truths of our Catholic faith
to all others so that soon they, too, may know You better
and love You more...
and serving You, be truly happy. Amen.
A Prayer for the children killed in the Israeli/Hamas war
Good and Gracious God, We come before you this evening begging for you to help in this seemingly endless war. The Palestinian Christian-led global walk for peace is taking place in four New Zealand cities during Lent – Christchurch, Auckland, Whanganui and Wellington. The Gaza Ceasefire pilgrimage is important to all of us throughout the world, dear Lord, who does not abandon us but assists us in what we do.
These New Zealand cities are among 59 others in eight countries hosting the Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage. The walkers are calling for an enduring and sustained ceasefire, access to humanitarian assistance, release of all hostages on both sides and an end of occupation so a just peace can begin. This is not too much to ask. Lord. We open our eyes to the needs of others and how we can fill their lives with hope and love.
The walk aims to show solidarity with the people suffering in Gaza and raise funds for humanitarian relief and support for refugees.
Besides calling for a lasting ceasefire in Gaza, the walkers are asking the New Zealand government to allow family members of Gazans living in New Zealand to have humanitarian visas. Lord, we put our petitions at your feet and beg you to assist us in getting others what they need. We ask you this through Christ Our Lord Amen.
by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
A Prayer to End the Violence in Nigeria
Dear God, We are called to assist those involved in the war in Nigeria. Please look upon our immediate needs and answer them. The 13-month period from January 2023 to January 2024 is described as the deadliest in recent years, highlighting the failure of the Nigerian government and security forces to adequately address and curb the escalating violence. The report asserts that since 2009, Nigeria has become the second deadliest country for religiously motivated civilian deaths globally, with more than 150,000 lives lost.
Of this number, approximately 100,000 were Christians, 46,000 were moderate Muslims, and 4,000 belonged to other religious groups Holy Spirit, the loss of one life is much for us to handle and so many of our Nigerian friends have fallen. Please help us get this country back to loving each other and the enemy. The report also outlines the destruction of tens of thousands of homes, over 18,500 Christian places of worship, 1,000 religious shrines, and 2,500 Christian/Traditional education centers. Additionally, it notes the displacement and expulsion of inhabitants from over 59,000 square kilometers of land. Please, Lord, come to our aide in this terrible time of tragedy.
by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Vocation Interviews
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General Interviews
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General Vocation Articles and Commentaries
How Women Religious Sparked My Jesuit Vocation by Nate Cortas, SJ The Jesuit Post
‘I want to give my life for this’: 2 priests friar at WYD share their vocation stories by Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Why the serious drop in priestly vocations in Europe’s largest diocese? by Peter M.J. Stravinskas The Catholic World Report
The Paschal Mystery and Vocations in the Church Today by Fr. Nnamdi Moneme OMV Catholic Exchange
Filipino Rogationist priests and brothers encourage a culture of vocation by Rechilda Estores Vatican News
The Paschal Mystery and Vocations in the Church Today by Fr. Nnamdi Moneme OMV Catholic Exchange
The call to religious life by Australian Jesuits
A journey of trust by Father Pablo Patheos
The practical “do’s” and “don’ts” of vocation discernment by UCANews
The call to religious life by Australian Jesuits
A journey of trust by Father Pablo Patheos
The practical “do’s” and “don’ts” of vocation discernment by UCANews
How to talk about vocations in 2019 Increasing numbers of young people perceive consecrated life as a sacrifice, so they simply dismiss the question of vocation by Pierre Sautreuil La Croix International
Why I Want to Be a Priest Despite the Crisis by Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, LC Patheos
US ordination class of 2019 report shows importance of accompaniment in vocational discernment by Independent Catholic News
On the Sexual Harassment of Seminarians in the Diocese of Buffalo by Mary Pezzulo Patheos
How to talk about vocations in 2019 Increasing numbers of young people perceive consecrated life as a sacrifice, so they simply dismiss the question of vocation by Pierre Sautreuil La Croix International
US ordination class of 2019 report shows importance of accompaniment in vocational discernment by Independent Catholic News
The Paschal Mystery and Vocations in the Church Today by Fr. Nnamdi Moneme OMV Catholic Exchange
The Question of Vocations: Old and new issues by Marc Rastoin, SJ La Civilta Cattolica
Last orders? Belgium’s Trappist beers under threat as vocations run dry by Jennifer Rankin The Guardian
Ireland: Year of Vocations to Diocesan Priesthood by Independent Catholic News
Ireland: Nine new students begin studies for priesthood by Independent Catholic News
Are today’s seminarians tomorrow’s corporate leaders? by Kathryn Post Religion News Service
A Pathway to Holiness: A Single Man’s Search for Vocation by Thomas J Salerno Busted Halo
Get Him Lord: A Vocation Narrative by Brett Helbling, SJ The Jesuit Post
Decline in vocations is a call to be humble, pope tells Jesuits by Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service/Crux
Franciscan says her vocation put her on path to ‘peace, joy, happiness’ by Katie Camario Crux
Challenges of Recruiting Vocations in Africa Today by Guest Contributor Patheos
Do You Have a Vocation to Religious Life? Here’s Where to Start. by Fr. Michael Hennessy Busted Halo
The Vocations Lady: A conversation with Rhonda Gruenewald by Sean Salai, S.J. The Catholic World Report
Trends of priestly calling in Pakistan The role of the family is very prominent in the calling of a priest, nun or brother in the South Asian country by Naeem Harry UCA News
How I found the Augustinians by Br. David Relstab, O.S.A .Augustinian Vocations
New vocations website explores life of modern Marists by CathNews
Remembering why I became a priest by Fr. Joe Juknialis National Catholic Reporter
'The Holy Game' is a deep dive into seminarians and soccer by Rose Pacatte National Catholic Reporter
Vermont Diocese Sees Record-Low Number of Priests by Joe Bukuras Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Register
Cameroon’s Catholic Vocation Harvest by Emmanuel Patrick Ayuni Tan National Catholic Register
Military chaplains inspired this soldier, abandoned as a toddler, to enter seminary by Katie Yoder Catholic News Agency/The Catholic World Report
Vocations answer God’s call to make great dreams come true, pope says by Carol Glatz Catholic News Agency
North Carolina Baseball Player Finds Peace in Priestly Vocation by Trent Beattie National Catholic Register
How Other People Knew My Vocation Before Me by Sean Barry, SJ The Jesuit Post
How a Road Trip with a Retired Franciscan Led to a Jesuit Vocation by Tucker Redding, The Jesuit Post
Women’s and Gender Studies is Integral to My Vocation by Michael Bachmeier, SJ The Jesuit Post
My Vocation Story is a Tale of a 20 Year Approach/Avoidance Conflict by Christopher Alt, SJ The Jesuit Post
Raised in Buddhist Vietnam, three nuns share stories of who inspired their Catholic vocations by Joachim Pham Global Sisters Report
Holiness Over Numbers In Priestly Vocations by Matthew Schneider Patheos
Is religious life accountable for dwindling vocations? by Father Jose Thayil UCANews
Sister Bethany Madonna on the Gift of Vocation by Team Busted Halo Busted Halo
Religious vocations endure despite distractions, scandal by Gina Christian Catholic Philly
In praise of today’s seminarians, A great deal has in fact been accomplished in the last 15 years, and it’s important that the people of the Church know it. by George Weigel The Dispatch
Vocation, mission of ‘people of God’ focus of consultation’s statement by Julie Asher Crux
Missionary hermit: New priest recounts winding road to ordination by Robert Duncan Crux
The practical “do’s” and “don’ts” of vocation discernment by UCANews.
Road to seminary an ‘unexpected journey’ by Zoey Maraist The Arlington Catholic Herald
Pope to young people: Mary inspires, assists those seeking their vocation by Carol Glatz Catholic News Service/Chicago Catholic
Monk's tonsure at Wisconsin monastery seen as hopeful sign for vocations by Sam Lucero, Catholic News Service/National Catholic Reporter
French chapel where missionary vocation in the US was born to be restored by Christopher White Crux
How to Attract Vocations With Social Media by Kevin Banet Marketing Vocations
How Social Media Can Support the Joyful Pursuit of Vocations by Lisa Hendy Catholic Moms
Get Comfortable and Uncomfortable In Your Vocation by Gregory Bottaro, PsyD by Catholic Psych Institute
Renew My Church and vocations by Cardinal Blase J. Cupich Chicago Catholic
Want to aid vocations? Helping reduce debt is key, this group says by Kevin J. Jones Catholic News Agency
Pope asks Jesuits to educate diocesan clergy in practice of discernment by Rowena Orejana NZ Catholic
How families can support their children's vocation choices by Beth Mahoney Vision
Using social media to further vocation goals by Sister Patricia Dowling, CBS, Horizon, Spring 2011
Viral singing priest hopes Pope will spark new vocations in Ireland by Filipe Domingues Crux
At Rome’s American seminary, scandals aren’t deterring future priests by John L. Allen Jr. Crux
After Columbine: How one survivor found faith, and a vocation by Jonah McKeown Angelus
The Reform Seminaries Need by C. Colt Anderson & Christopher M. Bellitto Commonweal
Cardinal Tagle Warns US Seminarians of Dangers of Temptations by Roy Lagarde Zenit
What the Cupich Moment Can Teach Ambitious Seminarians by Jonathan B. Coe Catholic Citizens
Vatican Issues New Guidelines for Priestly Formation by ZENIT
Our students for the priesthood by Peter Heneghan The Archdiocese of Liverpool
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General Articles/Commentaries
Vatican says women deacons, not celibacy, on docket for synod by Elise Ann Allen Crux Link to Women Challenges and Leadership
Hunting Jews. Europe OKs banning the practice of Judaism by Elliott Abrams Tablet Link to Antisemitism
Biden backs Schumer after senator calls for new elections in Israel by Chris Megerian The Associated Press
Syphilis Is Killing Babies. The U.S. Government Is Failing to Stop the Disease From Spreading. by Anna Maria Barry-Jester ProPublica Link to Syphilis and to Infant Challenges
Abortions soar to highest number in over a decade post Dobbs by Lauretta Brown Our Sunday Visitor Link to Abortion
Fetal homicide law used in New Hampshire for the first time by Tyler Arnold Catholic News Agency Link to Murder
Made, not begotten: Why we said “No!” to in vitro fertilization by Nathanael Blake The Catholic World Report Link to In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)
Church must rethink its ‘anachronistic’ sexual ethic, priest says by Justin McLellan Catholic News Service/Catholic Review Link to Sex, Sexuality, and Celibacy
Man suspected of killing 3 people in Philadelphia area arrested in New Jersey, police say by Mike Catalini and Ron Todt The Associated Press Link to Mass Murders
What the modern woman needs to know about wealth & poverty by Allison Barrick Radiant Magazine Link to Women Challenges and Leadership and to Poverty
This High Schooler Invented an A.I.-Powered Trap That Zaps Invasive Lanternflies by Catherine Duncan The Smithsonian Magazine Link to Artificial Intelligence, Chatbox, Chatbot, and Robotics and to Youth Challenge and leadership
New Jersey diocese establishes $87.5 million trust for abuse victims by Our Sunday Visitor Link to Catholic Sexual Violence Against Minors
Children’s pastor in Jasper under FBI investigation, fired from church by Jill Lyman 14 News Link to Protestant Sexual Violence Against Minors
Former Mormon bishop highlighted in AP investigation arrested on felony child sex abuse charges by Jason Dearen and Michael Rezendes The Associated Press Link to Mormon Sexual Violence Against Minors
Diocese of Buffalo announces sale of headquarters to pay sex abuse victims by Daniel Payne Catholic News Agency/Angelus
Book Publishers Refuse John MacArthur’s ‘War on Children,’ Following Child Abuse Controversies by Julie Roys The Roys Report Link to Child and Teen Sexual Abuse General Reports
Catholic religious sisters work to stop human trafficking by John Lavenburg Crux Link to Human Trafficking/Sex Trafficking
Jefferson City man charged with child pornography crimes by Stephanie Southey KOMU Link to Pornography Challenges
Sentencing concludes for 6 former Mississippi officers who tortured 2 Black men by Michael Goldberg and Emily Wagster Pettus The Associated Press Link to Police Brutality and Misconduct
Wisconsin fake elector settlement offers new details on the strategy by Trump lawyers by Sophia Tsreen The Associated Press Link to False Election Claims and to Political Crimes
Student With Disability Helps St. Francis College With ADA Accessibility by Jessica Easthope Net-TV Link to Disabilities
Down syndrome advocates call for Catholics to help parents embrace 'dreams, not fears' by Our Sunday Visitor Link to Down Syndrome
Consider a binge-listen of a podcast on Satan by Tom Perna Catholic365 Link to Podcasts and to Exorcism and Satanism
Damien Fisher’s Biased and Inaccurate Journalism on Saint Benedict Center by Brother André Marie Catholicism
A Feud Over A Coffeemaker & Christmas Decor Leads to Another Southern Baptist Lawsuit by Bob Smietana The Royce Report
Behind the feud between Texas archdiocese and a defiant ministry group by Peter Pinedo Catholic News Agency/Angelus
Nearly 30% of Gen Z women identify as LGBTQ, Gallup survey finds by Brooke Sopelsa NBC News Link to LGBTQ Challenges and Leadership
'I've gotten used to being hated,' says James Martin, defender of LGBT Catholics by Alexis Buisson La Croix international Link to Fear, Hate, Prejudice, and Discrimination against Others
Notre Dame historian reveals institutional flaws and failures within Jesuit order behind current scandals by Chris Altieri Crux/The Catholic Herald Link to The Jesuits
Lawsuit alleges Louisville Catholic school ignored misconduct by teacher facing child porn charges by WDRB Link to Pornography Challenges
Priest Sues Indiana Diocese After ‘No Evidence’ Found in Sex Abuse Investigation by Daniel Payne Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Reporter
Sex Discrimination Lawsuit Against Moody Bible Institute Will Proceed by Josh Shepherd The Royce Report
St. Dominic’s Outreach Marks 10 Years Helping Homeless & Needy by Alicia Ventert The Tablet Link to Homeless
Buddhists use karmic healing against one US city’s anti-Asian legacy and nationwide prejudice today by Deepa Bhaarath and Terry Tank The Associated Press Link to Buddhism
Diocese of Camden, N.J., establishes $87.5 million trust for abuse victims in bankruptcy resolution by National Catholic Reporter
Report: Man studying to be priest uploaded child sexual abuse videos using Cincinnati seminary’s IP address by Craig Cheatham WCPO - ABC 9 Link to Seminarians
When the FBI Feared the Catholic Left by Arvin Alaigh Commonweal Link to FBI
San Antonio archbishop removes priest who called Pope Francis a ‘usurper’ by John Lavenburg Crux
Meet the Jewish activist fighting for the rights of people with disabilities by Larry Luxner Jewish Telegraphic Agency Link to Disabilities
Cargo ship lost power before colliding with Baltimore bridge; 6 presumed dead by Melissa Alonso, Elizabeth Wolfe and Lauren Mascarenhas CNN
Rupnik still listed as Vatican consultant as DDF trial continues by The Pillar Link to Sexual Relations with and Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls
Inclusion is not optional’ for children with Down Syndrome by Alyssa Murphy National Catholic Register Link to Down Syndrome
Vandal Causes ‘Extensive Damage’ at Historic Catholic Grotto in Northeast Portland by Catholic Vote
Maryland church teacher who assaulted girls was an illegal twice deported: report by Michael Gryboski The Christian Post Link to Sexual Relations with and Sexual Violence Against Minors
No Excuses. Vatican Media presents a story by Dale Recinella, a former Wall Street finance lawyer who, along with his wife Susan, acts as a chaplain for death row prisoners in Florida. by Dale Recinella Vatican News Link to Prison Challenges
Featured Reports
Children are raping children because of uncontrolled Internet by Father Shay Cullen Profiles in Catholicism Link to Child and Teen Sexual Abuse General Reports
Appeal for eliminating teen pregnancies in the Philippines by CathNews New Zealand Link to Pregnancy and Pregnancy Challenges
Philippine vice-president backs fugitive pastor by Ronald O Reyes UCA News
Vatican authorizes opening of cause for canonization for 13-year-old Filipina girl by Jillian Singer Catholicism
Vancouver Archdiocese stands against anti-Semitism by Nicholas Elbers Canadian Catholic News Link to Antisemitism
Retired B.C. teacher with ties to Mount Cashel named in 3 sexual abuse lawsuits by Karin Larsen CBC
Ukrainian Catholic church in Toronto receives a bomb threat by Gina Christian Our Sunday Visitor
Historical sexual abuse charges filed against B.C. minister belonging to church with no name by Karin Larsen CBC
Boarding School Teacher Charged With Assault by Wayne County Journal Banner Link to Child and Teen Sexual Abuse General Reports
Bishops meet with Milei and complain about poverty in Argentina by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux Link to Poverty
Brazil’s military leaders told police Bolsonaro presented a plan to reverse the 2022 election result by Mauricio Savaricio The Associated Press
Church denounces threats to Brazilian Indigenous in Amazon by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux Link to Indigenous People
Bolivian Bishops’ Conference Criticizes 5-Hour Interrogation of Fellow Bishop in Abuse Case by Julieta Villar/ Catholic News Agency/ACI Prensa/National Catholic Reporter
Growing violence in southern Colombia worries Church by Eduardo Campos Lima Crux
Haitian Bishops will not join government transitional council by Lisa Zengarini Vatican News
Bishops warn Haiti at 'critical junction,' needs urgent help amid 'unlivable situation' by Gina Christian Our Sunday Visitor
Who will succeed Nicaragua’s Cardinal Brenes - and when? by Luke Coppen The Pillar
Peruvian Congress passes bill to guarantee fetal rights by J-P Mauro Aleteia
Belgian bishop laicized 14 years after admitting abuse by Luke Coppen The Pillar
French bishops oppose ‘end of life’ bill in latest row with government by Elise Ann Allen Crux
France becomes the only country to explicitly guarantee abortion as a constitutional right by Arbara Surk and Nicolas Garriga The Associated Press Link to Abortion
Abortion and the American colonization of France by Nathan Pinkoski First Things
French Bishop Charged With Attempted 2013 Rape of Adult Man by Daniel Payne Catholic News Agency/National Catholic Reporter
Louvre Receives Bomb Threat Against ‘Mona Lisa’ and Other Masterpieces by Julia Binswanger Smithsonian Magazines
French government is introducing a deceptive euthanasia bill, archbishop says by Caroline de Sury Our Sunday Visitor Link to Euthanasia
Neo-Nazis not the primary source of antisemitism in Germany by August Hanning Tablet Link to Neo-Nazis
Facing Hate in Berlin by Daniel-Ryan Spaulding Tablet Link to Hate and Hate Crimes
Abuse crises foster ‘ecumenical realism’ in Germany by Tom Heneghan The Tablet
Can Germany’s Far Right Be Stopped? by Jeremy Stern Tablet
Furious reaction to ‘blasphemous’ poster results in riot police guard for premiere of Greek film by The Catholic Herald
Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar says he’s quitting for personal and political reasons by Jill Lawless The Associated Press
Irish Priests Attacked by THUGS with AXES by Catholic ArenaLink to Ireland Issues and Challenges
Man jailed for 'despicable' child sexual assault by Gerard Donaghy The Irish Post Link to Child and Teen Sexual Abuse General Reports
Irish doctors reject committee’s support for assisted suicide by Michael Kelly National Catholic Register Link to Assisted Suicide
Italian parliament launches ‘Vatican Girl’ probe as Pope renews call for truth by Crux
Top Italian prelate condemns growth of weapons in Europe, calls for peace by Elise Ann Allen Crux
Life, as Pasolini Saw It by Griffin Oleynick Commonweal
A priest who refused to stay silent still speaks to the world today by John L. Allen Jr Crux
Poland: ‘Cradles of Life’ saving abandoned babies by Tomasz Zielenkiewicz Vatican News
Polish Catholics get a new leader as the church struggles to reckon with sexual abuse by The Associated Press
Pope dismisses Polish bishop after abuse scandal by Yahoo News
Kate Middleton says she was diagnosed with cancer, is undergoing chemotherapy by Emily Shapiro and Katie Kindelan ABC newsLink Cancer
Ugly scenes at Manchester University embody how abortion in UK holds up a mirror to society by Georgia Gilholy The Clarion Herald
The Church of England aims to raise more than $1 billion to address its past links to slavery by Jill Lawless The Associated Press Link to Anglicanism add to Slavery
The Surrender upon Sex: a critique of the Church of England by The Catholic Herald
Labour leader Keir Starmer ‘commits’ to assisted suicide vote if Prime Minister by Simon Caldwell The Clarion Herald Link to Assisted Suicide
IOC excludes Russian and Belarusian athletes from taking part in the Paris Olympics opening ceremony by Graham Dubar The Associated Press Link to Sports
Pope Francis blesses ‘Wee Box’ to help Scottish support of Rwanda by Charles Collins Crux
Holy See: 'Fight against racism begins from education' by Lisa Zengarini Vatican News Link to Racial Challenges and Leadership
Vatican opens probe on ‘trial of the century’ amid widening Italian privacy scandal by Crux
Pope upholds Indigenous knowledge to address climate crisis by Lisa Zengarini Vatican News Link to Environment and Climate Challenges, Advocacy, and Response
Pope: Church must stop protecting abusers ‘who hide behind their position’ by Justin McLellan Catholic News/ Service/Detroit Catholic
Pope praises “courageous vocation” of those who care for sex abuse survivors by; 'Loup Besmond de Senneville La Croix International
‘So What?’: Vatican reporter angrily poses the ‘Rupnik question’ by Madalaine Elhabbal Catholic Vote
Vatican Observatory priests advance theory of relativity by J-P Mauro Aleteia
Catholic Church fighting back against claims it is vicariously liable for 1971 sexual abuse of five-year-old boy by Ballarat Catholic priest by Amy Roulston Sky News Australia
Loud Fence ribbons set to be removed from prominent Ballarat cathedral fence by Rochelle Kirkham and Stephen Martin Australian Broadcasting System
MetaSaint: Catholic priest launches outreach on Roblox gaming platform by Joseph Tulloch Vatican News Link to Evangelization
Cardinal John Dew faces church inquiry after New Zealand police close abuse case by Catholic Weekly
VSA volunteers provide prisoners with opportunities by CathNews New Zealand Link to Prison Challenges
Cameroon: Bishops of Yaounde Ecclesiastical Province discuss Church and the digital world. by Paule-Valérie Mendogo -Edéa Vatican News
Catholic nuns support women’s rights in Central African Republic by Nirmala Carvalho Crux
DR Congo’s reinstatement of death penalty faces fierce Church opposition by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux Link to Death Penalty
Mary’s Meals provides hope in Ethiopia’s troubled Tigray region by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
Mozambique: Continued attacks amid a funding shortfall worsens humanitarian crisis by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux Link to Humanitarian Crises
South Sudan: Supreme Court frees priest convicted in bishop’s shooting by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
Caritas official: Humanitarian aid for South Sudan is ‘urgent and necessary’ by Ngala Killian Chimtom Crux
Tanzania: Each church a community, every community a family by Francesca Merlo Vatican News
Sudan needs swift aid delivery and civilian protection, Catholic officials say by Charles Collins Crux
Indian Christian couple jailed for trying to convert kin by UCA News
AP finds grueling conditions in Indian shrimp industry that report calls ‘dangerous and abusive’ by Martha Mendoz, Hahesh Human, and Piyush Nagpel The Associated Press
Christians and Taoists vow to collaborate for a better worldby UCA News Link to Hong Kong Issues and Challenges
Team Israel is launching an American organization to support baseball’s growth in Israel by Jacob Gurvis Jewish Telegraphic Agency Link to Sports
Solidarity with 10,001 Palestinian children killed in Gaza by CathNews New Zealand Link to War
Famine is said to be imminent in northern Gaza as Israel raids the main hospital again by Wafaa Shurafa. Samyh Magdy, and Tia Goldenberg The Associated Press Link to Famine and Starvation
Israel will no longer approve Unrwa food aid to northern Gaza, agency says by The Guardian
Gaza priest says local Christians ‘living a Calvary without respite’ by Crux
Fifteen Minutes of Flame by David Jager TabletLink to Cults
Respect Judaism, condemn Israeli policies by Tony Magliano Clarion Hera
Catholic archbishop speaks of ‘horror and pain’ of terrorist attack in Moscow by Charles Collins Crux Link to Terrorism
Russia says 40 dead, 145 injured in concert hall raid; Islamic State group claims responsibility by The Associated Press Link to Mass Murders
An entire generation of Syrian children has never known home due to civil war, says UK’s leading Catholic charity by Charles Collins Crux/The Catholic Herald Link to Children Issues and Challenges
With millions of Syrians displaced in country, it's urgent to facilitate their return home' by Thaddeus Jones Vatican News
She Remembers Everything .‘Maria Prymachenko: Glory to Ukraine’ by Megan Buskey Commonweal
Ten Wild Facts About Octopuses: They Have Three Hearts, Big Brains and Blue Blood by Rachel Nuwer Smithsonian Magazine
Whales That Go Through Menopause Live Longer and May Help Care for Grandchildren by Will Sullivan The Smithsonian Magazine Link to Animal Challenges
A warming island’s mice are breeding out of control and eating seabirds. An extermination is planned by Gerald Imray The Associated Press
Python Meat Could Be a Sustainable, Nutritious Food Source, Scientists Say by Sarah Kuta Smithsonian Magazine
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Medical Journal Articles
Neurological Illness and National Security Lessons to Be Learned by David A. Relman, MD JAMA March 18, 2024 Link to Neurological Disorders
Clinical, Biomarker, and Research Tests Among US Government Personnel and Their Family Members Involved in Anomalous Health Incidents by Leighton Chan, MD, MPH. Mark Hallett, MD, Chris K. Zalewski, PhD. et al.JAMA March 18, 2024 Link to United States Issues and Challenges
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Books, Book Reviews, Commentaries, and Excerpts
Women: Icons of Christ by Phyllis Zagano Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Vision of Vocation: Common Grace for the Common Good by Steven Garber Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Book Announcement: God's Call is Everywhere by Patricia Wittberg, SC, Mary L. Gautier, Gemma Simmonds, CJ, and Nathalie Becquart, XMCJ, Book Announcement by Independent Catholic News
An Invitation to Love: A Personal Retreat on the Great Commandment by William Barry, SJ Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Reimagining the Ignatian Examen by Mark E. Thibodeaux SJ Reviewed by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D. Profiles in Catholicism
Hagia Sophia: The Wisdom of God as Offered to the Modern World. A Collection of Essays Volume 1 by Rev. Kenneth M. Dos Santos, MIC Reviewed by Francis Etheredge Profiles in Catholicism
Reading Genesis by Marilynne Robinsons Reviewed by Elizabeth Hamilton National Catholic Register
Book Announcement: Judaism if About Love by Rabbi Shai Held Book Announcement Lenny Picker Publishers Weekly
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Film Reviews and Commentaries
The First Vows Reviewed by Br Mikhael Ahamd SJ Jesuits in Britain
Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of the Eucharist Commentary by Francesca Pollio Fenton Catholic News Agency/Catholic World Reports
Dune Part Two Commentary by Liel Leibovitz Tablet
A Long Way From Heaven Commentary by Kathryn Post Religion News Service
Television Reviews and Commentaries
The Program Commentary by Brian Dwyer Spectrum News
Commentary by Ellen Wexler Smithsonian Magazine
Music Reviews and Commentaries
Reviewed by Nathaniel Hunter U.S. Catholic
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