Alwin Rex: What inspired you to become a lawyer?
Y.U.: I consider this as the finest of all professions and I’m very glad to introduce myself as a guardian of Law with anyone in the society with whom I’d like to deal with.
Alwin Rex: Do you have a role model or mentor?
Y.U.: Not yet. But I would like to be the one for others.
Alwin Rex: What area of law most interests you?
Y.U.: Civil Procedure Code (Civil matters particularly which includes contracts)
Alwin Rex: What challenges, according to, did young lawyers face in society?
Y.U.: Seniors nowadays are not promoting budding lawyers to come up with more knowledge. I think They are very keen in bringing up their children (second generations) to shine up.
Alwin Rex: Do you have any advice for students contemplating the legal profession?
Y.U.: Don’t wait until you get graduated. Start doing office work when you are studying.
Alwin Rex: Do you think a lawyer must be aware of current affairs?
Y.U.: Of course he should be updated with the current affairs and those amendments in laws which happens often.
Alwin Rex: What are the things that make a person successful?
Y .U : Patience, Hard work, Experience.
Alwin Rex: What do you think are the most crucial steps to follow in documents writing?
Y.U.: First of all we should be well aware of the history of that documented property. Legal opinion from an expertise lawyer is compulsory. Then we have to be aware that if any injunction suit is pending before any court on behalf of any subject matter for decision.
Alwin Rex: Tell me about some documents and writing projects you have worked on?
Y.U.: Documents relating to sale date. Settlement. Will. Registration of marriage and registration of birth, MOD, and some other documents which supports such registration of documents.
Alwin Rex: Thank you my friend for this interview.