Alwin Rex: Tell us something about yourself?
S. Arasu :I live in the to Arumanai kaniyakumari district. I took my education in Kaniyakumari district and add currently in retail business
Alwin Rex : What challenges do you face in your current business?
S. Arasu : I am concerned about the on-line competition we have to face which is serious challenge as the online business the come into force that has totally surprised our retail and wholesale businesses. Next hypermarket has taken over our heritary business and has resulted in a serious unemployment problem. Many people has come to start news businesses.
Alwin Rex: What is the reason behind your compassion for the poor?
S . Arasu :II may be genetic issue. In my past I have faced lot of family difficulties such as financial problems Poverty has stricken so many. When I see the poor...I feel compassion towards them.. I believe that lite without compassion is dead life..
Alwin Rex : Please share your thoughts about Capitalism.
S .Arasu : Capitalism provides employment to the people and contributes to a a nation economy. it ,is a primary resource for government. Governments survive on Capitalism. It a primary need to society, Capitalism builds nations.
Alwin Rex: What is are some of the challenges that we face in our country?
S. Arasu :There are many challenges including radiation toxins in food and .drug addiction.
Alwin Rex : What are your thoughts on the personal change needed to live a healthy life?
S. Arasu :We have to try planting the vegetables plants surrounding the household area and saving the lives of animals, birds, and fish The younger generation should exercise. and play as volleyball, hockey, badminton etc instead of just playing games
Alwin Rex : Thank you for this interview. I appreciate it.