by Gordon Nary

Gordon: When did you attend University of Toronto University of St. Michael's College and what is one of your favorite memories of your time there?
Patrick: I attended St. Michael’s College at the University of Toronto between the years 2000 - 2005. In hindsight, they were precious years. It was there that I first encountered individuals who were completely at ease with both their lives of faith and their intellectual pursuits. That experience, which is not simply one memory but an ongoing encounter, changed how I saw myself and the Church in the world.
Gordon: When did you attend St. Augustine's Seminary, what degree did you earn, what was your favorite course, and why was it your favorite?
Patrick: I attended St. Augustine’s Seminary from 2005-2008 and finished with a Masters of Divinity degree. In that program, which is packed with courses (well over 40 in my case), the course I enjoyed the most was on the Gospel of St. Luke. I think I liked it so much because it made me realize just how deep God’s Word is. Far from being simply a book I could analyze over the weekend, I knew on a conscious level that if I was to take the Bible seriously, then I would have to dive in; so that’s what I did.
Gordon: As a Catholic Lay Evangelist, please share with our readers and overview of your work.
Patrick: Sure. As an Evangelist, my job is to do whatever it takes to reach the hearts of those still not touched by the Gospel. Often this takes the form of talks like a parish mission, retreat or proclaiming something on social media. Sometimes it takes the form of teaching as one might experience through a Bible study, a faith based video program or providing a seminar on some aspect of the faith. In other words, as an Evangelist I use whatever is at my disposal to get the message out.
Gordon: What are some of the challenges and rewards of being a Catholic Lay Evangelist?
Patrick: Finances are always a challenge as I must raise money to get from one mission to the next. This has led to staying in run down motels, sleeping at the side of the road or sometimes not sleeping at all. But even amidst these and other challenges God is faithful. Because of my role in the universal Church, I have been honored to see God’s grace move powerfully in people’s lives, often right in front of me. For these moments I will always be grateful.
Gordon: Please share with our readers an overview of Team Evango.
Patrick: Team Evango exists because running a ministry requires far more gifts than any one person possesses. The team assists with online ministry, tech support, materials creation and so much more.
Gordon: Who is your favorite saint, and what is that saint your favorite?
Patrick: I have so many but I think my favourite would be St. Patrick. His willingness to go into mission territory, a place where previously he was a slave, speaks loudly to me of the sacrifices that we must be willing to make in order to bring people back to Jesus.
Gordon: Thank you giving our readers insight into Evangelization.