An Interview with Michelle M. Peltier
Director of Liturgical Services and Special Events
by Eileen Quinn Knight, Ph.D

Eileen: Could you tell us about your background, where your came from, how you became interested in parish work?
Michelle: I was born and raised in Kansas City, MO. I had a very good public career but I peeked and didn’t think I could go much further so I decided to leave it all behind and move to Chicago.
The first thing I did when I moved here was register as a parishioner at Holy Name Cathedral. I went through the discernment process and was chosen to be a part of the Parish Life Commission. Thus began my relationship with the church. I became an usher, a lector and also served as PPC chair.
Eileen: Would you tell us something about being a liturgy director? What kind of things do you enjoy about your work?
Michelle: As the Director of Liturgical Services and Special Events for the parish I work closely with the director of liturgy Father Marek Smolka to determine what the needs and concerns of the parish are. I carry them out in a prayerful and inclusive manner and I am hospitable to everyone who comes through the door.
Every liturgy takes careful planning so that when the congregation comes to pray they are not confused by what transpires. God is calling us to pray together with the priest liturgy director and myself.
Eileen: You seem to have a gift about how to organize the ministries – What stands out for you?
Michelle: I think I am good with people and in helping them to discover what they do best. I am their cheerleader – I want them to find a ministry that suits them.
Eileen: What kind of ministries would you like to see in the future? How can they be implemented?
Michelle: I would like to see all ministers of liturgy to be thoughtful, kind and considerate of one another and all in Church.
Eileen: Do societal changes effect/affect the devotions we have at Holy Name Cathedral?
Michelle: The societal changes do effect/affect us as sometimes we have less and less time for volunteer work as layoffs at work give us more and more to do.
Eileen:: What influences do you see manifest that keep people away from Christ and His Church
Michelle: We need to put the Church as a top priority in our lives. We develop our relationships with people in our Church community and our own relationship with Christ through Mass and personal prayer.
Eileen: How do you see the work on evangelization happening here at HNC? Did you past experiences help this?
Michelle: We need to put the Church as a top priority in our lives. We develop our relationships with people in our Church community and our own relationship with Christ through Mass and personal prayer.
Eileen: How is the Catholic Church helping young people to stay connected to Christ and His Church?
Michelle: There is a different and unique spirit with those young adults who are engaged. They seem to understand what work needs to be done and they do it. They take initiative and work with each other both face to face and on social media.
Eileen: How do you see the work on evangelization happening here at HNC? Did you past experiences help this?
Michelle: Evangelization takes place in the way we treat one another and get others to realize the foundational issue is that of relying on Christ and the Hold Spirit for their help.
Eileen: You work hard in being hospitable to every person that you meet at HNC what do you do to make sure you connect with the congregation, what particular strategies come to mind in this regard?
Michelle: What others think of me is none of my business. I am hospitable to all as I realize I am often the first person they meet from the parish and need to be greeted in an inclusive manner.
Eileen: What are the most difficult responsibilities you have had In your work? What are some of the most pleasant responsibilities?
Michelle: I enjoy getting people to know their responsibilities as a docent, as a minister of liturgy, and overall helping the ministers feel comfortable about what they are doing.
Eileen: What one thing do you have that you would like people to remember?
Michelle: Be on time for your ministry and appointments as it is respectful to all of God’s people.
Eileen: What other issues would you like to bring up in regard to being a Gospel person in the world today?
Michelle: Be respectful of the elders in the family. They are a gift from God and a deep and abiding responsibility to share God’s love for them and our love for them.
Eileen: Thank you for modelling the kind of dedication and behavior we need today.