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An Interview with Evg. S. Kingston

Writer: Profiles in CatholicismProfiles in Catholicism

Alwin Rex: Please share some information about you.

Evg. S. Kingston: I am Kingston born and brought up in a Christian Pentecostal family. My father (Selvan) is a role model in my life he is very hard working person and prayer warrior also he has the mind of helping. I have studied Diploma in Electronic communication and I have worked in a private company after that I started to study Bachelor in theology in a New Life Biblical Seminary at Cheruvakkal, Kerala. After completing three years of my course, I went to Hosur for doing God’s ministry in that I gone through lots of struggle’s nearly one year. God used me in Hosur at the place Kalamangalam. After that I went to Kodaikanal for doing to God’s work nearly two years I worked there. I believe that God used me in these ministry places. At present I am working as an Evangelist in an Indian Pentecostal church of God at IPC Kattakkada center and believe that God is with me every second of my life.

Alwin Rex: Please tell us the significance of the ministry you started. How did it start?

Evg. S. Kingston: The first reason: When I was 1 year old I was affected by serious fits. Many people told that I would die. In those days my father and the church would not use any medicines. The church started to pray under the guidance of Pastor Chellan who was one of my grandfathers. And when my condition was very critical my father lifted me in his hands and he prayed to God if you give his life back he will do your ministry. Suddenly God heard his prayer and I was cured. From my childhood my parents used to remind of this to me and asked me to thank God.

Second reason: From my 8th standard I started using alcohol my family never know about this and in the time of 9th standard my father went to abroad and it made me to miss the mark along. I was addicted in alcohol and I made many new friends to accompany with me to do all these sins. I was unable to stop this. Once I went to a house meeting at Lijin brother house. When I was there in that house the man of God Pastor Justin was preaching and he directly pointed to me and started to speak about my sin I astonished because no one know about my addiction but he revealed everything and on that day he prayed for me and God released me from my addiction. I stopped drinking and within a month I got baptized. I came to know that God helped me to recover from my addiction.

Third reason: In 5 days of fasting and prayer, a man of God Pastor Binu told me God is calling you for His Ministry. I told him I am not willing, but on that day God spoke to me to do His ministry and at midnight I told to my parents I like to go a bible college for leaning the word of God.

By these experiences I have tasted God’s Love and His kindness. So I finally decided to proclaim the love of God and His kindness to all the people till my end of my life.

Alwin Rex: You were called by God to be working in a special ministry. What is the significance of your call to be a follower of Christ in helping those in need?

Evg. S. Kingston: God has called me to proclaim the word of God and to help those in need.

From my childhood I used to learn the bible verses daily It never changed my life and when I started to read and meditate the word of God changed me a lot and now I realized that without this word of God I am nothing. When I realized the truth, I wanted to learn more and most importantly I wanted to share the love of Christ to those who don’t know about God’s Love.

When I was very young my father’s mother taught me to help the needy. My father used to help people from his small income may time it inspired me and my Grandmother Jessy’s ministry by helping others from her very limited income. I have inspired a lot by her because her smile was the answer for all the criticism against her. Last but not least the main figure of my life changing inspiration person for helping others is the President of New Life Biblical Seminary. Johnson Daniel has spent 75% of his and Aunty Lizy 's income for the bible college and most & the graduates learned at no cost with free food. I have been inspired by his passion.

In most and my life I have seen many helping people that made me want to help others. Now I and my friends are helping the people who are in need of food and clothes I believe that God will take me to the next stage to help the children for their higher studies.

Whenever I see disabled people, my eyes fill with tears and I use to pray for them in my heart and this made me to help more people and to near to God’s grace.

Alwin Rex: What is the biggest challenge facing the ministry in the India?

Evg. S. Kingston: The biggest challenge for ministry in India is political. Some politicians are creating problems. However God’s work is happening and many people are knowing Christ and accepting Jesus as their personal savior.

The main challenge is that there is no unity among the denominations. The denominations may have lots of disagreements but fail to solve the problems or address common problems. Denominations need unity but it is not happening. These are some I have noticed and experienced in my ministry.

Alwin Rex: As a follower of Christ what are some of the duties that you perform?

Evg. S. Kingston: The duties to perform as the Christ following its clearly said in Mathew:28:19,20

Need to make disciples

Need to baptize them

Teach them to obey the word of God

We need to share Gospel to end of the earth. Another important thing is need to care others. Need to help the people. As said in 1 peter: 4:10 need to help others.

The most important thing is love every one.

Alwin Rex: What impact has Jesus’ call had up your career?

Evg. S Kingston: After I have accepted Jesus as personal savior I have changed my life I have lived to follow Jesus I have seen lots of Christian persecution videos. This made me to search for God’s love and I fall in His love and now I am sharing His love with everyone.

Alwin Rex: Please share with your readers some information about your mission.

Evg. S. Kingston: After my biblical studies, Pr. Joushuva gave me an opportunity to be a missionary in Hosur (Kalamangalam) I have done ministry among lot of young people and lots of young boys have accepted Jesus as their personal savior. And another missionary spot is Krishnagiri where I went along with Punitha Rajan and his team when I was sharing gospel to some people in a remote area. Some people started to talk against us and became violent but by the grace of God we escaped .I had lots of challenging experiences but every time God has strengthen me to move forward.

Alwin Rex: What is your opinion about the second coming of Jesus Christ?

Evg. S. Kingston: The time of Christ return is not known. “Because Jesus said but of that day and hour not known no man , no not the angles of heaven but my father only” (Mt:24:36”). Though the scripture clearly says, no one knows the time of Christ’s return, This has not prevented man from speculating or inventing the theories about the time

The scriptures teach that the appearance of Christ leading in the millennial age will be before a time of a troubled period characterized by physical disturbances such as wars, economic difficulties, moral challenges, religious apostasy, infidelity and other challenges. The latter part of the transition period is known as the “Great Tribulation” a period during which the entire world shall be under the power of an Anti-Christian government. Believers in God will be brutally persecuted and the Jewish nation in particular will pass through the furnace of affliction and that through preaching the gospel, the whole world will be Christianized and brought to submission to the gospel before the return of Christ. The followers of this view hold to a literal second coming and believein a literal millennium, the time of Christ coming in relation to that millennium.

The premillennial view is the view that holds Christ will return to earth bodily before the millennial age begins, and that by His presence a kingdom will be instituted over which he will reign. In this kingdom all of Israel’s covenants will be fulfilled It will continue for a thousand years after which the kingdom will be given by the son to the father when it will merge with his eternal kingdom.

In scripture several passages indicate that nobody knows the time of Jesus return. Moreover: Jesus said “ but of that day or that hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the son but only the father” (Mk 13:32).

The practical result of this is that anyone who claims to know specifically when Jesus is coming back is automatically to be considered wrong. The Jehovah’s Witnesses have made many predictions of specific dates for Christ’s return, and all of them have turned out be wrong but other in the history of the church have made such predictions as well sometimes claiming new insight into biblical prophecies, and sometimes claiming to have received personal revelations from Jesus himself indicating the time of his return can’t be known. The present writer can say that anyone who claims to know the date on which Christ will return from whatever source should be rejected as incorrect.

Jesus will come soon not as a savior but as a ruler. Lots of bible verses are fulfilled I believe he will come again to take His people In fact Jesus promised His disciples that He would come again (John 14:13).

Alwin Rex: Thank you very much Pastor for this interview. God bless you.

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